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【2577】Phoenix underground master (1)

Back home, Ma Xiaoquan and Uncle Zhao each lived in a house. Uncle Zhao locked himself in the room, turned off the lights, and smoked one cigarette after another.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't sleep either. So many things happened in a short period of time. It would be strange if he could fall asleep.

After a while, Uncle Zhao suddenly whispered: "Xiaohu, are you asleep?"

"You didn't sleep, what's wrong, uncle?"

"I suddenly thought of something..." Uncle Zhao turned on the light in the living room, "Mao Jianhua's nickname seems to be Bald Head."

This was a very crucial clue. Ma Xiaoquan jumped out of bed, walked to the living room, and asked, "Why did my uncle suddenly think of this?"

Uncle Zhao shook his head and said: "This happened a long time ago. At that time, Mao Jianhua and I worked together as police officers. At that time, Mao Jianhua still had hair, unlike now, but he always told me that he

He would inherit his father's look and become bald in the future, so I joked and gave him a hairy bald head, and everyone in the office also called him that."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "Then the question is, why did the man who hanged himself say, 'The bald man asked me to do this' before he died? Could it be that they knew each other before?"

Uncle Zhao narrowed his eyes and recalled carefully. After a long time, he suddenly slapped his head and said: "How could I forget this? That guy, yes, was the man who hanged himself. He knew Mao Jianhua, yes.

I know, this guy Mao Jianhua likes to eat mutton, and it also needs to be fresh. He used to like it when he was a police officer, and he likes it even more after becoming an official. Just before he was transferred from the police station, he once said that he knew a

A butcher, but not the kind of butcher who works in a state-owned slaughterhouse. His technique of slaughtering sheep is very good. Every time he eats mutton, he will pick a sheep and have someone lead it over and let the butcher help kill and cut it up. Yes, yes, yes.

This is it.

What Uncle Zhao remembered instantly clarified a lot of the context of the entire case. If Uncle Zhao's memory was correct, then the man who hanged himself must have been threatened before his death, and...

When the case was being decided, the man hung himself without struggling.

Ma Xiaoquan narrowed his eyes and tapped the table rhythmically with his right hand. After a while, he said: "I think we can make a bolder judgment. For example, before the man hanged himself, he met Mao Jianhua, or Mao Jianhua asked someone to marry him.

He met and they reached something, so the man who hung himself died, but before he died, the man changed his mind, so Mao Jianhua or his men killed the man first and then pretended to hang himself.


Uncle Zhao clapped his hands, nodded and said, "I think your assumption is fine."

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Then the key point of research now should be on the man's family members. For example, who in their family has committed something recently, or who among his family members has suddenly left Phoenix City recently."

Uncle Zhao kept nodding: "After hearing what you said, I was enlightened. I will arrange for someone to conduct a thorough investigation tomorrow."

"Uncle..." Ma Xiaoquan stopped him, "If there is something wrong with the people in the office, let me do it. I can also check it. You can go to work as usual tomorrow and I will check it."

Uncle Zhao followed their agreement and went to the hospital early the next morning to see Zhao Minglan and then hurried to work. Ma Xiaoquan called Luo Meihui over and asked her to investigate the family members of the man who hanged himself.

At noon, Luo Meihui reported that the young son of the man who hanged himself was not in Phoenix City. It seemed that he suddenly said that he was out doing business some time ago.

"Didn't you find out where you were going?" Ma Xiaoquan asked Luo Meihui.

Luo Meihui shook her head: "There is a general direction. They say they are going out to do business, but it doesn't seem to have left Phoenix City. It should be easy to find."

"Look for it immediately and bring it back as soon as possible."

At the same time, Uncle Zhao connected a series of recent cases on the blackboard with strings in the institute.

These cases seem to have nothing to do with each other, but after sorting it out with Ma Xiaoquan last night, Uncle Zhao felt that these cases have one thing in common. They will eventually point to the "Phoenix City Underground Master", although the identity of this underground master is still unclear.

But the basic ideas have been clarified. The next step is to see what Xiaohu (Ma Xiaoquan) does.

Luo Meihui acted quickly. In the evening, she brought a young man to see Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan was surprised at Luo Meihui's efficiency, but the latter smiled and said that the young man had not run far and had been hiding in a rural area on the outskirts of the city.

With a "pop" sound, Luo Meihui threw the young man in front of Ma Xiaofang.

Ma Xiaoquan coughed and asked the young man to raise his head. When the latter raised his head, Ma Xiaoquan smiled.

It seemed that he had been beaten, otherwise he would not have let Luo Meihuiti sneak over so obediently.

"Do you know who I am?" Ma Xiaoquan said with a slap and raised eyebrows.

The young man shook his head, with a look of horror on his face.

"Do you recognize Mao Jianhua?"

When the young man heard this, he nodded subconsciously, and then shook his head quickly.

"You are dishonest, come on, hit me~"

Luo Meihui grunted and raised her hand to hit.

"I said, I said, don't hit me. I said, isn't that okay?"

Ma Xiaoquan raised his chin, and Luo Meihui slowly lowered her raised hand.

The young man swallowed his saliva and said: "It was Mao Jianhua who threatened our family. I was caught by Mao Jianhua's people for stealing meat from the Chengnan Slaughterhouse. They threatened me, no, threatened my father. If my father doesn't

If you do what they say, they will take me to the police station.”

Ma Xiaoquan and Luo Meihui looked at each other. If they stole some meat, they would not go to jail, but they would definitely be jailed for ten and a half months. This Mao Jianhua, he just caught someone who was uneducated and didn't know the law.

"Then what?"

The young man scratched his head: "They, they asked my father to slaughter, slaughter, oh no, kill, kill, yes, that's right, I saw it with my own eyes, there were female dolls and children. My father didn't obey at first, but

They just threatened me, but there was nothing my father could do."

"Then your father is dead, do you know?"

"I know, wuwuwu...it's all my fault. My mother said that my father has been a butcher all his life. He just slaughters sheep for others and doesn't leave any benefit to his own family. He even gives the sheep to the water every time.

.....The other day, Wang Laoer secretly told me that there was a wall between the Chengnan Slaughterhouse and Zhongshan Park, so I thought about stealing some for my mother.

As a result, he was caught.”

The young man's words attracted another Wang Lao Er. Ma Xiaoquan glanced at Luo Meihui, who understood and turned away.

Ma Xiaoquan crossed his legs and asked again: "If I said that your father was strangled to death, would you believe me?"

The young man raised his head, with a mixture of fear and hope in his eyes.

"Actually, I am a special agent from the capital, specifically here to investigate your father's case." Ma Xiaoquan said as he took out a small dark green notebook and waved it in front of the young man for a few times.

This young man is illiterate, so he naturally doesn't know what Ma Xiaoquan is doing.

Ma Xiaoquan explained: "This is my murder certificate. With this certificate, I can kill people anytime and anywhere. If you don't cooperate with me and tell me the truth, I can kill you on the spot right now."

Others may be heard with partial understanding or even understanding, but when it comes to matters involving one's own life, the young man is very knowledgeable. He kowtowed to Ma Xiaoquan several times and said: "Brother, you must seek justice for my father."


Ma Xiaoquan put away the notebook, smashed it and said: "Justice must be sought, but you have to tell me everything you know, and from today on, you can't run around. Mao Jianhua asked you to go to other places, but you didn't run away.

It means you are a filial child, don't worry, I will send someone to watch over your mother."

"Okay, okay, brother, I will say anything, I will say anything."

When Ma Xiaoquan returned home, Uncle Zhao happened to be there, and Aunt Hong was still in bed with her in the hospital today. Uncle Zhao said that Zhao Minglan's condition was much better, and she should be fine with the injection for a few more days.

Ma Xiaoquan told Uncle Zhao what he knew. After listening to the latter, he was surprised by Ma Xiaoquan's investigation speed, but he quickly calmed down and asked: "So, it was someone who told that Wang Laoer, let's

He first incited the deceased's wife to complain about not being able to eat mutton, then incited their son to steal the meat, and finally sat back, grabbed his son, and threatened me?"

"Yes, the key thing is that the boy said that he was forced to kill someone, and after the killing, he dismembered the body."

"Hmm~" Uncle Zhao held his chin and thought for a while and said, "This can be linked, but what I don't understand is that it is unreasonable for Mao Jianhua, a director of the police system, to do such a murderous thing.


Ma Xiaoquan narrowed his eyes and said: "Of course it is unreasonable for Mao Jianhua to kill someone, but if he kills someone for someone, wouldn't it be much more reasonable?"

"You mean...Mao Jianhua is the underground master of Phoenix City?"

"It's very possible~" Ma Xiaoquan thought for a while and said, "To be honest, when I rescued Sister Lan Lan, I killed a little monster, and I was the one who set the fire."

Uncle Zhao nodded, indicating that he had probably guessed it.

Ma Xiaoquan sighed secretly in his heart, and then said: "In the burned-out slaughterhouse, there is a desk. If you remove the flat plate of the desk, you can drill down. There is a space about the size of a basketball court underneath. You can use Hell on Earth inside.

To describe it.”

Uncle Zhao lit a cigarette, took a puff and said, "So, what kind of little monster did you kill there?"


Uncle Zhao pressed the cigarette he had just smoked on the table and said, "So, that little monster you killed is probably related to the underground lord."

At this point, Uncle Zhao narrowed his eyes, raised his head and thought for a moment. Suddenly he slapped his forehead and said, "No wonder Mao Jianhua has become so angry recently. The city bureau sent people to inspect the slaughterhouse, but he stopped him many times.

They said it was all burned down and there is nothing to investigate. It seems that he is also related to the underground master of Phoenix City."

This chapter has been completed!
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