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Chapter 111 Data Deletion

Dai Jiutai pushed the door open and saw a prosthetic man who was firmly pinned to the ground by a guard warrior.

He couldn't help but ask: "What are you doing?"

"Sir, I am just controlling this poor guy to prevent him from doing anything rude." The warrior skillfully restrained the prosthetic man's limbs and pressed his neck hard at the same time.

Fortunately, the prosthetic who has a full transformation rate basically does not need to worry too much about breathing problems. The prosthetic Jian Dai Jiutai'a came out and said: "Your Excellency, it's me..."

"Oh, I remember this voice. Are you Mr. Ming Jing? Are you not dead yet?" Dai Jiutai nodded. There is indeed such a number one person. He was originally Yapingning Zhao's secretary, and then Yapingning Zhao came over.

The Knights of Mana sought refuge, and this guy was temporarily sent to Bengel to help with the work.

But now, both Apennine and Bengel are dead. But such a person is still alive.

Dai Jiutai squatted down and said, "It was so chaotic last night. I thought you were also in trouble."

"Well... I actually escaped in advance." Ming Jing said: "When the young master's biological brain was destroyed, my mind went blank, and then I ran away... I heard that Mr. Bengel was also killed... I'm really okay with you.

Very good."

When he said this, his tone was quite ashamed.

——Then you are really lucky.

Dai Jiutai added in his heart.

If the conversation between the personality mask of the "Six Dragon Cult Envoy" and "that knight" is heard, then his personality mask will definitely try every means to kill this person.

"It's good that you didn't die. Congratulations." Dai Jiutai nodded, then looked at the warrior who suppressed Ming Jing: "Why do you treat him like this? I know this man, he is a benevolent person in the escort force, and he is our loyal comrade-in-arms.


The warrior said in a very disapproving tone: "He tried to apply for unreasonable demands from the head of the regiment and the chief, and refused to listen to dissuasion. It is my duty to protect the venue."

Dai Jiutai looked into the conference room and made sure that Assyria and Amilcarei had left, and then said: "Now that the conversation inside is over, please let him go."

The warrior nodded reluctantly, let go of his hand, and said at the same time: "Your Excellency, you have to believe me, this kind of person is essentially a scoundrel. He just suddenly lost his future and wanted to use unreasonable means.

Make up for it in a different way. This kind of person..."

Dai Jiutai shook his head and stopped the guard from continuing. He asked: "What do you want to do?"

"The young master's biological brain is damaged. However, he is cooperating with the Mana Knights in the personality masking experimental project. Here are his memory backups!" Ming Jing said: "Just extract these memory backups and overwrite them with the blank clone

The reaction of pasting, trimming, and splicing different pseudo-personality coverings on the biological brain at the same time will surely restore the personality of Apenning Zhao..."

Dai Jiutai sighed: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Der Spiegel wanted to say something, but the synthesizer only emitted meaningless white noise.

Dai Jiutai shook his head: "I am indeed touched by your loyalty. But it is meaningless."

"The young master can still live as a human being. Examples of fake personality coverings turning into true personality coverings do not exist..."

"Yes, you have to think clearly, where do all the existing successful examples come from?" Dai Jiutai'a asked.


Ming Jing is actually clear. His young master cannot be compared with "legends" in any case. Although he is a protector, noble and powerful, he cannot become a member of "myths".

"Moreover, even if you really do it, it is meaningless." Dai Jiutai explained patiently: "If there is a cloned blank brain, it directly loads all my memories, and it is not related to me.

He has completely consistent judgments and views on most issues - legally speaking, he is also a completely independent individual and will not be regarded as 'me'. He cannot get involved in my private property or inherit my property.

status. And if he wants to gain my social connections, then he has to rely on 'deception'."

"Your young master died clearly in the records. He can't deceive anyone. Therefore, even if you succeed, he can only live as a 'commoner with the memory of a patron.'"

"But... but..." Ming Jing was a little incoherent: "They plan to delete the data of the young master's fake personality mask!"

"Oh." Dai Jiutai nodded, but he was not surprised: "It's a normal approach. I remember that you are Master Apenning's secretary? When you participated in the experimental project, the scientific research knight should have read the relevant terms to you.

Right? Even if Master Apenning doesn’t want to see it, as the secretary, you should still have the duty to take a look."

The secretary nodded: "I have indeed seen it..."

"Then you should know that there is actually a clause here to protect volunteers - that is, 'Fake personality mask codes cannot be used without the authorization of the information source consciousness.' According to this clause, after the death of Young Master Apenning,

All experiments would have to stop because the relevant authorization would never be obtained."

Apennine's false personality mask will be deleted, leaving only the experimental record data that has statistical significance.

This is a normal process.

"I know. But generally no one will follow this seriously, right?" The secretary said: "The things on the hard drive are indeed the young master's! The same thinking, the same judgment..."

"Yes. But those who can make the same judgment are not necessarily 'people'." Dai Jiutai shrugged: "It's a pity that the current mainstream thinking cannot empower the 'fake personality mask'.

Otherwise, we will have to treat the vast majority of smart devices that can run the lowest version of personality as 'individuals with human rights.'"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This is actually an ethical issue. The Scientific Research Knights are not too concerned about this thing, but the Jianghu side pays great attention to it.

Knights in the arena often hold public debates in anonymous communities, debating whether "fake personality masks" should be empowered.

The standard for "fake personality covering" is very simple. As long as an intelligent program can disguise itself as a specific individual and make everyone familiar with this individual unable to see the flaw, it can be this person's "fake personality"


"Fake personality covering" is essentially a very broad concept. Its definition standards are similar to those of the "Turing test", both of which have fuzzy boundaries.

The original pseudopersonality mask specifically refers to "human thinking calculated by computers simulating neural signals."

But with the evolution of this concept, even "chat AI with a huge database" has been classified as "fake personality overlay".

It is said that this concept originally came from a small fringe project in the old era and was the work of a big boss. But two hundred years ago, it was accompanied by a certain historical event and stirred up the entire world.

Since then, the debate on "whether natural persons' rights should be given to false personality masks" has been an eternal topic in the world.

However, this fact did surprise many people.

The "self" that human beings are proud of is actually not that great.

In other words, "self-awareness" is essentially a chat software that is used to control language and improve the flow of information within a group. It is not much different from chat AI.

Therefore, if we really want to grant the rights of natural persons covered by false personalities, then by extension, "a considerable number of modern smart devices should be granted the rights of natural persons."

After all, "a computer that has not awakened itself" may just "have not yet installed advanced chat AI."

This is ridiculous.

Although this sounds a bit scary, the reality is this - now, the category of "natural person's rights" is focused on the "biological brain" rather than "self-awareness".

"Biological brain" and "self-awareness" are both "necessary but not sufficient conditions" for obtaining the rights of natural persons.

A pseudo-personality mask that only has self-awareness but no biological brain does not have the rights of a natural person. And a cloned blank biological brain cannot be regarded as a human being because it has no consciousness.

The Scientific Research Knights agree with this.

This is a very magical thing. The Scientific Research Knights and the Jianghu people are actually a whole at the academic level.

When Jianghu people are exploring pure theory or pure engineering applications, they often cite the achievements of scientific research knights. Some people will also list the names of scientific research knights with a mocking tone in the "acknowledgments" section.

Research knights will occasionally use the results published by Jianghu people - of course, at this time, they usually say things like "based on a piece of information from the Internet" and "there is a thought on the Internet."

Research knights don’t feel this is an infringement, because knights often publish results without signing their names.

The knights didn't think there was anything wrong with this. When they had academic exchanges with the research knights, they usually maintained a process of "fight in, grab papers, fight out".

It is precisely because of this that the discussion on the "ethics of pseudo-personality masks" in the world has also affected the members of the Scientific Research Knights.

In the eyes of everyone, Apenning Zhao’s fake personality mask data is not considered a human being.


"Don't stop it, poor friend." Dai Jiutai sighed: "This thing is not as ritualistic as you think. It's just deleting a few files. It may be just a thought or an instruction.

That's right. A person with a very sense of ritual can only get you a keyboard and tap the keys at most - this process can even be completed by a knight's apprentice."

"So by the time you came here to redress your grievance, the data you wanted to protect has probably been deleted."

This chapter has been completed!
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