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Chapter Six: Earth-Drilling Dragon

"It's also possible that you were caught, but I escaped. In this case, if you didn't know this information, wouldn't that friend be safe?" The Solo Killer King said this information in a logical manner.

His attitude was so natural that even though Yuki felt something was a little inappropriate, he still nodded and said: "That makes sense..."

Then, his vision went dark, and he felt like the world was upside down.

The boy immediately tensed up: "Who?" He then saw clearly that the Solo Killer King was also thrown beside him.

Youki was shocked: "Really caught? When we were very close to our destination..."

Matsushima Hiroshi held his forehead: "One dares to teach, the other dares to believe... I said you are a knight after all. Is it appropriate to teach children this kind of thing?"

Jardel got up from the ground and said: "Brother, you don't understand. You have never been in the Jianghu. The rules of the Jianghu are like this. When necessary, the weaker knight fights for the stronger knight's life, or a small amount of

Elites fight for the survival of many people, and there is a possibility of sacrifice - by the way, how do you know about us?"

"There is a wired monitor buried at the door, the most primitive kind." Matsushima Hiro said.

Yuki turned to stare at the single-killer king.

Jardel was a little embarrassed: "This, this is... after all..."

"When you live in the city, you have to be extra careful, so my monitors are more concealed than the government's - after all, the government's monitoring system doesn't really need to be concealed. It's just there in an upright and honest manner."

Of course, because Matsushima Hiro's monitors were too primitive, there was a lot of noise. It was only his years of training that allowed him to skillfully filter out effective information from the noise.

When Jardel was at the door, he heard what the other party said.

Before Jardel knocked on the door, he took action and pulled the two people in. Because his movements were too fast, Youki did not react and only felt that the environment around him suddenly changed.

"What happened?" Yuki looked around, then moved his joints: "According to this pain... I was just pulled into the house? This old gentleman, are you also a warrior?"

"Well, he's not just a warrior, he's also a very powerful one." Xiang Shan's voice came from inside the room.

Yuki was surprised: "Master, you are actually here too?"

"What does 'actually' mean... I should have been here." Xiang Shan sighed: "It's you. I said before that in this kind of environment, it's okay for you to turn around and leave, right?"

Youki ran into the living room and found Xiang Shan occupying a corner of the living room, recharging his batteries.

Jardel scratched his head: "Brother, you are in this place, aren't you afraid of being raided?"

"I am a completely prosthetic person with a max transformation rate." Xiang Shan said: "Such a big sandstorm makes it almost impossible to receive solar energy at low places. Which completely prosthetic person would go out and wander around at this time? I'm not afraid.

The prosthetic body has no power and is just abandoned on the roadside?"

Only then did Jardel remember. His impression that "the city is particularly energetic during sandstorms" was indeed left behind during his apprenticeship in a martial arts school where the transformation rate was low. After the transformation rate increased, he and Song

Together with Shima Hiro, we practice martial arts in the martial arts gym and prepare for the sports games, but don't go out much.

The higher the degree of prostheticization, the lower the demand for food, but the greater the demand for electrical energy. A fully prosthetic baseline human only needs two large solar panels to survive for a long time, and one

The amount of food consumed in a month is not as much as that consumed by a person without transformation in one meal.

However, large-capacity batteries require certain craftsmanship. It is much easier to stock up on food than to obtain super-large-capacity batteries.

Therefore, when encountering a sandstorm, a fully prosthetic person will either find a place with electricity to stay, or turn off most of the prosthetic body and sleep.

The reason why gangs are active during this period is purely because they have much more battery reserves than ordinary people. If they are concentrated and used by a few warriors, they can naturally support a certain intensity of combat.

Xiangshan's battery was taken from Green Forest. Although the capacity is larger than ordinary ones, it cannot continue fighting without charging.

Since this sandstorm had no idea when it would stop, he simply went to Matsushima Hiro.

Many people who have completely transformed into prosthetics will also choose to find someone to take care of them at this time. This is not particularly conspicuous.

"That's right." Jardel said, "Originally, I came to ask my senior brother where you are. This is just right." He also came over and found a plug familiarly: "I also have to recharge my batteries."

Yuki stared at the plug, thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, will the government come to your door because of excessive power consumption?"

"That's not the case." Xiang Shan shook his head: "The amount of electricity used by a person fluctuates. For example, the old master's house has a large computer. It is a big consumer of electricity. If he turns on

With the simulation function, if you fight against warriors in virtual reality, the power will be consumed very quickly. In comparison, my charging rate is still very stable."

Matsushima Hiro nodded, but his face didn't look very good: "I have adjusted most of my home appliances to energy-saving mode."

Xiangshan greeted: "Boy, you should also find a place to recharge your batteries."

"Oh." Yuki nodded.

Xiang Shan looked at the Single Killer King again: "By the way, brother, I remember that your Red Stone Sect is in the North Pole?"


"Then you have a way to get uranium ore, right? Or do you extract deuterium and tritium from seawater for use?"

Xiangshan only realized this after the sandstorm broke out.

After the sandstorm, there were several days when the solar panels could not be used to replenish energy, and Xia Ke couldn't bear it anymore.

However, there is polar night in the North and South Poles for half the year. Even in the polar day, the light is not very good for a lot of time.

In other words, most of the sects that can establish a sect in the Arctic have ways to replenish energy by other means.

The possibility of submarine volcanic thermal energy and tidal energy is not impossible, but those energy sources are not as convenient as reactors.

These guys probably know how to get radioactive minerals.

With radioactive minerals, the situation can be opened up immediately.

Whether this thing is used as a reactor, a radioisotope battery, or a nuclear weapon, it is excellent.

Coincidentally, David Klein had done the first two. Xiangshan had a complete set of information in his mind.

The technology of nuclear bombs is even simpler.

But having said that, it is not easy to obtain radioactive minerals.

Xiangshan does know that at the beginning of the 21st century, the reserves of many radioactive minerals on the earth have been almost discovered. Everyone knows which area can be dug out.

In this case, it is impossible for the patrons not to occupy the place. The place must be heavily guarded.

The transportation of radioactive minerals is also a huge problem.

Let’s take uranium ore as an example. The content of uranium in the uranium ore chamber is actually very low. Ore with a uranium content between 0.05% and 0.2% is already the most commonly used mineral in industrial purification.

From one kilogram of uranium ore, only half a gram to two grams of uranium can be extracted.

It would be extremely difficult to carry a large amount of uranium ore away from the mine monitored by the protectors.

But even if Xiake really used 3D printing and built a set of smelting equipment using local materials in the mine, he would not be able to take the purified uranium out. The radioactivity of that thing is too obvious. In front of the detection equipment, this thing is

As conspicuous as a big light bulb.

In the past few days, Xiangshan has considered whether to visit nearby rare earth mining areas. The New World has relatively large reserves of rare earth mines and radioactive minerals. If he wanted to, he could find the mining area in a few days.

But after much thought, he still didn't do it.

First of all, there was too little information. He could not determine whether the mining area had been mined for hundreds of years, let alone how many government eagle dogs there were in the mining area.

Secondly, even if he got in by luck, he really couldn't think of a way to safely bring out large amounts of uranium ore or enriched uranium.

Of course, it is best to consult someone who knows more about the modern world about this matter.

"You also know that the content of deuterium and tritium in seawater is very low." Jader said: "Separating deuterium and tritium also requires energy. Maintaining fusion control also requires huge energy. If you want to ignite a fusion reactor, just relying on the sun is not enough.

.I remember that the Red Stone Sect, like most sects, first built a fission reactor or an isotope battery, and then built a fusion reactor."

Xiang Shan said: "So there is a way?"

"This... is indeed somewhat difficult." Jardel also knew that this matter was important. He said: "It is more difficult to dig uranium out from under the eyes of the government than to reach the sky. There are knights who fight with their lives."

In the past two hundred years, all known industrial-grade radioactive minerals on the earth have been harvested. The Asylums occupy the moon, and there is abundant helium-3 available, so there is no need for these fission raw materials. But even if they temporarily

There is no need for so many radioactive elements in time, and it is necessary to prevent these things from falling into the hands of knights.

However, the mining bonus of the remaining lean ore is too low - it is so low that the radioactivity is not much different from that of soil. It is time-consuming and laborious to collect, and it is difficult to eradicate it.

This is also the knight's only remaining hope for obtaining fission elements.

Some knights bought themselves special prosthetics for underground operations, and fought guerrillas with the government hawks underground in the mining area. They kept digging out bits of uranium ore, taking it out, and then purifying it in a safe area and converting low-concentration uranium

Put it in a graphite box and send it away.

These things will come to the hands of Jianghu knights who need them again, and then they will be further purified and become enriched uranium.

These knights who specialize in underground guerrilla tactics are known as "earth-burrowing dragons" in the world.

However, the uranium ore that the "Drilling Dragon" can obtain is also limited.

Only a small number of homemade isotope batteries appear in the world every year.

In more cases, Xia Ke's isotope batteries were stolen.

This chapter has been completed!
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