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Chapter 29 A ray of sky

Xiangshan realized a very crucial point.

The pair of prosthetic eyes he is using now are the ones that disappeared with Martial Ancestor Xiangshan when the "One and Only" was defeated.

At the end of the Sublimation War, Wuzu Xiangshan, with the help of "someone", attacked the space fleet of the Father of All Machines and executed decapitation tactics. However, he was ultimately defeated because he was outnumbered.

It is said that only the protector saw that scene.

There is a legend in the world that in that battle, the flagship of the Father of All Machines fell.

This was the closest to success among the eleven defeats of Martial God.

Of course, some people believe that the subsequent assassination "in front of the throne" was the closest to success.

However, Martial Ancestor's "only defeat" was witnessed by only those on the patron side.

There is no video data. The Father of All Machines and the "kings" who participated in the battle and were later promoted only said that Xiang Shan was indeed executed.

And now, the pair of prosthetic eyes that disappeared when Wu Zu Xiangshan disappeared has appeared again.

But this still doesn't explain anything.

Even if this "Xiang Shan" now has these eyes, has the DNA of the Martial Ancestor Xiang Shan, and even has the memory, he may not necessarily be identified as Xiang Shan.

Rather, the suspicion that he is "not Xiangshan" has increased.

Since these eyes died with the Martial Ancestor, it is very likely that they fell into the hands of the protector.

Xiang Shan thought for a moment and asked: "So... Xiang Shan also donated DNA data?"

[All of us, the recipients of the internal beta transformation surgery, have donated our genetic data for research.] Tao Enhai looked at Xiang Shan, without any emotion in his tone.

[Ah ha. Is that true? It’s not difficult to make a clone?] Xiang Shan nodded: [Use Xiang Shan’s genetic factors to clone stem cells, then induce them to differentiate into a nervous system, and then continuously input Wu Zu Xiang Shan’s memories to raise them.

Create a personality close to Xiangshan, and then remove the hard drive that stores the memories. Finally, give him a pair of artificial eyes. A Xiangshan that is infinitely close to the original version is ready.】

The reason why Tao Enhai just asked "Have you used your inner strength when surrounded by Tiehua?" was probably to confirm whether Xiangshan was controlled by a remote control.

Except for the secret forbidden technique of "Little Brother", in public perception, it is impossible to use internal power with a false personality mask.

However, this is not absolute. If there is an interface in the background of a fake personality mask that can send data to internal energy masters on standby in a synchronous orbit, then the method of simulating internal energy is not impossible.

However, this concocted "master of internal strength" will be exposed in Tiehua or other electromagnetic signal shielded areas.

So Tao Enhai was eager to confirm this.

If Xiang Shan hadn't come for a moment when he was assassinating Balbo, I'm afraid Tao Enhai wouldn't have given up.

[This should only mean that I am not a fake personality mask, but it does not mean that I am safe now, right?] Xiang Shan said: [What if there are other backdoor programs in my body?]

Although Xiangshan remembers that he has a biological brain, this may be a disguise. The real active part may not be the biological part of the brain, but the chip hidden inside the biological brain.

Or, that chip can take away control of the prosthetic body at a critical moment and deliver a fatal blow to the knight.

From Tao Enhai's professional perspective, this is not nonsense.

[Although your internal strength is lagging behind in terms of ideas, it is still very strong in terms of skills. If such a person is really allowed to enter the electromagnetic signal shielding area, the possibility of losing control is not small. As long as you have this awareness, you will

Try your best to remove the backdoor from yourself - and according to your memory, when you woke up, you had no electronic devices on your body at all.] Tao Enhai sneered: [If that kind of backdoor program really existed, I'm afraid you would have removed it yourself long ago. 】

【So, is it possible that I am the original Xiangshan? 】

【Absolutely impossible!】

Tao Enhai immediately denied it.

No matter how you think about it, this is strange. How could a person who was executed more than two hundred years ago appear out of thin air?

How could Xiangshan escape with just one head - a head without power?

Moreover, even if he did escape, how did he survive these two hundred years?

——No, that's not right...

Tao Enhai suddenly realized something.

This incident was like a flint, wiping out a series of "ecstasy" in his heart - although it was insignificant compared to the darkness. But... but...

——Think about it carefully... Think about it carefully...

Tao Enhai looked at Xiang Shan.

——The reason why corpses decay is because of the large number of bacteria in the human body...

When humans are alive, bacteria are controlled by the immune system. If a symbiotic microorganism invades the body or becomes too numerous, the immune system will attack.

However, after a human dies, the immune system becomes ineffective.

Therefore, the human corpse will become a huge culture medium made of accumulated protein and fat.

This will then attract a large number of scavengers.


It can be said that baseline humans are not creatures of the earth’s native biosphere.

The earth's original bacteria cannot decompose the bodies of baseline humans.

Most of the decomposers that can decompose metal-based organisms are products of genetic engineering.

Tao Enhai remembered that the various metal-based decomposers currently living in the wild are the result of the wildization of microorganisms in the civilian biological resource recovery system - the same thing that Yuki used to process the brains of the dead.

These things were born long after Wuzu Xiangshan's "unique defeat".

As for parasites targeting baseline humans, or other metal-based wild animals, they were only born in the last hundred years.

Wuzu Xiangshan was also a prosthetic human with a full transformation rate at the beginning, and there were not many symbiotic microorganisms in his body. Those symbiotic microorganisms could not decompose the brain.


——If it were two hundred years ago, a brain would not be easily corrupted...

——But before that...the cells themselves will decompose...the dead person's brain will be decomposed into a ball of ordinary protein by enzymes...the deceased's own enzymes will also decompose themselves. It should be like this...

When a human dies, the first wave of decomposition of the corpse is not even microorganisms, but the enzymes that come with the human body. Although these enzymes will soon lose their activity due to the death of the body, they are only a small component in the process of decomposition of the corpse.

Head. But it’s scary enough.

——At the first moment of death, the brain will be destroyed by lysosomes...ah...wait a minute...

Suddenly, Tao Enhai wanted to laugh.

He really wanted to laugh.

Just now, he was desperately searching for the phenomenon after the natural death of a baseline person.

Then, he discovered a fact that made people laugh and cry.

So far, no one has died of natural causes among the recipients of the test version of the genetic modification surgery.

Everyone - no matter over there or here - everyone is either alive and fighting, or they have died so violently that not a single cell remains.

He didn't know what the brains of these first-generation benchmark humans born under genetic modification surgery would go through after they died of natural causes.

This process is likely different from that of conventional organisms.


Their enzyme system was manually reprogrammed.

"Cracking the Enzyme System" is the greatest achievement of Yawgmoth's life. Several Nobel Prizes are just icing on the cake for him. This is an achievement that only "history" is qualified to evaluate.

He rewired the human enzyme system.

Naturally, this artificial enzyme system has bugs.

The early metal-based experimental animals, as well as the test version of the baseline human, all had bugs of one kind or another.

It is possible that "lysosomes cannot break down cells smoothly after cell death".

For a natural person whose whole body is made of flesh and blood, this is a very malignant bug. This means that the tissues throughout his body are similar to cancer cells, and the apoptosis program has failed.

However, the metabolism of the brain nervous system is very slow.

Yes, that's right. Some late literature also described that new nerve cells will be generated in the human brain, and the brain also has a certain ability to heal itself. But the overall trend is that the number of brain cells in the brain is decreasing.

Nerve cells that are not used naturally degenerate, while neural circuits that are frequently used are wrapped in specialized myelin sheaths to form efficient circuits.

In other words, this BUG is really innocuous to prosthetics with a full transformation rate!

Tao Enhai's hands trembled slightly.

--if it is like this……

If this head really fell there more than two hundred years ago - no matter how it came from, let's just assume it is there - then it is indeed possible that it pretended to be dead for more than two hundred years!

There is a kind of tardigrade on the earth, commonly known as "water bear". Under certain circumstances, they can completely stagnate their metabolism and fall into a long state of suspended animation.

This state is called "cryptobiosis".

Tardigrades in a cryptobiotic state are actually very fragile. Temperatures of hundreds of degrees, mechanical damage, etc. can actually kill them.

But if there is no external interference...

Tardigrades are not broken down by their own lysosomes...

Because its enzyme system stopped functioning...

If conditions are right, tardigrades can revive again - the current longest record is 120 years of cryptozoology.

——If you really want to say it, then the final enemy is oxidation?

Metal-based proteins are easily damaged by oxidation reactions because their chemical properties are close to metals.


When Xiang Shan woke up, there were a large group of burnt marks in his skull, which looked like some electronic product had melted under high temperature.

This is the memory shared by Xiang Shan.

This layer of melted area almost covers the entire brain-computer interface.

——Is it possible to prevent oxidation...

——That’s not right... If the area where the head is located is closed enough and the air does not circulate... After the oxygen is exhausted, the oxidation reaction cannot continue...

Tao Enhai looked at Xiang Shan again.

--is it possible?

This chapter has been completed!
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