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Chapter 53 Teaching and Learning

Superman Enterprise strictly adheres to the "9 to 5" commuting time, with a two-hour lunch break in between.

In other words, there are only about six hours of work per day.

When the former Red League was still on the rise, it also implemented the "six-hour work system" and the "seven-hour work system." If it is hazardous labor and heavy labor approved by the relevant departments, then you only need to work four hours a day.

For the citizens of the Red League at that period, the "eight-hour work system" was still very capitalistic and exploitative. "Overtime" was even more contributing to the economic crisis of overproduction.

This is not alarmist. If one person does the work of two people, but earns the salary of 1.5 people, it is equivalent to eliminating the consumption of half a person. If consumption cannot increase, the general cycle of social reproduction will be blocked, and an economic crisis will naturally occur.

Germination. In Japan, where employees take the initiative to clock out and then go back to work, saving wages for the company and making the labor bureau unable to do anything, it is completely normal for the economy to suffer.

However, the former Red League has been suffering from internal and external troubles, and the implementation of these working systems is not uniform in various places. With the Third Reich's eager eyes, the former Red League suspended this set of systems in order to prepare for war. During the Great Patriotic War,

During the bloody turmoil, the Red League began to ignore the cost, and its once noble ideals were completely forgotten. Since the 1960s and 1970s, the privileged class has done whatever they want in the Red League, and they even dared to shout that they "will do whatever they want." To protect workers

The welfare system is in name only.

Except for a very small number of small-scale workshop-style enterprises, perhaps Superman Enterprises is the only large enterprise on the planet with such a short average annual working hours since the 1990s.

Time outside these six hours can be arranged freely by employees.

Tao Enhai, the clerk on the West Third Ring Road, is very rare. I think after they get off work, we can make an appointment to go shopping in the mall, watch a movie, or just have a chat.

After all, there is only one office there.

There are many more choices at the research center. Xiangshan and the others occupy an entire office building. Not only that, but there are also several laboratories nearby that they own.

The remaining space is much larger.

Superman Enterprise also has an amazing library, which is supervised by dedicated personnel and is also open to employees on holidays. It contains a comprehensive range of information, as well as some recreational products for relaxing the body and mind.

In addition, Superman Enterprise also encourages employees to voluntarily form "interest groups" and other organizations after work. Moderate exercise is beneficial to ensuring that you are energetic. Mr. Chen Feng, a martial arts enthusiast, organized a "lunch break swordsmanship training class" within the company.

, several enthusiasts often use their lunch breaks to go to the basement to practice their skills.

However, they also have some spare time activities that are more consistent with their status as "scholars."

For example, give a lecture.

Even among the world's top scholars, many of them have teaching positions. The "teaching position" here does not mean tutoring graduate students like a craftsman tutoring an apprentice, but seriously teaching in front of the class. For example, Hull

Mr. Mann Minkowski met the yet-to-be-famous Albert Einstein in a mathematics class at the University of Zurich, and left comments such as "bad at mathematics" and "a lazy dog" to the latter.

You know, when Minkowski was seventeen years old, he was already the world's top mathematician. When he was just twenty, he could chat and laugh with David Hilbert, the world's top mathematician at the time. And he despised it.

When young Einstein reached the level of mathematics, he was already past his thirties.

In addition to the idea of ​​"continuing learning" and satisfying the spiritual need of "teaching and educating people", it is also very beneficial for scholars to hold teaching positions.

The essence of science is to use a set of "words that everyone can accept" to put down the "part of the truth" you see in words, and then compare it with others, strengthen each other, and continue to make progress in this way.

The process of thinking about "how to teach others the truth I know" is an overall reflection on what you have learned. You have to let others see the facts you have seen, make others convinced, and make others follow the truth.

Accept your ideas from the ground up. This process is conducive to systematic research and academic research.

Of course, Xiang Shan has his name at Tsinghua University. Chen Feng is also a researcher at Peking University. Apart from them, other scholars in Superman Enterprise don't mind having their name at local academic institutions. This also helps them integrate into the local environment. However,

, limited by research arrangements, researchers at Superman Enterprises basically do not have teaching positions in universities.

Therefore, if they want to give lectures, they will do so internally.

This is an initiative advocated by Xiang Shan. All the heads of the research department have done this to a greater or lesser extent. During breaks or working hours without scientific research tasks, you can do whatever you want, with customized content, and lectures are given to internal employees of the company.

Organize your own ideas systematically.

For employees in the research department, this is simply a benefit. Most of the scholars, including Yawgmoth, are among the best in the world. Even if they are not, they will be promoted quickly in such an environment.

This is something you can only find outside.

If Yawgmoth was willing to go to Qingbei to give a class, I'm afraid the entire biology department would crowd in to attend.

Tao Enhai has been in the company for three weeks and has encountered this kind of lectures several times. However, he did not listen to them very much. After leaving his major, he became as ignorant as ordinary people in other fields. Doing interdisciplinary research is not the same.

Get started with cutting-edge content from other fields.

He still has to spend time laying the foundation.

Ingrid finished writing the title and said: "Indeed, if you are interested, come and listen to it?"

Although Ms. Ingrid Granat majors in linguistics and calls herself a traditional "generative-transformative school", her research methods are very close to "cognitive science". She also studies the mechanism of language processing in the human brain. Tao Enhai feels,

If you do it formally, you will have a good chance of working with this lady.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "This topic..." Tao Enhai glanced at the whiteboard: "I didn't understand the first word."

"Well, the name of an African tribe. A mixture of several tribal names... you can understand it as 'based on linguistic research of a new type of Creole language'."

"Creole...oh." It took Tao Enhai a while to remember the meaning of this word.

Creole was originally called a "mixed language", but in the field of linguistics, it can also be regarded as "a natural language that is a mixture of several different languages, but has its own grammar and morphology and has someone as its mother tongue."

The original Creole language came from the slave trade. The Spanish forced the indigenous people to mine in the Americas. But after the local residents died out, slaves were brought from Africa. These slaves came from different tribes in Africa and spoke different native languages.

Same. They also have difficulty communicating with each other.

In order to communicate with each other, the slaves mixed the native language of the majority with the language of the slave owners. This mixed language is just some words and has no grammatical rules. However, the descendants of these slaves listened to their fathers talking in this language.

Treat this language as your mother tongue.

Subsequently, they instinctively completed this language without grammar and morphology, becoming an "independent" natural language.

This process often only takes one generation.

The existence of Creole language proves that "language" itself is an instinct - just like eating, drinking and walking, it is an instinct engraved on the body.

Although the specific grammar is still acquired, and the language of each nation comes from the long-term accumulation of history, the ability to "speak" and "learn foreign languages" is innate.

Many psycholinguists believe that the birth process of "Creole" is evidence of the existence of "Universal Grammar".

"I have a friend who has been doing fieldwork in Africa for a long time." Ingrid said: "The country he went to in the past few years is a very small country, but it has been in a civil war for a long time. More than ten years ago, the whole world was

Not so good, you understand... That kind of world crisis also spread over there. That small country fell into civil war, and people massacred each other. If countries hadn't strengthened their peacekeeping forces in the past 30 years, it would have been another catastrophe.


"Even if the United Nations intervenes, there are still orphans from different tribes... They are gathered together by the United Nations. And in the refugee camps, new languages ​​are born."

"This is really... magical." Tao Enhai praised: "I think the boss is also interested in this topic..."

"Pfft..." Ingrid smiled unkindly. She shook her head: "The probability of that guy coming to this class is very low."

"But he seems to come often to listen to your lectures?"

"He only cares about the hierarchical structure of grammar and the basis of grammar in the brain. His goal is a language that can run smoothly in the human brain and in computers." Ingrid

Patting the whiteboard: "He doesn't care about the origin and evolution of language. After all, he is not a linguist. He doesn't even care about the interaction between culture and language..."

Tao Enhai scratched his head: "The boss is so anti-traditional?"

"In his eyes, traditional culture can be roughly divided into ancient Greek and Roman garbage, Lianghe garbage, Vedic garbage, pre-Qin garbage, grassland barbarian garbage, other garbage, and the harmful substances produced by the fermentation of these garbage for two thousand years." Inge.

Lid coughed and imitated Xiang Shan's tone: "'Ah, yes, I know these things were very advanced three thousand years ago. But after two thousand years of storage, do you still dare to eat a plate of pastries?' - He probably

That's the attitude. He only respects legal holidays and has no interest in traditional festivals. He is willing to eat with his family during the 'reunion moment' of your republicans, and he also values ​​family rather than tradition. That's the kind of person he is."

Ingrid pointed to the whiteboard behind her: "It involves a lot of research on cultural and historical backgrounds. The most he can do is ask for a handout afterwards."

This chapter has been completed!
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