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Chapter 30 Two things

Although Tao Enhai had already used his internal energy to block some thinking activities in his brain, he also built a firewall to isolate the two parties from direct communication.

But Xiangshan could still feel the emotional fluctuations in the old knight's heart.

In his posture, the subtle "alertness" and "murderous intent" appeared and disappeared. He was constantly fine-tuning his posture without knowing it.

Xiang Shan said: [Dr. Tao, are you okay? I think you need to use meditation to stabilize your emotions. ]

Tao Enhai waved his hand. Only at this moment did he realize that one of Xiang Shan's eyeballs was still in his hand.

While Tao Enhai stared outside, he moved his body inward to ensure that people outside could not see his current appearance. He waved to Xiang Shan: [Be safe... Do you know? If these eyes are exposed now

If you go out, you will die without a burial place. Wuzu Xiangshan and all his personality masks are by default individuals who gave up their asylum on their own, and are the zero-priority obliteration targets of 'human civilization'.】

Xiang Shan scratched his head: [If you hadn’t insisted on me taking it out, no one would have noticed the problem, right?]

[The reason why you were able to get through all the way without being discovered is simply because the protectors did not consider this aspect at all. There is nothing in the world without a backdoor. I remember, as long as you input it into this prosthetic eye in the form of an infrared signal

With a series of signals, this prosthetic eye can feedback a series of unique codes. This is also a mechanism set up by the manufacturer to facilitate management and storage. Although this backdoor can be protected by a security mechanism, there is still the possibility of being broken through.] Taun Haidao

;【Let's exchange prosthetic eyes.】

[Huh?] Xiangshan thought for a moment: [Can you explain your purpose?]

Tao Enhaidao; [Are you afraid of losing this pair of prosthetic eyes? Are you afraid of losing something that can prove your identity? 】

Xiang Shan shook his head. There is nothing to be afraid of. Regardless of whether he is Xiang Shan or not, what he wants to do will not change. This is something that has been decided a long time ago.

Rather, Xiangshan himself hopes more than anyone else that "Martial Ancestor Xiangshan" himself can rest in peace and let the "dead" sleep forever.

In addition, in terms of "appealing power", it is true that "Martial Ancestor" is higher than "Martial God", but both of them are at the level of "raising one's arms, and those who respond will gather". Even other Martial Gods do not have this pair of prosthetic eyes.

"Proof of identity" can also do great things.

He has no reason to cling to this identity.

What's more, judging from the probability, this identity may not be his own.

[There is nothing honorable about the identity of "Xiang Shan".] Xiang Shan said: [I am not opposed to exchanging prosthetic eyes, but please give me a reason.]

[My prosthetic eye is much better than this antique in terms of performance. It is very useful to you. Is this reason enough? 】

[This can indeed be used as a reason to "replace prosthetic eyes", Dr. Tao, but I want to know more, why you want to do this. 】

Tao Enhai put a hand on his left eye, and the mechanical structure under the eye slowly pushed the prosthetic eye out of the eye socket. Tao Enhai spread his hand and put his eyes in front of Xiang Shan: [I can't trust you in your current state. I'm afraid.

You are not completely sure about your own origin, are you?

[My eyes can better help you fight, make your journey smoother, and help you find the truth. At the same time, this can also prevent you... or the evil AI hidden in your body from suddenly one day holding the

These eyes go to command the world.]

[And I know how to use these eyes to safely convey the news that "Martial Ancestor Xiangshan may still exist" to our original friends. 】

Xiang Shan looked at the eyeball in front of him: [My former friend...]

Tao Enhai said sternly: [I will not tell you the information I know. Especially Zhu Xinyu's position. She is now responsible for the safety of the entire world, and the protector's hatred for her is only higher than that of the "real Xiangshan".


——Zhu Xinyu...

This name was like a steel needle pricking Xiang Shan's forehead. The stinging sensation was like popping a water balloon. Something splashed out, almost drowning Xiang Shan's thoughts.

[Who is Zhu Xinyu...?] Xiangshan's thoughts, as if he was talking in a dream, passed into Tao Enhai's perception; [Is she my...girlfriend? Or my wife?]

[You don’t even have this memory? How on earth did you imitate Xiang Shan?] Tao Enhai was a little surprised.

The equal legal rights of men and women after marriage are not enough to completely change the disadvantaged status of women. The inequality between men and women inherited from past social relations seems to have disappeared at the legal level. However, it still exists.

Like an undead spirit.

["The decadent and feudal concept of marriage must be abolished" - that's what they said.] Tao Enhai's brain was also immersed in memories: [Although Xiang Shan and Zhu Xinyu do live as husband and wife, they are not legally married.

Relationship, no common property. Since Xiangshan insisted on living as an atheist, they did not have any traditional rituals that required certification from gods or ancestors. They stayed together based on their own minds.】

——Yes, I seem to remember...

If Xiang Shan still had the corners of his mouth, he might smile.

——I finally remembered this name...

——Finally remembered...

The memories suddenly became clear.

Along with this, there is another improvement in internal strength.

This name is closely related to "internal strength" in history... No, she is the original creator of internal strength!

The dormant Saussurean realm was reactivated.

Xiang Shan looked at the eye in front of Tao Enhai.

[We...I mean, your relationship with Xiangshan must have been very good in the past.]

Tao Enhai didn't know what Xiang Shan meant by suddenly saying this. He was a little confused.

But Xiangshan had already picked up the eyeball in his palm and placed it in his empty eye socket.

Tao Enhai exchanged another prosthetic eye with Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan felt the pressure of the visual processing chip for the first time in a long time.

The accuracy of this prosthetic eye is ten times that of my previous one. Among artificial eyeballs of the same size, there should be no better one. This is close to the optical limit.

[Is that so...my processor. I originally wanted to give it to my assistant. If you need it, take it after the operation.] Tao Enhaidao: [Finally...I want to tell you two things. I

I hope you can do two things.】

Xiang Shan nodded: [Go ahead.]

[The first thing is to find Nyaguti... Do you still remember this person? Nyaguti Ndebele, the woman now known as the "Rubik's Cube Angel". 】

Xiangshan felt the tingling pain in his brain again.

It feels like a sudden movement of a limb that has not been moved for a long time...

--this person……

[Yawgmoth's...ex-wife?] Xiangshan pressed his forehead: [Did they remarry in the end?]

[Don’t use that thing to insult her.] Tao Enhaidao; [Is the relationship between Nia Guti, Xiang Shan, and Zhu Xinyu OK? How come you remember such a label? 】

[Sorry, sorry...] Xiangshan waved his hand: [My memory is not complete. I probably know Yawgmoth Niagudi now, I vaguely remember...]

Nia Goodi is Yawgmoth's ex-wife. But she has more than just this label. She is an amazing biologist and shared a Nobel Prize with Yawgmoth.

By the way, it’s the Chemistry Prize.

[I don’t know where Ms. Niyaguti is now. The only thing that is certain is that she has been on earth for the past hundred years.] Tao Enhaidao: [You have to find her. She may be able to explain what happened to you.



Xiangshan's memory gave a little clue. Nya Guti was the one who worked with Yawgmoth to decipher the operation of the enzyme system.

Cracking the operation of enzyme systems is actually a huge project. Some people provide mathematical tools, some provide computing resources. Some people find ideas from the perspective of linguistics.

Yawgmoth is the one who took the "crucial step". This is undeniable.

However, other people’s preliminary work is also of great significance.

Apart from Yawgmoth, Nia Guti should be the person who knows the beta version of the baseline people best.

[Find her and give her your cells. Maybe she can give you the answer.]

Xiang Shan nodded: [Understood...]

Xiang Shan would have done this even without Tao Enhai's request.

He now has too much memory loss. When he learns the whereabouts of an old man who has experienced what happened back then, he will definitely search for it.

【What about the second thing.】

[The second thing...] Tao Enhai closed his eyes. After a while, he said: [Go south... to a place that used to be called "Chichen Itza". There, there is a

The city is called "Paradox City". This place is one of the most dangerous places on earth and is considered the death place of Jianghu people. You must be prepared before you can go there. No... It's okay if you don't go. Heren

Ask around...but I still hope you can go there and have a look after you are ready.】

[Chichen Itza...] Xiangshan thought for a moment and found information from his own barren history and culture: [That ancient Aztec ruins? American pyramids?]

[The Pyramid of Kukulkan has been moved as a whole. Now that place is another kind of "altar".] Tao Enhai said.

Xiangshan was a little curious: [What exactly is there in Paradox City?]

【Martial God.】

"What?" Xiang Shan was shocked: "This is..."

[Still alive...is it considered alive? In short, that is indeed the guy called the "God of War".] Tao Enhai said: "You have to take a good look at that...that is the end of the "God of War"."

After saying that, Tao Enhai disconnected the data cable, then walked out of the operating room and said: "Xiao Lu, convert an inhibitor for me."

This chapter has been completed!
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