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[102] Storytelling

Hua Liangyi's words suddenly made Lu Xian's face turn red.

Lu Xian was actually very depressed. He lost in the first round before he even understood it. In the second round, he used all his literary skills, but he was not as good as his opponent. What if there were only three rounds in this game?


Whatever Lu Xian was thinking, it just happened. Hua Liangyi ignored the blushing Lu Xian and continued to announce: "The following is the third round, which is the last round."

As soon as Hua Liangyi finished speaking, Lu Xian's face turned purple.

In the first two games, Ma Xiaoquan and Bian Rang each won once, but Lu Xian shaved his head. Lu Xian thought: Even if he wins the third round, it will just be a tie with them, and if they win in the third round,

If he wins again in three rounds, then he will definitely be eliminated... Thinking of this, Lu Xian, who has always been very good at heart, couldn't help but tremble.

Yuan Fang, his subordinate, noticed the strangeness of the young master and quickly stepped forward to comfort the young master with all his heart.

Seeing Lu Xian's nervous look, Bian Rang felt secretly happy, but on the surface he said to Lu Xian politely: "Master Lu, there is no need to panic. For this third game, I will politely let you go."

Bian Rang's words were not meant in good faith at all, but simply outright contempt.

Lu Xian was originally in a good mood, but after being given such a little concession by his side, he exploded again.

"Give way, you" Lu Xian was so angry that he couldn't speak.

While Rang laughed, he ignored the angry Mr. Lu.


Ma Xiaoquan watched the secret fight between Bian Rang and Lu Xian and sighed softly in his heart.

Ma Xiaoquan knew that Lu Xian was already very fragile mentally at this time. If he also stepped in and killed you while you were sick, then Lu Xian would not have to play in the third game.

But Ma Xiaoquan did not do this.

Firstly, Ma Xiaoquan wanted to know more about Lu Xian. Secondly, Ma Xiaoquan still couldn't figure out why Lu Xian was looking for the same thing as him.

"That's enough." Hua Liangyi stopped Bian Lu and the other two, and said impatiently: "There is still half a stick of incense left. In the third round, Yue'er will personally come up with questions for everyone."

Everyone on stage and off stage immediately became energetic after hearing this. People in the audience simply craned their necks and looked around to look for him.

It was a pity that when Miss Hua Yuexin came on stage, she was sitting in a small sedan chair. Everyone could not help but sigh secretly when they saw the sedan chair being carried out bit by bit.

Ma Xiaoquan was also very helpless. Like everyone else, he wanted to see Hua Yuexin's face again, but unfortunately...

The sedan chair stopped in front of the three people and lowered slowly.

The three of them stepped forward and raised their hands to the beautiful lady in the sedan chair.

Bian Rang said: "Miss Yue'er is well, Bian Rang is polite here!"

Mr. Lu said: "Miss Hua is well, Mr. Lu is polite!"

Ma Xiaoquan stared at the sedan chair for a long time and said, "Can you come out? What kind of plane are you planning?"

"Pah!" As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Xiaoquan was hit by something on the face.

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and picked up the thing that hit him. Oh, it was an embroidered shoe.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Miss Hua, I know the size of your feet."

The sedan chair moved slightly, and a voice sounded like a fairy descending from the inside: "Young disciple, why don't you give me back my shoes?"

Ma Xiaoquan scratched his scalp and walked to the sedan chair.

As soon as he got close to the sedan, a small foot stretched out from the sedan. The foot was very smooth and white. Ma Xiaoquan felt a little restless just looking at the little foot.

"Put it on for me!" the beauty in the sedan chair ordered Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, gently grabbed the white little foot, and then slowly put on the embroidered shoes.

The shoes fit my feet very well and there is no feeling of obstruction when wearing them.

Ma Xiaoquan reluctantly returned the shoed foot to the sedan chair, then stood up politely, stepped back a few steps, bowed deeply to the beauty in the sedan chair, and said: "Miss Hua, you are polite!"

The beautiful lady in the sedan chair burst out laughing, and after a while, she slowly responded: "Young Master Ma is so polite!"

As soon as the beauty finished speaking, everyone on and off the stage was shocked.

Since Ma Xiaoquan came to this era, he has only told a few people his surname. As for his first name, no one knows it. Of course, the engraved wooden tablet left in Langya Valley has Ma Xiaoquan on it.


The spectators in the audience have always been curious about the name of this purple-haired man. Now that Miss Hua Yuexin has said it in person, everyone can't help but feel strong jealousy in their hearts; and Hua Liangyi on the stage is also

She was surprised to find that there was no name about this purple-haired man in the message his eldest brother Hua Yixi left her. How did Yue'er, the little girl, know about it?

Not to mention Bian Rang and Lu Xian. Seeing that the beautiful lady in the sedan chair only responded to Ma Xiaoquan, they both said in unison: "Humph!"

Ma Xiaoquan was secretly happy. As the saying goes, the best thing is to attack the heart. He had already attracted people's envy and jealousy because he touched Hua Yuexin's jade feet. Now it was even better. Hua Yuexin responded to him again, and then he would be hated by others.

, being envied, jealous, and hated by others can be super satisfying sometimes.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and returned to his seat, waiting for Hua Yuexin to pose the question.

There was no sound in the sedan chair for a while, and the three contestants held their breath and waited.

Under the stage, dozens of wealthy spectators also held their breaths or covered their mouths. Some even held hands in twos and threes to cheer each other up.

Finally, the beauty in the sedan chair spoke.

"You..." As soon as the beauty said two words, a large number of people fainted in the audience.

Hua Liangyi was startled and quickly ordered her servants to go to the rescue.

Ma Xiaoquan, Bian Rang and Lu Xian were also a little shocked. They did not expect such an episode to happen.

It was difficult to stabilize the spectators, and it took a moment to signal the game to continue.

This time, the words of the beauty in the sedan chair were no longer as dizzying as the nightmare sound, but were replaced by a slightly neutral voice.

Ma Xiaoquan knew that this was Hua Yuexin's helpless move, but at the same time he was also very grateful to Hua Yuexin. After all, the other party's voice was really...

"Tell me a story, one person at a time. Whoever tells it best will be the first."

The three of them nodded after hearing this.

Bian Rang and Lu Xian had rich experience, and they had made complete preparations before this.

The first story told by Bian Rang is about a certain village. The background of the story is the period of the Five Hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period.

If we go by modern standards, Bian Rang can be called a standard storyteller.

It's a pity that the theme of Bian Rang's story doesn't seem to attract Hua Yuexin.

After the story ended, the beauty in the sedan did not have any violent reaction. The beauty only said one sentence: "Next one."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Lu felt that his opportunity had come, so he immediately stepped forward and pushed away Ma Xiaoquan who wanted to play.

"My name is Lu Xian, I'm first!" Lu Xian squinted at Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled helplessly and shrugged: "Whatever you want!"


The story Lu Xian told is about humanities.

According to modern standards, Lu Xian can be the anchor of a humanities and social sciences TV station.

It's a pity that Lu Xian's story still failed to attract the beautiful lady in the sedan chair.

At the end of the story, Lu Xian bowed deeply to the sedan chair.

This time, the beauty in the sedan did not announce the next one quickly like the previous time. After about half a stick of incense, the beauty softly called out: "Next one."

Lu Xian looked at Bianyi proudly, knowing that this time, he won Bianyi.

It's Ma Xiaoquan's turn.

As early as when Hua Yuexin came up with the question, Ma Xiaoquan had thought about it. If he wanted a girl to listen to a story calmly, there would be only two themes of the story, one is a love story, and the other is a ghost story.


Ma Xiaoquan didn't know what stories women in ancient times usually listened to, but from the process of contacting little girls like Hualin, Ma Xiaoquan discovered that girls, no matter in ancient times or modern times, like to listen to love stories and ghost stories. Therefore, Ma Xiaoquan decided to

, this third time, he will tell a story, a love story that makes modern people cry.

There are many famous love stories in history, such as the Peacock Flying Southeast, the Butterfly Lovers, and what Ma Xiaoquan is talking about today is the Butterfly Lovers.

"Once upon a time... there was a young lady named Zhu and Yingtai..."

Ma Xiaoquan did not consult the data recorder, but recounted Liang Zhu based on his impressions. When he told the plot of Zhu Yingtai disguised as a man and encountering Liang Shanbo by chance, the beauties in the sedan chair couldn't help laughing;

When they get along day and night in the academy, share the same interests, and become brothers, the beautiful ladies in the sedan chair can't help but sigh in admiration; and when it comes to the story of Zhu Yingtai returning home three years later and Liang Shanbo bidding farewell at eighteen miles, the beautiful lady in the sedan chair

The beautiful woman inside fell silent for a moment.

"After Zhu Yingtai left, Liang Shanbo realized that he loved Zhu Yingtai so deeply. He asked his mistress for help, and her mistress told him to go find Yingtai and tell her that you love him...

Liang Shanbo nodded, picked up his luggage, and brought the butterfly jade fan pendant left to him by Zhu Yingtai to the Zhu family to propose marriage, but was rejected by the Zhu family on the grounds of family status. Liang Shanbo was in great pain, and after returning home, he

He couldn't afford to get sick and eventually died of depression..."

When Ma Xiaoquan's story is told here, he can't help but sigh for Liang Shanbo's experience.

"After Zhu Yingtai learned the news of Liang Shanbo's death, she was filled with grief. At this time, Ma Wencai of the Ma family came to propose marriage. How did Zhu Yingtai, a female prostitute, resist the pressure from her family and was forced to agree to marry Ma Wencai?

, On the day of her wedding, Zhu Yingtai took a detour to pay homage to Liang Shanbo's grave. She shed tears in pain. Under the influence of Zhu Yingtai's grief, there was a strong wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and the tomb burst. Zhu Yingtai turned over and jumped into the grave.

The tombs are gathered together, the wind stops and the rain falls, the rainbow hangs high, and Butterfly Lovers turn into butterflies, fluttering in the world..."

At this point, Ma Xiaoquan has finished telling the story, and he himself has not thought that reading a story and telling a story are actually completely different, because at this moment, Ma Xiaoquan had tears streaming down his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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