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Chapter 9 Belated Honor

 In Shendu Garden, as soon as the drums sounded, the soldiers rushed out like wild horses running wild.

Uh, it's a bit harsh on the eyes.

Without any cooperation, you are rushing and being reckless. I don’t care what is in front of you, rush in front of the scarecrow, and smash the wooden raft, iron mace, bone and so on on the head.

Looking at their formation, they are already twisted and twisted. Those who rush faster are seven or eight steps ahead, while those who rush slowly have not yet "taken the fight".

Sitting next to Shao Shude, Mrs. Xiao covered her mouth and smiled.

Her belly is slightly bulging.

Shao Sheng has visited her more times in the past few months than in the past twenty years combined, which seems to indicate a change in attitude.

Various postures are unlocked, and bullets are not wasted. Xiao may have obtained a total of more than one hundred milliliters of supplements, and life has been born in his body.

Shao Shude also smiled. He tried his best to find the good qualities of the other party.

First of all, courage is commendable. Facing the enemy's thousands of troops, don't be afraid of death, just charge and it will be done.

This is a common symptom of people living in extremely difficult living conditions.

In their cognition, death is not a particularly difficult thing to accept, because they are used to death in daily life: death from starvation, death from illness, death from freezing, death from hunting, death from tribal vendetta, etc.

People in the Central Plains region also had this mentality for a time, such as Henan, which was plagued by disasters.

However, after years of peace, even if the new generation of Henan people are still influenced by their parents and have a certain degree of bravery, it is conceivable that this courage to fear death will continue to be worn away in a peaceful living environment, that is,

With each passing generation, a part is lost until the environment reverses and shapes their bravery again.

Secondly, Shao Shude found that they were very obedient.

A man with a big head serves as an officer, and he rushes when he is told, and stops when he is told. This kind of obedience cannot be achieved by whip training, but also comes from the social culture that is deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Every detail in your life reminds you.

There is an order of hierarchy and no overstepping. For rulers, this is a very useful consumable, and it is much easier to satisfy than the warriors of the Forbidden Army, who are really difficult to maintain.

After looking for two advantages, Shao Shude couldn't find much.

Maybe a stocky figure counts. Some people have strong strength, some have good endurance, some have accurate archery skills, etc. After all, they are all selected elites. It is impossible not to have any skills.

Shao Shude is an old martial artist, and he can't be fooled by pretense. He can tell at a glance whether you have chosen people carefully.

"Actually, it's not bad." Shao Shude commented: "I just need to practice the military formation and cooperate."

"Your Majesty is wise," said Beiya Privy Envoy Yang Yao.

Shao Shude said helplessly: "Yang Qing has time to praise his virtues, so why not spend more time training the Tibetan soldiers?"

Yang Yao also smiled and said: "In fact, it won't take much time. In another year and a half, Your Majesty will look at them with new eyes."

"I'm waiting." Shao Shude said.

Of course he knew what Yang Yao said was right.

Things like drums, coordination, and formations can be practiced very quickly and have little technical content. They mainly rely on painstaking management and training.

Compared with these basic things, courage and martial arts are difficult to practice and require a lot of time and cost.

Therefore, from a general's point of view, the priority is generally to practice military formations and coordination, and to make the troops disciplined and skilled in coordination, then they will be qualified.

Other things that are more suspenseful have to be left to chance.

But these savages seem to be the other way around. Some of their military skills are very good, such as archery, riding or the weapons they are good at (usually blunt weapons). Their physical fitness is also very good, and they have an aura of desperate fighting.

In other words, I have mastered high-end things, but I am lacking in basic things, and now I need to make up for it.

It takes seven or eight years to train a qualified archer. If you are excellent, it will take more than ten years. However, it only takes one year to practice military formations. This time you have actually found a treasure.

Of course, there are not many of these elites in the north. A few more "treasure hunts" will be enough.

"When I come, I must be given a greeting gift. I will be given two strings of money, one piece of woolen cloth, and one piece of silk." Shao Shude stood up and said.

No need to look any further.

These soldiers still need more training. I wonder how many of them will survive after conquering the Western Regions. Even if they survive, they will not be let go.

This is the same as Ma Zheng.

The high-quality genetic resources of being tall, big-chested, strong in grip, good in endurance, and smart in mind have been lost and blended into the Central Plains Han population. The remaining inferior genes can be used by oneself. If one has the ability, high-quality genes can be mutated again.

After leaving Shendu Garden, the chamberlain Wang Yanfan came to report that Song Le, the chamberlain's chamberlain, was seriously ill.

"It's been so cold this winter..." Shao Shude felt a little melancholy.

Since his return to Beijing, Song Le seemed to have breathed a sigh of relief, and his body was declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Last month, he was seriously ill and bedridden for several days. Shao Shude personally took the imperial doctor to visit him.

Just when he got better, he fell ill again.

This winter may be a hurdle for many elderly people.


The north wind howled, the snow fell heavily, and the twelfth lunar month of the eleventh year of Jianji was extremely cold.

For ordinary people, it is best to stay at home during this time.

But for the Xia army attacking Huainan, this was the best time to fight.

At the beginning of November, after the Xia troops from all walks of life were almost assembled, Xu Wen and Zhang Hao took Yang Jue and ordered the various prefectures and Zhenma Bu navy soldiers to lay down their weapons and send more than ten prefectures to Huainan and Xuanshe to surrender to Xia.

As soon as this order came out, Huainan was in an uproar.

Li Yu of Xuanzhou and Zhu Yanshou of Luzhou, who had temporarily tolerated it because Yang Jue was still alive, jumped out one after another and called on all armies to mobilize to kill Xu Wen and Zhang Hao.

Chuzhou defense envoy Li Chengnai was the first to respond.

He is Yang Xingmi's son-in-law, so of course he cannot bear to see such things that are outrageous to both humans and gods.

On the tenth day of November, Li Chengnai led more than 10,000 troops southward to threaten Guangling. At the same time, he also persuaded an army of 10,000 people stationed in Chuzhou to "clear the emperor's side" together.

On November 14, King Qin Shao Chengjie personally supervised the battle in Huaibei.

The Pinglu Army took the lead with 19,000 infantry and cavalry, followed by the Longxiang Army, the Golden Sword Army, and the Silver Spear Army, and fought across the Huai River in a mighty manner.

The Huai army was in disarray and vulnerable to attack.

Within a few days, Huaiyin, an important town that had been in operation for many years, was defeated, and Chengnai's younger brother Chengding surrendered.

Li Chenglai, who stayed behind in Chuzhou, repeatedly asked Li Chengnai to return to the army for rescue.

At the same time, soldiers continued to flee in Chuzhou City, causing chaos.

Some people yelled and cursed those who abandoned the city and fled to a bad death.

Some people were crying loudly, wondering why the army that was fine before suddenly collapsed.

You must know that before this, they used the Huai River defense line to repeatedly defeat the Gao family brothers, Li Cunxiao and others. They killed at least 5,000 Pinglu troops in a few years, while their own losses were less than half of the opponent's.

They are capable of fighting and are not afraid of the Xia people, but why are they in such chaos now?

Li Chengnai rushed to Guangling and kept urging the army to advance. As soon as he arrived in Gaoyou, he heard the bad news that Huaiyin was lost and Shanyang was in danger. He had to change direction and deal with the Xia people first.

The Huai army marched "turn back and forth" for several days, and their strength was greatly reduced. When they reached Baoying, they were attacked by the Golden Sword Army who came on horseback, and the whole army was defeated.

Li Chengnai cried bitterly, bowed three times in the direction of Guangling, and committed suicide.

After Li Chenglai heard the news of the destruction of his army, he left the city and surrendered in despair.

The Chuzhou Group, which had the most combat experience in Huainan, had been expelled. The road to the north of Guangling was already smooth, with only a few military towns remaining, and it was already difficult to withstand the Xia army's front.

In the direction of Xuanshe, Guangjie, Tiancheng, Kelan and other armies swarmed eastward.

Li Yu and Tao Ya were not as reckless as Li Chengnai. They first pretended to march eastward to King Qin, and after the Xia army pursued them, they set up an ambush and defeated Li Siyuan.

Li Siyuan was furious, organized his troops to fight again, defeated the Huai army, beheaded Li Yu, and conquered Chizhou. Tao Ya didn't even dare to return to Shezhou, so he rushed back to Xuanzhou in a hurry, and Ding joined the army to defend the city.

In the north of the Yangtze River, troops from Shuzhou crossed the Yangtze River and marched southward. Guangjie's army fought with them and was severely defeated. Zhou Dewei led his army to come to the rescue and drove the enemy back.

Zhu Jing of Shouzhou attacked Luzhou. He first saluted and then sent troops. After some persuasion, Zhu Yanshou surrendered with the city, and then went south to Shuzhou under the banner of killing the rebels, and captured the city with lightning speed. The soldiers of Shuzhou in the south of the Yangtze River

Reluctantly, he surrendered to Zhao Kuangning.

By the end of the twelfth twelfth lunar month, Qin King Shao Chengjie had cleared all obstacles north of Guangling, beheaded more than 4,000 people, and accepted the surrender of several Huai armies. Xu Wen and Zhang Hao tightly controlled the left and right Yaqin troops and Guangling City, east

After much hesitation, Wang Wan, the commander of the Yuan Ma Army, chose to surrender together with Xu Wen and Zhang Hao.

Seeing that the situation was over, the rest of the Huai army fled to the south of the Yangtze River.

After Zhou Dewei and Li Siyuan captured Chizhou again, they made a forced landing in Shezhou. They are currently besieging Xuanzhou. They failed despite repeated battles and suffered heavy casualties.

Zhu Yanshou also persuaded Hezhou to surrender, but except for Haozhou, the defenders of Haozhou were still hesitant and refused to surrender.

Wu Yue Qian Liu also took the opportunity to achieve results.

Yang Shihou, the governor of Suzhou, went north to attack Changzhou and achieved three victories in three battles.

General Gu Quanwu captured Quzhou and surrounded Muzhou with troops. Huai general Zhu Sixing fought with him but was unsuccessful and retreated to the city.

The overall war situation advanced very quickly. In just over a month, the eight states of Yang, Chu, Lu, Shu, He, Chi, She, and Qu were captured. The Huai people had never experienced such a disastrous defeat, and the Xia people had never won

Such a brilliant victory stunned the hundreds of thousands of troops fighting on both sides.

At present, there are only seven states left in Huainan: Hao, Chu, Xuan, Mu, Sheng, Run, and Chang. They are not under each other's control. They fight on their own, and defeat is inevitable.

Later generations talked about this battle, and Xu Wen and Zhang Hao could not get around it.

The responsibility for the destruction of Huainan will most likely be placed on these two people who betrayed the master. As for the huge strategic advantage gained by Daxia in conquering most of the vassal towns across the country, it will be intentionally or unintentionally diluted.

If no one helps them clean up their land, Xu and Zhang's reputations will probably be infamy for thousands of years.

After the news came back to Luoyang, it was already the twelfth year of Jianji (912).

At the official meeting, Shao Shude happily accepted the congratulations from the officials.

For him, this is a belated honor.

Generally speaking, if you occupy all the traditional Han land, you can basically call it an orthodox dynasty. History books will not give you the title of a separatist regime or a "pseudo dynasty".

What's more, he also captured Liaodong and Helong, and he actually controlled them. This surpassed many unified dynasties - sending officials, stationing troops, and collecting taxes was a sign of actual control. Liaodong, Helong, etc.

Long obviously meets these three conditions.

But after being overjoyed, looking at Song Le's absent seat and Chen Cheng's white hair, I felt bad again.

"Going to Song Mansion." He was going to visit Xijing on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, and he had a hunch that if he didn't see it before leaving, he might never see it again.

This chapter has been completed!
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