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Chapter 35 The end of the operation

Mr. Hamki received a communication from his boss, armed cadre Feisha.

"According to the detection of meteorological satellites, after three hours, there will be a relatively thin window period for sandstorms?" Mr. Hamki asked.

"Yes, by that time the visibility will become relatively high, and stable communication between the system and individual soldiers will be maintained." His Excellency Fraser said: "If the calculation is not too biased, this window period will last for five years.

Ten minutes. And after that, another thick cloud of sand and dust will hit. This is the last wave. In the next few hours, this sandstorm will completely stop."

Hamki asked: "Are we going to wait until this dust storm has completely passed before we carry out large-scale bombing?"

Most of those knights are unable to obtain the data of weather satellites. Even if they have actually sneaked into the satellite through the back door and obtained permission, they cannot connect to it in the wilderness. They do not have a stable base station.

This problem does not exist for asylum seekers. They do not need to hide themselves, so they can use high-power base stations. Even if sandstorms mixed with iron and steel block communications, they can even use large drones to transport large amounts of information.

storage device.

The patrons were very aware of the news about the weather changes, but the knights knew nothing about it.

Patrons can comfortably strategize based on this.

"Why do you think I told you about the fifty-minute window period?" the cadre asked.

"Although the sand and dust will be relatively thin, communication interference will still exist..."

"The window period of about fifty minutes will remind those knights that the sandstorm is about to end. Then, they will definitely try to escape in the last dense sandstorm." Fraser said: "Their individual combat capabilities

It is indeed far stronger than ours. This is for sure. Judging from the traces of meltdown and radiation residue on the disintegrated wreckage of the spacecraft, Tauern Sea's stellarator is still intact. They also robbed at least sixteen isotope batteries.

This group of knights who finally broke through are definitely masters."

"If these knights gather together in a sandstorm and conduct a quick attack, it is indeed possible to break through the defense line."

"I understand." Hamji bowed slightly: "You are right."

After saying that, a series of instructions were issued.


When Xiangshan temporarily lowered his hand from the protective cabin, Lu Xiu said: "Senior, the brothers outside are asking how long it will take."

As an assistant, he cannot interfere with the surgeon in any way. In most cases, Lu Xiu cannot speak. He can only convey outside news to Xiang Shan when he is sure that he is "taking a temporary rest."

Otherwise, Xiangshan will be prone to operational errors.

The strong vitality of the baseline man and the prosthetic technology ensure that even if Xiangshan misses, Tao Enhai may not die in the biological sense. However, under this kind of surgery, a tremor from the surgeon may cause Tao Enhai's memory, consciousness and even personality to be damaged.


But Xiangshan's ultimate goal is to completely retain his old friend's consciousness and martial arts.

Xiangshan held his forehead and said after a while: "Four hours? Three hours? I'm not sure."

"I understand." Lu Xiu said: "I will tell them. But they also want me to tell you that the wind speed has become less stable and the density of sand and dust is also decreasing..."

Xiang Shan stood there for several more seconds.

This should be a situation that Tao Enhai did not expect.

Xiangshan is now a mentally disabled person. He has lost his memory. Almost all specific memories about the incident have disappeared, leaving only subjective, ambiguous, and hazy emotional feelings.

Under normal circumstances, the human brain will use available elements in memory to fill in the forgotten gaps. Sometimes memory is like this. A person recalls something in the past many years later, and then looks through his diary.

, I found that memory and records were a little inconsistent.

But there is no material in Xiangshan's brain that can be used to "fill in". He only remembers science and technology that are rationally constructed, and emotions that are completely unsupported by "facts".

His brain, his spirit instinctively longs for wholeness.

The memory given by Tao Enhai triggered a series of storms in his mind. Xiangshan was almost unable to stop this process.

——I would like to make a supplementary explanation. Dr. Tao, our company’s business scope includes gene therapy, cognitive science, and prosthetics. Our ultimate goal is to allow those who cannot stand to run, to allow those who cannot see to observe, and to allow those who cannot see to see.

Those who are unable to move live... We must defeat disease and defeat aging. If possible, I even want to defeat death!

——Isn’t this the most amazing medical skill?


This is Tao Enhai's most cherished memory.

This is the most important puzzle piece in Xiangshan's missing memory.

Xiangshan held his head: "Don't think about these things...don't think about it yet...there is no need for these...techniques...techniques...techniques...surgery! The anatomy of the brain!"

Roaring towards the mountain to yourself.

Xiangshan cannot leave even a single Ivo cell behind. Cybermen with a full transformation rate are not infected by most pathogens. But if a pathogen really breaks through the defense built by this layer of enzyme system, their poor non-special

The immunity of the opposite sex is not enough to eliminate it.

Now the surgery has reached the final step. Most of the aberrant tissue composed of Ivolu cells has been removed.

The surgery has also approached Tao Enhai's neocortex.

Here, thoughts, memories, morality and even personality are all presented as material formations. In this field, "ideas" are really presented in material form between nerves.

The knife can really carve personality here. However, neither Rodin nor Michelangelo can carve something beautiful here. Human technology has not yet fully analyzed the relationship between the physical structure of the brain and the software of thinking.


This is equivalent to covering a piece of stone with cloth and then letting a sculptor with almost no feeling in his hands carve it.

Of course, sometimes, sculptors can still carve works with avant-garde artistic flavor under such circumstances, and the probability is definitely higher than that of a monkey using a typewriter to type out "The Complete Works of Shakespeare".

But no one would actually do such a thing.

Must be careful...


——Boss, I have to say that you are really too rude to monkeys. Indeed, they are experimental animals, and their fate is to undergo gene therapy experiments with a near-death life. Dissecting your brain is just the maximum use of resources. But even so

, your actions are too rude. Did you know? A primate brain, if played with properly by a medical student, can greatly improve his cognitive level...

Just like pulling out a radish to bring out the mud, more memories swept over me.


——Doctor... We succeeded! We saved this man! He is alive! We saved him! We succeeded! Now, we open the future of mankind!


——Everyone in the medical team can get a 0.1% dividend!


——The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard... Dr. Tao, as long as you don't give up, it's still too late...

Another small piece of ferocious Ivolu cells was isolated

The artificial gel fills another area.

Xiangshan was suddenly overwhelmed by some emotion.

His consciousness has been separated from his actions. During this operation, he is closer to a "plug-in" - he is the plug-in of Tao Enhai's memory.

Tao Enhai's technology is saving Tao Enhai's brain through his brain.

But what this technology eliminated were Yawgmoth's cells.

These cells were donated in the name of humans and used for scientific and medical research.

Xiangshan attached several medical electronic components to the inside of Tao Enhai's brain and carefully connected the nerves to the data structure.

In 1966, psychologist George Homan interviewed 25 veterans, all of whom had suffered spinal fractures two years earlier or earlier. Homan asked them to describe their experiences before and since the injury.

They experienced fear, anger, sexual urges and sadness. They said that in addition to sadness, their emotions changed after the injury; their emotions were not as strong as before, they were silent about their feelings, or looked at them with cold eyes. The most important thing is

, the more severe the injury, the greater the change.

Non-central nervous systems can also have an impact on emotions. This is true for the nerves in the organs and muscles.

A man with neck trauma and high paraplegia once described his experience, saying that he was lying on the bed again, dropped a cigarette butt, and couldn't reach it. The cigarette butt would most likely ignite the carpet or sheets and burn him to death.

His rationality could clearly recognize this, but it could not produce the slightest emotion of fear. But even without fear or panic, he still tried his best to put out the cigarette butt.

Physiological feelings and emotions are closely related. Just losing the body will make the prosthetic person feel something is wrong. If this happens for a long time, it will cause psychological diseases. In the 21st century, the solution given by Xiangshan and others is to use electronic devices

Input false sensory signals to make the brain think that the body is still there.

Just losing those peripheral parts of the body system will cause the brain to feel abnormal, not to mention that Tao Enhai has lost most of his brain.

These lost functions cannot even be transferred to other parts for execution by the compensatory mechanism in a short period of time.

People cannot maintain thinking in such a state of brain damage. This may leave terrible sequelae. It is like blindfolding a person for several years. If the cloth is removed, the person will naturally lose


On the one hand, Lu Xiu wants to use anesthetics to suppress Tao Enhai's brain activity.

On the other hand, Xiangshan also needs to implant these electronic devices. They can first act as a support to prevent the brain from deforming. On the other hand, they can also deceive the remaining brain that "you are still intact."

This chapter has been completed!
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