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【2240】Advance Department (2)

"If...you have a better way, you might as well tell me..."

Gu Zhilong raised his head, shook his head with a smile and said: "Your Majesty, I am doing this for you, so I am naturally grateful. I just feel that time is too tight..."

"Well, it's okay. It's very simple to hold a wedding. But I might not be able to attend your wedding. As you know, I'm quite busy."

"It's okay, it's okay. Sir, you are busy, you are busy~~" Gu Zhilong waved his hands repeatedly, but he was extremely happy in his heart. As long as the man in front of him is not here, what will he do? Princess Ting will not be able to stop her, right?


The next day, Ma Xiaoquan led a group of troops out of the Echo Canyon. Gu Zhilong was worried, so he arranged for a few spies to follow him all the way out. Only after they were sure that Ma Xiaoquan had gone far did he feel relieved.

As soon as Ma Xiaoquan left, Gu Zhilong immediately revealed his true colors. He first took over the construction power of Echo Canyon from Princess Ting as the leader of the Bone Clan.

Facing the powerful Bone Zhilong, Princess Ting chose to avoid it and showed a slight fear.

Gu Zhilong had no doubt at all. In his opinion, Princess Ting was just a member of the female class. It was said that she lived for more than a hundred years, so it must be a rumor.

In fact...if Gu Zhilong didn't become a proton in the first place, he must still be wary of the rumors about Princess Ting. After all, Princess Ting's alias - Rakshasa of Thorns, was not hers.


Ma Xiaoquan, who left Echo Canyon, was not idle. He actually led people to explore the terrain.

I don’t know how many people there are in the advance troops of the Leng tribe and the Tata tribe. If they fight head-on, whether they have a chance of winning is a question that needs to be understood. The key to solving these problems is that our side must fully grasp the nearby terrain.

Although Ma Xiaoquan has never faced anyone from the Leng Clan and the Tata Clan, along the way, whenever he asks about the Leng Clan and the Tata Clan, he will cause panic.

"You mean... the Leng tribe eats human flesh, while the Tata tribe drinks human blood?" Ma Xiaoquan raised his eyebrows and asked a Bone Clan soldier sitting in front of him.

"Yes, sir~" the soldier ate the dry food in his hand and nodded, "There are four major tribes in Hongzhou, the Leng tribe, the Tata tribe, the Mi tribe and the Qian tribe. Among them, the Leng tribe and the Tata tribe are relatively powerful.

The two tribes are evenly matched. In recent years, the Leng tribe and the Tata tribe have been targeting the Mi tribe. The Mi tribe has lost several pieces of its chassis, but the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Even so.

, the Mi tribe is still very strong, and the Qian tribe... has always maintained an unpredictable neutrality, but in fact, the Qian tribe has been doing business between the three tribes, who is short of weapons?

The Qian tribe sells it to anyone who is short of food. As long as it can make a fortune, the Qian tribe can do it... Sir, I heard that you have united with the Ulula tribe of the Qian tribe...

... Ulula is a nice person, but too marginalized..."

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment and looked at the Bone Clan soldier in front of him in surprise. He didn't quite believe that such a small soldier could have such insight.

When the soldier saw Ma Xiaoquan staring straight at him, he felt a little frightened. He quickly raised his hands and said, "Princess Ting ordered me to follow you. Sir, if I do something wrong, can you spare me?"

A life."

Ma Xiaoquan snorted: "Ting's order? Do you know that you are a member of the Bone Clan? What if I am in a bad mood and really want to kill you?"

The soldier cried and laughed: "Anyway, I only have one life. My life is not in my own hands. If you want to kill me, just kill me."

When the soldier said this, Ma Xiaoquan became interested. He didn't know why Princess Ting arranged for such a person to follow him. Now that he thought about it, this might be a clever move arranged by Princess Ting.

"Looking at your appearance, you are not a member of the Pure Bone Clan, are you?"

The soldier was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes dimmed. He hummed, nodded and said, "The younger one is from the Shadow Clan, oh no, it's just half of the Shadow Clan, and the other half is from the Bone Clan."

"Shadow Clan?" Ma Xiaoquan hummed, "If I remember correctly, the Shadow Clan seems to have been exterminated by the Tata Clan, right? How can you survive?"

The soldier cried and laughed: "My mother was raped by the soldiers of the Bone Clan, and I was born... When the Tata tribe massacred the Shadow Clan, they saw that I was not a pure-blooded Shadow Clan.

The tribesmen let me go..."

A commander on the side laughed and said sarcastically: "It turns out he is a bastard, haha..."

Ma Xiaoquan's eyes turned cold and he looked at the commander.

The commander felt Ma Xiaoquan's murderous gaze and was so frightened that he quickly shrank his neck and did not dare to say anything more.

"Keep talking~"

The soldier cast a grateful look at Ma Xiaoquan, and then briefly stated his experience to Ma Xiaoquan.

"You mean...the reason why the Tata clan wants to destroy the Shadow clan is because you have a very strange bloodline?" When he said this, Ma Xiaoquan himself felt very ridiculous, damn,

Where on earth is this place? Why are bloodlines popping up? Is it possible that this is going to be like a fantasy novel?

"Well, I heard it when I was very young. Anyone who drinks the blood of our Shadow Clan may become extremely powerful. Is this why the Tata Clan massacres the Shadow Clan?"

"Ah? You can become stronger by drinking blood?" The more Ma Xiaoquan listened, the more he felt that the soldier was talking nonsense. It can barely be explained that the Tata tribe drinks human blood, but drinking the blood of the Shadow tribe makes them stronger. You fucking think your own blood

Is it a stimulant? In other words, are all the Tatas vampires?

"Not entirely, it's just that a small number of people will become stronger. Not everyone can drink the blood of the Shadow Clan. Most of the people who drank the blood of the Shadow Clan died, and those who survived became stronger.

” the soldier corrected.

"You didn't say..." Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand.


At the same time, the advance troops of the Leng tribe and the Tata tribe had arrived in the northern part of Hongzhou, only a hundred miles away from the Echoing Canyon.

The leader of the Leng Clan's advance team is named Leng Feng. It is said that this person has never smiled and always has a stern expression. Coupled with his already angular face, it gives people a feeling of being cold to the bone.

On the contrary, Elta, the leader of the Tata tribe, was much more cheerful. Along the way, he kept teasing Leng Feng and even made fun of Leng Feng's bad face. The other deputy commanders of the Leng tribe couldn't help it and tried to take action many times, but they all failed.

He was scolded by Leng Feng.

When the two tribes were stationed and resting at night, a deputy commander of the Leng tribe couldn't bear it anymore and quietly advised Leng Feng that if possible, just kill Elta.

If you don't do it, you'll eat it.

Leng Feng snorted coldly and glanced at the deputy commander with an unpredictable expression. The deputy commander was confused by his expression and Monk Zhang Er was confused.

Leng Feng exhaled and said calmly: "Do you think I don't want to kill Elta? But do you think we can win if we really have to fight them?"

"Lord Commander, my subordinates don't understand that Elta is so careless and doesn't look like he can fight?"

"Haha..." Leng Feng stood up, patted the deputy commander's shoulder gently, and said, "Elta and I grew up together. We killed each other many times, but no one

Having succeeded, let me ask you, where do you think the men I lead rank among the Leng clan?"

The deputy commander stood up straight and said proudly: "I dare not say the number one, but there is absolutely no problem with the top three. We were all led by the commander, and we have this confidence."

"Very good, then I can also tell you that Elta looks carefree, but in fact, we are as strong as him and his advance team."


"Don't be surprised~ You'll understand in a short while."

"Oh~" the deputy commander scratched his head and asked, "Commander, shall we destroy that Bone Clan? And the Echo Canyon, shall we go there or not?"

Leng Feng smiled: "I won't go to the Echo Canyon yet. It is said that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are not many of us, and we are not familiar with the terrain there. I brought you all here. I don't want you to die in the battle.

, so let’s go to their old camp. There are a lot of Bone Clan people there. Well, the Bone Clan human meat tastes pretty good. I brought you out this time because I want you to have a good meal.”

"Ah, Lord Commander, you are so wise!"


In another Tata camp not far from the Leng camp, Erta was staring at a kettle attentively.

White steam came out of the spout, but within five meters of the surrounding area, there was a strong smell of blood.

"Ziziz..." The pot boiled. Erta eagerly took the pot down with a piece of cloth, and then carefully took out a jade cup.

"Sizz..." Erta tilted the spout of the pot, and wine-red liquid flowed out of the pot.

"It's so delicious..." Erta licked her lips and impatiently licked the spout of the pot.

"Hiss, it scalded me to death~~" Erta was scalded by the residual heat from the spout, but he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, but when he looked at the jade cup in his hand, he smiled again.

After letting it dry for a while, Erta picked up the jade cup and was about to drink. At this moment, the deputy leader of the Tata tribe came over.

"Sir..." The deputy commander respectfully saluted Elta, and then his eyes stared directly at the jade cup in Elta's hand, oh no, to be precise, he was staring at the wine in the jade cup.

red liquid.

Elta didn't look at the deputy commander. He just said lightly: "Sit down, go get a cup and pour you some."

This chapter has been completed!
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