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Chapter 17 Stone Bridge

 Li Tangbin stepped up his offensive.

However, instead of dispatching the main force, a small group of cavalry was sent to take a detour and penetrate near the passes of Luoyang.

They were unable to achieve decisive results, and even the grain transport team might not be able to capture them, but they created a considerable momentum and firmly attracted the attention of the Luoyang defenders.

Of course, the frontal combat did not stop either.

Since last year, they have dug two types of trenches outside Xin'an County, built trench walls, and almost turned it into a fortress area, eliminating the possibility of Liang Jun's large-scale march westward. The main reason for this is that

The three counties of Shaozhou, Xiashi, Wei, and Mianchi, have been producing steadily for many years. Not only can they provide a lot of grain and grass, but they also have local villagers. This is the greatest confidence that Xia Jun can fight with the Liang people outside Xin'an County until now.

In a frontal attack, each army takes turns, the intensity does not need to be too high, a certain degree of contact is maintained, and the focus is on attacking the enemy's stronghold which is relatively easy to capture.

Li Tangbin deeply understood Shao Shude's intention. This is a secondary battlefield for him. Just cooperate and you don't need to force yourself.

The real main battlefield has not yet become clear. This is often the result of various decisions made by both warring parties...

Liang Hanyong led his army to camp on the outskirts of Fengqiu County.

It would be a lie to say that I was not nervous when I led an army deep into enemy territory for the first time. After all, this is different from a "peaceful battle" such as marching with the main force and fighting together. This is a great test of the general's ability and psychological quality.

The shadow of the annihilation of the entire army always hung over his head, and every time he had time, he would study the map carefully and learn about various situations from the guide.

"Husband Chenliu, at the top of the world, is a suburb that is connected in all directions." Liang Hanyong looked at the small note on the side of the map with a very solemn expression.

"Yuan Dalang, I heard that you have been managing money for my father-in-law and have gone back and forth many times. Bian. Can you tell me which way to go?" Liang Hanyong put down the map, played with the meat cleaver in his hand, and asked.

His personal soldier stood behind him, stroking the handle of the knife, looking at the prisoner with a sneer, and said: "General, why are you talking nonsense to him? Just leave Zhu Quanzhong's nephew to me for interrogation. Cut off one of his fingers first.

Let him suffer a little, and he will be honest later."

"Yuan Dalang" is Yuan Zhengci. He is the eldest son of Yuan Xiangxian, the governor of Huazhou. He is sixteen years old this year, and he is still half a young man. He cannot stand being frightened.

"General, please don't kill me." Yuan Zhengci collapsed upon hearing this and cried: "A certain person is not a loyal nephew and has nothing to do with his Zhu family."

"You still dare to quibble?" the soldier shouted.

"Listen to me in detail." Yuan Zhengci wiped away his tears and said: "After Quanzhong left Bianzhou, he brought his relatives from Xiao County, Xuzhou. At that time, my ancestor was the judge of the Zhongwu Army and worked with Quan Zhong.

Zhong talked about the hometown friendship, one is Xiayi in Songzhou, and the other is Dangshan in Songzhou. My Yuan family is the descendant of Yuan Shuji, the king of Nanyang County, and is also famous in Songzhou. In order to win over my clan, Quan Zhong married his sister to my ancestor.

As a stepmother. This is absolutely true. My father was born in the fifth year of Xiantong (864), and his sister was born in the sixth year of Xiantong (865). There is no way she could have given birth to my father."

Liang Hanyong called a civil servant and asked: "How old is Zhu Quanzhong this year?"

"Zhu Quanzhong was born at the end of the sixth year of Dazhong (852), and he is forty-four years old this year." The literary official replied.

Liang Hanyong believed it and said with a smile: "I'm sorry you don't dare to tell lies. I mean, the captured woman is not very old. How could she be your grandmother? No wonder Yuan Xiangxian's fellow hurriedly chased her out. It turned out that she was

The false mother was captured."

"Haha!" the sergeants laughed.

"He went back to his parents' house to celebrate the Chinese New Year and was captured by us. It was a great achievement in vain."

"Zhu Quanzhong is so shameless! During the Zhonghe meeting, he married a young girl to an old widower in his forties, tsk tsk."

"Quanzhong is in Bian, and there are internal and external troubles. What else can we do if we don't win over people? He first accepts Wang Chongrong as his uncle, and then Zhu Xuan and Zhu Jin as his brother. He is a shameless person."

"Yes! Quanzhong has no shame at all. I heard that he still calls Luo Hongxin his brother, which is shameless."

"When I heard that Quanzhong's daughter was only six years old, I couldn't wait to get married. These people are so crazy that they killed a hundred of them."

Yuan Zhengci's face turned earthy after hearing this.

The Prince of Liang, who was so popular in Bianzhou, was arbitrarily arranged by these Xia army leaders. Every word he said made Yuan Zhengci's heart skip two beats.

Liang Hanyong stretched out his hand to stop the sergeants from laughing, and asked: "From now on, going south, will there be any sergeants to set up defenses at the pass?"

"Return to the general. The suburbs of Bianzhou are spread out and there is no danger to defend. When the country was in prosperity, it was proposed to set up customs officials in Bian to collect commercial taxes. However, the terrain is flat, there are no dangers, and there is no restriction on entry and exit. There are also many boats and vehicles.

There is no prohibition on coming and going..."

Liang Hanyong put the meat cleaver under Yuan Zhengci's throat and scolded: "How can I not know that Daliang Pingyan is wet and there is no danger to defend him? You know what I am asking, just tell the truth."

"Returning to the general, a few miles south from here is Fengqiu County. There are a few county soldiers. They must have received the news by now. From Fengqiu south, pass Chenqiaoyi, and then go straight to Fengqiu Gate. The road is smooth and there are no soldiers.

Garrisoned." Yuan Zhengci said quickly: "Only in Bianzhou City, there are tens of thousands of Changzhi troops stationed permanently."

"Besides the Changzhi Army, are there any other soldiers?"

"There were originally thousands of soldiers from the prefecture and Kaifeng and Junyi counties, but most of them have been transferred to other places, and there are at most a few hundred left." Yuan Zhengci replied: "Oh, that's right! There are also Liang Liang.

The king's private soldiers numbered thousands, and more than 2,000 of them were named "Tingzidu", all commanded by envoy Zhang Guihou; more than 800 of them were named "Luoyandu", all commanded by envoy Zhu Hanbin. There were also thousands of personal guards and soldiers, all of whom were commanded.

Commander Zhang Lang."

"I have never heard of Zhang Guihou. Zhu Hanbin, who is Zhang Lang?"

"Yuanli, the father of Han Bin, was a general in Bozhou. He went to Huainan with Master Pang in ancient times, fought with Confucian soldiers, and died in the battle." Yuan Zhengci replied: "Because his surname was Zhu and his martial arts were good, King Liang was the last general.

He was selected into the account, adopted as his adopted son, and entrusted with important responsibilities."

Liang Hanyong understood, this was Zhu Quanzhong's new fakery.

"Zhang Lang is a heroic knight from Xiao County. He is good at shooting and has extraordinary arm strength. King Liang heard about it and summoned him for a test. His archery skills were amazing and his bravery was extraordinary. He was awarded the title of town envoy of Xiao County and was recently transferred to the commander of the personal army."

Liang Hanyong understood again and was considered a member of the Quanzhongxiang Party.

Although Zhu Quanzhong was not from Xiao County, his family was too poor. After his father died, his mother took the family to Xiao County to work as servants. It can be said that Zhu Quanzhong grew up in Xiao County, which was half of his hometown.

After asking about the general situation, Liang Hanyong knew in his heart that Bianzhou was very empty.

Of course, this emptiness is also relative. His 5,000 cavalry cannot defeat the 10,000-long Zhi army alone, let alone a few small-scale elite troops. Especially in the hall capital, I heard that the hall horses are straight

The heavy cavalry of Zhu Jin were very brave. When fighting Zhu Jin, they changed their horses and charged in turns. They charged for more than 20 rounds and overwhelmed Zhu Jin's troops. They were so elite that it was really difficult to deal with them.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t go there to “have a look around.” It all depends on whether you dare to take the risk.

"Send the order!" Liang Hanyong thought for a long time and said: "After resting, prepare the equipment, and let's go to Bianzhou for a trip."

Zhang Guihou arrived at the south bank of Baigou River with nearly 6,000 cavalry.

Baigou Water is a few miles north of Bianzhou and connects with Bian River.

In the first year of Emperor Ruizong's reign (689), the Bianshui River was diverted into the Baigou to connect Cao and Yanzhou. To put it bluntly, this is a "rate road" that connects Ohezawa and directly reaches Cao, Yun and Yanzhou.

The artificial canal is the only barrier in the northern part of Bianzhou City.

There is a bridge on the river with a very vulgar name, "Shiqiao" - the name of the stone bridge has been no less than dozens in the dynasty, and there are also dozens of people with the name "Big Stone Bridge".

After Liang Jun's infantry and cavalry arrived, Zhu Hanbin, commander of Luoyan Capital, took 300 veterans and 500 new soldiers from Poxia Capital to the north of the bridge and built a small village with the wood they brought.

The commander of the hall, Zhang Guihou, was the leader of this mixed force. He calmly climbed onto a high platform and overlooked the north.

Behind him, more than 5,000 people from Tingzi Capital, Luoyan Capital, and Poxia Capital had also taken their positions and began to set up camp.

The stone bridge is not the only passage leading to Bianzhou, but it is the nearest and best way to go. What's more important, the Xia Thieves' cavalry are already nearby.

The people on both sides of the stone bridge panicked and fled one after another.

The timid one dragged his family and family directly towards Bianzhou, and their flight south also brought the news that the Xia thieves had broken into the city of Bianzhou.

Not to mention the psychological impact. After all, it was only about ten years since the last time bandits invaded Bianzhou. The people of Bian have long been accustomed to the impact of war on their lives and will not make a fuss about it.

But there is still some surprise.

The King of Liang has been conquering the east and west for many years, with great achievements and no disadvantages. Everyone has long been accustomed to winning one victory after another. It seems that the fighting has been a bit difficult in the past few years. I heard that he suffered a lot at the hands of the Xia thieves, but I always feel that the war is about to end.

I am still far away. If I continue to eat, drink, and dance, how big of a deal can it be?

However, the dark Xia thief cavalry in the north of Baigou Shuibei told everyone that things seemed really serious and the good days might be coming to an end.

how so?

Zhu Quanzhong climbed onto the tower, while Jing Xiang and others sat beside him.

A table was set up upstairs, along with wine utensils and fruits. There were also several musicians, holding pipa and other musical instruments, standing on one side.

"The Han guests are brave, Zhang Guihou, and Kang Yanxiao have also been in battle for a long time, so I will just sit back and watch the children defeat the enemy." Zhu Quanzhong laughed loudly and ordered everyone to pour wine.

Jingxiang forced a smile, took the wine bottle, and remained silent.

How can you laugh after being beaten to Bianzhou? However, the response of King Liang cannot be wrong, it is already the best way to restore morale.

"Why is Jing Sima so worried?" Zhu Quanzhong glanced at Jing Xiang and said with a smile: "The thieves can't break my stronghold."

"I think so too," Jingxiang said.

The sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded.

"Well, the thief is moving." Zhu Quanzhong put down his wine bottle and looked to the north.

But on the flat and empty wilderness, more than a thousand cavalry began to speed up slowly. They circled the wooden fence guarded by Liang Bing, carefully looking for flaws.

Suddenly, dozens of horses galloped forward, throwing hooks and ropes from afar, snapping them onto the hastily erected wooden fence, then turning their horses around and dragging them backwards wildly.

"Boom!" Two wooden fences fell to the ground, throwing up large clouds of smoke and dust.

Before Liang Ren could react, more than a hundred cavalrymen, who had been ready to go, rushed out with horses in hand, shouting and shouting.

The distance of more than a hundred steps is reached in an instant.

The cavalry swarmed in through the gap in the wooden fence, and their horses' hooves trampled hard on the Poxiadu sergeant.

Liang Hanyong took the lead and took advantage of the momentum of the galloping horse to dance continuously. The Liang soldiers in front of him fell down with broken tendons and fractures.

No one fired a bow or arrow, and all the cavalry that rushed in were all wearing thick horses, a completely hard-core style.

The surging cavalry moved around in the small camp, showing their superb skills in cavalry combat. They took advantage of the Liang people's confusion and rushed to kill them, killing dozens of them in just a moment.

"Kill the thief general!" Liang Hanyong looked in the direction of Zhu Hanbin, turned his horse's head, and rushed over.

More than 20 riders responded loudly and followed.

If his troops had been tidied up, Zhu Hanbin would still have dared to fight, but at this moment there was chaos, and he did not dare to resist the rider with a single step. He retreated immediately, ran to the wooden ladder, and climbed up the wall of the village.

On the wall, his old subordinates from Luoyandu were holding spears and rifles, shouting and coming to respond.

Liang Hanyong halted his horse on the ground, drew his riding bow, and shot two arrows in the direction of Zhu Hanbin's escape.

The first arrow missed, but the second arrow seemed to hit. Zhu Hanbin threw himself on the wall of the village.

"Haha! So happy!" Liang Hanyong laughed: "The day before yesterday, I captured Zhu Quanzhong's sister, and now I have killed Quanzhong's fake son. What kind of elite soldiers and powerful generals are you talking about?"

Hearing the sound of heavy horse hoofbeats in the south, Liang Hanyong stopped when he saw the opportunity and ordered: "Withdraw!"

Before leaving, he used his left hand to hold up a running Liang military officer on his horse, and left laughing.

This chapter has been completed!
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