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Chapter 55: Memories gradually...

"So, who am I?"

After answering the original reporter's question, Xiangshan sent the two of them out of the "mule". Yuki also took the little guy away.

Xiangshan put his hand on his forehead and began to think about this problem.

He realized a serious problem. A problem that all gods of war have.

As we all know, the memory of the God of War comes from "Xiang Shan's own memories" uploaded by Yawgmoth, and "Memories of my time spent with Xiang Shan" contributed by Xiang Shan's friends.

In other words, the memory possessed by the God of War is not necessarily "Xiangshan's own memory", but "Xiangshan in the eyes of others".

Wu Shen is playing "Xiang Shan in the eyes of others" and "Xiang Shan as a social person".

But, is that the real "Wu Zu Xiangshan"?

Xiang Shan suddenly realized this problem.

He felt that there was a slight deviation in his memory.

Although Xiangshan hates all forms of feudal poison, he is by no means simply and directly destroying all cultures. That is not what he wants.

He also hopes to select the positive parts of the old culture and integrate them into the new culture - the so-called "sublation" inheritance.

"What is this? Prejudice? Yingjia is someone who is determined to protect traditional culture. She believes that traditional culture is the home of the human spirit. I want to tear down the dilapidated houses in my hometown and build new ones. In her eyes, do I want to destroy my hometown?


"Xiang Shan in Ingrid's eyes" may be several times more extreme than "Xiang Shan in his own eyes"...

"No, this memory belongs to Tao Enhai. This is 'Ingrid's evaluation of Xiangshan in Tao Enhai's memory'. The memory just now is Tao Enhai's construction of Xiangshan's impression..."

In Ingrid's eyes, Xiangshan definitely has more than just "culturally excessive radicalness". Otherwise, Ingrid would definitely not be willing to be friends with Xiangshan.

At least during the historical period of "Superman Enterprise", everyone maintained the state of "gentlemen are harmonious but different".

Moreover, there is another very important point.

Xiangshan has always respected "professionalism". He believes that professional matters are best left to professional people. To carry out cultural activities, we must leave them to people in the cultural field.

He may hate certain cultures, but he will never directly take action to destroy a certain culture with forceful means.

This is a very important point.

A person can hate another person in his heart, and can wish that person to die. This is a normal thing.

As long as he doesn't kill that person himself, he can do whatever he wants in his heart.

Xiangshan thinks that he is not a professional in studying human culture. It is difficult for him to judge the value of a culture from a historical perspective and transcend the times, so he will not take action directly.

Rather, in the eyes of technologists, backward culture does not need to be deliberately destroyed, it can just wait for it to die naturally.

There is no doubt that the profile of Ingrid in Tao Enhai's memory is more radical than Xiangshan himself.

Perhaps it's because, in Tao Enhai's mind, the "boss" is such a flamboyant and tough guy. He has such a clear-cut stand, so he can gather a group of people who are "harmony but different". In Tao Enhai's mind, this trait of Xiang Shan

It has been greatly strengthened.

This also leads to another question.

What about other “war gods”?

All martial gods, in addition to Xiangshan's own memory, are also more or less affected by "others' memories of Xiangshan".

"Will those people upload 'all the memories of me and Xiangshan'? Will they upload all the memories related to me to the blockchain in detail?"

Xiangshan couldn't help but think about this issue.

"If everyone only uploaded what they thought was the 'most prominent profile'..."

"Then what is the 'God of War' who inherited these memories?"

"In most cases, they will be consistent with me, but in some cases, their attitude will be more extreme than mine? Is there any connection between the reason why 'God of War' continues to fail and this?"

——No, before that...

--"Who am I?

Xiangshan previously felt that the question "who am I" was not important, only "what am I going to do" that was important - as long as he was still resisting tyranny, everything would be fine.

But now that I think about it, if I can’t clarify the question “who am I”, “what should I do” will become very difficult.

If there is no starting point as a support, then the direction forward is not solid enough. At least you have to figure out "who is my friend and who is my enemy".

"Everyone's impression of 'Xiang Shan' may be biased. It is true that they see the same person, but their thoughts will abstract the image of a 'person' from Xiang Shan's specific behavior...


Even for something that is objective and neutral and does not have any suggestive meaning, people often try to find some special meaning from it. But there are not so many things with special meaning in the world. For example, humans are always easy to fall into illusions

I saw many things that "resembled human faces".

By extension, many human "feelings" of the world are highly abstract. When you see a person, what you see is not his invisible, formless and elusive soul and personality, but his

into a fixed pattern of behavior, a series of behaviors.

It's as if many objects are actually a bunch of discontinuous atoms.

The impressions other people have of Xiangshan are all "illusions" abstracted from Xiangshan's past experiences.

"The Martial Gods not only inherit the memories of Martial Ancestor Xiangshan, but are also affected by these impressions. They will deviate from the source of the information to a certain extent..."

Xiang Shan held his head.

--What about me?

This is really a difficult problem. Xiangshan can't guarantee that his current "impression" really comes from the original "Martial Ancestor Xiangshan".

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Perhaps in the eyes of some people, "Martial Ancestor Xiangshan" is not that radical, and that memory has created the person he is now.

Of course, there is another possibility. During the long battle, Xiangshan revised his philosophy more than once.

At least there are subtle differences in the behavior of 28-year-old Xiangshan, 35-year-old Xiangshan, 39-year-old Xiangshan and 44-year-old Xiangshan.

What is your impression? Where does your interpretation of "chivalry" come from?

Speaking of which...

——Why did you choose to resist in a slightly inappropriate way of "chivalry" in the first place...

Then, there was a severe headache.

Memories came flooding back. They might be memories from Tao Enhai... They should be Tao Enhai's memories, but they were mixed with some of Xiangshan's own emotions.

In his daze, he saw...

A man was staring into the distance secretly. His high-performance prosthetic eyes crossed the crowd and locked onto a family of three in the crowd.

What he saw was... Tao Enhai's face. "Tao Enhai" was hanging out with his son and grandson.

However, a terrifying sound came from my ears.

[See, Dr. Tao. The method you mentioned before is meaningless. The "Tao Enhai" who survived the car accident is over there. It's a very advanced disguise. Maybe the biological tissue attached to the body is still cultured from your somatic cells.

The person who can do the verification may also be theirs】

The owner of the memory closed his eyes.

[Is that so... So are you really my old friend? So that Mianxiang who was killed in full view of the public...]

The mysterious and strong voice did not answer, but continued to persuade.

[It’s not too late. This power appeared suddenly. He stole the human world. But it’s not too late. As long as we can behead it, the operation of modern society will not be greatly affected...]

【Can't you really tell them?】

【Have you believed me before?】

I remembered the owner’s tightened shoulders.

【I understand. Please...kill "Tao Enhai".】

[After taking this step, you can't look back until you win, Doctor Tao.] The man said indifferently: [Welcome to the world of outlaws...Ah, wrong, wrong. I changed my name the day before yesterday.

"Xia Ke".]

The man strode towards Tao Enhai. Perhaps his goal was too obvious, so the plainclothes bodyguards hiding in the dark couldn't sit still and rushed out one after another.

However, the difference in combat effectiveness seems to be a little too big.

The man broke the arms of the two bodyguards with a slight twist. Non-fatal bullets from the natural man era seemed to have no effect on him. He even had time to tap Tao Enhai's grandson's side of the neck, using the body's response.

The excitement caused him to faint.

Then, he killed the "Taunhai".

When Xiang Shan came to his senses, he had already stood up and unconsciously put his hands into a fist stance. His synthesizer simulated a gasping sound, and then he punched the ground.

"Because it is 'stealing the country', it has no legitimate legitimacy? As long as the beheading is successful, this crisis can be resolved unknowingly?"

Xiang Shan knocked his head.


It is a world of numbers composed of 0s and 1s, a vast ocean formed by countless data streams.

"Tianjixing" knows that this is just an illusion. Those things that wrap around him like warm water are just the underlying protocols that map the information flow to his "touch". He can use his "touch" to deal with the mess.

, something not that important.

Everything here is essentially formless and it is his brain that gives them concrete images.

Including the Milky Way-like flames in the sky.

Including the person in front of you.

Those people seemed to be standing in a thick fog, unable to see any details.

This is their unique contact information. They entered a temporary virtual cloud server that actually had no entity through a self-built port based on socket programming.

Green Foresters have to be so careful.

This chapter has been completed!
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