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Chapter 27 Kidnapping

Yulia soon regained consciousness.

The principle of concussion is that external vibration causes the neuron structure to be impacted. The metal-based protein created by the Father of All Machines builds cells that are more resistant than natural human cells. Coupled with the reduction of industrial machinery,

The shock system actually has two brushes, so even if Yulia rolled around in the air and then landed heavily on the front of the car, she did not receive any substantial damage.

However, her left rear wheel disappeared. A steel rod fell from the sky and penetrated her rear wheel.

This was the reason for her car accident.

Time goes back a few minutes.

"In other words, this town has no shelter now!"

At this moment, a word suddenly came out from the dust in the sky.

At the same time, noisy but loud footsteps sounded. Originally, when the welfare officer announced that the asylum was revoked, panic accumulated in the crowd. But now, these words ignited fear.

Yuki's eyes widened. He saw several blurry black figures gradually becoming obvious in the dust. Then, he restarted his camera - he wondered if he had seen it wrong. In his vision

Among them, the shadow that broke out of the darkness was actually three meters tall, and its hands seemed to be held flat at both sides. But the length of the hands was also disproportionate to the body - it was really too long.

Yuki's eyes widened: "What is that?"

"Come with me quickly!" Yulia reversed the car and skillfully used the unloading rack to hang Yuki's waist. This action would probably be fatal to a natural person, but Yuki would only need to replace some parts at most.

These guys who are looking for trouble are probably thugs, but they must not be involved in thugs' battles.

However, when Yulia and Yuki escaped for their lives, the steel rod fell from the sky.


Yulia detected a cry. No need to compare the voiceprint, it was her son. Yuki was lying on the ground crying. One of his legs had separated from his body in the accident just now, and he could no longer walk.

"Good boy..." Yulia shouted quickly: "Hurry up and put the legs on. Didn't you learn how to repair them from Yog? Come on! Hurry up..."

"Mom!" Yuki was overjoyed: "You're okay! That's great!"

"I told you to hurry up and see your legs!" Yulia was very impatient. She didn't know what happened, and she didn't know whether the attack just now was the aftermath of the battle or was targeted. She just hoped that her son could hurry up.

Stay away from here.

"Bang bang bang". That was the sound of metal colliding and applause.

Leif stood aside with a sad expression on his face: "It's such a touching parent-child relationship."

"You are...a thug..." Yulia was horrified: "What do you want? My prosthetic body or my brain lobes? You..."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Leif pretended to wipe away the non-existent tears: "I have no interest in prosthetics like yours, madam. If you cut off the pons prematurely and have no exercised brain lobes, there is not much value.


He strode forward.

Yulia immediately saw the intention of this giant man.


Yulia's front wheels turned. She wanted to use her last strength to hit the giant man. But the industrial prosthesis was too bulky. After losing the rear wheels and losing the power, she could not start in a short time.


Leif grabbed Yuki. He could hold the kid with one hand.

"Okay, little guy, I heard that you dug that man out of the garbage dump." Leif smiled: "He shouldn't leave you alone, right?"

Yuki's eyes widened: "Your target is...master..."

"'Master'?" Leif repeated the syllable: "You mean...'Master'?"

Leif: [Hey Mad Kui, did you hear that? 】

Because the distance is a little farther, the signal becomes a little worse.

Jingbo Kui: [Ah, ‘Master’. Surprisingly, it’s a big fish? Only a famous knight-errant swordsman would be qualified to let his students use this word.]

Leif: [But, is it strange? Would a vigilante really let himself fall into that kind of... that kind of situation where he loses everything? 】

Knights will not lose everything. When they raise the flag of rebellion against the existing civilization, they are already ready to give up their lives. They would rather die than lose their inner strength - they do not want to become the slaves of the tyrant again.

Knights are also the most difficult to capture alive.

If they are not brainwashed, even if everything is deprived of them, they will rely on their own strength to find all the gaps in this society and become knights again.

But if they really lose their internal strength and ability to resist, they will choose death.

Even the knights who were washed away into the green forest would not be an exception in this regard.

Lords and other patrons of civilization also understand this truth. Knights rarely become prisoners. They are either executed on the spot, or their brains are directly dismembered and used as another resource.

Therefore, many people speculate that Xiangshan is a martial artist who has lost his martial arts algorithm, not a knight.

Jingbo Kui: [No matter what... I'll hit him with a Trojan horse when I get the chance! Even if he is really a famous hero, after losing the memory storage device, he will not be able to recall his inner strength in a short time!]

[Ah, wouldn't that be better this way?] Leif laughed ferociously: [This means that our new brother is definitely talented in internal skills! You hurry up to the place and lay an ambush.


He laughed, picked Yuki up on the iron rod, and raised it high. Yuki kept struggling. However, Leif just kept adjusting the steel rod and firmly grasped the center of the young body. Yuki's struggle

It was destroying the dynamic balance between himself and the iron rod, but Leif could reestablish the balance just by shaking his finger.

He laughed and walked through the streets of the town. Along the way, everyone was avoiding him. The self-defense force established in the village was meaningless in front of warriors of this level. Everyone just screamed and tried their best to get away from him.

Get away.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [On your left.]

However, Leif followed Kui's instructions and kept turning.

The best Kui hacked into the surveillance. In the city, he seemed to have turned on the whole map.

Then, Leif spoke: "Hey, brother Enoch in front of you, where are you going?"

Enoch, who was running for his life, suddenly did not dare to move.

"Sir Leif..." He tried his best to keep his voice close to the "flattering" parameter: "So it's you..."

Although Leif has changed into a prosthetic body, his original face...

"Oh my, I haven't appeared in front of you like this before, right?" Leif smiled: "The matter of hot-plugging and unplugging the brain. As long as you have several prosthetics, you can understand it!"

"I...of course I can't compare to Mr. Leif...I..."

"I'm going to trouble you again, Enoch." Leif said gently: "Can you take poor Mr. Leif to this child's house? I'm here to find the warrior."

"Enoch!" Yuki exploded instantly: "You guy! You told this person! You killed your mother! It's you! It's you!"

He kicked and beat like crazy. But Leif still just shook his weapon and kept in this state.

Enoch was shocked: "Yuliya... What happened to Yulia..."

"Don't worry, I've heard your love poems, and I haven't touched this industrial machinery." Leif smiled heartily: "Take me there?"

After hearing that Yulia was fine, Leif felt relieved and stopped thinking about other things. He did not dare to disobey Leif and could only lead the way.

Youki was still yelling and cursing: "At that time, you were the one who pushed the master, right! You bastard! Bastard!"

"Hey, kid." Leif shook the stick in his hand: "This is not the time to worry about such things, right?"


"Don't you think about why I chose to capture you?" Leif smiled.

Yuki's face froze.

Leif laughed.

Yuki is actually just a bargaining chip in the "deal".

Although neither Leif nor Mad Kui think that the warrior named "The Mountain" can match them, they still need to prevent "The Mountain" from escaping. The bionic boxing method is not as offensive as Leif's stick technique, but the light prosthetic body is more effective in long-distance attacks.

Has great advantages.

They captured Yuki just to prevent "Mountain" from leaving.

Of course, there are other uses.

In the best case scenario, they plan to use Yuki as a hostage to force Shan to accept the Trojan implant.

In this case, Jinbao Kui can kill "The Mountain" at any time.

Soon, Enoch said: "It's right in front..."

Yuki's home was not far from there. Leif looked at this dilapidated shack and shook his head.

This kind of building cannot provide effective defense. I don't know what "mountain" is hiding inside.

——By the way, is he really in there?

The infrared vision of the prosthetic eye showed that there was indeed a heat source in the room that was slightly higher than the ambient temperature.

He was thinking, should he use the wind pressure driven by the stick to blow away the shack, or should he just kick open the door?

"Okay, back off." Leif waved his hand and asked Enoch to get out of his way. Enoch looked at Youki, as if he had other ideas. But Leif scolded: "What's wrong? If there's a fight later,

If so, I can't take care of you."

Enoch was startled and said flatteringly: "How could it be? How can that 'Yorg' compare with you?"

Even so, he still backed up slowly.

It dragged on naturally for a few seconds.

A moment later, the "ready" signal came from the explosive Kui.

He has stepped within a range of thirty meters. Within this range, the wifi signal is strong enough. His internal energy can be transmitted through the air without any hindrance, and he can perform the "witnessing" technique through Leif's eyes.

"Very good..." Leif muttered and shouted to the door: "Hey, that unknown warrior, you are still inside, right? Now, fellow Jianghu practitioners are coming to you to confirm what they have learned! Please come out.


No sound.

"Hey, you're not going to stand up, are you?" Leif shouted: "Then what will happen to your benefactor, you can't say?"

"Master!" Yuki shouted in the air: "Don't be deceived! I believe you are strong! But I haven't remembered it yet! You can escape! Revenge me in the future! Master! You..."

"Shut up!"

The steel rod squeezed out the air in the alveoli with just one click.

Yuki's mouth and nose, which had not yet had its internal organs replaced, immediately spurted blood.

"Hey? Can't you come out?" Leif called.

There is still no movement. The heat of the object inside is gradually increasing.

"What the hell?" Leif grabbed Yuki in his hand and poked the door with a three-meter-long stick. To a natural person, this long stick was close to a pillar or a gate gate, but to him it was just the same.

Just an eyebrow stick.

The main structure of the house made an overwhelming sound.

But there was still no one inside.

Yulia, who reluctantly moved over, was filled with despair.

——If Shan doesn't save the child at this time...

"Tsk, warrior, do you want to tell us, 'This child has nothing to do with me, you can do whatever you like'?" Leif shook his head, smacked his tongue and said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, this method is very harmful to us on the green forest road.

Isn’t it of much use to a good man?”

He was not sure what the source of heat in the house was and whether there were any traps, so he did not attack rashly.

Without vision, he may not be able to grasp everything about the opponent. On the contrary, the knight inside may not have the means to counterattack.

Even if he can destroy the house with half a move, he will still give half a move an advantage.

If the one inside is really a master, half a move might be enough to determine life or death.

"In this case..." Leif hit the steel rod and threw Youki up high: "You asked for this!"

Yuki was in mid-air, clawing helplessly with his hands and feet. And Leif had already assumed a posture similar to golf.

Of course, it's just a threat. He doesn't intend to kill the child yet. In that case, the chips will be really worthless.

At this moment, Yuki's house exploded. A stream of silver light spurted out like running water, and then wrapped softly around the steel rod.

--So fast……

This was Leif's first thought.

***The author has something to say***

I have a special reason for updating the series.

On February 22, 2020, the number of members in the official group of "Cyber ​​Heroes" reached 222.

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