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Chapter 7 Information on the Power of Radioactivity

The two facts "The knight must have an isotope battery to become stronger" and "The knight wants to get the isotope battery, he can only steal it from the eagle dog who has the isotope battery", sound like "I locked the key in the box

"If you want to open it, you have to have a key, but if you want to have the key, you have to open the box" is also contradictory.

But this is not the case.

Isotope batteries are still batteries. Its output power may be higher than that of ordinary batteries, but it does not widen the essential gap.

The biggest advantage of radioisotope batteries is stability and durability. An isotope battery can guarantee continuous power supply within ten years.

In contrast, chemical batteries can only support two or three days of normal operation or several hours of increased intensity combat.

In this way, knights can maintain long-term activities even if they have no base.

Not to mention latent assassination.

Legend has it that a hundred years ago, a knight hid in a dark corner for a whole year, and then assassinated the Sanctuary cadres who approached.

Without the long-lasting power supply of isotope batteries, this would be extremely difficult to achieve.

In terms of output power per unit time, radioisotope batteries have advantages, but they are not significant.

At this level, what has a greater impact on "instantaneous output" is not the energy source, but the quality of the capacitor and the mechanical structure itself.

Therefore, it is possible for warriors without isotope batteries to defeat warriors equipped with isotope batteries.

But reactors are a different level of problem.

If Xiangshan had a radioactive isotope battery at this moment, he could wander around in the sandstorm at will to hunt down the protector forces in the wilderness.

But the problem seems to be here.

So far, Xiangshan has not actually grabbed the radioisotope battery.

Among the highest-status people he has killed so far, Bengel probably used ordinary batteries [because he was not contaminated with radiation that was significantly higher than the environment], and Balbo was not equipped with an isotope battery.

"That's true..." The single-killer king nodded: "Bengel is a scientific research knight, and Balbo is a master of military martial arts. There is no need for them to use isotope batteries."

As a research knight, Bengel would rarely leave the Methodist Building. Balbo would basically stay in the army or in the tank.

They have energy reserves around them that can be used at any time, so they don't need to worry about running out of energy.

So there is no need to equip this energy source.

"But the only people with higher status than them are senior cadres like Amircare Zhao, right?" Xiang Shan felt a little melancholy: "How can we fight this..."

The prosthetic body used by Amilcare Zhao is more than three meters tall. At this height, the prosthetic body is enough to accommodate a small reactor and more external interfaces.

Without the Isotope Battery, it's almost impossible to fight him.

Matsushima Hiro leaned against the wall: "You must have mistaken the key point, right?"

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details." Xiang Shan nodded and said.

"What determines whether a patron force martial artist can be equipped with an isotope battery is not his position, but his level of external skills." Matsushima Hiro said: "No matter how good you are in military martial arts, if your level of external skills is not up to par, you may be touched by the warrior.

He came to his side and killed him with one strike. According to legend, King Agni and Martial Ancestor fought several times, and Martial Ancestor almost broke through the final line of defense at least three times."

Hearing this, Yuki immediately looked at Xiang Shan.

Xiang Shan nodded: "Does one have to pass external skills before being allowed to equip isotope batteries? This is quite reasonable."

The prosthetics and equipment of the government are all of the type that are extremely powerful but have extremely low durability. The same is true for the phonon knife, and the same is true for artificial muscle fibers. The former needs to be replaced every time it is used, and the latter needs to be constantly replaced if it breaks.

fiber to maintain full strength.

In this technological development route, is there no meaning of "restricting knights"?

Even if most of the government's equipment falls into the hands of knights, it is often difficult for knights to use it.

But isotope batteries are completely opposite to this idea.

An isotope battery can last for more than ten years or even decades.

Therefore, martial arts masters who are allowed to install such devices often have jobs such as "hunting down specific people in the world" and cannot keep supplies at all times.

He must prove that he can protect the battery in his body.

Jardel nodded and said: "Yeah, that's true...but senior brother, aren't you a non-conformist? How do you still know this?"

Matsushima Hiroshi pointed to himself: "Because I am in charge of testing."


"In their understanding, even if I am not at full strength, I am also a rare expert in the field of external skills, so there are some assessments in this city that need to test external skills, and the asylum seekers will think of me - this shouldn't be something difficult to understand, right?


Xiang Shan nodded: "You continue."

"So I will be pulled to test whether the applicants in the asylum camp are qualified to do anything. Among them is 'whether they can be equipped with isotope batteries.' This kind of thing doesn't happen often, but I still encountered it."

Xiang Shan's eyes lit up: "If you say so, can you provide some information..."

"Ah, I'm sorry about that." Matsushima Hiro shook his head: "That's all I remember. If you ask me who specifically participated in the assessment, I really can't remember them."


"If I participate in this kind of assessment, I must open the underlying protocol and suppress the activity of the nerves in the hippocampus."

Hearing this, Jardel stood up angrily and said, "They...they would actually do this to you? How can you actually endure it?"

"There's nothing I can't bear." Matsushima Hiro shook his head.

"This is asking you to open up the underlying protocol! This is putting your life and soul in the hands of those people!"

In medicine, the "hippocampus" is an infolding area of ​​the cerebral cortex, which plays a vital role in the process of memory conversion. The hippocampus is responsible for converting "short-term memory" into "long-term memory", which is burned into

within the cortical area.

A person with damage to the hippocampus will not be affected in thinking, but short-term memory can no longer be converted into long-term memory. He can remember what just happened, but will forget it all after thinking about it - he cannot generate new memories.

Long term memory.

It can be said that if a person with damage to the hippocampus lives forever on the last day before his brain is damaged, he will be confused and look at himself in the mirror getting older, and look at the familiar people around him suddenly becoming strangers.

But I don't realize that time is moving forward.

Electronic devices, the brain-computer barrier and the biological brain are connected together. Among them, some electronic devices are responsible for directly inputting information into the brain - this process means that it can apply electrical stimulation to the biological brain.

And if a person opens up the underlying authority of his own prosthetic body and allows external operations to interfere with the electronic components directly connected to the brain, the operator can interfere with the neural activities in the brain at will, rounding and flattening a living thought.

During the operation, the activity of Hiro Matsushima's hippocampus was suppressed. Then within this period of time, everything he experienced would not be converted into long-term memory, and the information would not be leaked.

Matsushima Hiroshi regretfully said to Mukayama: "As you can see, I only remember the test, but I don't remember the people who participated in the test at all. So it is impossible for me to provide a list to tell you who has the isotope battery."


"Hey! Brother, we are talking about another thing!" Jader said: "Did you really let them do that to your brain? How could you endure it? You..."

He irritably pulled off the charging cable from his body, walked around the living room twice, and said: "Is your current idea of ​​'tolerable' really your own? No... your awkward personality is different from when you were young.

It’s not like them…”

Xiang Shan said: "Perhaps there is no need to worry too much about this. If the old boxer really had other ideas, we would have been arrested long ago."

What Xiangshan thought of was the mysterious "little brother".

"Little Brother" is undoubtedly the top internal skill of this era. And Matsushima Hiroshi is Little Brother's collaborator. Little Brother is not indifferent to the mental state of this collaborator.

However, this incident made him take another high look at Matsushima Hiro.

It is truly remarkable to be able to endure what ordinary people cannot endure.

He changed the topic and said: "Let's go back to the Earth-Drilling Dragon. Those guys who collect uranium ore. Do you know their contact information?"

Jardel finally calmed down a little. He sighed: "I'm sorry, the identity of the Earth-Drilling Dragon is very special, and it is related to the lifeblood of the world. They are very careful. Only our leader knows how to contact them."

Earth-Drilling Dragons are different from other knights who come and go and soar on land. Their range of activities is very limited, just underground near radioactive mineral veins. Unless a functional prosthetic body is prepared, "Drilling Dragons" specialized in underground activities will

Even the "Earth Dragon" prosthetic body has a hard time escaping.

And radioactive minerals have extraordinary significance to Jianghu. For the "weak" knights, building a fission reactor with a little radioactive element means a reliable logistics system, or igniting the hope of a fusion reactor - they will

It can become more elusive and bring a greater blow to the government.

It is precisely because of this that earth-burrowing dragons rarely show up. Knights who know the existence of earth-burrowing dragons will not easily reveal the contact information of those earth-burrowing dragons.

"Then Mr. Gui...ah, I'm sorry."

Only then did Xiang Shan remember that half a year ago, the head of the Red Stone Sect had been deceived into a trap by Deborah and then killed by Mr. Zhao himself.

"It seems that it is really difficult to develop an isotope battery in this huge Jayhawk City." Xiang Shan muttered: "We still have to look around the mineral veins to see if we can find the Earth-Drilling Dragon."

"Oh, in that case, I remember that there are several relatively large mineral vein sites in the north..."

"South." Xiang Shan said: "I think the south may be faster. It seems that we need to be prepared."

This chapter has been completed!
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