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Chapter 84 New Things

 The joint annihilation model was born forty years ago and is a major pioneering work of King Agni in the path of internal strength.

Its essence is to classify operations through the high-level understanding of data by internal experts. Normal internal experts will divide the operations that need to be performed for hacking into "the computer can handle it" and "the human brain can process more

have advantage of.

This technique goes a step further and adds a new distinction between "what needs to be executed first" and "what is acceptable with a slight delay".

Therefore, the operation of internal strength becomes "something that needs to be executed now and the human brain is more advantageous", "something that needs to be executed now and the computer is sufficient", "something that can be tolerated even with delay and the human brain is more advantageous"

"Advantages" and "acceptable delays and computers are sufficient".

The first type is borne by your own brain, the second type is completed by the computing center of the prosthetic body, the third type is remotely forwarded to other internal skill masters, and the fourth type is completed with the help of online computing resources.

In contrast, there is a whole set of military algorithms that connect different individual minds.

This technology can connect the combat effectiveness of internal strength masters together, and the internal strength can be superimposed on each other to form a more powerful effect.

GA-R03 relied on the power of his senior brothers to develop his internal strength to a level far beyond his own level. With the help of his own authority, he took over some of the prosthetic bodies of his subordinates, and then used the method of witnessing.

The knight was indeed tricked.

"Of the twenty-two 'curses', only six received feedback..." GA-R03 felt the feedback just now and was slightly surprised: "This guy's degree of autonomy in internal power is so high. How long has he been building wheels?"

"Inventing the wheel" was a joke among programmers in ancient times. This behavior generally refers to "recreating a basic method that already exists or has been optimized by others." For example, in the process of software development,

If there is a module or library that is already recognized as "doing well", then it is a matter of course to take it and make it part of your own program - it is like everyone installing round wheels under the car.


A programmer who insists on reinventing an already mature tool is called "inventing the wheel".

Similar to unhealthy scientific research competition, "making wheels" is generally a waste of human resources as a whole.

However, sometimes, programmers are also faced with the dilemma of "having to create". For example, the KPI must be refreshed this month, or the boss needs to achieve a "completely independent intellectual property rights" that is probably meaningless. There may be some other

Newcomers will follow the path of the big boss with the idea of ​​"training themselves".

Of course, there are also stupid young people who feel that the wheels they have built are just rounder than the existing ones. (In this group of people, ninety-nine out of a hundred are dishonest, and one is a pervert).

However, with the development of social history, this meaning has gradually become distorted.

When free resources on the Internet are no longer trustworthy, "making wheels" becomes a means of protection.

After all, the fewer resources you use, the fewer "spells" you have available to you.

Modern internal martial arts masters value "curses" very much. The fewer people know about a "curse", the better the effect is likely to be. And the well-known "curses" can often only be used to bully people who don't understand.

Ordinary people or martial arts martial artists with internal strength.

The entry-level internal energy practitioners who hang out in the green forest are generally at this level. The "gu" and "curses" they use are common sense level and everyone knows them. Normal patches and virus databases can deal with those low-level ones.

means of hierarchy.

An act like GA-R03's act of stuffing twenty-two curses into one's body at once is simply "outrageous" in the eyes of ordinary people, as extravagant as crushing a person to death with gold.

Xiang Shan only felt that there was something wrong with his control of the prosthetic body. In the background, which was directly connected to his consciousness, strange codes connected several data in series, and still started to tumble. It felt like a smoldering fire.

Back of the head jump.

The "Three Moves to Slay the Dragon" - "No House Cleaning" - has been activated by itself. The system Xiangshan is using now is one that he forcibly memorized and output unconsciously. Even if many drivers and patches were added later, they were all written by himself. Xiangshan is very familiar with this.

Every line of code in the system is fully operational. Xiangshan re-outputs the code to cover those external malicious instructions. At the same time, in his subconscious, anti-vulnerability patches are taking shape.

But this kind of thinking at the level of internal strength slowed him down.

As a result, his body shook and he was hit by a bullet.

For a prosthetic, one or two bullets is nothing. As long as the outer armor can withstand it, everything will be fine.

But the "rain of bullets" can still tear the prosthetic body to pieces.

Xiangshan rolled on the ground with the ranger who used Witness on him. The moment the two people separated, he had already broken the ranger's neck.

——Tsk, tsk, did the old antique succumb to the latest cutting-edge technology...

Xiangshan actually had the intention to laugh at himself at this time. Either the "Pepper Pot" didn't use his full strength in the first confrontation, or he had some secret technique that could use long-range power to enhance his internal strength.

Xiangshan was not surprised by this result. It was an unplanned encounter and a hasty raid. Being able to kill King Agni's subordinate was indeed a good thing, but it didn't matter if he couldn't.

At least he tested out some of the opponent's trump cards this time.

——Evacuate now. That Green Lin is not dead yet, he will continue to perform the mission. There is still a chance...

Another ranger rushed towards the front. He waved his phonon sword towards the mountain, and the sword light formed a defensive circle, forcing this ranger away.

However, the moment the ranger retreated, another beam of infrared light was projected onto Dao Xiangshan's prosthetic eye.

GA-R03 did not intend to give Xiangshan any "opportunity".

Another nineteen fatal "curses".

The pace of rushing upwards and outwards had to be slowed down a little.

More rangers took the opportunity to surround him.

However, GA-R03 was caught in an accident.

Among the seventeen curses he cast for the second time, three were the same as the three that took effect in the first wave, and three of them could be matched with the other three curses that took effect in the first wave.

However, among these six mantras, only one received feedback, and the other five disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea.

--How can this be?

GA-R03 was greatly surprised. The other party was not only a wheel-building enthusiast, but also knew his own code very well. He could instantly discover the abnormal parts running in the background and use his internal skills to cover them up in an instant.

But this is rarely possible in ordinary mechanical environments.

Are high-level mechanical players unable to keep up with me just because they lack skills?

GA-R03 guessed. At the same time, he made a judgment that he must keep this knight.

King Agni's disciple Soul Shirt emits a powerful wireless signal. This signal connects him with all the other rangers.

[Linking...link completed...]

[SDR Yuanyangdangkou array algorithm is loading...]

[Constructing a virtual brain circuit...]

In an instant, a strong will penetrated the entire warrior formation.

"Virtual brain circuit" is also a very new achievement. Specifically, through hardware that is integrated with the cerebral cortex, the nerve impulse from point A on the neocortex bypasses the transmission of cranial nerves and directly reaches a certain point B.

If enough devices are implanted on the brain-computer barrier, hundreds of thousands of sensors can be used to build a set of additional brain circuits on the outside of the brain that "seem to really exist."

By the way, due to the blessing of information technology, point A and point B do not necessarily need to be in the same person's brain.

This technology can quickly transmit one person's nerve impulses, subjective feelings and even vague thoughts to another person.

GA-R03's will is at the center and controls everything. Under the connection of the virtual brain circuit, the rangers can intuitively feel each other's intentions and plans, and GA-R03 can also command more directly.

Like King Agni, GA-R03 is also a master of military martial arts.

If the "virtual brain circuit" is materialized, it is not difficult to find that GA-R03 and the nervous system of these wanderers form a complex system similar to the cephalopod ganglion - just a deluxe version. GA

-The relationship between R03 and those rangers is like an octopus and its tentacles. GA-R03 can command everything, and those arms and legs, although they are also part of the nervous system, also have strong autonomy.

It is said that this technology only appeared more than ten years ago. After reading a paper from a certain biology temple, King Agni immediately realized that the mathematical model they provided had extremely high military value.

Relying on the magic of "not sweeping a house", Wu Zu once again got rid of the negative effects of the "curse". Two warriors stabbed at him from the front with their spears. They took a step diagonally towards the mountain and passed through the two large spears like swimming fish.

But the moment he passed by the two warriors, a third warrior used his companion's body to cover his body and escaped into Xiangshan's line of sight.

Another round of sightings.

Xiangshan realized that the "aura" around him had changed. These rangers had already cooperated very well, so from the perspective of a spectator, it was difficult to see the difference between what they saw now and just now.

But Xiang Shan was like a fish in water. He could clearly feel the pressure he was facing suddenly increasing.

——Military battle formation...

Xiangshan found that he was facing something new. Those rangers were not only controlled by the "pepper pot". They obviously also had strong autonomy. Those guys maintained a very sophisticated level of external skills. They were not here.

It comes from the operation of algorithmic machinery, but the creative wisdom of people is the key point. They all have strong ability to adapt to circumstances.

Even if King Agni himself came, it would be impossible to command so many external power prosthetics to perform such exquisite operations at the same time.

This is something that didn't appear two hundred years ago.

This chapter has been completed!
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