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Chapter 50 A long way to go

Xiangshan moved his prosthetic eyes and observed the opponent's retreating back.

It looks like it should be an underground Pixiu.

——Ah, rushed out...

Before losing consciousness, he and Bai Man should have broken out of the encirclement together. Now that they saw the underground Pixiu, they either broke out together or were captured together.

Judging from what he said just now, it is probably the former... although it cannot be ruled out that the guy is being dragged out for execution.

Xiangshan was just thinking like this. His brain was probably still slowly "starting up", and his thoughts were just wandering endlessly.

After a while, I finally regained consciousness.

Xiangshan endured his headache and quickly checked the information recorded by the prosthetic eye and prosthetic ear.

Well, it does seem to be the former.

He had been in a coma for about five days.

Part of the reason is due to the fatigue caused by high-intensity surgery, and part of the reason is due to concussion caused by sudden acceleration.

In addition, the intense brain activity when he absorbed Tao Enhai's memory also delayed his awakening process.

I couldn't help it, so I never had a good rest.

But now...

It should be almost ready.

For prosthetic people, when the brain is awake, the whole person is awake. There is no phenomenon of "the brain is awake but the body is weak". Tao Enhai's nervous system is oppressed by Ivolu's cell tissue, and if placed on a natural person, he would have been bedridden for a long time.

. But he could still move freely until the surgery.

It's just that things like the sense of distance are completely messed up, and it's easy to fall flat when the fists and kicks explode at the speed of sound.

As long as the will is awake, the body will not be unable to move.

He turned over to the mountain and stood up.

Here...the familiar ceiling should be inside the "mule".

According to the records of the prosthetic eye, Bai Man led him directly out of the blockade. His speed was fast enough, so most enemies could not target him. He rushed out of the blockade and Tiehua area in an instant

, caught up with the huge cloud of dust, and followed the location provided by Xiang Shan and Jadel to meet up with the original informer.

——There seemed to be heavy losses along the way...

Xiangshan held his head.

Since he did not observe it himself, he only read vague records and documents, so he could only roughly know that Jadel and the two underground Pixiu must be alive. Xingyi must be dead and buried.

As for the others, they probably died on the way to break out.

According to everyone's original plan, Bai Man would rush to the front with everyone after the operation. If that were the case, the sacrifices on the vigilante side would be much smaller.

After Xiangshan saw the protector with the flying wing expansion parts mounted, he concluded that Bai Man could not defeat him in all likelihood. He checked the prosthetic body used by Bai Man. Bai Man's prosthetic body

It was pieced together in this critical moment, and can only be regarded as the "lower limit" of that level of prosthetic body. In addition to the limited strength of the components and the restricted upper limit of explosive power, the radar system of the prosthetic body is average, and the missiles it is equipped with are all from ordinary government warriors.

There are too few air-to-air ones captured. It lacks the very critical meta-magnetic gas system [Note: It is a defense system controlled by magnetic fields and composed of metal aerosols, which can effectively resist EMP, laser weapons, deflected metal jets, etc.

Kinetic bullets], and there are no qualified melee weapons such as phonon knives and high-energy particle beam knives.

And he has used a prosthetic body that can mount flying wing extensions. He probably knows the strength of the protector cadres.

Bai Man, who inherited Tao Enhai's star-simulating device, should be preserved the most priority among everyone.

So Xiang Shan intervened in that battlefield with the phonon knife.

"If I go to the other side... forget it." Xiang Shan shook his head.

After breaking out of the encirclement, everyone walked south, chasing the sandstorm and bypassing several cities.

Fortunately, the star simulator on Bai Man's body can easily provide energy for the entire convoy, so the convoy can race with confidence and always maintain a speed slightly faster than the strong wind.

Before the sandstorm completely subsided, they ran around without stopping for several days.

And now, they have arrived at the outskirts of a certain city.

This is close to the edge of the Mexican plateau. A city called "Ciudad Domingo" stands here.

Xiang Shan wanted to get out of the car door. The original person outside the door heard the noise, came down to check, and said in surprise: "Senior, are you awake?"

The original news source has been busy since he and his group arrived in this city.

The knights have a lot to do. Uploading the technical information brought by Tao Enhai, updating the records of dead knights, and collecting available resources are all things that must be done.

The first point goes without saying. Tao Enhai went through life and death just to bring these technical information to other knights.

The previous long-distance retreat also greatly consumed the resources of the knights. In terms of energy, Baiman's stellarator was of course supported, but the wear of parts and the consumption of coolant and lubricants caused by long-distance high-speed running were big problems.

In addition, they also need to spread the news of the victims and update this information in the knights' intelligence network.

This is to show respect for the deceased and to prevent someone from stealing the identity of the deceased.

These are all things that must be done.

Yuki is also helping to collect supplies.

After the last scene of the slain person was spread, the knights all bid farewell one after another. After all, they still had things to do.

At present, only the Yuan Wen person is left here. The Yuan Wen person was not far away before and heard the movement in the car.

Xiang Shan nodded and walked out of the carriage.

The carriage is half buried in the soil. From a short distance, it does look like a low shed. There is also a layer of rust on it. This is a special kind of paint, which is usually a transparent gel.

Mixed with fine metal particles. As long as it is sprayed on the surface of the object and then sprayed with a layer of water mist, rust can be quickly formed.

Walking on the dirt towards the mountain, you come to the ground.

He saw the sea.

He was only one or two kilometers away from the sea. The sea surface continued to the horizon. The sea water was very calm, and there were no obvious waves at this distance. The entire sea water showed an emerald green color.

Although according to "common sense", the sea water is blue, in Xiangshan's eyes, the color of the water is actually a bit subtle.

——Is it because of new microorganisms...

Xiang Shan thought so.

Then, directly to the north, is a super building complex. Similar to what we saw in Jayhawk City, the main body of Domingo City is also the super building. Giant buildings thousands of meters high rise from the ground.

No matter which corner of the city, this giant building will steal your attention immediately. Everyone lives in the shadow of this building. In comparison, those civilian shacks are like the shacks at the foot of the big trees.

Like mushrooms.

The original reporter parked the vehicle in a shack that looked like a garbage dump.

Xiang Shan took a closer look and found that most of these shacks were the shells of civilian vehicles before and were directly converted into houses. Occasionally, you can also see scrapped tank frames with some plates put together.

These "houses" have no foundations and are basically half-buried in the ground for fixation. Due to sandstorms, these houses were buried deeper.

Xiangshan turned over and stood on the roof of the car, looking in all directions. To the south was a mountainous system of folds, but compared with the super building, it was really just like a small fold on the ground. Xiangshan looked at the building. With the pine trees

Unlike the buildings in Eagle City with luxurious decorations on their exterior walls, these buildings have many elements in their appearance.

This city is also different from Jayhawk City in that it lacks that kind of planning.

The area where Xiangshan is now seems to be a garbage dump, where mechanical waste is piled up for recycling. Some shells with relatively low recycling value are left behind, and the poor regard them as their own houses.

This place has always been noisy. After all, the garbage dump is never very tidy.

Xiang Shan jumped off the roof of the car and asked, "Has everyone else left? When did they leave?"

The original source said it exactly.

Bai Man took the brains of Lu Xiu and Tao Enhai and left, taking the waterway at night. Just like sand and dust, seawater can block satellite detection. And the demand for oxygen by baseline humans is also very low, "walking from the bottom of the sea"

It's a common choice. According to Lu Xiu, they are going to the Old Continent, to Africa, a place with a large number of knights. It seems that Tao Enhai has friends there. And Bai Man is also going there to look for justice.

The path to physical upgrading.

And Jadel must return to the North. The Red Stone Clan came with the strength of the sect because of Tao Enhai's matter, but was destroyed in Jayhawk City. The secrets of the sect that relied on the magnetic chain to spread were wiped out in an instant. Although most of the users.

Those inheritances are still there, but without an organization to teach them, it will be difficult for those technologies to be effective.

And in the Tao Enhai incident, the Hongshi Sect was definitely not the only sect that suffered heavy losses.

Giardetto's original source conveyed a message saying, "Oh, I really want to join you in chivalry, but the sect's responsibility still remains."

The subterranean Pixiu went underground to look for other earth-burrowing dragons. All the technologies he mastered were specialized in mining, and his combat effectiveness was very weak. The only way to go underground was to go down underground. The Mexican Plateau is the result of the intense interaction between the oceanic plate and the continental plate.

, the geological structure is complex and the minerals are rich. There are also many earth-burrowing dragons in this area. These miners are in their own line and have their own way.

Xiang Shan nodded after hearing this.

The result is still better than expected.

The original reporter suddenly asked at this time: "Senior, do you have any plans these days?"

"Plan? Not really..." Xiang Shan held his head down: "This time my brain was indeed injured... By the way, let's sort out our internal strength. We'll recuperate nearby. Do you have something important to do too?"

The original news person shook his head: "No. It's just that before leaving, the underground Pixiu left some messages for the seniors. He said, 'The place where the Eighth Martial God died is not far away. If you are interested, you can go and have a look.


Xiang Shan was slightly startled.

This chapter has been completed!
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