Turn off the lights
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Chapter 105: Light up every dark place

The moment Xiangshan's figure was illuminated by the fire, the searchlights on the ground and other high-rise buildings also concentrated. For an instant, the scenery on the platform was as bright as day.

Countless weapons were aimed at him.

It also includes a number of anti-material weapons. Judging from the density of the protector troops in this area and the number of long-range snipers, this knight who dares to show his face may become a pair of iron filings in the next second.

"Aimed!" the auxiliary officer roared, "fire for me!"


Nothing happened.

At this moment... no, it should have been a few seconds ago that a higher authority directly deprived the entire unit of firing authority.

The virtual image of Paladin Assyria appeared in front of many officers.

"Are you crazy?" he roared: "You actually used short-range missiles and anti-material weapons to attack my Knights' station? That's near the load-bearing frame! That floor is also the core experimental area!"

The load-bearing frame of the super building can evenly distribute the weight of the entire building and spread it as thinly as possible to every inch of material, preventing any single part from bearing excessive pressure.

But if there is a problem with this overall structure, then the "force dispersion" link may not proceed. The huge gravity will eventually concentrate on a small area, which will cause material damage. Then, there will be a chain effect.

Even if the sniper attack by these armed forces avoids the load-bearing frame, it may damage the intelligent equipment in the experimental area, precious data and even the experimental bodies that provide the data.

This is something your Lord Paladin cannot tolerate.

"But..." the adjutant argued, "Your Excellency Bengel is still here."

"But you must not use weapons larger than 20mm, and you are not allowed to use high-explosive ammunition. Laser weapons, EMP, and metal aerosols are all prohibited!" Paladin Assyria said: "You cannot damage things in the core experimental area!"

He knew that knights rarely targeted these things for targeted eradication.

Wu Zu and other founders of Jianghu are also scientific research knights. Most knights are not opposed to technological development. Some knights will even publish their papers on the blockchain. [But limited by experimental conditions, knights can only conduct

Purely theoretical or purely applied research]

That knight will only take the lives of some people.

"Kinetic energy bullets with a caliber of less than 20mm?" The adjutant felt like he was going crazy: "Are you crazy? That knight easily forced Lord Bengel into a desperate situation. His martial arts is definitely not low. We are 740 miles away from that person.

The tenth-floor platform has a straight-line distance of more than 2,500 meters. At this distance, the knight can even slowly split bullets with his sword!"

It is true that the ultimate sniper distance of modern weapons is much greater than in the past, but people's dodge ability has also been greatly enhanced.

The distance of about three thousand meters is one of the most disadvantageous distances for bullets to a warrior.

"Then it's time for him to devote himself to the truth."

Ashur, the leader of the Mana Knights, decided the fate of the deputy commander of the Jayhawk City resident with such a sentence.

The adjutant did not argue anymore. The reason why he wanted to save Bengel was just his duty. Since the Assyrian leader was willing to take on this responsibility for the sake of truth, he naturally did not need to do more.

Remember, if you do too much, you will make many mistakes.

"Bengel, it's time for you to devote yourself to the truth."

Finally, Bengel received such a communication.

Bengel was speechless.

By this time, the first wave of bullets had arrived.

However, the guy walked forward steadily, using his sheathed long sword to dance a sword flower, and pushed away a few bullets that could not be avoided.

He walked steadily like this.

Bengel knew that there is a special category of martial arts called "stage martial arts".

Although for most laymen, any martial art that is not designed for the purpose of "beating people" is not called martial arts, but such martial arts do exist in the world.

Stage martial arts also includes many subdivided categories. For example, "stage swordsmanship" that accompanies operas, or "martial arts" that performs martial arts in operas, or even "action design" in kung fu movies.

It is a type of stage martial arts.

Of course, this does not mean that stage martial arts has no practical significance at all. In fact, stage martial arts can be regarded as a "relict species" of martial arts.

Since there is no need to consider "actual combat effects", all the ancient routines that have been eliminated in the martial arts world can be found in stage martial arts.

In Europe and Japan, "stage swordsmanship" is a variation of "classical swordsmanship" and "ancestral swordsmanship".

The sword skills of the Peking Opera martial arts are also the "standard routine" from the "Knife Dance", one of the "Skills and Courage" items in the martial arts competitions of the Later Jin Dynasty.

Practitioners of stage martial arts will trace the "history" of each move and style very meticulously, and add many "expressive" special movements on the basis of "standards".

For example, throwing and catching movements that emphasize the presence of weapons, large turns and twists, obvious swords and guns, higher density of long-path slashes, and deliberate pauses in "key frames" allow the audience to better appreciate the action.

The "rhythm".

In the era of natural people, the physical fitness of stage martial arts practitioners is not much worse than that of practitioners of fighting martial arts. [Of course, exaggerated movements are objectively more likely to cause sports injuries] However, stage martial arts is indeed almost

It is impossible to defeat a fighter head-on.

There is no need to consider the displacement of footwork when performing martial arts, no need to consider "confrontation routines", and completely abandon anti-hit training...

And what these get in exchange is the ultimate "expression".

This kind of power can firmly capture everyone's attention in an instant.

Able to turn "actions" into efficient language, shape characters' images, and convey characters' emotions.

Assassination does not require stage martial arts, but "the knight's assassination" requires the embellishment of stage martial arts.

Therefore, "The Assassination of Chivalrous People" is a war against tyranny, and it is also a propaganda war.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In a place where everyone is watching, in a way that is so dazzling that it will be passed down, kill the heinous person.

In this way, your ideas will be spread among the people along with these legendary stories.

However, "using stage martial arts to kill people" is like increasing the difficulty of assassination out of thin air. This would conflict with the creed of "cherishing life". Therefore, it is rare for knights to execute their opponents with stage martial arts.

But every time it happens, it will be circulated for a long time. That gorgeous video will inevitably become a source of unrest on the Internet that is difficult to eradicate.

The most famous example in the old days was the chemical industry tycoon Youssef Sawiris who was killed with a Daguan sword by Wu Zu on the Burj Khalifa while singing "One Sword Society".

"Hahahahaha... Becoming a footnote in a legend... Is this what I will end up with?"

Bengel struggled to stand up: "Come on! Come and kill me! I am a glorious scientific research knight! For the sake of truth, I am fearless!"

At this time, the music just entered an instrumental performance before the climax of "The Way of Justice". Xiang Shan stopped singing and turned to Bengel.

Bengel was sure that he had been hacked by the Witness Technique. Almost at the same time, a new live broadcast page appeared.

The source of the picture is his prosthetic eye.

Xiangshan kept one hand behind his back, holding the middle part of the scabbard with the other, holding the long sword straight. He only occasionally danced a sword flower with the long sword with the sheath to push away bullets - and this did not even affect the overall "performance"

The visual effect seems to be how it should be in the choreography. There should be a sword flower dancing here.

He said: "My intention to kill you has nothing to do with the truth. Whether you are afraid or not has nothing to do with the truth."

"The reason why human beings develop technology is because people have needs, and technology can help people live a better life. Human beings are close to the truth, on the one hand, because the truth can be used by humans in the form of technology, and on the other hand, it is also because of the 'truth'

It can give mankind unparalleled spiritual comfort - in the final analysis, everything is for people, everything depends on people. People are the source of all reasons, and human well-being is the purpose of all actions."

"So, we will oppose all mandatory sacrifices. We are opposed to inducing others to sacrifice. We are opposed to concealing any possible negative results from volunteers, or deliberately telling them in a form that they cannot understand - because they are also human beings. If

Seeking people's well-being by trampling on them is a huge mistake. The conflict between means and ends will only make us farther and farther away from the goal."

"Everything is for people."

Xiangshan pointed the sheathed sword at Bengel.

At this moment, a powerful internal force suddenly surged out, sweeping away all obstacles.

Since no one was defending this area, Xiang Shan succeeded in an instant.

All the searchlight tubes left the platform and moved above the building.

"For the sake of those who were sacrificed by you, I will kill you here."

Bengel screamed: "Is this just my fault? I'm not even the leader of the experiment! My boss..."

"Your leader, Paladin Ashur Ray Guderian, has already reserved a seat. I have memorized his name, and the death knell will toll for him." Xiangshan raised his sword: "Then, die."

Bengel screamed and threw his fists and kicks together, making a final resistance. But Xiangshan had broken his spirit, and his thoughts could no longer control the algorithm.

With just one move, Xiangshan, who had the advantage of length, used his sword to push Bengel up high.

At this moment, the interlude ends.

"The light of righteousness..."

Roaring towards the mountain, he raised the phonon sword in its scabbard. Bengel, who was already at the edge of the platform, was about to grab the edge of the platform, but he could only watch helplessly as the sword came down.

At the same time, the light of countless searchlights converged on the wall of the building directly below the platform, converging into a bright "road".

"It shines on the earth..."

Bengel danced and fell downwards. Xiangshan lowered his sword, pointed to the sky, and sang loudly: "Light up every dark place!"

At this moment, it's not just soldiers.

In the city, countless people either adjusted their prosthetic eyes or used their collected lenses to watch the deputy leader of the Knights fall in the light.

"Fire! Fire!" the adjutant roared. This is just a provocation! It's just a provocation!

However, Xiangshan moved his body sideways and jumped over the high platform.

His feet stepped under the wall of the building, and with just one step, he surpassed the sound barrier.

"Openness is light..."

In mid-air, Xiang Shan leveraged his strength on the wall of the building and spun around to pull out the phonon knife from its sheath.

"Like a man's chest..."

He accelerated towards the mountain twice. At this moment, he caught up with Bengel who was in free fall.

The phonon knife separated Bengel's torso easily like a hot iron knife cutting through lard.

"Infinite power - so strong!"

At this moment, Xiangshan jumped out of the end of the "long road" of lights and fell into darkness.

Countless weapons fired simultaneously.

The last thing people saw was a ball of fire falling in the darkness.

This chapter has been completed!
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