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Chapter 8 News about the God of War

An aircraft broke through the sandstorm and landed on the roof of the Methodist Building with a loud noise.

At this altitude, sandstorms have almost no impact.

If someone stood on the edge of the roof and looked down, he would definitely think that there was a flowing dim yellow river below the building.

The aircraft parked steadily under the apron. A ceremonial prosthesis remotely controlled by Paladin Assyrian was waiting on the apron.

The door of the aircraft with the white wild crane emblem on it opened, and a cyborg walked out.

Like most scientific research knights, this prosthetic man retains a formal head, and his face is that of a blind old man. His prosthetic eyes are on his shoulders, and the white cloth on his body is a typical Indian cassock.

There is also a decorative brooch on the chest.

The visitor walked up to Assyria and said to himself: "Hello, Paladin Assyria Ray Guderian. I am Bai ICA Changkong, the deputy leader of the Youhe Knights. On behalf of the Evolutionary Language Knights, I would like to express my sincere wishes to you.

Say hello."

Ashur bowed slightly and said: "Nice to meet you, Your Excellency Changkong."

Bai·ICA·Changkong - or simply "Bai Changkong", is the leader of the Northern Youhe Knights of the New World, another knighthood that has a certain cooperative relationship with the Knights of Evolutionary Language. Their main research is paleontology. Knights

The station is located near the Burgess Shale in Yoho City.

It is said that the personal relationship between the two heads of knights is very good.

"The Evolutionary Language Knights originally wanted to send people over, but as you know, Mars and Earth are not near the entrance and exit of the 'Light Speed ​​Highway', so they can't send people over directly."

Assyria nodded: "Understandable."

Although humans have been able to accelerate aircraft to 7% of the speed of light through refrigerant engines, materials science is not enough to build a spacecraft that can cruise at 7% of the speed of light. This is not because the spacecraft itself cannot withstand it.

Accelerate slowly - Engines without refrigerant are inherently slow to accelerate.

The problem is that at seven percent of the speed of light, cosmic suspended objects of any size will cause a fatal blow to the aircraft.

In response to this, humans have adopted several different solutions.

The first is to cover the surface of the spacecraft with a strong electromagnetic field and adjust the trajectories of all tiny charged dust particles that collide with the aircraft.

The effects of force are indeed mutual. When a charged object hits a magnetic field, it will also exert a force on the magnetic field and the spacecraft as a whole. But this is much better than directly hitting the outer armor.

Then, we need to look for “regions with very little interstellar matter.”

This is the so-called "light speed highway". Sub-light speed navigation can only be carried out within the light speed highway.

A large part of the lightspeed highway overlaps with the orbit of the planet. Because the definition of a celestial body like a "planet" includes "the area near the orbit must be cleared, and there cannot be any larger celestial body within the orbit." Planets

Even if there is a large amount of interstellar material in orbit, it will be captured by the planet's gravity during its daily operation and fall into the planet's surface.

Of course, if there are any advanced creatures on the planet that shoot things into low-Earth orbit at will, that would be another matter.

At least this area will be cleaner.

In addition, there are complex "pathways" between various orbital circles.

After all, interstellar matter is not evenly distributed, so there will always be some areas with very little interstellar matter.

These areas can support sublight speed flight.

This is called the "speed of light highway".

Like other celestial bodies in the solar system, the lightspeed highway itself is also revolving, and its relative position to the planet changes at any time. The time it can be used is not as long as imagined.

Although the time when the lightspeed highway can be used is not as convenient as people think, each lightspeed highway is explored bit by bit at a huge cost. In addition, the asylum seekers also invest a lot of resources in the maintenance of the lightspeed highway.


The maintenance organization of the lightspeed highway must keep the lightspeed highway free of any small meteorites that can penetrate the defensive magnetic field.

And if a spacecraft crashes on the light-speed highway, it means that the nearby road sections will not be usable for the next few years until the maintenance agency confirms that all space junk has been recovered.

Without the speed of light, traveling between planets would have to be done by conventional air travel - which would take months.

It can be said that the lightspeed highway maintains the overall connection of the patrons in the solar system.

By the way, there is no light-speed highway that can cross the asteroid belt. After a fleet capable of sub-light speed reaches the asteroid belt, it needs to switch to conventional navigation and bypass the asteroid belt.

Many people believe that the difficulty of the protectors in quelling the chivalrous fire outside the asteroid belt is also related to this "natural danger".

Assyria welcomes this situation. After all, the main force of the Evolutionary Language Knights is on Mars. Either they have to endure a delay of tens of minutes to communicate, or they have to spend several months to reach the earth through conventional aviation. Then

It's all such a waste of time.

The Evolutionary Language Knights had to entrust others to negotiate.

Assyria feels that Bai Changkong may not care about the interests of evolutionary language as much as the members of the Evolutionary Language Knights.

After the two exchanged a few words, Bai Changkong proposed: "Your Excellency Assyria, I hope to meet Dai Jiutai, the knight of the Yangtze River. I hope to understand something. Can you prepare a relatively confidential environment?"

Assyria nodded and said with a smile: "This is not a problem."

Soon, Bai Changkong was taken to a larger room. The decoration of this room was extremely luxurious, and it also provided charging interfaces with different voltages and frequencies. Dai Jiutai'a was sitting in it.

Although this room looks very nice, Dai Jiutai'a is also under house arrest in a sense.

After taking everyone else away, Bai Changkong sat in front of Dai Jiutai and said: "I am Bai·ICA·Changkong, the deputy leader of the Youhe Knights, and a great knight. I am entrusted by your leader to come here.

Negotiate with the Knights of Mana. I hope to find you to understand what happened. What do you think?"

Dai Jiutai looked at the scientific knight with some curiosity and said, "What kind of inside information do you want to know?"

"It seems that you still can't trust me." He smiled and said, "You deputy captains and I are all old friends. We occasionally discuss some ancient linguistic materials."

The prosthetic eye on Dai Jiutai's chest lit up: "Do you know the ancient poems that His Excellency Lei Yong likes more?"

"'The point of no return'?"

Dai Jiutai'a said: "'Six dragons turning around the sky'."

There is at least one advantage to using ancient poems to make incisions, that is, if someone is really monitoring or testing the wrong people, they can often use "we are discussing ancient linguistic materials" as an excuse - especially the evolutionary language knights.

The group has really researched this.

At least now the name "Six Dragon Sect" does not appear in the patron's consciousness.

Moreover, this poem is not the only thing conveying information in this cut. In fact, the information hidden in the body language and situation of both parties is also an important part of this cut.

The reason why Bai Changkong wanted to test it out was because he needed to confirm that the person in front of him was really Dai Jiutai.

After all, we can no longer rely on prosthetics to identify an individual's identity. These things are all man-made, so it wouldn't be that difficult to make something exactly the same.

It doesn’t even necessarily need to be “made”. If you take out the biological brain and put another biological brain in it, you can still cheat many authentications.

After a preliminary check, Bai Changkong pulled off the brooch. A data cable could be pulled out of this ornament to maintain a direct connection between two individuals.

This method is the most confidential.

Even if the parallel light world is used to project information on the opponent's prosthetic eye, the clues may be captured by a well-positioned camera due to air refraction or reflection from the smooth surface of the prosthetic eye. There is even a risk of the electromagnetic signal being intercepted and deciphered.

Nothing is more confidential than a direct wired connection.

Soon, the various internal authentication mechanisms of the Six Dragons Sect hidden in the two bodies began to operate, and the passwords were verified layer by layer.

After a few seconds, the two sides confirmed each other's identity.

[First meeting, ‘Sword Envoy’. 】

【Hello, ‘Bai Sanren’.】

The two of them said hello again according to their Six Dragon Sect status.

[After hearing the news about the ‘Great Protector’, I rushed over from Youhe City. I asked directly, what happened? 】

【What do you know now?】

[A knight assassinated the deputy leader of the Mona Knights of Jayhawk City, and then you seemed to be under suspicion? But I think that Assyrian didn't really suspect that you had a problem, but wanted to take the opportunity to communicate with the Evolved Language Knight.

Group ride is online?]

Bai Changkong is actually a little confused. Although the Six Dragons Cult of the Evolutionary Language Knights is relatively high, so it does not often carry out cooperation projects with ordinary scientific research knights, but it is not that there are no cooperation projects at all. This is not a big deal. In the end

The scary thing is that "Dai Jiutai exposed the news about the Six Dragons Sect".

But if that were the case, Assyria would not have fired a cannon salute before he landed - he would have prepared real cannons and aimed at them.

So Bai Changkong is really curious.

Dai Jiutai shook his head and said: [Compared with this matter, the Mana Knights and others are trivial matters. Please treat this news calmly. ]

【I understand. Just tell me.】

【Martial God, revived again.】

"What..." the great knight shouted immediately. But he reacted instantly and shouted: "He would actually do this to you? It's not fair!"

Although Assyria stated that there was no eavesdropping device in this room, this was not much different from farting.

Bai Changkong deliberately made his voice exaggerated, sounding as if he was filled with polite indignation over Dai Jiutai's experience.

At the same time, he asked in the direct message: [Is everything you said true? The God of War is reincarnated? 】

This chapter has been completed!
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