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Chapter 36 A short break

The knight Jianxi groped in the sandstorm. He buried several metal aerosol bombs he carried with him underground and installed slow-release devices.

The operation will be over soon. There is no doubt that the "unknown hero" can bring this operation to a perfect conclusion.

——What a legendary experience. At the moment when Daxia Tao himself was about to give up, the senior fought his way into the siege...

This is really hard to believe.

But it happened in front of me again.

This scene may even be part of some great history.

——It’s really amazing...

Jianxi had already begun to fantasize about telling this legendary scene to his disciples when he went back.

——No, that's not right... The unknown hero did not use his own name, and Tao Daxia was unwilling to disclose his name...

Regardless of whether this is the case or not, Jianxi has repeatedly hinted to himself in his heart.

He planted three more metal aerosol bombs with slow-release structures.

Next comes the mines.

Knights rarely use mines, but they are not so pedantic that they never use them.

Landmines are a cheap weapon with great advantages in blocking and defense. They are suitable for use by poor knights. However, the mines deployed by knights will definitely be equipped with a special mechanical structure. After a certain period of time, the mines will

, can bounce the fuze away from the explosive part, causing the mine to lose its explosive ability.

This time is usually set "within twenty-four hours after the burial", and occasionally it is forty-eight hours. Generally speaking, civilian scavengers only dare to approach the battlefield four or five days after the battle ends.

This is also an old rule left over from the Martial Ancestor era. Mines cannot be used within a certain number of kilometers around settlements, and the mines must be automatically scrapped after a certain amount of time. These are all particular. Wu Ancestor does not recommend the use of them because they can cause accidental injuries.

Other people's explosives. These restrictions are what vigilantes must abide by.

——But... speaking of Martial Ancestor...

At this time, Jianxi felt a ray of sunlight sweep across the corner of his prosthetic eye.

It should be a small gap in the sandstorm. Speaking of which, the wind speed has slowed down again.

Jianxi took out an anemometer and wanted to test it. After all, this prosthesis was not sensitive enough to the touch of wind.

But at this moment, the visibility suddenly increased.

The battlefield has emerged beyond the confines of the dense sandstorm.

And this time, the dust gap was relatively large. Jianxi looked to the northern horizon, and there was no trace of the next wave of dust.

--it's over……

He suddenly felt stiff.

He saw the enemies surrounding him due north.

Tanks, infantry, and warriors using their skills to fly.

Jianxi was wrapped in a protective cloak. He quickly fell to the ground. There was also some thin sand and dust. He hoped that the dust raised by the fall would not attract the other party's attention.

Jianxi crawled forward on his hands and knees.

——Didn’t see I didn’t see I didn’t see I didn’t see me…

A barrage of bullets swept around him.

Jianxi froze immediately.

--not good……

——Only a little bit... Just a little bit away from retreating...

Jianxi heard the scream behind him.

At the last moment, he focused the electricity in his body on the speaker as much as possible and roared at the loudest voice: "True North! True North! True North!"

Then individual artillery shells covered his area.


The ground shook.

Xiang Shan was almost frightened to the point of thinking. Fortunately, the operating table had been completely protected, which perfectly eliminated the shock. The protective cabin was now very stable.

--Another point……

The surgery has reached the final stage. Ivo's cells have been removed. All it takes is to install electronic equipment as a support on the inside of Taunhai's brain, and everything will be fine.

This step is also a check to see if there are any missing Ivo cells.

--Another point……

Xiangshan encouraged himself in this way and pulled his consciousness out of the whirlpool of memories.

"Senior!" Na Lu Xiu shouted: "Directly north, eight kilometers away, a group of protector troops have appeared! They are coming! We must hurry up..."

"One more thing!" Xiang Shan's tone was a little irritable.

Lu Xiu clenched his fists and was about to go out to delay.

But Xiang Shan stretched out his remaining hand, grabbed him, and said, "Why are you running? You still need to adjust the final protective fluid!"

After the operation is completed, there is another department that adjusts the protective fluid. At this stage, the protective fluid does not need to be transparent. At the same time, it needs to become a non-Newtonian fluid that can act as a buffer during emergency acceleration or deceleration.

Functions to protect fragile brain tissue.

Next, this brain has to be transported!

Xiang Shan was not familiar with the changes in biochemistry in the past two hundred years and knew very little about pharmaceuticals. Lu Xiu had to complete this.

Lu Xiu stopped, then went to the door of the operating room and said a few words to the knight outside.

Probably procrastination.

Xiang Shan also speeded up the work he was doing. Every second it was completed earlier, the hope of those knights surviving became greater.


There are three more supports...two...

The last piece...

Xiangshan quickly entwined the nerves with the tiny flexible electrodes. At this time, he didn't care about accuracy anymore.

——The last piece... the last piece... the last piece...

Xiangshan couldn't even remember how he completed this last step. By the end, it was as if his consciousness no longer belonged to him.

Consciousness seemed to be disconnected at this moment.

He just watched numbly as Lu Xiu rushed over, moved himself away, and then added various medicines to the protection cabin. Soon, the transparent liquid turned into a milky white mixed with a hint of light green. The outline of the brain gradually disappeared...


This sound came out of the Xiangshan speakers.

Lu Xiu hugged the protective capsule and rushed out.

Xiangshan also walked out of the operating room numbly.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! He is a little tired. Mentally.

Hours of intensive surgery had drained his will. And the storm of memories was like torture.

He needed a break... just a break...

The underground Pixiu took the protective cabin and said to Xiangshan: "Brother Wuming, there is a small hole here. It is safer to go this way!"

Xiangshan waved his hand: "I'll take a break for now..."

"It's time...go to the vehicle and rest!"

Xiang Shan waved his hand: "It's okay. I'll just sit down for a moment...I'll be able to fight out right away. You guys go first!"

The underground Pixiu tried to persuade him again, but seeing that Xiangshan seemed to have other ideas, he didn't insist and left from the small hole.

Outside that small exit, there is a vehicle, and the underground Pixiu will drive that vehicle to escape - he is just an earth-burrowing dragon, without any powerful force.

Xiang Shan took one last look at the protective cabin in his hand.

The lotion blocked the prying eyes from the outside world. Xiangshan knew that his old friend was sleeping now.

Xiangshan was the only person left in the cave.

Xiangshan trembled and pulled out the long USB flash drive of "Magic Realism Carnival" from his waist, and inserted it into the data interface of his wrist with slight trembling.

A certain...some kind of "feeling of security" emerged spontaneously. He began to believe that he was surrounded by something warm. Occasionally, funny videos that appeared on the surface of his consciousness made him want to laugh.

But he doesn't seem to be smiling now.

Quite a few of these videos are products of the old generation. These include news, funny videos, and jokes that also stimulate his brain.

"It's really...a soft feeling, hahahahaha..."

Xiangshan covered his prosthetic eyes with both hands. His brain and even his prosthetic body had the illusion of being "immersed in hot water."

"I will get up right away and beat those hawks and dogs over..." Xiang Shan said.

Amidst the heavy sound of gunfire, the knight took a short rest.

One minute...two minutes...

Although he knew that time was very tight now, Xiangshan still sat down and rested.

He is too tired.

I don’t know from which second it started, but this thought flashed through Xiangshan’s mind: “This feeling… seems like I’ve experienced it before…”

That was...in the mountains of Europa...

It’s also a bombing…

——This is the end, right? There is really no hope of reversal.

——Shut up and save some electricity.

——If you don’t speak, you won’t have a chance to speak again…

What happened after that time? It must have been a long time ago. There is no doubt that Wuzu Xiangshan must have survived that siege.

What happened next?

Xiang Shan raised his head. But this touched another memory. In a daze, Xiang Shan saw a thick prosthetic man in front of him. His movements were more cumbersome than the current prosthetic body. Xiang Shan knew instinctively that that man

It's Tao Enhai.

He said: "Xiang Shan, we have achieved...this internal strength..."

——Yes, I seem to have been in trouble quite a lot.

Xiangshan stood up.

The guy who appeared in the memory was a bit strange. A prosthetic body that had no memory at all.

--and who are you?

The figure in the memory said: "Are you ready? Time waits for no one. We must succeed at once."

Xiang Shan grabbed the scabbard behind him, and then carefully pulled out the spam disk from the data interface on his wrist.

Have a good rest.

Now it's time to find a way out.

"If I have the chance, I still have to read these memories carefully." Xiang Shan said to himself: "Now, let's find a way out."

Another round of cannonballs fell. From the top of the cave, soil rustled down.

Xiangshan took out the hard drives from his skull and put them into the storage space behind his waist. At the same time, he plugged in Tao Enhai's accessories.

——Okay, let’s go back to the battlefield...

This thought triggered memories again.

Xiang Shan paused.

He felt someone standing beside him. The woman whispered to him: "Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side..."

"Although I don't know who you are..." Xiang Shan felt that he must have smiled: "Now I am indeed not afraid at all."

He walked out of the cave.

This chapter has been completed!
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