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【2578】Phoenix Underground Lord (2)

Ma Xiaoquan found paper and pen, spread them out on the table, and said: "Uncle, come, let's discuss what to do next..."

Late at night, in a secret room.

"Pa~" Mao Jianhua stumbled and fell to the ground. His face was swollen and one of his teeth was missing.

Enduring the severe pain in his body, Mao Jianhua stood up slowly: "Minister, I...I was wrong..."

In front of him, stood a middle-aged man, with his hands behind his back angrily, and his deep breathing made Mao Jianhua feel suffocated.

"What's the use of being wrong? Do you know how much effort I put into cultivating Zhao Xiang? How many resources did I use?"

Mao Jianhua lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

"Where is the body? Where is my son's body?"

Mao Jianhua swallowed his saliva and said solemnly: "I looked for it, but there was nothing."

"Nothing left? Where are the spikes on the tail?"

"Yeah, I can't find it either."

"Pa~" Another slap hit Mao Jianhua's old face. He took several steps back, his mouth was bitter, and a tooth spit out with blood.

The middle-aged man walked up to Ma Jianhua and suddenly pulled out a dagger with a clang. He put the dagger against Mao Jianhua's neck and said bitterly: "I really want to kill you with one knife!"

Mao Jianhua was so frightened that his legs became weak, but he did not dare to move.

"That's it~" the middle-aged man put away the dagger and sighed, "My thirteen years of hard work have gone to waste, that's all. Anyway, Zhao Xiang was a defective product at the beginning. It's a pity that he almost succeeded. What a pity. What a pity.


At this point, the middle-aged man suddenly clapped his hands, the bookshelf in the room suddenly clicked twice, and the secret door opened.

A girl in her early twenties walked out with a smile. When she saw the middle-aged man, she happily shouted "Dad".

Mao Jianhua's eyes widened. He had never seen this girl before, but it could be seen from her appearance that she was somewhat similar to the dead Zhao Xiang.

"This is my proud work!" The middle-aged man laughed, walked over and hugged the girl warmly. His enthusiasm made Mao Jianhua feel that they were not like father and daughter.

The girl smiled and said: "Dad, I have told you a long time ago that Zhao Xiang is a defective product and will not control his desire to eat. He will cause trouble sooner or later."

"Hey, I'm not willing to accept it as your dad too, but it's fine now. You are the best. From now on, dad will only love you."

"Really? Then can I eat him?" the girl pointed at Mao Jianhua.

"That's not okay. He is daddy's dog. People can't eat dogs~"

"Oh, okay, then I won't eat~"

The middle-aged man kissed the girl on the forehead and said: "My good daughter, although you can't eat them all, you can still take a few bites to taste~"

"Really? That's great, but Dad, you are such a disgusting dog to me."

"Go ahead and try the disgusting ones, and you will appreciate the non-disgusting ones..."

Mao Jianhua sat down on the ground and looked at the girl in horror. The girl walked towards her slowly with a smile, and her eyes turned red.

One week later.

The city bureau sent people to the police station and unilaterally announced that the case of the hanged man had been solved, telling Zhao Shanhe and others not to continue the investigation. In addition, the burning case of the suburban slaughterhouse did not involve human life, and the slaughterhouse had long been abandoned.

, so it was treated as an accident and there was no need to investigate further.

All the police officers in the station stopped investigating after hearing this and clapped their hands to express their happiness, but the director, Zhao Shanhe, was the only one who remained silent.

Ma Xiaoquan did not hear the announcement from the city bureau because he was taking out the trash outside the door, but he heard the cheers inside the office.

Ma Xiaoquan knew that the previous case should have been completely suppressed. He sneered and shook his head. The results deduced by Uncle Zhao before had indeed come true.

After that little monster died, Uncle Zhao ran to the city bureau every day as planned. The purpose was very clear, just to see if Mao Jianhua was there and if anything happened.

Sure enough, I never saw Mao Jianhua.

Colleagues from the municipal bureau said that Director Mao fell while riding his bicycle and injured his arms and legs. Although he did not break any bones, the injuries were serious, so he took a few days off to recuperate at home.

It was a coincidence, but it was enough to prove that Mao Jianhua and the little monster knew each other.

This week, Zhao Minglan was also discharged from the hospital. She was recovering well. However, the doctor said that because the blood hole in her abdomen was deep, it might have damaged the inside. Therefore, Zhao Minglan might not be able to conceive a child in the future.

Aunt Hong knows about this, Uncle Zhao knows about it, but Zhao Minglan doesn't know about it.

Aunt Hong and Uncle Zhao didn't plan to tell Zhao Minglan about this. She was still young and not married yet. She still had a long life ahead of her. What if she got married and could have children?

Back home, Zhao Minglan was drinking malted milk from a large bowl.

Seeing Ma Xiaoquan and Uncle Zhao come back together, Zhao Minglan put down the big bowl and said happily: "Dad, Xiaohu, I think it's very interesting that you two are in the same class."

Zhao Minglan was in a good mood. She was kidnapped and tortured by the little monster, but she didn't say anything. She also didn't mention a word about the fire-bending ability that Ma Xiaoquan displayed that day.

Uncle Zhao smiled and took off his coat: "Your brother is just a temporary worker."

Zhao Minglan said: "Dad, you are the director now. How about running the operations for Xiaohu? How about setting a target so that he can become a policeman like you?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "I don't want to. Being a policeman is so tiring. I go there every day to clean up. When I have nothing to do, I read the newspaper and drink tea. It's so comfortable."

"Why are you so worthless?" Zhao Minglan looked at Ma Xiaoquan with disdain, but felt a little complicated in his heart.

Ma Xiaoquan spread his hands, looking indifferent.

In the evening, Uncle Zhao was going to go on duty. Aunt Hong said that after a week's delay, she had to start thinking about continuing to sell noodles. She thought about going to Lao Yuan's house to discuss the matter. She waited for Uncle Zhao to get off the night shift in the evening and joined Uncle Zhao.


Ma Xiaoquan and Zhao Minglan were the only ones left in the house.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Zhao Minglan stood up slowly, holding his stomach and said: "Thank you for that day~"

Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand: "I have nothing to thank you for. If it were anyone else, I would have saved him."

"No, no, no, I mean, are you really from the future?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and asked, "What do you think?"

"You people in the future are so powerful, you can set fire~"

Ma Xiaoquan laughed again. He did not explain to Zhao Minglan. This was fine, leaving her with a mysterious memory. When she gets old, it might be interesting to think of what she said today.

"That's right~" Zhao Minglan suddenly changed the subject, "When I was kidnapped that day, the little monster mentioned his father many times, saying something like, oh, right, the underground master of Phoenix City, yes, that's the name

, do you think it’s strange?”

Ma Xiaoquan hummed: "I guess that little monster was just talking nonsense."

"No, no, no, he said it many times. He also said that his father has been doing some experiments, eating pregnant women and eating babies that have just been born. By the way, he also said that his father has a list with a lot of them.

"Huang Cuicui?"

"Yuan Lan?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned and looked at Zhao Minglan.

Zhao Minglan waved her hand: "Hey, there are too many people with the same name. I know four people with the name Yuan Lan. The Yuan Lan we know goes to school in Rose City."

Ma Xiaoquan said oh.

"Anyway, there are so many. When the little monster said it, he seemed a little frustrated. He said that those were not left for him, but for his sister."

Damn it~ Ma Xiaoquan cursed in his heart, that little monster was not easy to deal with. If it weren’t for his rich fighting experience and Xiaoshuang, the invincible fire spirit, that battle would not have been easy, especially with the sharp points on the opponent’s tail.

The thorns were actually able to pierce and cut open his steel skin.

The little monster actually has a sister, isn't it more powerful?

Who is this underground master of Phoenix City? What is he doing? What is he going to do? What does he want to do?

In any case, from the initial case of hanging a man to the burning case of a slaughterhouse in the suburbs, etc., behind all of this point to the underground master of Phoenix City.

It seems that before I leave, I really need to find out who this person is.

That night, Ma Xiaoquan had no sleep.

As soon as the sky turned white, Ma Xiaoquan prepared breakfast and waited for Zhao Minglan to get up to eat.

Zhao Minglan got up, her hair disheveled. She was wearing a thin sweatshirt, and her exquisite and convex figure was looming. Ma Xiaoquan turned his head away in embarrassment and waited until she returned to the house after eating before turning back.

Inside the room, Zhao Minglan sighed and murmured: "Am I injured and don't look good?"

Ma Xiaoquan didn't dare to answer. He quickly washed the dishes and chopsticks and ran out of the house.

When I arrived at the police station, I happened to meet Xiaoque.

After not talking to Xiaoque for many days, Ma Xiaoquan took the initiative to say hello to her, but Xiaoque ignored him as if he was hiding from the god of plague.

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head. It doesn't matter, he wasn't familiar with Xiao Que in the first place, and he also knew Xiao Que's identity. Forget it, since she didn't cause any trouble, let's not expose her yet.

Picking up the broom, Ma Xiaoquan whistled and started sweeping.

A policeman asked with a smile: "Hey, Xiaohu, what's wrong? What makes you happy?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "It's okay. The weather is nice today, so I'm in a good mood~"

"Eh? Did you know that the cases of the hanging man were solved~"

Ma Xiaoquan knew about it yesterday, but he never participated, so the police thought he didn't know.

"Oh, that's great, you guys have been working very hard lately~"

"Yes, yes, I can finally have some free time. Isn't my wife a doctor at the city hospital? Yesterday she met Mao Jianhua when she got off work. Director Mao also changed his medicine. Do you think what happened to him?

, the arms and legs were all bitten by something, and several pieces of meat were missing, but fortunately no major blood vessels were injured. I guess it was not a fall while riding a bicycle, but a dog bite."

This chapter has been completed!
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