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Chapter 26: Forced to obey

"How about it?" Leif opened his visor, revealing his face with a bright red Z tattooed on it: "Avenge your companions, or join us?"

Paulus' teeth chattered: "You want me... to join the mob? To give up the protection of civilization?"

Although Paulus is not a famous martial artist, he is still someone who can make a name for himself in regional competitions, and he is still very young. For Cybermen, the "growth period" or "rising period"

" can last for fifty years or even a hundred years. As long as the optimization of neural circuits is greater than the accumulation of redundancy, cyber warriors can continue to grow.

If it continues for thirty years, he may not be able to enter the Paralympics...

"That's right." Leif smiled and said, "Look at Mr. Leif in front of you. Is there anything wrong with being like us? Moreover, the Dyson principle does not prohibit people from voluntarily giving up asylum. You can make a choice."


Paulus still wanted to argue - to refuse, or to get more benefits for himself?

But Leif interrupted him mercilessly: "What if you are worried about losing the enjoyment of the city? For us, entering the city is not that dangerous. If you are worried about the pursuit of the lord, then, standing on

Mr. Leif here is the best proof - it's not a big deal in the first place. The wilderness without shelter will only eliminate the weak."

As he spoke, Leif put down the stick on his shoulder: "Having said this, it would be too stupid if you don't know what's going on, right?"


"On one side is the 'death' who has lost everything, and on the other side is the 'life' who has joined us and gained internal strength. How to choose? Do you still need Mr. Leif to teach you?"

Paulus was silent for a moment and asked: "Are you willing to believe in me...will you teach me internal skills?"

"That's how we trust each other!" The iron rod pressed on Paulus's wrist, pressing down his hand that was covering his eyes: "Put down your hand, as long as you join us, I won't

Let's attack you - in the wilderness, we all stick together to survive."

Paulus did not have the ability to close his eyes. He did see Leif's eyes.

But nothing happened.

Paulus breathed a sigh of relief, but the steel rod was immediately pressed against his throat.

"So, will you join?"

"I'll join..." Paulus nodded with difficulty.

Looking at the expression on the remaining half of Paulus' face, Leif knew that this guy might not have completely surrendered. He might be thinking about escaping from the organization after gaining access to internal strength?

Leif didn't care about that, because it was impossible.

People with internal strength have an absolute advantage over those without internal strength.

A strong man like the Lord Lord must rely on internal strength to rule this land. And after practicing internal strength, you can hide yourself in the network. Even the lowest "Command Realm" has the capital to resist rule.

Guardians of civilization will not tolerate unauthorized practitioners of internal energy.

Of course, there are always sophisticated hackers who will spread their secrets on the Internet without leaving a trace. Perhaps they are hidden in online communities that are open to registration but have only a few people, or they may hide unpopular technologies in popular communities.

Within the post, it may be hidden in open copyright pictures or even materials. In addition, there are also blockchain paths passed down by word of mouth.

There are always those talented young people who know it almost from birth, who can piece together traces of internal energy from those scales and claws, realize their own internal energy, and become a new generation of knights.

Jinbao Kui belongs to this kind of genius. Paulus did not follow this path, maybe because of bad luck, or maybe his talent in internal skills was just like this.

Therefore, it is impossible to "learn internal skills and run away" from the beginning.

Of course, this is not the real reason why the organization behind Leif is not afraid of "betrayal".

Organizations in the wilderness do have a strong centripetal force. But this is not due to the personal charisma of the leader.

Thugs create "shared memories."

The memory of robbing together, the memory of killing together, the memory of eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling together...

The "common memory of the group" provided by countless people.

The mob organization will store this kind of thing on a hard drive and then insert it into the brain-computer interface of the group.

Compared to an individual, an incredibly large memory will swallow up a person's spirit and permanently change a person's character. It is not a person's memory of one thing, but a group of hundreds of people over decades.

Memories formed by experiences.

Organizations that have the conditions may even perform a surgery in advance to destroy the "temperament" that already exists in the biological brain.

Thus, a brand new villain and scumbag was born.

Even some famous heroes of the generation would suffer such treatment after being captured by wilderness thugs.

These thugs are the green forest roads of this era. The famous swordsmen and swordsmen disdain to associate with them, but there are indeed many good ones among them.

Yes, powerful warrior prosthetics can be grabbed. If you have the connections, you can also buy them.

There are also many ways to obtain martial arts algorithms. Even a few masters will hide their martial arts in the blockchain that is not controlled by the Father of All Machines, waiting for those who are destined to obtain them. Based on the structure of the blockchain, these martial arts algorithms

Be dismantled into some kind of information clusters that cannot be copied privately.

Although it is rare, there are traces to follow.

Only a biological brain that can match a powerful prosthetic body and perfect martial arts is something that is truly rare.

After hearing that there was a warrior who lost all his martial arts algorithms and still defeated another famous warrior, Leif's organization started to operate.

This is a talent, and given time, he may not be able to become a powerful person.

And Paulus can only be regarded as an addition.

These idiots simply don't understand what incredible methods are hidden behind the vague descriptions of those ignorant villagers.

"Okay." Leif tapped Paulus's chest with a steel rod: "Come together, there is still something to do."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Mayor Schultz’s throat moved, and he wanted to say something. Paulus was hired by him, and he had obviously paid him...but...but


Suddenly, Anthony, the "explosive bomb" who was first knocked down by Leif, stood up. He let out a meaningless beast roar and activated the Vulcan cannon on his shoulder. The bullets that had not been fired just poured out randomly.

Metal-based proteins make it harder to kill humans in this era than in the past. Yes, destroying the structure of the biological brain can fundamentally destroy a person's personality and self, but this does not mean death in a biological sense.

Entertainment plug-ins like "personality" are not completely bound to hardware like the brain.

Perhaps it was the last flashback? The surviving brain nerves discharged for the last time. The mechanical body read this reaction and issued the wrong command.

Parts scattered and plasma atomized.

Many residents screamed.

Then, a steel rod penetrated Anthony's neck, broke his spine, and then swept it across, disabling the Vulcan cannon.

When Anthony was still conscious, he couldn't hurt Leif, let alone now?

Leif turned back expressionlessly and looked at the mayor behind him: "Old man, you were the one who shot me just now, right?"

Just now when he was dealing with this gunman, a bullet did hit the armor on the back of his neck.

The mayor was frightened. He hurriedly threw away the rifle in his hand. Seeing Anthony's last instinctive reaction, he thought it was an opportunity... He...

"Good shot." Surprisingly, Leif just smiled, with a hint of praise in his tone: "The timing was good, it's a surprise."

Then, with a flash of silver light, the village chief's hand holding the gun exploded together with the gun.

The ancestral firearm turned into flying fragments, and the hand turned into a puddle of viscous fluid and sprinkled on the ground.

Leif laughed and turned around to leave. He was actually not very angry about the mayor's behavior. After all, it was a firearm of that caliber, and his outer armor was not made of paper. On the contrary, the mayor's actions can be regarded as this time

Just a little embellishment for boring action!

Paulus approached cautiously: "So, senior, can you remove the internal energy from my friend?"

He made up his mind to take Longconi to the wilderness with him, so that he could take care of him.

Leif waved his hand, signaling not to bother him.

Leif: [Did you hear that, brother, remove the command from that loser? 】

Jingbo Kui;【So troublesome?】

Leif: [I also need to expand it...]

Jingbo Kui: [I know. It’ll be over in a moment. Now, the kid in the intelligence has been sneaked to the other side of the village by a heavy machine. Intercept them!]

Leif:【Got it!】

Leif's legs were slightly bent. The transmission system was rapidly accumulating internal energy.

Then, it is converted into kinetic energy and released.

Leif had already jumped into the air.

Two jet vents suddenly popped up on the round back armor. At the same time, an air inlet also opened on Leif's chest.

Newton's three laws are an approximation of the truth of the world under low gravity and low light speed. At least on earth, within the scope of ordinary cyber warriors, Newton's three laws are absolute. There is no approximation that "action force and reaction force are not the same."

The Qinggong of "waiting".

However, cyber warriors can still "step on the snow without leaving a trace".

Relying on vector thrusters.

The battery and power system in Leif's body cannot withstand that level of thrusters. However, it is still possible to use the jet engine for a short period of time.

Since the emergence of living things on the earth, no animal has ever been able to accelerate itself to such a degree. In fact, there has never been such a heavy animal that can achieve such a speed. No birds, insects, beasts or even legends can describe Leif's speed.

The movement of time.

The first leap was almost exhausted, and he had already crossed a third of the town.

With a "boom" sound, the giant man crushed a house and gained a second acceleration.

He had already seen Yulia who was about to run onto the road and was about to speed up.

"Ha!" Leif laughed and threw the steel rod in his hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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