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Chapter 124: The Eighth Martial God, Part One

Xiangshan dragged a prosthetic warrior to the depths of a warehouse. Xiangshan rented this warehouse for a long time, and he had installed the monitoring system around the warehouse. This was a small corner that the protector could not see.

The warrior's whole body was stiff. His mood swings were too great, and the system had automatically locked the prosthetic body to prevent the crazed humans from hurting him.

 In the old generation, the system would automatically contact the hospital and the police at this time.

It's just that more than a hundred years after the defeat of Wuzu, and the seventh defeat of Wushen, there are no police or public hospitals in the world.

Even, the protracted battle between the coalition of kings led by King Agni and the Seventh God of War has drained the world of resistance. Today is simply the darkest moment for chivalry.

There may really be no police or public health care left in the solar system.

 The locked warrior begged: "Hero...Hero...please...I...I really...spare me..."

"When you crushed the old man to death with your fists, did you ever think of sparing him? And that woman...ah, yes, you can even argue that you didn't realize that she was a pregnant woman who was several months pregnant." Xiangshan said coldly.

rhetorical question.

 The status of "lost asylum" is even lower than that of tools. At least tools can be regarded as "private property" and obtain an extension of the owner's protection. There are always people who do or say things to them that are harmful to their mental health.

Then, with a surge of inner energy, he found the back door in an instant and broke down the man's defense. The man stood up and walked to a strange instrument.

"Let me explain in advance, I have always believed that the most severe punishment for people is death." Xiang Shanping said: "So I want to apologize for my next behavior. This may be a punishment that exceeds death. Really,

I do feel sorry for that."

While Xiang Shan was saying this, many mechanical working arms slowly removed the electronic components near the human-brain-computer interface. Then, a number of nanoneedles hung down from above.

 “What will happen to me...” the man said tremblingly.

“The annihilation of self-consciousness is not much different from death in theory. But if the impulse remaining in the nerves can also be called ‘you’... you may feel pain.” Xiangshan clasped his hands together and said, “I’m sorry.”

 Then, an anesthetic is injected. Brain activity is temporarily stopped.

 Soon, those nanoneedles penetrated.

Xiangshan pressed his forehead. Ethically speaking, this was a worse behavior than that of most scientific research knights. Even if the targets he chose were all evil-doing people, the essence of this fact would not change.

 Under ideal conditions, "execution" itself should be a mere "execution" and should not be used as a "way to obtain resources."


 There is no environment to worry about such a thing now.

The concept of "abiding by the law" is actually a good one. In the era when the Fourth Martial God was active, the Ascension War had just ended for more than ten years, and there were still many immigrants from the old world. The "Secret War" was carried out without anyone knowing

, most people retain their common imagination of "society." This slogan of the Fourth Martial God is calling on knights to legislate for themselves, and also uses this common imagination to quickly build a functioning society.

 However, King Agni's bombardment to erase the fourth god of war destroyed the order established on the spiritual level. It used naked material power to change the world's perception.

The fact that "King Agni was not executed by the patron camp" represents one thing. The relationship between the patrons of civilization and human beings is no longer the "government and people" or "kings and subjects" of the old era. Human beings' relationship with "

The understanding of the concept of "society" has been completely overwritten.

This slogan can only be used once. When the person who uses this slogan for the first time fails, human confidence in this slogan will be greatly weakened.

 The cognition of all mankind has been changed by history.

 Although humans do not learn lessons from history, history does not allow the same thing to happen twice.

 Reality will not give him a "perfect" chance.

 Xiang Shan had to do this.

 Most of the data can be obtained from the public blockchain of the Scientific Research Knights or Knights.

 But there are some most critical things that must not be leaked.

This is about the attempt to "reversely input the false personality mask into the biological brain", combined with the technology of "repairing severe brain damage"? Coupled with the "underlying loopholes in the security protocol"? It is possible to give birth to a "computer that completely controls the human brain"


 Consciousness exists in the computer, and the human brain serves as a plug-in of the computer.

The only advantage of the human brain is its "advanced mathematical model". Apart from that, it cannot match the most advanced computing machines in any way. Human beings have strong creativity and can imagine concepts that "have never been born before".

You can build models that are more advanced than your own. Turing and Gödel set the boundaries for computers much earlier. There is an upper limit to the computer's ability to solve problems. There are some problems that it cannot understand from the beginning. It is impossible for a computer to do so.

beyond this upper limit.

Of course, the human brain should also have an upper bound for its solving capabilities. Perhaps due to self-referential problems, humans cannot detect this upper bound. But it is "possible" that it is higher than the upper bound of computers.

 According to known theories, the human brain still does things that computers cannot do. Maybe one day computers can do this? But it probably won't be in the near future.

 In addition, "personality", "will", "emotion" and "strategy" can all be simulated by computers. After deep learning, computers will even be stronger than humans.

 And this technology can be achieved in one step? Using computers to completely control the human brain, the personality of the human brain itself is no longer important? Everything depends on the personality in the computer.

 This personality can be fabricated at will.

 Personality is not such a noble thing.

In other words, if the person who masters this technology has bad intentions, he can let his own personality, or the personality of "my slave", cover the edges of all human brain-computer interfaces. The diversity of the human spirit will be reflected in this

Disappeared in an instant.

 But, for a knight, this may be a meaningful attempt.

 “Recruiting the computing power of other people’s biological brains” can extend the scope of a master’s power.

Even someone as powerful as "Turing" Zhu Xinyu can only maintain absolute dominance within one light second.

  But if she can remotely commandeer other people's brain resources, for example, the brain of any internal warrior in the fleet formation in "The Only Defeat", then history may be rewritten.

This idea made Xiang Shan confused.

 But fortunately... No, I can’t say “fortunately”. There are really a lot of scum in this era.

 The "lost asylum seeker" is not considered a member of "humanity". Everyone agrees to this rule, and there will always be a very small number of scum who will vent their darkness on these poor people who cannot resist.

 There are even hopeless violent poisoners like Green Forest in the wilderness.

Of course, Xiang Shan also knows that this is just a compromise with reality, but it does not mean that it is good.

Xiangshan looked at the evil man with twinkling prosthetic eyes and pressed his forehead.

“Is ‘Xiang Shan’ such a person? Or is ‘Zhu Xinyu’ actually more intense than Xiang Shan? Is her cut black? Would ‘Xiang Shan in Zhu Xinyu’s eyes’ do such a thing?”

 Soon, the implantation of the nanoneedles was completed. The machine automatically performed the awakening ceremony.

 This very useful machine was acquired from Xiangshan through a trade with another mysterious organization.

That happened many years ago. At that time, Xiangshan's internal strength had not yet been fully developed, but he encountered an internal strength master in a satellite's onboard computer. The internal strength master should be a subordinate of King Agni. But for some reason, he instead

Helped Xiang Shan erase the traces and made a request for "trade".

The mysterious organization was very interested in Xiangshan's experience in developing such internal strength under the eyes of King Agni, and hoped to cooperate.

Xiang Shan actually has little experience. His success is really difficult to copy. In his brain, there is still the logical thinking and world view of the world's best internal strength master. His perspective on internal strength is highly consistent with Zhu Xinyu's. He can quickly grow his own

Internal strength.

Xiangshan had several transactions with that mysterious organization. This organization that occasionally called itself the "Demon Cult" gave him some bioengineering help. At least these surgical auxiliary machines were definitely the most cutting-edge technology. Xiangshan even suspected that they

He is a knight lurking within the Scientific Research Knights.

Without the help of the Demon Cult, even if Xiang Shan could steal the data of the Scientific Research Knights, he would not be able to launch the plan so smoothly.

Xiangshan recorded his neural network structure very early.

 Now, he wants to use those implanted nanoneedles to bring other people's brains closer to that structure.

 With the awakening of the biological brain, the sinner's body became active again.

 But what appeared first was not thinking, but twitching.

Convulsions like epilepsy.

 A lot of data flowed into the equipment that monitored the brain. It was not until ten minutes later that Xiangshan injected neuroreceptor blockers and neurotransmitter antagonists into the person's brain.

“As expected, it still doesn’t work.” Xiangshan stared at this person and reminded himself that he should not expand the number of “experimental subjects” for this purpose.

 He could probably guess the reason for the failure.

 The implanted data belongs to you. And this guy’s brain is too different from mine.

No matter how hard they try, scholars of cognitive science cannot find a copy of Beethoven's music or Li Bai's poems in the brain. There are no texts, pictures, or grammatical rules. All there is is a network formed by brain nerve connections.

Information, data, rules, software, representation, algorithm, program, model, memory, image, processor, subroutine, encoder, decoder, symbol, buffer... Many information science vocabulary fills the vocabulary of cognitive science.


However, this is just a metaphor. In fact, it is not the case. "Memory" does not exist in the human brain in the form of a file. Even if it exists as an entity, the entity itself will be made by the brain based on the individual's experience.

orderly change

And no two people will make the same changes to the same experience. If two people go to the same concert and listen to the same piece of music, it is almost certain that the changes that occur in the brain of the first person are different from those of the second person.

The changes that have occurred are completely different.

Whatever these changes are, they are based on unique neural structures that already exist, each formed by a person's unique experiences throughout their life.

This guy’s brain is as disharmonious as two channels of strung signals coexisting.

This chapter has been completed!
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