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Chapter 73 The comedy effect is like this

Protector Shi was wrapped in a layer of dust-proof cloth, with the toes of his left foot lightly touching the ground. He was like a small drone, gliding in the dark streets for a long time.

He no longer used the displacement injector. This body was too small. Not only was there no space to accommodate the reactor, there was not even enough space to accommodate the propellant.

Besides, the propellant is too eye-catching.

Protector Stone fell into deep thought. The so-called stalker of the Six Dragons Cult was really too powerful.

Not to mention internal strength, using personality profiling to accurately identify a specific cultural group, even if it is to specialize people, he has only seen this state in the internal textbook written by Tiexin Dharma King. This is not the mainstream of the development of internal strength.

, "Turing" and "Agni", the two great masters in the world, do not necessarily possess such skills.

The most terrifying thing is that the stalker is not necessarily a warrior who specializes in internal strength against people. The stalker's firewall is also extremely terrifying. All the spells he masters have no effect on the stalker's firewall. He uses

He tried thousands of ways to interfere with the stalker, but to no avail. Instead, his firewall alerted three times.

As for external skills, it is a unique trick to crack the protector by adapting to the situation. From the perspective of the stone protector, this is simply a myth.

These two abilities were actually concentrated in one person. He even vaguely doubted that the hunter was the God of War. Otherwise, how could ordinary people have such abilities?

For the Stalker, the only thing holding him back is the "prosthetic body". The Stalker's prosthetic body is much weaker than him. In the process of fighting with each other with strength and kicks just now, the Stalker

He had the upper hand in terms of moves, and at the same time, his stance and the position of the prosthetic body in space were always in his favor. However, when the two were working hard at the same time, his joints and those of the stalker broke down at the same time.

If the quality of the prosthetic bodies of both parties is similar, the joints of Stone Guardian's prosthetic limb will malfunction first. At that point, the other party can stop the attack in time. In this way, the stalker only needs to repair it afterwards, and the prosthetic limb will not be damaged on the spot.

Once the stalker changes into his real prosthetic body...

Protector Shi told himself that he must not be anxious now. Only by getting his prosthetic body back would he have a chance of survival.

And if he wanted to get his prosthetic body, he had to go to the center of the city.

His prosthetic body is stored in the core of the city.


[The next thing that needs to be competed is...the prosthetic body.] Tu Xiangshan's hallucination said to Jeanne.

Jeanne held her head with both hands: "Prosthetic body? That's not the end of the world. We don't have it at all...we can't come up with a first-level prosthetic body!"

Zhu Xiangshan sighed slightly: [That is indeed the case, but the person on the other side doesn’t know. 】


[In his eyes, our external skills are absolutely dominant over him. Our internal skills are also very scary. We can identify the Six Dragons Sect through personality profiling, and he has not been able to break through our firewall.] Zhu Xiangshan spread his hands and said, [Generally speaking,

, warriors like us must be awesome, no matter what, we will not be without a first-level heavenly prosthetic body.】

"External strength...external strength is a super-level performance! We don't have that level all the time. Let's not talk about personality profiling, firewall...firewall, you also know what's going on!"

As Jeanne said, this is a huge misunderstanding.

Zhu Xiangshan is not always able to control Jeanne's neural network to perform at the Wu Zu level.

Jeanne's original neural network is a burden in this level of confrontation.

In addition to the level of internal strength, personality profiling also relies heavily on Xiang Shanlai's experience gained from fighting with all kinds of "people" in the old days. This is difficult for others to copy.

As for the firewall...it was written by King Agni himself, and Zhu Xiangshan spent a long time slowly patching it to block the back door. Wu Zu Xiangshan and Hartman have been mortal enemies who have been fighting for decades, and they are very different about each other's personal styles.

I have a certain understanding. However, in order to play a greater role in the special version of the Martial Ancestor Memory for Education Rangers, this aspect of the content has not been completely deleted.

The "curses" that the protectors of the Six Dragons Sect can master are basically the second sequence of curses that have been eliminated by King Agni. The first sequence of curses, Tiexin Dharma King will never dare to reveal. These curses are basically

After being used multiple times, there are multiple records of spells that failed to kill the target. Patches for these spells have appeared on a small scale, but they have not yet become popular.

For most cyber warriors, these curses are still terrifying. The secret curses of many sects are not even as powerful as these eliminated works of King Agni.

But, oh, but, King Agni's eliminated works did not do anything to King Agni's own subordinates.

Jeanne and Xiangshan put a lot of effort into continuing to use this set of King Agni's works. When they were on Earth, they installed tumors on the scum of the martial arts hall who bullied the homeless several times. Xiangshan's patched Agni

Niwang Firewall, let’s see if this firewall will attract terrible enemies after being patched.

Even if Jeanne's firewall has not been updated for more than ten years, it will not be threatened by the moon's elimination spell.

When this point fell into the eyes of Protector Stone, Jeanna's whole person seemed to be unfathomable.

[So, the good news is that after he gets back the first-level prosthetic body, he may not dare to come here. But on the other hand, the next time you meet him, if he sees that you don’t have the first-level prosthetic body, he will want to pull you.

Die together.] Zu Xiangshandao, [What a religious lunatic... The Six Dragons Sect is a hellish religion whose teachings are so secretive. How can there be such devout believers? 】

Through his fists and kicks, Zuo Xiangshan had already glimpsed Protector Shi's choice preferences, and also "seen" Protector Shi's personality. He had no doubt that if he faced Jeanna next time, Jeanna would not have a first-level prosthetic body.

, he dared to send Jeanna to the West in the most violent way.

Jeanne was a little unwilling: "In other words, we are safe, but we must not appear in front of them? Because we don't have a prosthetic body?"

The combination of Jeanne and Zuo Xiangshan is very unstable. The upper limit is horribly high, almost like a god of war, but the lower limit is also horribly low, to the point where they can't even take care of themselves.

Most of the time, Jeanne was unable to exert the full power of the first-level sky cyborg.

Moreover, their journey has been bumpy, and they really have no room to save a prosthetic body - after all, Jeanna is seriously ill, and if they don't find a cure, they don't know if they will see the day when they can save a prosthetic body.

Zhu Xiangshan shrugged: [It’s not completely impossible.]

This chapter has been completed!
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