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Summary of the previous chapter: Liu Cong did not want to surrender to Cao. When Huang Zu was there, the anti-Cao faction could confront Kuai Yue and other factions that surrendered to Cao. At the beginning of the year, Huang Zu died, and the anti-Cao faction also fell...

.However, Liu Cong also has Liu Cong's thoughts, but he needs to have a face-to-face conversation with Ma Xiaoquan before he can finally determine his thoughts...

Although Liu Cong is young, he is the shepherd of Yizhou, and his status is naturally much stronger than that of a marquis like Ma Xiaoquan who has no real power. Of course, Ma Xiaoquan's marquis status was personally conferred by the young emperor. Such a marquis is better than those who were granted the title of shepherd of the state.

The princes are much stronger.

Generally speaking, one is a central official and the other is a local official. Both parties have their own agendas, and flattery is inevitable whenever they meet.

I have lived in this era for almost 20 years. Although Ma Xiaoquan hates such hypocrisy, he must do everything he can to save face.

Liu Cong's appearance is quite handsome, and his figure is not as tall as that of his brother Liu Qi. Perhaps this is the reason why Mrs. Cai dotes on him.

Ma Xiaoquan was talking happily to Liu Cong on one side, and on the other hand, he was guiding Liu Cong.

Liu Cong was really surprised when he saw Ma Xiaoquan for the first time.

First of all, not to mention anything else, Liu Cong was very curious about the long purple hair.

People say that Sun Quan from Jiangdong had purple hair and purple beard. Liu Cong had never met Sun Quan and didn’t know what Sun Quan’s purple hair and purple beard looked like.

Now seeing the immortal Hou Ma Xiaoquan, Liu Cong was extremely excited when he looked at the long purple hair.

"Ahem..." Beside him, Cai Mao winked at Liu Cong, indicating that my lord, you are a bit unsteady.

Liu Cong blushed, coughed twice, and murmured: "I have heard about my Han Immortal Marquis for a long time, and when we meet today, I am indeed different from ordinary people!"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and responded: "Master Zhou Mu is just laughing at me. I am actually just a cultivator. Thanks to the emperor's love, I have been granted the title of Immortal Marquis..."

"Oh?" Liu Cong's eyes lit up, "I heard that another title for the Immortal Marquis is Master Shangxian, and I also heard that you are a thousand years old?"

Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand and said: "A thousand years old is true, haha..."

Next to Ma Xiaoshen, Ling'er pouted slightly and thought: Who are you kidding? My husband is obviously not a thousand years old. He is just not from our generation. This Liu Cong seems to be stupid enough.

, hee hee Liu Cong was overjoyed, grabbed Ma Xiaoquan's hand and said: "Then how about you teach me the immortal method?"

Cai Mao almost fainted after hearing this.

How could this guy still be thinking about magic?

Cai Mao wanted to remind Liu Cong again, but seeing Liu Cong's cheerful look, Cai Mao suddenly felt relieved.

It was Liu Cong's naive mentality that allowed him to hold the power of Jingzhou's army and horses. If Liu Cong had been more careful like his brother Liu Qi, I am afraid that this power of soldiers and horses would not be in his hands.


Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly awkwardly: "Why is Mr. Zhou Mu interested in immortal magic?"

Liu Cong smiled slightly: "We are about to lose our main land, so we should have other plans!"

As soon as Liu Cong finished speaking, Ma Xiaoquan and Cai Hao were stunned.

This Liu Cong doesn't look stupid either.

Ma Xiaoquan patted the back of Liu Cong's hand and said: "Master Zhou Mu, don't worry too much. Xiao Cao is actually not that scary. If Master Zhou Mu doesn't dislike it, we can talk about it in detail after Xiao Cao comes."

Liu Cong sighed and said: "It doesn't matter. I just hope that Duke Cao can treat the people of Jingzhou well. This is what I ask for."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "Of course, listening to Master Zhou Mu's words, Master Zhou Mu must have agreed to surrender to Cao Cao?"

Liu Cong smiled, shook his head and said, "Not entirely!"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled, stretched out his right hand, and made a gesture of invitation: "Master Zhou Mu, let's talk in detail in the inner hall."

Liu Cong nodded.

The two walked to the door of the inner hall. Ma Xiaoquan pushed open the door of the inner hall and led Liu Cong in first.

Cai Hao was about to follow Liu Cong in, but Ma Xiaoquan kicked Cai Hao on the butt and stopped him: "Wait outside!"

Cai Hao rubbed his buttocks and came forward flatteringly: "Master Shangxian, my lord..."

Ma Xiaoquan put his arms around Cai Mao's neck and whispered: "I know what your plan is, so you don't need to listen to what follows. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Just as Cai Mao was about to speak again, he lowered his head and saw that Ma Xiaoquan was moving his right hand, and a thin red flame had already appeared in the palm of his right hand.

"Gulu" Cai Hao swallowed and said quickly: "Don't worry, Lord Shangxian, I won't go in, hehe."

Ma Xiaoquan let go of his hand and rolled his eyes at Cai Mao.

The door of the inner hall was closed with a bang, and there were only two people in the hall, Ma Xiaoquan and Liu Cong.

No one knew what the two talked about in the inner hall, and no one dared to go in and disturb them.

More than an hour later, Liu Cong and Ma Xiaoquan came out one after another.

Cai Mao was very curious when he saw Liu Cong's happy face. He stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "My lord, what did you and Lord Shangxian talk about?"

Liu Cong was a little embarrassed, tell him, there are some things in the inner hall that cannot be told to Cai Hao, so don't tell him, what should he do if he goes back and asks desperately?

When Liu Cong was hesitating, Ma Xiaoquan said from behind him: "Cai Mao, there are some things where knowing too much would be bad for you!"

A chill ran down Cai Mao's back. He quickly waved his hand and said, "Hey, hey, I'm just asking, hey."

Ma Xiaoquan patted Liu Cong on the shoulder: "Xiao Cong, you must remember the passwords I taught you. Practice more when you go back. Practice makes perfect."

Liu Cong was stunned for a moment, then nodded solemnly, with admiration in his eyes and said: "Yes!"


Liu Cong's voice almost frightened all the people related to Liu Cong present.

He was quite arrogant more than an hour ago, but he seemed to be a changed person after he came out of the inner hall. This Immortal Marquis must be so amazing.

With everyone's curiosity and Liu Cong's admiration in their eyes, Ma Xiaoquan left proudly.

Returning to the bedroom, Ma Xiaoquan's expression suddenly became serious.

Ling'er and Murong Ziyan didn't dare to come forward to ask. They looked at each other and quietly closed the door.

"Yeah" Ma Xiaoquan frowned and took a long breath.

The conversation with Liu Cong in the inner hall just now was not as smooth as everyone saw.

This kid Liu Cong looks harmless to humans and animals, but in fact he has a lot of troubles in his heart.

Liu Cong put forward five conditions: 1. If Cao Cao comes, he will still be the state pastor; 2. After surrendering to Cao Cao, he wants to control the military power by himself; 3. Kill Cai Mao and Zhang Yun; 4. Give him ten beauties; 5.

, kill Liu Qi and Liu Bei.

Among these five items, the fourth one is easier to do. For the other conditions, let alone Ma Xiaoquan, even if the person involved, Cao Cao, comes, it will never be possible for him to agree to them all.

Liu Cong knew that Ma Xiaoquan, as a lobbyist, would not promise easily, so Liu Cong added another item: Cao Cao must first show sincerity, that is, meet three of these five items, before he agrees to surrender.

"Hmph." Ma Xiaoquan snorted coldly and said to himself, "It seems that Liu Cong is somewhat different from the historical evaluation."

In his left eye, Yuan suddenly said: "Huntan Ma Xiaoquan, these five conditions are actually not difficult to meet, it just depends on how you understand it."

Ma Xiaoquan responded angrily: "Then tell me, how can you be satisfied?"

Yuan Dao: "Liu Cong said that he would be the state pastor, but he didn't say which state he would be the state pastor of. Do you think this is satisfactory?"

Ma Xiaoquan slapped his head and nodded happily: "Yes, historically, after Liu Cong surrendered to Cao Cao, Cao Cao made him the governor of Qingzhou. This governor can also be regarded as the governor of the state. Okay, okay, not bad, how can I give this to


Yuan added: "Besides, Qingzhou is not a good place. If you ask Cao Cao to put Liu Cong in Qingzhou as an official, he will agree."

"What about the issue of military power?" Ma Xiaoquan asked again.

"Military power? Haha, Liu Cong is still a bit too young. Giving him 10 soldiers is considered military power, and giving him 10 troops is also military power... Let me put it this way, do you understand?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and praised: "Yuan, don't tell me, you are really insidious for this non-human guy."

"You're not human!" Yuan replied angrily to Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and said: "According to your opinion, the conditions for killing Cai Mao, Zhang Yun, Liu Qi and Liu Bei can also be prevaricated?"

Yuan hummed: "That's right, but you have to remember that matters involving Cai Mao, Zhang Yun, and Liu Qi and Liu Bei must be carried out according to history."

"In this case, Cai Hao and Zhang Yun will not live long. Liu Qi and Liu Bei, well, just don't care."

Yuandao: "Ma Xiaoquan, are you enlightened? Come on, let me see what your IQ is now? Oh, it's 92, not bad, it's 2 more than the previous 90."

Ma Xiaoquan cursed Yuan angrily in his heart: "You are only 2!"


After figuring out Liu Cong's conditions, Ma Xiaoquan left the bedroom.

Liu Cong hasn't left yet. At this time, he is proudly waiting for Ma Xiaoquan's reply.

Seeing Ma Xiao walking towards him with a solemn expression, Liu Cong felt very proud.

Ma Xiaoquan stepped forward, raised his hand to Liu Cong and said: "Master Zhou Mu, I agree to your conditions, but I don't dare to belittle myself as much as I can accomplish. Of course, I will try my best to satisfy you. You

What do you think?"

When Liu Cong heard this, he said displeasedly: "If you can't do it, forget it, you can figure it out yourself!"

After saying that, Liu Cong stood up, waved his sleeves and left.

Seeing his lord get up and leave, Cai Hao didn't know what to say.

When he came out of the inner hall just now, Liu Cong was still in high spirits. While waiting, he didn't see anything wrong. How come Master Shangxian came out and said a word, and the master walked away?

This chapter has been completed!
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