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【103】Baby Appreciation

After the story was told, there was silence on and off the stage.

Ma Xiaoquan gently wiped the tears from his face and raised his head to look at the sedan chair.

After waiting for two sticks of incense, there was no movement in the sedan chair.

Bian Rang and Lu Xian on the stage were as motionless as wooden sculptures.

At this moment, the two of them knew very clearly that they had lost, and they had lost completely.

The female relatives of the wealthy families in the audience hid their faces and cried secretly, while the men of the wealthy families also remained silent with ugly expressions on their faces.

Only those who have been immersed in the spiritual shock brought by Butterfly Lovers can understand that these wealthy spectators are all born into wealthy families. Naturally, they are very proficient in articulating words and appreciating artistic conceptions. After studying carefully for a while, they finally learned from a man's words.

From his mouth, Ma Xiaoquan heard crying.

With the big brother taking the lead, everything happened naturally. In an instant, the entire venue was drowned in cries.

Bian Rang's face turned green and red. He understood that at this time, he should step down quietly or even disappear on the spot. Lu Xian, on the other hand, took the lead and applauded Ma Xiaoquan in a grand manner.

"Pa bang bang..." The cries were gradually drowned out by the applause. Ma Xiaoquan stared blankly at the sedan chair, but felt very calm in his heart.

Hua Liangyi quietly stepped forward, lowered her head and said a few words in Ma Xiaoquan's ear.

At this time, the curtain of the sedan chair slowly rose up, and the beauty who got off the sedan chair was Hua Yuexin, whose face had already been filled with tears and her makeup was stained with tears.

When they came down, Hua Yuexin was still sobbing.

Seeing Hua Yuexin's little body shaking constantly, Ma Xiaoquan had the urge to go up to protect her and hug her.

But Ma Xiaoquan knew that it couldn't be done now.

"You win!" Hua Yuexin's words confirmed Ma Xiaoquan's first place.

Everyone in the audience cheered for Ma Xiaoquan, but the one who shouted the loudest was still the grandson of a wealthy family in Jiangxi, but his name for Ma Xiaoquan also changed.

The grandson shouted: "Master Ma, I support you, Master Ma, you are so awesome!"

Ma Xiaoquan looked at his grandson dumbfounded and thought to himself: You are so talented.

After Hua Yuexin said those words, she got on the sedan chair again. The whole process lasted less than 5 breaths. Although Ma Xiaoquan saw Hua Yuexin's makeup up close at that moment, it was a pity that it was too short.


Hua Liangyi wiped the tears on her forehead, raised her head and announced to everyone: "The last stage of the second stage of this year's Hua Family Bracelet Ceremony, the final winner is Mr. Ma!"

Ma Xiaoquan gently raised his right hand. At this moment, his heart was extremely excited.

The two little girls Hualin and Miaoyu pouted their lips slightly. Miaoyu said: "Brother is partial and only likes that person!"

Hua Lin said: "That's right, go back and tell Sister Diao Chan and Sister Xiu'er, hum!"

When Liang Long heard the two women's complaints, he sighed secretly.

After the second stage, Hua Liangyi warmly entertained everyone as the host.

At the banquet, people kept coming to congratulate Ma Xiaoquan. With Diplodocus' massive wine vat, Ma Xiaoquan unceremoniously pushed all the wine to Diplodocus.

Since Guo Jia and Xun You were relatively close to Ma Xiaoquan, they were naturally treated as honored guests.

Guo Jia drunkenly put his arms around Xun You's shoulders and sang an unknown ditty. Xun You didn't drink much, so he was still relatively sober.

Xun You pushed Guo Jia away, walked in front of Ma Xiao, and whispered: "Brother, you concealed yourself so deeply. Now I know that my brother's surname is Ma."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said nothing.

Xun You continued: "Brother, this second stage is over, it's time for Fengxiao and I to leave."

Ma Xiaoquan said in surprise: "Where are Gongda and Fengxiao going?"

Xun You said: "I'm going to find my uncle. As for the filial piety, I don't know yet."

Ma Xiaoquan said "Oh", knowing that the two of them had made up their minds, he said no more. He stood up and bowed respectfully to Xun You.

Xun You was so flattered that he quickly stood up and returned the same gesture.

"Brother Ma, I wonder when we will meet again?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled: "Soon!"

...Xun You picked up the unconscious Guo Jia and left. As he was leaving, Ma Xiaoquan asked his grandson to bring them a carriage to see them off.

Sun Tzu was so proud that he immediately agreed and gave his special carriage to Xun You and Guo Jia.


Late at night, after the banquet was over, Ma Xiaoquan first sent Hualin and Miaoyu back to the wing, and then arranged for Liang Long to go to bed.

Ma Xiaoquan was still very sober because he had not touched any alcohol during the banquet.

The winter night sky was very quiet and very cold. Ma Xiaoquan quietly climbed onto the roof and let the cold wind blow by.

"Do you like me... If you want to save me, then prove it to me... you win..."

Ma Xiaoquan's mind kept flashing with Hua Yuexin's appearance and words. Unknowingly, Ma Xiaoquan had another illusion. In the illusion, he overlapped the images of Hua Yuexin and Ming Yuexin.

Now, this time, Ma Xiaoquan did not stop him and allowed these two different images to overlap...

"Yue'er..." Ma Xiaoquan made a slight call.

This night, it was very quiet.

The next day will be the third stage of the Hua family’s bracelet-wearing gift, and the final stage of treasure appreciation.

Rare treasures have always been Ma Xiaoquan's favorite. Previously, he gave his favorite "Golden Square Coin" to Hua Yuexin's personal maid, and now it feels a little painful to think about it. Therefore, Ma Xiaoquan was thinking about how to get it in his heart.

I got something back during the baby appreciation stage.

There is no threshold limit for treasure appreciation. As long as you have good things and you think you can use them, you can participate.

Before coming, Ma Xiaoquan picked out a few treasures from his existing treasures and brought them over. Now they can be used in treasure appreciation. Ma Xiaoquan made up his mind to do a business that does not lose money no matter what.

There is no obvious host for the treasure appreciation. The treasure appreciation lasts for a total of 3 days. During these three days, you can enter or exit at any time. However, one thing to emphasize is that the treasure appreciation does not accept gold and silver, only gold and silver are accepted.


Ma Xiaoquan didn't understand why the Hua family arranged the treasure appreciation at the last stage of the bracelet-wearing ceremony. He felt that if it was arranged at the first stage of the bracelet-wearing ceremony, the effect might be better.

On the second day of the treasure appreciation, Ma Xiaoquan slowly led Miaoyu, Hualin and Diplodocus into the venue.

Since it is a treasure appreciation event, there are naturally some people who are responsible for the appreciation. If you are confident about your baby, you can go to the registration office in the center of the venue to register and wait for the expert to appreciate it.

Appreciation usually has two benefits. First, if your treasure is a treasure, the price will naturally increase after it is appraised; second, if your treasure is a decent thing, it will also get a fair price.

Evaluation, given time, it will definitely become a top grade one.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. If the thing you get is a fake or a rough product, then I'm sorry, not only will it not be returned to you, but it will be destroyed in public, so that you will not continue to be embarrassed and deceived.

Anyone who dares to register is confident about their treasures. Those who are confident will generally have treasures in their hands. Therefore, during the treasure appreciation yesterday, Ma Xiaoquan heard that only two things were destroyed, one of which was a fake.

, one piece is a rough product.

When the grandson saw Ma Xiaoquan coming, he quickly stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "Master Ma, you are finally here."

Ma Xiaoquan looked at his grandson in surprise, not knowing what he meant.

The grandson blushed and said, "Master Ma, do you remember the gold square coin you took out the day before yesterday?"

As soon as Ma Xiaoquan heard this, he felt that his grandson should know something, so he asked him: "What, do you know anything?"

The grandson looked around, approached Ma Xiaoquan, and whispered in his ear: "Master Ma, it's not convenient to talk here. You and I can find a quiet place and I can explain to you later."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "That's fine!"

The two came to a corner, and the grandson took out a handkerchief from his sleeve pocket and handed it to Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan took the handkerchief, unfolded it gently, and took a look.

"Hiss" After seeing what was drawn on the handkerchief, Ma Xiaoquan's eyelids twitched.

The grandson's sharp eyes saw Ma Xiaoquan's unnatural expression and knew something was going on. He immediately said: "Master Ma, you should know what is drawn on this handkerchief, right?"

Ma Xiaoquan did not answer his grandson directly or express his position, but he knew what was on the handkerchief.

Ma Xiaoquan's mission when he came back was to find the solar recorder left by Huang Jingming, and the detailed picture of the solar recorder was now in Ma Xiaoquan's hands. However, Ma Xiaoquan did not know how many copies Huang Jingming had left outside. Therefore,

As long as he sees anything with a solar recorder pattern on it, Ma Xiao will collect it all.

"Go on!"

The grandson smiled softly: "It seems that Mr. Ma knows, but Mr. Ma gave away the gold square coin. I guess you don't know that the gold square coin is actually a coin, right?"

As the grandson spoke, he took out another coin from his sleeve pocket that was exactly like the gold square coin Ma Xiaoquan had before.

Ma Xiaoquan snatched it over and looked at it carefully. In addition to the same workmanship and pattern, this one still had some subtle differences from the one he had before. If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought they were identical.

The same coin.

"Where did you get this?"

The grandson smiled: "It happens by chance, but Lord Ma, it doesn't matter whether I get it or not. The important thing is that the pattern on the handkerchief has something to do with these two gold square coins, isn't it?"

Sun Tzu was right. Judging from the design drawing of the solar recorder left by Huang Jingming, there were two flat rectangular holes on the side. Ma Xiaoquan initially thought that it was for aesthetics, so he didn’t think much about it. Now it seems that those two

The rectangular hole most likely looks like a keyhole.

Mingfa once said that the reason why Huang Jingming was the first entity time traveler was firstly because he was the strongest at the time, and secondly, because of his other identity as a mechanical mold modification engineer.

This chapter has been completed!
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