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Chapter 1227 Inside Story

 Zhu Zhen’s face looks very bad.

When he walked into the tent, he first kicked Li Cunhui, who was kneeling on the ground, and then turned around and sat on the bed.

"What's the point of asking for help but not even bringing a letter?" Zhu Zhen stared at the prisoner fiercely and asked.

Before Li Cunhui could speak, two wolf-like sergeants came forward. One took out a dagger and stabbed him hard in the leg, while the other held a short blade and made gestures at his throat.

Li Cunhui's expression was twisted in pain, but he didn't dare to move, for fear that his throat would be slit. At the same time, he was also very aggrieved. I was ready to attack, but what are you doing? Could it be that the Xia people interrogated everyone indiscriminately? Shall we clean up first before talking?

"Returning to the general, it is a matter of confidentiality and can only be spoken orally." Li Cunhui said through gritted teeth.

"So I chose you?" Zhu Zhen asked: "Your name is Li Cunhui, but you are using a false name?"

"Yes." Li Cunhui replied. After answering, he quickly added: "The King of Jin has many fake people. Many people have only met him once from a distance, and they are not close to him."

When Zhu Zhen heard this, she snorted coldly and said, "Why do you need to quibble? If you are not someone close to me, how can you gain his trust?"

Seeing that he was dishonest, the samurai who stabbed him before stabbed him again. This time, both legs were stabbed, and blood spurted everywhere.

"Hufu..." Li Cunhui panted violently, not daring to scream. It was such a winter, and his whole body was already soaked.

There were several people inside the tent, all wearing helmets and armor, holding sharp weapons in their hands, staring at him fiercely.

"Tell me, what's the situation in the city like?" Zhu Zhen adjusted her sitting posture and asked after taking some time to relax.

Li Cunhui did not dare to hesitate and said immediately: "The people in the city are panicked and morale is low."

"Why is that so?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"First, they suffered repeated defeats, losing troops and generals, and the sergeants lacked fighting spirit and were quite fearful; second, your army took many prisoners outside the city, and they cried and complained day and night. The soldiers felt this, and their morale became increasingly low; third, there were rumors From everywhere, some people said that the King of Jin had given up on Youzhou and would not come to save you, and everyone was panicked. Some people from the fourth group incited the sergeants, saying that they wanted to take revenge on the Jin people, and stayed behind to arrest and kill more than ten people, but the army became more and more frightened..."

"Clearly organized, intelligent and articulate," Zhu Zhen praised.

Li Cunhui lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

"No wonder Li Cunzhang chose you to deliver the message." Zhu Zhen glanced at Li Cunhui and asked, "Where is Li Keyong?"

"I don't know this." Li Cunhui said with a bitter face: "How can we know the whereabouts of King Jin when we are trapped in the isolated city?"

The sergeants surrounding him wanted to take action again. Zhu Zhen waved her hand and said, "Forget it, this is the truth."

"The general has a clear vision." Li Cunhui said gratefully.

"Where is Lu Yanwei? Do you know where he is?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"He didn't come to Youzhou. I heard that he had fled to Chengde." Li Cunhui said.

Zhu Zhen hummed, not sure if she acknowledged what he said. However, Lu Yanwei's troops were less than a thousand, so it didn't matter where they went, since he couldn't make a big wave.

"Do you want to live?" Zhu Zhen stood up and asked.

"Yes!" Li Cunhui nodded without hesitation.

Zhu Zhen thought for a while and realized that it would be useless to let this man return to the city, so he said: "Then go to the city to persuade him to surrender. Let the defenders see that no matter how many messengers are sent out, they will not reach the east of the river."

"As ordered." Li Cunhui replied simply.

He had no choice but to die or live. But he also knew that as a messenger, scout, or craftsman with secrets, once he fell into the hands of the enemy, it would be a luxury to die happily.

There are so many ways to torture people, and there are countless cruel ones - using a hook to pull out your intestines from your asshole, are you afraid? There are many such methods, even a tough man can't stand it.

Zhu Zhen quickly came to Ge Congzhou's camp and reported the facts of the interrogation.

Ge Congzhou was discussing the details of the siege with his generals and staff. After hearing this, he thought for a moment and said, "Let's arrange it this way."

Zhu Zhen took the order and retreated.

After leaving the big tent, the cold wind blew, making me feel a little irritable for no reason.

Ge Congzhou was always on top of him!

Thinking back then, under the Liang King, Pang Shigu's qualifications were even lower than him, and only a few people such as Hu Zhen could stand alongside him.

Oh, by the way, there is also Xie Tong. He is also very senior, but his development was setback when he entered the court midway. After joining the Xia Dynasty, he started to shake again and did better than him. But I heard that he had died of illness, so this is

It's a bit of a pity.

Who is Ge Congzhou? He is just a junior!

Zhu Zhen felt very unhappy, but she still had a faint smile on her face and did not show any outward signs.


In the afternoon, Zhu Zhen led a group of troops to patrol around the city, and then arrived at Shao Siwu's camp.

The front of the camp was covered with thorns, trenches, trench walls, and partitions were dug meticulously. Judging from their shapes, they seemed to be carved from the same mold.

Zhu Zhen knew that those who could build the camp into a uniform look without any personal characteristics were all martial arts students.

He had also read the textbooks for martial arts students, and was extremely shocked at the time. In this way, he taught the martial arts students bit by bit the secrets of the Jiangmen family, and summed up experience in actual combat, constantly improved, and changed the teaching materials after hearing about them.

It’s the fifth edition.

Shao Sheng doesn't seem to understand what it means to cherish your broom.

This kind of behavior is like selecting a scholar through the imperial examination, which is digging into the roots of a general.

For example, how to set up a camp, how to choose a site, how to build it, how to guard it, etc., can these things be taught publicly? Zhu Zhen feels that most of the so-called private military books collected by the Jiangmen family can be thrown away, because the content you recorded

, it may not necessarily have the refinement summed up by twenty years of war in martial arts.

Of course, this does not mean that the Jiangmen family is useless. It can only be said that everything depends on the person and talent.

When learning the same thing, some people learn it well, and some people learn it poorly. A family with a family that has been raised since childhood still has some advantages, provided that they don't indulge in pleasure and become degenerate.

"Your Highness." When Zhu Zhen turned to the back of the camp, she saw King Zhao and immediately dismounted and saluted.

"Zhu Yuhou." Shao Siwu returned the greeting.

"His Royal Highness is training troops?" Zhu Zhen looked at the soldiers of Control Crane arrayed in the open field and said.

"Exactly." Shao Siwu's heart moved. Many people said that Zhu Zhen was good at training soldiers. The recruits who passed through his hands quickly formed an army, with high morale and impressive military formations. However, he rarely revealed his secrets to others.


"This soldier is not very good." Zhu Zhen looked at it for a while and said with a smile.

"Just go into battle and fight a few battles. Those who can't do it will die, and those who survive are all good soldiers." Cao Yijin said unconvinced.

"That's a thieves' way of training soldiers." Zhu Zhen said: "In the past, Huang Chao trained soldiers like this. Only one good soldier could be trained out of ten soldiers. Many good soldiers died in vain. Is it worth it?"

Cao Yijin was a little annoyed and was about to argue with Zhu Zhen, but was stopped by Shao Siwu.

"Each one has his or her own secrets in training soldiers. If Zhu Yuhou has time, please give me some advice in the future." Shao Siwu said, "They are all masters of the imperial court. If they train well, there will be fewer casualties when going into battle, which will be a great merit.

.The saints may appreciate it and praise it.”

Zhu Zhen was thoughtful and said: "We will talk about this later."

"Excuse me, Zhu Yuhou." Shao Siwu bowed and said.

Zhu Zhen sighed and did not take up the topic for the time being. It is hard to say whether the Crane Control Army can be retained.

He turned to ask: "I came here today to inquire about all the things to attack the city. Are you ready?"

"Hundreds of trench-filling trucks, smoke-generating trucks, ladder trucks, and artillery trucks have been built, and there are also several parapets. Others are looking for land to dig tunnels, but the soil is frozen and hard, making it difficult to dig." Shao Siwu


"Not bad." Zhu Zhen praised: "Your Highness is so considerate at such a young age, and the future is promising. This Youzhou City still has to be beaten. If the thieves are not lucky enough, the effect of persuading them to surrender will not be effective."

How good it is. Your Highness is so well prepared, it seems that my worries are in vain."

"We need more guidance from battlefield veterans like Zhu Yuhou." Shao Siwu said.

Zhu Zhen avoided his eager gaze, smiled, and said: "Shuai Ge has ordered that your troops will attack the city first tomorrow, so be prepared."

"Okay." Shao Siwu responded with determination.

He is the deputy commander of the army and camp, but with the commander around, this deputy is useless. He has no discretionary power and can only obey the dispatch.

Zhu Zhen took another look at the soldiers who were shouting and shouting, mounted the horse and left.


"In the past, the Jin people entered the city and looted for three days, robbing women and goods. When the Xia soldiers entered the city, didn't they have to plunder for a few days?"

"I'm afraid I'll have to take five days off."

"Just looking at it like this? Is there any solution?"

"The only solution is to kill the Jin people, open the city and ask for surrender."

"Stop talking nonsense. The Xia people don't plunder randomly, they just distribute donations. Zhang Dalang, the only reason why you are so miserable today is because of your mouth."

"Stop talking, the Jin people are here."

Outside the barracks, a group of soldiers passed by on patrol. The officer leading the group glanced inside and saw everyone sitting there quietly wiping their weapons, and then left.

The patrols were actually Yan people, but the Tutuan villagers used to call them Jin soldiers, because these fake Jin soldiers would suppress the rebellious Yan people, and their reputation was not very good.

But then again. If they, the local peasants who were temporarily conscripted, can be recruited into the army and become Jin soldiers, they will still attack the rebels. Unless someone can tell them clearly that Jin people are not good

Now that their downfall is imminent, they may have some strange thoughts.

Well, what a coincidence, the Jin people are really not doing well now. They have been defeated in a row, and the huge town of Youzhou has been reduced to an isolated city like this. I heard that there are no reinforcements yet. Do you want them to die with the city?

"I said, if we can't defend, why not rebel?" After the patrol passed by, the atmosphere was a little depressed for a while, and it took a long time before anyone spoke up.

"Didn't Li Cunzhang promise to give each person two pieces of money or a piece of silk? Several Buddhist temples in the east of the city that specialized in lending money were given to him. He was willing to give the money, but the Xia people may not be willing." Some people disagreed.

"You really want money rather than life."

"First ask Li Cunzhang for money. When he runs out of money, we will fight back."

"Yes, collect all of Li Cunzhang's money first! If you don't have any money, kill the thief, and then ask the Xia people for a reward with his head. Maybe you can make another fortune."

"Haha, this is a great idea!"

The village heroes all laughed softly, and the air everywhere was filled with joy.

This chapter has been completed!
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