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Chapter 37: One World

Within seconds after the explosion, Xingyi was already lying on the ground, looking due north with a periscope-like device.

——In the assault direction, two thousand soldiers, fifty tanks, fifty warriors per kilometer...

——The position of middle-level officers can be determined through electromagnetic waves, but they are located in a position where they cannot be directly attacked...

Xingyi put down the optical auxiliary instrument in his hand and moved back quietly.

Knight Jianxi’s reminder just now worked.

The sudden end of the sandstorm disrupted the knights' retreat plan.

Tao Enhai really couldn't be delayed any longer, so the operation had to be completed within the encirclement. Of course, the knights were not unprepared to deal with this situation. But no matter how you looked at it, the current situation was very bad.

[How long will it last? At what stage of the surgery?] They communicated using temporarily chosen passwords.

[The operation will be over soon.] Bai Man lowered his body. Inside the khaki camouflage cloth, the vector jets on the back were constantly adjusting their angles. At the same time, the outer armor of each body adjusted its angle independently to optimize the aerodynamic shape. He said using electromagnetic waves.

:【The time we need to persist is not long.】

The hero Baiman looked at the formation in the distance and said: [Follow the D-3 plan? You guys should withdraw first?]

【Use D-2?】

【It will be difficult to escape later.】

[Don’t say this. We agreed at the beginning that you should be allowed to escape first. It’s already a great honor for you to confront the cadre, what’s wrong?]

There is so much room for improvement, and if you don’t run for your life, you are already disrespecting us.]

The hero Baiman was silent for a few seconds: [Yes... then please. Check the time and you can decide the timing of the first wave. 】

Several people quickly checked each other's time through communication.

Then, Baiman began to make final adjustments.

When the enemy is outnumbered, we must find a way to block the enemy's firepower. Otherwise, we will be passively beaten. Even if we are as strong as a battleship, we will be torn to pieces by ferocious firearms.

As for warriors, there are only three methods to deal with firepower - blocking eyes and ears, dodging, and making the opponent throw a rat weapon.

Tiehua belongs to the first category, and body skills belong to the second category. Xiangshan used the building structure to put himself near the scientific research knights' database and laboratory, preventing countless soldiers from using heavy firepower, which belongs to the third category.

Isolation perception and body dodge are of no use in front of a large army. Not to mention the latter, as long as the bullets are concentrated to a certain extent, dodge is meaningless. As for the former... haha, sandstorms are naturally created large-scale interference

Put aside for the time being, if you dare to lay out a one-hectare metal aerosol in front of the army, the other side will blow up everything within the coverage of the metal aerosol.

Against a large army, there is only one way to effectively block heavy firepower - to attack it.

This is Baiman's plan to delay.

As long as you are in a group with the opponent, the combat unit with heavy firepower will naturally use the enemy's weapons.

However, if you really break into the enemy's position, you will face another problem - dense formation is the natural enemy of all fighting techniques.

This requires that a solo intruder must have a combat capability that far exceeds that of the opponent's individual soldier. He must be able to quickly deal with the threats around him and at the same time constantly move around at extremely high speeds.

——The thin line between life and death...

The hero Baiman said this to himself.

——The line is just right.

【So, let’s begin! The first batch!】

Xingyi screamed. Between the knights and the army of protectors, rows of metal aerosol bombs suddenly exploded.

These were originally intended to be used as cover when breaking out of the southward encirclement after being relieved, but the situation was urgent and they could only be used in this way.

The line of sight between the two sides was immediately blocked.

The officers were already used to it. They ordered some soldiers to stop temporarily and set up artillery positions.

A few seconds later, the first wave of intensive bullets came over.

The distance between the two sides was about six kilometers, and bullets were quite dangerous within this range. Several soldiers were knocked over immediately. But no one paid attention to this. The medical team immediately rushed out and picked up the heads of those soldiers.

At the same time, a few brave external martial arts masters rushed to the front of the battle line, ready to take the bullet with their hands and push back the shooter's position with their hands.

This is indeed a profound skill, but it cannot be regarded as a "unique skill".

But at this moment, several warriors quickly adjusted the focus of the prosthetic eyes.

Deep in the silver metallic aerosol, they saw a bit of red. The red instantly turned into golden red, spread rapidly at the same time, and then turned into blazing white light.

In just a short moment, the metal aerosol was ignited.


Dozens of warriors stared at that spot so intensely that their optic nerves were burned. The prosthetic eye protection mechanism automatically appeared and the exposure was adjusted.

In that very short period of time, they lost their sight.

Only a handful of people with higher-level prosthetic eyes saw the next scene.

A line of fire jumped out from the bright flank, drawing a complex arc on the ground.

"Fire! Fire!"


The moment the metal aerosol suddenly stood up like a wall, Bai Man moved.

He ripped off his camouflage and ran wildly.

The air inlets hidden in various parts of the body have already sucked in enough atmosphere to compress the body. Then, the powerful energy instantly turns it into plasma. The plasmaized propellant is filled into the acceleration chamber, using a strong magnetic field as a

Restraint, guidance and secondary acceleration, ejecting it from the vector jets everywhere on the body.

Having a stellarator that is powerful enough to drive a spacecraft as a power source gives you the luxury of directly using air as propellant!

In the first second, Baiman's speed exceeded three times the speed of sound.

The turbulence seemed to be automatically dodging this monster that exceeded fifteen times the speed of sound. He ignited the metal aerosol, bypassed the flanks, and charged towards the enemy's main line.

The momentary light of this aerosol is the best cover!

Bai Man continued to charge forward. While maintaining extremely high speed, he was always adjusting the angle of the vector jet, changing direction, and running a complex trajectory on the ground.

In the fourth second, he arrived in front of the military formation. The first wave of heavy firepower from the opposite side had not yet been unleashed!

He was like a group of wild elephants running into a group of sheep. This guy didn't dodge or avoid, he just protected his head with his arms, and just hit him straight, using the enemy soldiers to slow down!

The sides of Bai Man's prosthetic body, the chest, and the back, which do not emphasize flexibility, are all made of part of the outer armor of the Taunhai aircraft. These outer armors are difficult to process on Earth, so the shape is almost unchanged.

It was installed on Bai Man's body. These armors can resist cosmic dust and micro-meteorites at several percent of the speed of light. They are not at the same strength as the prosthetic bodies of ordinary soldiers.

Bai Man crashed directly into the position for more than thirty meters, killing more than forty people.

At this time, his speed also dropped to about Mach 7.

For Bai Man, this is a speed that can be controlled.

Ordinary soldiers no longer need to worry. The only thing they can do to harm Bai Man is the firearm in their hands. But Bai Man has already rushed into the formation, and those people cannot use heavy firepower to deal with him.

He gently grabbed the barrel of a tank and used force to change its direction.

The moment he held it, Bai Man experienced the difference in this prosthetic body.

Many joints of this prosthetic body have independent small magnetic fields. The joints are not only connected by alloy parts, but also rely on the reinforcement of the magnetic field. The carefully designed magnetic fields are interlocked, and a force can be transferred extremely quickly.

The speed is dispersed throughout the magnetic field, reducing the pressure on the material.

The sensors in the body sense subtle changes in the magnetic field at all times. Those who are good at this will map this feeling with touch and use innate instinct to process this complex information.

Therefore, a warrior who has controlled the magnetic field can feel the existence of "jin" more than a warrior who has pressure-sensitive parts.

It is said that many parts in prosthetics that can move at one percent of the speed of light are even connected by magnetic fields to minimize friction.

Bai Man had only slightly experienced the feeling of magnetic field transmission during testing before, and mapped it with touch.

This is also the first time he has used it in actual combat.

——Not bad...

As he thought this, the vector jet suddenly turned, and at the same time, he threw the tank with both hands, and his whole body changed direction.

The tank flew more than ten meters away, killing several soldiers who could not dodge.

Throwing a tank can be said to be the beginning of cyber martial arts!

Baiman followed suit again, throwing several tanks in succession, and using the reaction force of the throws to change his direction. In addition, his speed was still hovering around Mach 78, making it impossible for casual soldiers to target him. Many protectors wanted to avoid it, but

But the speed difference was too far, and he could only be killed instantly.

Suddenly, the Protector's formation actually created a clearing for Bai Man to come out.

Bai Man roared, and the ammunition magazines on his arms popped open, and metal aerosol bombs fell from them one after another, exploding among the army of protectors.

Within this area, those asylum seekers cannot blow up all the areas covered by the aerosol!

"My dear, this is a leap of heaven and earth!" Hamki shouted: "The old guy's star-simulating device is indeed cheaper than the Earth Knight."

In the chaos, dozens more bullets flew from six kilometers away. Most of these bullets were aimed at conspicuous warriors and officers. Since the knights lacked drones to collect weather conditions, their accuracy was not very good.

But there are too many protectors, and even if they miss the target, they can always knock down a few soldiers.

Hamki noticed this scene and immediately issued an order: "Team A! Ignore this knight, give me..."

At this moment, the communication terminal.

How could there be no electromagnetic pulse in Whiterun!

This chapter has been completed!
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