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Chapter 1088 Destiny

 On March 19, the second year of Tianyou's reign, there was another regular court with all civil and military officials participating.

After the court meeting was over, the prime ministers returned to the political hall.

"This year, more than 2,900 hectares of rye have been sown in Shenzhou, which is a cold and dry land." Pei Shu picked up a memorial and praised it.

To be honest, the prime ministers are very happy now.

In the past, I was idle, with no government affairs to manage. I was always in intrigues and living under the shadow of the middle officials. Now, I have more work at hand, and the government affairs of various states and counties under the rule of King Xia have continued one after another. In other words, they can manage the civil affairs of Yuan Shuofang, Xuanwu, Hezhong, Hexi, Longyou, Heyang, Tianping, Taining, Ziqing, Guanghua, Chenxu and many other vassal towns.

I'm a little tired, but I feel very comfortable. I really don't want to live another day with nothing to do.

But there is a premise for all this, and it must be under the guidance of the Taifu.

"I heard that rye was brought from the Western Regions. At the Zhengdan Dynasty Meeting, Jiang Xuanhui, the envoy to Shenzhou, donated rye. From this year on, the tributes from Shenzhou will be wild horse leather, camel hair brown cloth, and rye. ." Pei Zhi said.

"Actually, rye is not delicious." Xiao Yu smiled and said, "It has no chewy texture and is dark in color, so it cannot be made into soup cakes."

"It would be great to grow food in a barren, dry, cold place." Song Le, an honest man, commented: "Zhang Quanyi is talented."

Yes, being valued by the prime minister, Zhang Quanyi is on his way to promotion.

"In the past, there were not many people growing food in Shenzhou. Now there are so many crops that it is called Dazhen. Zhang Quanyi should be a parent official, not a martial artist." Chen Cheng said with a smile: "However, Zhang Quanyi gave all the credit. I gave it to Taifu, this guy, haha."

If it had been more than ten years earlier, I am afraid Chen Cheng would have teased Zhang Quanyi a few words. His "contribution" was not just an official?

Quan's righteous wife, the Chu family, was extremely favored in the imperial concubine. A daughter was born in September of the third year of Qianning (896), another daughter was born in the first month of the fifth year of Qianning (898), and another daughter was born in the sixth year of Qianning (899). ), the ninth son Xingben was born to Taifu. In the twelfth month of last year, the eleventh son Zhigu was born.

Within six years, she gave birth to four children and became a princess. In May of the sixth year of Qianning (899), Zhe gave birth to a son, named Zhiyuan. So far, she has three sons and one daughter.

"The merits of Taifu include crossing Yinshan Mountain in the north, Miasma Sea in the south, reaching Jieshi in the east, and quicksand in the west. Just as Zhang Quanyi said, without Taifu's push, rye would not be grown in Shenzhou. Although we are officials of the Tang Dynasty, To make a living for the people of the world..." Xiao Yu suddenly said: "It is better to persuade the Emperor of Tang to abdicate and the Grand Tutor to ascend the throne."

Song Le was silent after hearing this. He is Shao Shude's confidant and 100% agrees with him in founding the country and proclaiming the system. However, he was born in the Tang Dynasty and worked as an official in the Tang Dynasty. There are some things that cannot be wiped out from his face, so he doesn't want to take the lead. There is no need. To pursue the so-called success of persuading people to advance.

"In the past few years, two comets have been seen, which is a sign that Tu's virtue is about to end, and the gold is also a sign." Pei Shu sighed.

In fact, there is indeed a lot of discussion about comets among the people. As for whether anyone is adding fuel to the flames, that is a matter of opinion. Anyway, the sage regarded this as a formidable enemy and called it a "demon star" and prohibited discussion of it.

But how can you stop such a strange thing? The people who eat melons are talking about it. In history, there will be another "demon star" during the reign of Emperor Ai of the Tang Dynasty.

Within ten years, there will be three comets, and Jin De will inevitably replace Tu De. This is the perception of many people.

You can call them stupid and ignorant, but the status of these people is often not low, either from aristocratic families or officials and generals. If they were in peaceful and prosperous times, they might have guessed elsewhere, but in this situation, most of them

People are already thinking about the demise of the Tang Dynasty.

In other words, there are not many people who oppose the change of dynasty. The appearance of the comet started a wave of public opinion early and changed the minds of some people.

"We are also asking for mercy for the people of the world." Pei Zhi said: "Xiang Lu, has the abdication document been completed?"

"I just listened to what you said. Maybe I can polish and delete it a little. I can finish this manuscript today." Lu Siye, secretary-supervisor of Tongping Zhangshi, said.

It is unique for him to serve as a prime minister as a secretary. Everyone knows that he is the person who was stuffed into the political hall by the Taifu and represents the will of the Taifu.

Lu Siye knew that there were some problems with his qualifications and resume, so he was cautious in the political hall and just did the things assigned by the Tutor without quarreling with others, just like he was diligent and low-key when he had been Shao Shude's secretary for twenty years.

He was the main author of the abdication ceremony, and then presented it to the saint for review. In fact, it was not necessarily necessary. The imperial seal was taken away by the queen, and the saint could even be bypassed throughout the process. After the fact was achieved, how could the saint object?

Moreover, he may not have the courage. After twenty years of conquering with the Taifu, Lu Siye knew very well that the emperor's great power lies in "gathering the crowd", rather than really being able to "serve as a million divisions with one sword".

When the army supports you, you have reached the threshold of great power.

When the military and officials support you, you will be able to do anything with ease.

When the army, officials, and people all support you, this power is unstoppable and can really destroy "a million divisions."

Comets were seen several times, gold signs were in response, and even heaven gave clear instructions.


Another day of court meeting.

There wasn't much going on. Just as the court was about to disperse, Wang Pu, the Minister of War, suddenly stood up and said, "I have something to report."

"Wang Qing is here." The queen said as calmly as possible.

Today's court meeting was not long, but she was still a little tired.

Under the wide and gorgeous gown, the queen's slender white legs were tightly clamped, and she did not dare to loosen them at all. There is no doubt that maintaining this posture is very energy-consuming.

"I look at the ancient books, starting with Yao and Shun, and covering them with the canons of surrender, which hang down to infinity. Therefore, I was granted the title of Taishan, Zen Liangfu, and the seventy-two monarchs who have a little knowledge of the Tao, then I know that the king of the world is not the only one with one surname.

Yes..." Wang Pu said unhurriedly.

The queen glared at him, and then searched for Shao Shude with her eyes. When she saw that he did not come, she became even more angry.

"Since the time of Emperor Yi, the dynasty has been in chaos. Disasters have been caused by order, and the government has gradually lost its image. The sky has been torn apart, and the sea water has flowed across it. The four epochs have been here, and there is no shelter for all living beings." When he said this, Wang Pu shook his head and sighed, with something in his eyes. The color of grief.

The queen listened patiently.

The ministers indicated with their eyes that they probably knew what Wang Pu was going to say. Some of them did not want to object, some did not dare to object, and they all listened quietly.

"Only the king of Xia is a sage, embodying the supreme philosophy. He has exerted great power and conquered the Xia region. He has made twenty great achievements and written books. He crossed the Yin Mountain in the north, crossed the Miasma Sea in the south, reached the Jieshi in the east, and the quicksand in the west. He cherished the ethics of life. , I'm not happy to attach it." Wang Pu continued: "In the past few years, comets have appeared twice, bringing out the new and erasing the old, and there are clear signs. Now we can observe the astronomy from above, and observe people's wishes from below. This is the ultimate occasion of Tu De. It is the time when the golden movement indicates the omen."

This meaning is very clear. God has given a reminder that the wishes of the ministers and the people also belong to the King of Xia, and it will not end well if he does not take the throne.

Sure enough, Wang Pu finally said: "I ask the saint to abdicate his throne and let the king of Xia succeed him."

"Queen, I also invite the King of Xia to ascend the throne and become the emperor. Heaven's calendar cannot be violated." Wang Pu finished his words, and the new Minister of War, Du Rangneng, came out to second the proposal.

"Masters?" The queen turned her attention to the prime ministers.

"The saint's dragon body is ill and he can no longer manage the affairs of state. The country should be returned to virtuous people." Before the prime ministers could say anything, Grand Master Feng Yanqing stood up first and said.

"I second the proposal." Chen Cheng, the minister of Zhongshu, stood up immediately and said.

"I second the proposal." Song Le, the minister of Zhongshu, also stood up.

"I second the proposal." Xiao Zang, Zhao Guangfeng, Lu Siye and other officials all agreed.

"It has been more than 200 years since our country transformed the Sui Dynasty into the Tang Dynasty. At the time of the late emperor, the Guan Ji was not guarded and the ancestral temples were depleted. The emperor moved, which shocked both China and foreign countries." The queen sighed and said, "The country and the country should be theirs. A virtuous person. Shude Tigo is brave, uses strategies to defeat evil, bends his bow and fights hundreds of times in front of the battle, seizes branches and flies across the horse, and finally succeeds in chasing birds, showing the plan of returning to Luan. Kuang assists the royal family, and has no protection. Is it possible to offer lives to replace people, to provide relief and support for disasters? These merits have been truly appreciated by the people of the world. You can quickly send envoys to hold the festival to the palace of the Xia King, wear the emperor's treasured ribbon, and persuade him to ascend the throne and become the emperor. To keep in mind the destiny of heaven.”

"I obey the decree." All the officials responded in unison.


Shao Shude is meeting people from Shannan West Road at his house.

"If it weren't for Mr. Situ's sake, I wouldn't even see you today." Shao Shude sat in the middle hall, full of anger.

Zhuge Chang, the son of Zhuge Zhongfang, looked ashamed and said, "My uncle's lesson is correct. My father thought about the fact that the world had been in war for a long time and needed to recuperate and recuperate, so he felt very ashamed. He also thought about his ancestor's last words, that he would serve his uncle as a brother, and he burst into tears. ."

Shao Shude's face turned a little brighter, and he remembered the last time he saw Zhuge Shuang. He sighed and said, "It's useless. If your father can hold Xingyuan firmly and stop my army, I can still look up to him." Xiao Xiao With reason and emotion, it is good to be promised a high official, generous salary, and even a marriage. Now, it would be nice to be given a noble title at the end of the new dynasty."

Zhuge Chang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xingyuan soldiers suffered two defeats in a row, losing five to six thousand people. During the siege of the city, they went out twice to fight at night, but also came back with great defeats. After several battles, they lost nearly 10,000 people. Now they can't fight even if they want to.

If it goes down, how long will it take to wait until it comes down?

In fact, the Xingyuan soldiers were not so helpless. However, the Xia army's deputy commander, Gao Renhou, was experienced in employing troops and had no gaps to exploit. The commander-in-chief, Shao Chengjie, was also a fool. He repeatedly galloped in front of the formation to boost morale, so the Xia army was unstoppable.

Shannan West Road was defeated again and again, and finally it was out of control.

It's better now. We are surrounded by people. The reinforcements from various states can't break through the blockade. Instead, they lose their troops. At this point, there is nothing more to say. It's better to take advantage of the fact that we still have some control over Ji, Bi, Ba and other states in the south, and surrender.

, in exchange for a wealthy family. As for those generals who are determined to resist, just send them to their graves. They made their vows before the war, but they were completely defeated after the fight, and everything happened to them.

"Go down." Shao Shude said: "The imperial court will issue a new edict to Zhuge Zhongfang tomorrow. You and the angel will go back to Nanzheng and tell Zhongfang the situation. This is the last chance, don't say no.


"Thank you for your forgiveness, uncle." Zhuge Chang said gratefully.

When he left, the prime ministers Chen Cheng and Xiao Yu also came to visit with documents.

This chapter has been completed!
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