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Chapter 35 Horse Racing

At the northern foot of the Alai Mountains, groups of soldiers rushed into the vast plains after passing through the tunnel.

On the earth, thousands of horses galloped.

The passionate man galloped freely in the wilderness with a riding bow and a broadsword.

They crossed the stream and rushed into the countryside.

Behind the lonely fence is a flat vegetable garden. Beside the vegetable garden lies a stiff corpse, holding a wooden stick in his hand.

Two Khotan infantrymen got off the carriage, harvested the vegetables one by one, loaded them on the carriage, and sent them to the military camp.

Before leaving, they went into the house to check, but unfortunately it was empty and there was nothing. Only in the innermost bedroom lay an old man with dull eyes, who had obviously been dead for a long time.

They buried the two bodies, then removed the door panels, dismantled the furniture, chopped them into firewood with axes, loaded them into the carriage together, and left.

The cavalry crossed the high slope and rushed into another village.

Under the grape trellis is a stone mill.

The donkey that had been pulling the mill had long since disappeared, leaving only a leather sheath on the ground.

Two more Khotan soldiers got off the carriage, picked up the leather cases, and then carefully collected all the grapes.

The sage especially loved the horse milk grape. In fact, everyone liked it. They could eat it when they were leisurely, and when they were hungry, they could even eat it to satisfy their hunger.

After harvesting the grapes, the two found a cellar in the garden and searched dozens of sealed jars of wine.

After laughing a lot, they called more people to load the trophies onto the carriage and transport them all away.

The "horse bandits" who came from afar finally rushed to the edge of the field.

Looking at the flat farmland and some unharvested crops, without any hesitation, he called the Khotan infantry and immediately collected the wheat in the field.

The sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded.

A big green horse came into everyone's sight. The knight on the horse was panicked and did not dare to look back at all. He just ran forward with his head down.

"Whoosh!" An arrow flew out from the side of the road. The man groaned and fell off his horse. After rolling for a few times, he stopped moving.

Several people rushed up, surrounded the big green horse with laughter, and led it away.

On August 12, the fifteenth year of Jianji, almost all the main force of the Xia Army in the South rushed into the Fergana Basin.

Tens of thousands of cavalry were galloping, unstoppable.

Bukhanna, who implemented the "Dikhkan" feudal system, was caught off guard and was unable to organize an effective counterattack. He could only shrink back and gather all the capable soldiers to rely on the city walls to resist the invasion of the "horse bandits".

But many Dikhkan still died violently.

Yes, Dikhkan is a bad name.

As small as a village or as large as a city, its lord can be called "Dikhkan", and there is even a Dikhkan who specializes in collecting taxes in the Bazaar.

The Abbasid dynasty almost implemented the feudal system to the point of hysteria. As a result, the Persians controlled large tracts of land in the hands of royal nobles, Dikhkan nobles, the Temple of the Creator, and religious schools, leaving very little for ordinary people.


In short, apart from a small number of free people (most of whom live in cities and a small number in rural areas), the vast majority of this country is tenant serfs.

The only difference from the enfeoffment system in Western Europe is probably that the Dikhkan nobles need to pay taxes, and the governor uses their taxes to support officials and the army. Because serfs are in the hands of nobles in large numbers, the governor may not be able to recruit sufficient numbers of serfs. Soldiers often can only use Turkic mercenaries or slave soldiers (Ghuram), and this creates another serious problem...

In a situation like this, the trick is actually to beat the slow with the fast.

The cavalry roamed everywhere, hunting down any enemy messengers who dared to move in the wild. Once the cavalry found any nobles who dared to take his hundreds to thousands of soldiers and horses out of the city, they immediately notified the soldiers and horses scattered everywhere. Use your superior mobility to gather together and take advantage of your troop strength to surround and annihilate them.

After a few days, the results were remarkable.

In a different place, if you were a Dikhkan, when the roads were impassable and true and false news were coming from everywhere, and there were only a few hundred soldiers in the castle, what would you do?

The safest way is to fortify the walls and clear the country, bring food into the castle, arm as many serfs, citizens and religious jihadists as possible, and use the castle to hold on to wait for change.

He was so exhausted that he sent a brave messenger to go out of the city at night and go to various places to inquire about news.

As for the vast countryside, you have no choice but to give up, otherwise what else can you do? Fight with others in the wild?

You didn’t even know how many of them were coming. You only saw the overwhelming cavalry, and you didn’t know if it was the same group of people hanging out in front of you. You didn’t dare to bet, you could only watch the thieves plunder and mess up your territory. What a mess.

Of course being angry is angry.

But you will only anger that stupid governor Ismail. He has no sensitivity at all and did not build a fortress in a dangerous area or recruit mercenaries to guard it. If the responsibility is investigated in the future, you will definitely join all the colleagues who suffered losses. Sue Bukhara for his dereliction of duty.

You have made up your mind that if the Governor's Gulam Legion does not show up, you will stay in the city and never go out.

The initiative on the battlefield has completely shifted.


Shao Shude arrived outside Woshi City and looked at the town surrounded by people.

A large group of people formed an army just a stone's throw away.

As the war drums beat, they rushed towards the city wall in silence with crude weapons.

The arrows are raining down like arrows, and they don't stop for a moment.

The screams were endless from the beginning. A quarter of the total 1,000 people rushed to the city wall - some were shot to death, while others turned around and tried to escape in panic, only to be trampled down by the people behind them. On the ground, there were still people who fled to both sides, but were quickly caught up by the cavalry and killed one by one.

Up and down the low and thin earthen wall, the two men, who were both members of the same group, were gnashing their teeth and fighting for their lives.

The battle was very fierce, and corpses continued to fall down the city, densely packed into strange shapes.

After all, the defenders had a lot of combat experience, good location, and good equipment. The people who rushed forward finally broke up and returned after being unable to attack for a long time and suffering heavy casualties.

"Shoot!" A dense barrage of arrows were thrown forward.

The retreating people without any armor fell to the ground in large areas like fading grass in a strong wind.

"Boom!" A group of cavalry rushed forward, waving their sharp sabers in unison, killing the last group of defeated soldiers who had not yet fallen to the ground, and then retreated back into the formation.

Both the offensive and defensive sides were shocked by this brutal scene.

But before they could react, the second batch of 1,000 people were already ready to go.

"Dong dong dong..." The war drums were beating. They hesitated at first, but under the pressure of Xia Bing's eyeing eyes, they finally took steps and gritted their teeth and rushed forward.

Shao Shude silently looked at the people of Bukhan who were charging desperately, without any expression on his face.

He now understood deeply why wherever the Mongols visited, the local social order would completely collapse.

Driving the people to attack the city was a trick used by Huang Chao and Qin Zongquan. But even these two inhumane people did not use this trick every time, but the Mongols used it every time without any lower limit.

The people of Bukhan are a typical European race.

Later archaeological excavations unearthed many tombs in Kashgar, Aksu, Turpan and other places in Xinjiang, China.

Judging from the skull samples, they are basically the Mediterranean East Branch type of the Europa race, which lived in most areas of Xinjiang in BC.

The tombs unearthed in parts of Central Asia and Xinjiang are of the Central Asian-Lianghe type of Europa people, mixed with a small amount of Mongoloid ancestry.

In Shao Shude's opinion, these people were neither tall nor strong, and had a strong self-destructive tendency in their character. At this time, they rushed up, no longer distinguishing between friend and foe. They kept their heads down, climbed up the ladder, and fought with the guards.

Injury for injury, life for life, people are stunned.

"Pass an order, after the city is broken, all the defenders, officials and their families will be rewarded." Shao Shude ordered: "The remaining soldiers will be organized into a separate group, which will be called the 'New Affiliated Army'."

"Follow your orders." Someone immediately went to deliver the order.

Shao Shude continued to watch.

After the fight, let them burn, kill, loot, and let off steam. After this step, they have actually lost their humanity and can be classified as beast soldiers.

This kind of beast soldiers had appeared in the Central Plains before, and they were the Cai thieves under Qin Zongquan.

After the defeat of Qin Zongquan, Zhu Quanzhong recruited more than 100,000 or 200,000 soldiers, then eliminated the weak and retained the strong, suppressed them with severe punishments, and even tattooed his face. After several years of reorganization and hard training, he dispersed and recruited into various armies - there were also independent soldiers.

The army gradually became a force that cannot be ignored in the Liang Army, and made many meritorious deeds on the battlefield.

The battle continues.

After suffering heavy casualties, the second group of people finally reached the top of the city and were not driven down.

Yang Liang, who was in charge of the command, decisively threw in the third batch of 1,000 men and followed the opened gap to continuously attack the city.

The enemy troops in the outer city finally dispersed.

Believing in the Creator is not really invulnerable, and you will still die if you are attacked by an axe. The only advantage is that you have slightly stronger courage, but in the end you cannot reverse the physical laws of the objective world.

The city gate was opened, and the Xia troops watching the battle cheered.

The war drums beat for the third time, and an infantry commander with full strength rushed into the city. Together with the new auxiliary troops, they chased and killed the defeated soldiers.

The defeated soldiers fled into the Temple of the Creator, and the pursuers rushed in, killing them until rivers of blood flowed.

The defeated troops fled to the square and fired thousands of arrows, leaving no one behind.

The defeated troops fled into the castle, and the pursuers roared in unison, taking advantage of the enemy's heavy losses to intensify their attack.

The battle continued into the evening. The disheveled Saturk escaped into the prison with the last hundred or so people, taking advantage of the favorable terrain to resist stubbornly.

He almost cried.

Mingming made preparations early and tried his best to recruit all the troops that could be mobilized in a short period of time. Then he did not fight in vain like Dihkan in Uzkander. Instead, he relied on the outer walls and castle to resist desperately.

.Why is it that in the end, it is still difficult to escape the fate of defeat?

He couldn't figure it out.

Of course, he was so frustrated that he forgot one thing: despite his best efforts, he only had a thousand soldiers under his command, less than half of whom were real professional warriors.

Five hundred professional warriors, if defended well, can inflict heavy casualties on the enemy and make them retreat.

But what kind of devil was in front of him? He captured countless people and drove them into battle, consuming the arrows and even lives of the defenders. When everyone was exhausted, he threw in elite soldiers and generals to defeat their last resistance in one fell swoop.

Should such a person go to hell?

"Boom!" The prison door was violently pushed open.

The last defender fired a shot of arrows, and the Xia soldiers who rushed in screamed loudly. But the people who followed were not afraid. The two sides fought fiercely in the narrow space without giving in until the last person was left.

"Crash!" The Sheshier scimitar in Satuk's hand broke into two pieces.

An iron mace was struck down hard.

Saatuk subconsciously dodged. However, he avoided his head, but his shoulder blade was smashed, causing him to fall to the ground in pain, screaming in agony.

Xia Bing swarmed up and tied him up.

When the news that Woshi had been completely conquered reached outside the city, Shao Shude had just received news from Li Siyuan: He led more than 10,000 people to plunder near Aitebashi. In a few days, he beheaded more than a thousand people and obtained more than 60,000 grains.

Dendrobium, 46,000 oxen, horses, alpacas, and more than 20,000 Bahan people were captured.

Aitbash is a small town in the easternmost part of Bakhna. It is surrounded by various villages and small tribes, which are scattered and unable to gather together at all.

If Li Siyuan does this, the local area may not be empty and the population will be completely wiped out.

"Go to the city first." Shao Shude waved his hand and said, "Let's discuss the next strategy."

The thieves were caught off guard and could not react for a moment. At least east of Woshi, their organizational system had been completely paralyzed and it was impossible to mobilize any more force.

But it is impossible for the enemy to have no standing army at all. The next thing to discuss is how to eliminate this army.


This chapter has been completed!
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