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Chapter Thirteen It's Not Easy

 Yingqiao Town, the easternmost part of Ruzhou, has become an office location again.

Wei Zhuang, the Du Branch Judge of the Shuofang shogunate, Chen Yishen, the Collection Judge, Liang Zhixia, the governor of Shengzhou, and dozens of students from Hexi and Longyou Official School were ordered to come to Yingshui to receive new tasks.

"Are these the people you picked?" Shao Shude asked, looking at the students who were generally in their early twenties.

"Exactly." Chen Yishen, the oldest among them all, stepped forward and said.

"They are all talented people." Shao Shude waved his hand, and the soldiers brought silk.

"The Banan cattle cloth sent by Zhuge Zhongfang are all of high quality. There are two pieces per person. Have you brought the car with you?" Shao Shude asked.

"Bring it." Chen Yishen smiled.

A horse is four feet long, and some silk is fine and not light, so it is best to put it on the carriage.

"Okay." Shao Shude handed it to everyone personally and said: "This is the settlement allowance. After you get it, go to the local area to practice and practice. It will be of great use in the future."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Thank you, saint."

Damn it, who is this lucky person who is so impatient?

Shao Shude glanced at the man, said nothing, and said: "There is no place in Ruzhou, you are going to Tangzhou."

Chen Yishen had never heard of this before coming here, and was a little surprised when he heard this.

Under the rule of King Xia, there were three types: direct vassal towns, subordinate vassal towns, and vassal vassal towns.

The direct leaders were those from Shuofang and Xuanwu towns.

The subordinate vassal towns include Hexi, Longyou, Zhongshun (Yaozhou), Heyang, Dongdu, Jinshang, Fengguo (Caizhou), Tianping, Wusu (Qidi), a total of nine towns.

The eight towns of Tang and Deng, Huaixi, Xiangyang, Eyue, Chenxu, Hezhong, Xingyuan and Longjian were vassals.

It is common and nothing to place officials in the direct and subordinate vassal towns. But it is very unusual to place officials in the vassal towns.

The vassal vassal town Jiedu envoys do not accept household registration, military registration, wealth, and finance themselves. They appoint their own officials and build their own armies. Outsiders cannot interfere. Once they interfere in their internal affairs, they may break up and lead to rebellion. Of course,

A detailed analysis of the specific situation shows that this is actually a game between people. The situation in each feudal town is different and cannot be generalized.

To be honest, Tangzhou is a very sensitive place. Over the years, the Zhe family, old and young, have controlled various positions. It is difficult for outsiders to put their hands in, and they will not.

The arrangement of these more than 20 students to Tangzhou is really astonishing, and may indicate some changes in the direction of the situation.

Shao Shude didn't want to explain much, so he just went and was done.

In fact, this was proposed by Zhe Zongben. He said that after many years of governing Tangzhou, he failed to achieve anything successful, so he sent officials of all sizes from Tangzhou to parts of Anzhou and Huangzhou. Those people were good at fighting.

Just let them stay on the front line. Counties in Tangzhou asked Shao Shude to "select talented people".

An and Huang are both prefectures in Huaixi Town and are dilapidated. Although Tang and Deng Sui are not doing well, they are still better than An and Huang. Zhe Zongben's move is undoubtedly releasing goodwill, which may be related to

The prince went to Shouzhou to transport grain and grass, and sent two thousand brave men to serve as his guards, which made his position more and more stable.

Shao Shude appreciated this very much.

Even if you have the friendship of father-in-law and son-in-law, it does not necessarily mean giving up your own interests. These are two different things. In other words, if you lose the family foundation, will you definitely hand it over if you change the heir relationship? Not necessarily.

"After the summer harvest, Wang Bianhui, the military envoy of the Zhongshun Army, sent several batches of Yaozhou households to Tangzhou. You will be resettled and there will be no mistakes." Shao Shude ordered.

"As ordered." Everyone responded one after another.

After Wang Bian finished renovating Qianzhou, he went to Yaozhou to do dirty work. Hearing that it caused "people's anger and resentment", he deported hundreds of families to Taozhou in Longyou at the beginning of this month.

This time, he recruited landless or landless peasants from the counties of Yaozhou to Tangzhou. The quota given to him by Shao Shude was 10,000 households.

In addition, Xiangzhou already has Gucheng and Dengcheng, and Shao Shude is planning to move 7,000 households to Nanzhang and Yiqing counties.

Zaoyang, Suizhou was the immigration destination in previous years. Now that it has stabilized, he plans to immigrate another 3,000 households to Tangcheng County.

The source of immigrants all depends on Wang Bian.

There were too many people in Guanzhong but too little land, which was an old problem that had existed since the Sui Dynasty. Yang Jian was dumbfounded that Fu Bing's family only had more than a dozen acres of land, and he had to order immigration to the Guandong area to ease the contradiction between people and land.

Yang Jian simply wanted to give land to the government troops, while Shao Shude's motive for immigrating was very impure. In fact, it also had hidden factors of reducing the vassal state.

For the eight vassal towns, he formulated eight plans to reduce the vassal status.

Because each feudal town has different population and economy, folk geography, land climate, external environment, leader's personality, and sergeant ethos, experience cannot be applied and needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, so he formulated a plan for each feudal town.

Regarding Chen Xuzhen, he did have some excuses to use the situation. He tried to use the Wei Sheng Army's great victory in the south to make Zhao Jue cut off the idea of ​​​​external contact with Yang Xingmi. Then he pressed the main army, used both soft and hard tactics, and used various means to gnaw at Chenzhou first. Come down and weaken its strength.

Against Xiangzhen, he adopted a sausage-slicing tactic.

Because the Zhao Kuangning brothers have always coveted Jiangling, and they are still sending troops to attack this year, the town is exhausted and has some difficulties. Shao Shude began to resettle immigrants in Gucheng and Dengcheng a few years ago. Strictly speaking, it is out of bounds, but Zhao Kuangning did not say what.

And since he acquiesced, this section of sausage was successfully cut, so he started to cut off a section and sent officials to Gucheng and Dengcheng. Zhao Kuangning didn't say anything because these two counties provided a lot of money and food, which he urgently needed. .

After successfully cutting the sausage in the first two steps, Shao Shude started to cut the third step: adding two more counties as immigration destinations in addition to Gucheng and Dengcheng counties to see how Zhao Kuangning would react.

In fact, it was just a matter of understanding this guy's character and his urgent need to find a position for his younger brother as a military governor, and repeatedly testing the bottom line. Shao Shude believed that he could even exchange interests with Zhao Kuangning, and the position of military governor in Jingnan was not yet available. If you give it away, the imperial court can use it for the last time.

They suppressed and intimidated the Zhongwu Army, cut sausages into the Zhongyi Army, and offered Tang and Deng Sui the title of county prince and five thousand households, while further stabilizing the crown prince's status in exchange for benefits.

In order to cut down the feudal vassal, Shao Shude, who had a kind face but a dark heart, was very cautious and tried not to use weapons to avoid being too ugly.

To put it bluntly, these three vassal towns are relatively easy to cut. Hezhong, Hanzhong, and Longjian are extremely difficult to operate. Huaixi and Eyue are not very optimistic. As for the Hebei, Hedong vassal towns, and Xixi that have not yet been obtained,

Go to sleep, it's impossible without force.

After sending the students away, Shao Shude gave Wei Zhuang and Chen Yishen two new appointments.

"Duan Ji is also an old man. He has been handling finance, taxation, money and food for so long, and he can be appointed as a minister in the future."

"Chen Dalang is very diligent and conscientious. I see it in his eyes and prepare the Taipu Temple for me first."

Taifu Temple, to put it bluntly, is the big housekeeper who manages the small treasury.

For example, the livestock sent by the pastoral supervisors are under their control, and the meat sent is also received by them.

It is also necessary to train drivers and manage carriages and horses. Officials of the third rank and above will lend them cars and drivers for weddings and funerals.

Welfare distribution on important holidays is also done by them.

They also have a small pasture in their name, because the cattle and sheep sent by the pastoral supervisors cannot be eaten all at once, so they have to raise them.

All in all, it is a miscellaneous department.

In order to make it easier for him to understand, Shao Shude once gave various temples names similar to those of later generations.

In his view, Sinong Temple is similar to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

Taichang Temple, which is in charge of court meetings, enthronement, and canonization ceremonies, is similar to the general office.

Guanglu Temple is in charge of banquet etiquette and providing food. Its nature is similar to that of Taichang Temple, but the division of labor is different.

Weiwei Temple is similar to a security secret service department.

Honglu Temple is similar to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Dali Temple is similar to the Supreme Court.

Taipu Temple is a logistics organization, arranging vehicles, issuing welfare and consolation payments, somewhat similar to the functions of the Federation of Trade Unions.

Taifu Temple accepts gifts from various places and countries and stores them properly. It also manages mutual trade and the cities of the two capitals. In short, it is the "foreign economic and trade department".

Among the nine temples, there is also Zongzheng Temple, which manages members of the royal family, but no one has been selected yet.

There are six ministries and nine temples, a total of fifteen ministries, which have division of labor and overlap with each other. They are the functional departments of this country and support the world.

Wei Zhuang and Chen Yishen naturally did not dare to have any objections. They accepted the appointment with smiles on their faces. At the same time, they checked to see if there were any suitable candidates in their pockets and recruited all their staff as soon as possible.

The national grassroots initiative is a golden opportunity for many people, and it only happens once in three hundred years.

In the next few days, Shao Shude drilled his troops and inspected talents in Yingqiao Town.

More than 30,000 people demonstrated martial arts within a radius of more than ten miles. The momentum was astonishing and frightened many people.

On the sixth day of June, just when he was getting a little impatient in waiting, Li Hang finally sent back the news: The Zhao family had softened.

On the ninth day of the sixth lunar month, Zhao Jue, the Jiedu envoy of the Zhongwu Army, took his nephew Zhao Yan across the Yingshui River and went to General Tu's camp to plead guilty.

Shao Shude looked at Zhao Yan who looked dejected and sneered twice.

Zhao Yan was naked from the waist up and tied up with a large hemp rope. He was kneeling on the ground and said nothing.

Shao Shude took the riding whip from Li Yixian and hit Zhao Yan with it.

He used a lot of force and was whipped twenty times in a row. Blood quickly dripped from Zhao Yan's body, and he screamed in pain.

"Ugh!" Shao Shude pulled out a sharp knife.

Zhao Jue's expression changed drastically, and he hesitated to speak. In the end, he finally lowered his head and didn't care. As for what he was thinking in his heart, perhaps only he himself knew.

The sharp knife quickly approached Zhao Yan. Zhao Yan was so frightened that he closed his eyes and almost peed.

The expected scene of blood splattering did not occur, and the hemp rope on Zhao Yan's body was cut.

Shao Shude kicked him to the ground and said: "Go to Heishui City to raise horses. You will not be able to return until three years later."

Zhao Jue glanced at Shao Shude in surprise, knelt down directly, and choked with sobs: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for not killing me."

"The due apology is absolutely necessary. Marshal Gao is a kind man and I am sure he will forgive you this time." Shao Shude said, "Leave immediately and be escorted to Shaqi."

"As ordered." Li Yixian pondered, should this matter involve someone from the Dali Temple under construction?

This chapter has been completed!
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