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Chapter 91 Micro-Operation Master

Master Jiang, the commander of the Nancheng Military and Horse Division, held the note, walked back and forth for a few steps, then suddenly turned around, as if he had made up his mind, pointed at He Patrol, and shouted to the left and right: "Get it!"

Inspector He knelt down with a bang and shouted: "Mr. Jiang, spare your life!"

Commander Jiang sighed and thought to himself, if I spare you, who will spare me? He only waved his hand and made no other statement.

Patrolman He felt very aggrieved. In this incident, he didn't even use any of his strength, and he became a prisoner in a daze.

I simply can’t understand why I would still be like this when I obviously didn’t do anything wrong, I was obviously very cautious, and I obviously thought everything through!

It’s just that Inspector He didn’t understand a word from five hundred years later: dimensionality reduction strike.

"Does Mr. Jiang really not remember the past friendship? Is it possible that the rabbit will die, the dog will cook, the bird will be cooked, and the bow will be hidden?" Inspector He shouted again, already with a threatening tone.

He also didn't expect that Commander Jiang, who he relied on as his supporter, would turn against him so quickly, without any regard for moral principles.

Commander Jiang ordered again: "Gag your mouth and pull it down first!"

Fengxian Cheng was dumbfounded, did he really arrest him? Qin Dewei wrote a note asking Commander Jiang to arrest He for patrolling, and Commander Jiang really followed it?

Only then did Feng County Cheng react and realize a problem. Although the victory seemed to be forming, there were still many technical details, such as how to patrol and how to arrest?

According to normal procedures, Inspector He is a member of the Military and Horse Department, and when it comes to Inspector He, the Military and Horse Department must be notified first. However, if the Military and Horse Department deliberately protects him, it will be difficult to take action directly.

Take the current scene as an example. Inspector He was standing right in front of us just now. If the county government wanted to arrest Inspector He, but was forcibly stopped by the Military and Horse Division, it would be very difficult to do so.

But if we don’t catch them and let the police officers run free, many troubles will arise out of thin air.

Therefore, in Qin Dewei's note, he suggested that Master Si Jiang arrest He himself for patrolling, which to some extent solved the problem at hand.

In the final analysis, Mr. Jiang's only plan now is how to protect himself. When the county government goes to arrest He Xingping, he must stop him in order to protect himself, but if he catches He Xingping himself, it is also a kind of self-protection.

For example, you can claim that the Military and Horse Division has long thought that the patrolman He is a bad thing. When they were conducting a secret investigation, they did not expect that the county government suddenly alerted the snake, so they had to take action to control the criminal first.

This method of self-protection is much better than resisting the county government, which already has a large number of clues about patrol crimes.

After Fengxian Cheng carefully savored the connotation, he pondered to himself, could this be the reason for compromising when it is time to compromise? Letting Jiang command the arrest of Inspector He would also give the Bingma Division a step down, which would help to quickly close the case.

Anyway, let Inspector He go to jail first, and not give Inspector He any chance to organize resistance. This can be regarded as completing a necessary step.

At this time, the county government clerk's office who had sent the documents earlier handed Feng Xiancheng a piece of paper. It was still written in a very familiar handwriting. It said: "Now is the beginning. The main task: bring Inspector He back to the county government."

Feng Xiancheng was speechless. It was you who wrote the note asking the Soldiers and Horses Division to arrest Inspector He, and it was you who asked me to take Inspector He back to the county government office. Why don't you come here to do things yourself!

But for some reason, Feng Xiancheng habitually followed the instructions on the note.

"Lord Jiang, wait!" Feng County Cheng said, "Jiangning County Government is trying the case of the collusion between Dong and He. They want to handle the case together. I wonder if Lord Jiang can transfer the patrol officer He to Jiangning County?"

Commander Jiang looked at Feng Xian Cheng in surprise, are you out of your mind? What is the difference between handing over the notorious He patrol to the county government and handing over your life to Feng Xian Cheng?

But now the situation is very headwind, and there is still something wrong to cover up outside, so Commander Jiang did not make fun of him, he just said: "Don't bother Mr. Feng!"

Another piece of paper was obtained. After reading it, Feng Xiancheng argued: "But your army and horse department don't have the right to ask for punishment, right? If you arrest a criminal, you don't have the right to try him!"

This is correct. The Soldiers and Horses Division is essentially an operational department, and the real judicial power lies with the superior patrol censor of the Soldiers and Horses Division.

"I will naturally hand over the prisoner to the procuratorate!" Commander Jiang responded.

There is nothing wrong with this response. It is only natural for the Soldiers and Horses Division to catch the criminal and hand it over to the superior censor for trial.

The clerk handed over another piece of paper, and Feng County Cheng thought: "If the prisoner is sent to the Procuratorate, does Mr. Jiang want to be the scapegoat?"

Commander Jiang was immediately stunned. This possibility was not non-existent.

If the matter really gets too big, will the superior, Zhao Yushi, who is responsible for the trial, put all the blame on the Soldiers and Horses Division in order to escape responsibility for himself?

Commander Jiang shook his head subconsciously, as if to get rid of unnecessary thoughts. Don't think too much, the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division and the Five Cities Censor are in the same system, and if one loses, both will suffer!

Feng Xiancheng had a new piece of paper in his hand. He read it and said, "Then I dare to ask, what if something happens to Inspector He in the hands of the Soldiers and Horses Division?"

Commander Jiang narrowed his eyes and stared at Feng County Cheng: "There is something in Mr. Feng's words."

Feng Xiancheng continued to be calm and calm, but he was thinking hard in his heart, what else was there in his words? Wasn't it a hint that the Bingma Division would kill people and silence them?

And Commander Jiang was wondering, was Feng Xiancheng hinting that he could hand over Inspector He to the county government and then something would happen?

If there is an accident in the military police department, everyone will know that they are highly suspicious. But if there is an accident in the county government office, there will be no suspects, so this is a very tempting method.

But after thinking for a while, Commander Jiang still couldn't trust Feng Xiancheng. After all, he had never cooperated with him before, and in extraordinary times, it was even more difficult to establish trust.

In the end, Commander Jiang went downstairs and took Inspector He away. In an instant, only the people from the county government were left in the building.

Feng Xiancheng, who was holding a few pieces of paper, was very unhappy. He wanted to return to the main mission. What a ghost mission! And who was doing the mission? Is it the frontline soldiers or the micro-manipulation masters in the rear?

The mission failed because there were too many micro-controls from the rear!

I couldn't help but shouted at the clerk and asked: "Where did so many notes come from? They came so promptly and quickly, could it be possible that they flew here from the county government office!"

I saw the clerk taking out a large number of notes from his shoulder bag and replied: "In reply to the second master, Mr. Xiao Qin gave me these many notes and wrote many words in advance! He also gave me instructions.

Yes, speak to the other party and give the corresponding note to the second master, there are a lot left over that are not used!"

Feng Xiancheng was stunned, what role was he playing today?

But thinking of the final result, Feng Xiancheng couldn't help but snorted: "This guy named Qin really thought that he had exhausted all his plans? In the end, it was of no use! Then Inspector He was taken away after all and was not handed over to

County government!"

Returning to the county government office, County Magistrate Feng couldn't wait to confront the staff member surnamed Qin: "What kind of bullshit arrangements did you make today! Even though there are many people in the Army and Horse Division, I am fighting Jiang for 300 rounds."

, we will definitely be able to capture Inspector He!

As a result, I saw that the great situation of going straight to Huanglong was ruined by your bullshit note, which is simply inexplicable! I think you have been timid and fearful recently!"

Qin Dewei had no consciousness of messing up the micro-management, and said calmly: "Commander Jiang is not willing to cooperate with us? Then he just needs to die. I don't care. No matter how the patrol goes, the final result will be the same."

Feng County Cheng suddenly felt that things were not that simple: "What do you want to do again?"

"Why do these stupid and greedy officials still want to hold on to the case?" Qin Dewei said lightly: "Let Mr. Dong write a report and report to the Nanjing Procuratorate, saying that the Nancheng Procuratorate and the Military Division have been shielding Inspector He for many years.

, conspiring with each other and so on.

Don't forget, we have all the clues about the crime of Patrol He, and we will cooperate with them to develop some criminal cases and hand them over.

Anyway, Second Master, your purpose is not to patrol, so what does it matter where he is interrogated by whom? As long as the matter is revealed, it is enough to make Nancheng Yushi uneasy. "

Feng Xiancheng was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously argued: "Then Dong may not be willing to write it."

It was time for Qin Dewei to feel sleepy at noon, and he couldn't help but yawned: "It's now, if she wants to protect herself, she has to write! Or we can write one for her and put her fingerprints on it!"

Feng Xiancheng was confused, so what was the significance of his going to Taibai Tower today? It seemed that no matter what he did, it would not affect the final result!

And what about the main quest? The main quest is a ghost!

The junior staff member shook his head. This was such a good training opportunity. No matter whether he succeeded or failed, he could accumulate experience. The second master actually didn't appreciate it. Didn't he gain a lot from the process of dealing with Commander Jiang?

This chapter has been completed!
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