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Chapter 85 Collapsed by insects and ants

Within a few seconds, the situation took a turn for the worse, and Xiangshan fell into crisis.

As the saying goes, "Two fists are hard to beat with four hands." Due to the large number of people on the opposite side, there are more strategic groups to choose from than Xiangshan who has only one person. At the same time, Xiangshan's power is not enough to destroy their prosthetic bodies instantly.

Just by standing here, these people can use their bodies to hinder Xiang Shan's fists and kicks.

In particular, the most intimidating weapon in Xiangshan's hand is a phonon knife. The power of the phonon knife is all in the blade, but the spine of the sword is quite fragile and will break with a slight twist. It is used by masters in the government.

This type of weapon carries a large number of blades with them and can replace them at any time. However, Xiangshan is limited by the power of the prosthetic body and usually only carries one blade.

As long as those rangers are skilled enough in cooperating, then when they slash the sword towards the mountain, someone else can strike the side of the blade and damage the weapon.

Xiang Shan also understood this. He did not use the knife to cut rashly, but instead sheathed the knife. The Shenzi knife did not come out of the sheath, but it had a stronger deterrent effect.

Xiangshan held the sheathed long sword in his hand to block the opponent's attack. The scabbard was also designed very cleverly. When necessary, the sword blade inside could be seen to split the scabbard into two and then cut it apart.

The enemy's armor meant that the rangers did not dare to step into Xiangshan's sword enclosure at will.

But their dense footsteps did not stop. More than a dozen rangers were divided into three circles and surrounded Xiangshan. Several gunmen seized the commanding heights on the outside and pointed their guns at the knight from a high position. The melee warriors whose spines were still intact were

Alternately advance, maintaining the rhythm of "there are always two people fighting against the knight."

These eagle dogs can rest nearby, but Xiangshan must keep swinging his sword and fists. Under the circumstances, Xiangshan's cooling system will definitely have problems first, which will then affect the performance of his external skills.

But if it were just like this, it wouldn't be much of a dilemma for Xiang Shan. His boxing and sword skills were too high, and if the opponent fought with him for a few moves, he would be defeated. The cost of his outer armor was,

If you break out in one direction, you can always stand out.

But now, these guys can neither see nor listen.

Xiangshan has blocked out all perceptions as much as possible. He has cut off wireless signals, abandoned drones, and even his hearing has filtered out most of the commonly used communication sound waves, leaving only the little bit needed for battle.

On this basis, he can no longer lose his vision.

Even if Martial Ancestor's external skills were unrivaled in the world, he still wouldn't be able to defeat an elite army of officials in a blind fight without any information.

Under the control of the disciple of King Agni, each of these rangers was like a master of internal skills. The infrared light emitted by their prosthetic eyes and the sound waves emitted by the synthesizer contained a large amount of malicious codes. His prosthetic eyes and

Vulnerabilities in certain drivers of the auditory receiver incorporated parts of these codes. They were added to Xiangshan's system and still stirred up trouble.

At least one-third of Xiangshan's experience was covering these malicious codes, while using Long's subconscious to generate anti-vulnerability patches.

However, it was too fast. The methods used by the opponent were full of tricks. Xiangshan used his internal strength at full strength, but he could barely keep up with the opponent's pace.

He must avoid direct contact with the opponent's prosthetic eye. Otherwise, more malicious codes will be injected instantly, and Xiangshan's prosthetic body will not listen to commands within a few seconds.

And those few seconds are enough to make the difference between life and death.

But in such a fierce battle, it is still too difficult to maintain eye contact.

Xiangshan rushed left and right several times, but each time, a few melee warriors blocked his pace slightly, and then several rangers moved in front of him, looking for an angle to insert the malicious code into his prosthetic eye.

Xiangshan was forced back like this several times.

As a last resort, he could only lower his head and look at the feet of these guys, relying on his experience to predict the direction of the attack.

Under this situation, Xiang Shan couldn't help but become anxious.

You only have one chance... If it doesn't go well, you won't be able to hold on...

GA- But the more I played, the more surprised I became.

"This man's external skills are really unprecedented in his life. With this ordinary prosthetic body, he can fight with this group of elite rangers... He even only looked at the footsteps of those guys!"

"How exaggerated is his prediction? How fast is his reflex?"

"Can a person really practice external skills to this extent?"

"And this internal strength...how did he practice it?"

Just now, GA- has used dozens of vicious poisons and spells to take down this knight. But most of them were ineffective.

Apart from the drive of the prosthetic eyes, the system used by this guy can only be violated by a few curses.

This violation was even quickly removed.

"We must not let this guy escape! We must capture him alive and dig out this information from his mind!"

Thinking of this, GA- once again directed the Rangers to strengthen their consensus.

Xiangshan's defense was almost crumbling. Several times, the rangers caught the flaw and passed through the sword, leaving a mark on his outer armor.

Now these are all innocuous minor injuries, but when accumulated, these minor injuries will actually reduce the strength of the outer armor until the outer armor is vulnerable to a single blow.

"Very good, this is the rhythm!" GA- was very excited. In his opinion, there would be no accidents at this time.

He can definitely capture this unknown knight.

However, at this moment, an "accident" occurred.

An undetectable ray of infrared light fell on the shoulder of a life-chasing ranger. The life-chasing ranger himself was unconscious, but the ranger directly next to him looked at it.

What followed were several different radar waves.

Before the battle, he and his companions were sniping at the green forest from a distance... and there were snipers!

The Ranger thought of "sniper rifle bullets" almost instantly. And this association also spread instantly through the virtual brain circuit.

The two rangers on the outside of the encirclement net turned around quickly, while the ranger "marked" by the infrared ray instinctively rolled on the ground.

The bullet he imagined did not appear, but Xiang Shan seized this opportunity and stepped forward hard.

He stepped right on the neck of the rolling life-chasing ranger.

The two rangers behind Xiangshan were furious. They all took action, aiming to hit behind Xiangshan. The fists of these two rangers also had high-frequency oscillation generators, which could effectively destroy the alloy. In the battle just now, not only

It was Xiang Shan who secretly figured out the rough structure of their outer armor, and they also figured out the alloy manufacturing method used by Xiang Shan.

If these two punches hit hard, the outer armor of Xiangshan's back would directly shatter.

But at this moment, a little "noise" appeared in the two people's consciousness that should not exist. At the same time, they "felt" Xiangshan suddenly "thickened" a little.

The "thickened" Xiangshan swayed left and right in front of them twice, and actually escaped from the range of the fist moves.

While Xiang Shan dodged past a warrior, he unsheathed the back part of his phonon sword and lightly slashed beside the warrior to remove the outer armor on one side of his waist and one leg. He kicked off his feet like a shuttlecock.

A side kick knocked the ranger down.

It's not that there really are snipers, or that these guys have been hacked and are delusional.

It's not like Xiang Shan secretly hacked into them (until the shortcomings are corrected, Xiang Shan still can't do this against the military formation commanded by GA-).

It's that they "feel" the wrong signal.

These warriors did not notice that there was a strange "buzzing" sound in the air.

Most people in this era have never seen living insects. To them, this "buzzing" sound is a common noise in mechanical operation, which occurs when small gears are running at full speed.

Rather than "insect buzzing". They are very insensitive to this sound.

So they didn't notice that there were several tiny "insects" flying in the night sky.

Those small mechanical creations aimed their butts at the Rangers, each emitting infrared rays, interference waves, and radar waves.

The first "active infrared marker" that appeared was a mechanical bee with an infrared transmitter on its tail.

The subsequent distracting thoughts of the two warriors came from several mechanical insects. The signal they sent to GA- was mixed with a piece of noise that was difficult to distinguish.

As for the "perceived" deformation, it is the effect produced by the insects hitting Xiangshan with several beams of radar waves. Since the prosthetic eyes of these warriors were "requisitioned" for witnessing, their vision has become slightly worse. Next

, most of the rangers turned on their auxiliary radars. Xiangshan used those insects to project a beam of radar waves with similar frequencies onto himself.

Without knowing that there was an "extra emission source", those rangers could not eliminate the interfering factors instantly.

The bugs that Xiangshan released at the beginning finally arrived here!

These bugs are limited by their size and cannot carry many functions, and cannot even establish a two-way connection with Xiangshan. Xiangshan can only broadcast instructions to have the small robots move to designated locations one by one to start interference.

In fact, the effect of this move is very limited. Those rangers can quickly discover the surrounding satellite robots. After all, this is not a very new technology and tactic.


"One moment is enough!"

At the moment when the ranger fell, Xiangshan broke out again towards the bottom of the mountain. Seeing that he still wanted to break out, three rangers approached him, one wielding a spear and two wielding high-frequency oscillating knives.

At this moment, the three rangers suddenly felt several beams of radar waves sweeping across. This was a "harbinger of attack", and the "attack" vaguely pointed to the flaw in their martial arts. Two sword wielders

Ranger's emergency move.

And Xiangshan grabbed the big gun of the last ranger, dragged the ranger, turned around and rushed away.

Rush to where GA- is.

This chapter has been completed!
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