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Chapter 125 The Eighth Valkyrie Part Two

  Xiangshan watched the man in front of him stand up slowly.

Although the project of "anti-controlling the brain by personality mask" failed, the data part of this prosthetic body can still be stuffed into a functional fake personality mask.

He looked at this guy and said, "Are you conscious? Do you need to explain?"

The guy was silent for a moment: "I am you, and you are me."

 Sighing slightly toward the mountain.

The new "Xiang Shan?" shook his head: "Is this really good?"

"I don't know either." Xiang Shan sighed: "There is indeed no perfect thing in the world... Maybe one day I will be punished."

“It’s considered punishment for evil, right? Xiang Shan?” said.

Xiang Shan pointed to the corner: "That person's brain cells should still be active. Inject 0.1 units of dandrase and two units of urinase yourself. Then read the literature in Part G1."

 “Xiang Shan?” nodded.

I don’t know if it’s a good phenomenon or not. So far, Xiangshan has not been able to successfully reverse-install his personality mask into the brain of a creature. However, he is also doing slow reverse-input experiments.

That is to say, using drugs such as reductase to completely change a person's brain structure, and then allowing him to learn again. In this process, the pseudo-personality overlay that dominates the behavior will burn the "behavior" on the neural network, and eventually react.

To form psychology and personality.

 The Alaya Holy Knights have relevant records on this matter, but the success rate has always been low.

 The processing of any external information is based on the "existing neural structure". The uniqueness of the neural structure is even greater than "fingerprints" and "genes".

Perhaps "Xiangshan" is a special case among special cases. "Xiangshan" can even be said to be a "social phenomenon" that transcends individuals. The more human beings feel this way, the more likely "Xiangshan" is to be reborn again.

 An undead that has been resurrected six times is more likely to be born than others.

When Xiang Shan went out, "Xiang Shan?" said to him: "Also, remember to suppress the conflict between Xiaochun Xiaodong and the 'Shadow Gang'."

“This matter has been resolved. Has it been too long since I updated the upload data?”

“Well, it seems like half a month. Xiangshan?” He waved his hand and continued reading the document.

Billions of years of evolution have prepared creatures with the skills they need. Babies are already prepared how to interact effectively with the world before they are born. Babies' vision is blurred, but they will pay special attention to human faces and

It can quickly recognize the mother's face. Compared with non-speech sounds, it prefers orderly speech sounds and can distinguish basic speech sounds. This "learning" ability is natural.

 And these false personality overlays learn with the help of the biological brain, and the "knowledge.brain" file created is extremely compatible with Xiangshan, who is the true personality overlay.

 This is one of the reasons why he can accumulate quickly.

These personality overlays are usually studying. In addition, they will also disguise themselves as "gangsters".

  Also known as the "Shadow Gang".

 In this city, the real gangs are shrinking year by year. They are replaced by an army of Xiangshan’s fake personalities.

 In the history of evolution, the extinction of an organism can often be attributed to two aspects: first, the destruction of living conditions, and second, the emergence of more advantageous species in similar ecological niches, which have occupied the living space.

In the old world, "that one" Xiangshan established a transhumanist enterprise. In fact, he wanted to use "technological revolution" to quickly change the entire social environment and destroy the soil for the survival of "conservatives" and "oppressors". But? The essence of the superhuman enterprise

Above is Leviathan, the largest vicious monster. Xiangshan also had to launch a "secret war".

And "this one", Xiangshan, is to establish an organization similar to a gang, occupying the ecological niche of the real gang, so that the "predecessor of Green Forest" cannot be born in this city.

In this era, gangs also have a place to survive. Although patrons claim that humans can own private property, it is actually difficult for individuals to protect their private property. And some ambiguous disputes or uncertain transactions cannot be guaranteed.

In history, when the "law" cannot protect the people, the people will turn to "people outside the law" for help. The gangs of this era are actually built on people's vague trust in themselves. They will use this vague trust to

As a guarantee to ensure the normal occurrence of all social operations.

 Unless this "living soil" is eradicated, gangsters will not be able to kill them all.

And Xiangshan used the "Shadow Gang", an organization composed of his own personality, to replace the existence of the "serious gangster". In this case, Xiangshan can better restrain the occurrence of various violent incidents. There will be bloodshed everywhere.

During the incident, the "Shadow" can appear first and beat the thorn head. Everyone knows that these guys are gangsters, but it won't be surprising.

 The essence of the "Shadow Gang" is a group of programmed AIs. They will not lose control, will not become extreme, and will not turn into a green forest.

Xiangshan can also put an end to some of the bad things that gangsters do. On the surface, the "shadow gang" also does some things that knights can't stand. But the "victims" of these things are actually Xiangshan's "shadows".

 In the eyes of civilians, the "Shadow Gang" has a pretty good reputation.

 In the eyes of local knights, the "Shadow Gang" is like a "concentration center for reform-through-labor prisoners".

A knight who calls himself "Shan" seems to have some talent in neurosurgery. He claims that he can use a very notorious surgery in the old world to slightly suppress people's violent tendencies. So they found "the man who seems to be famous in the Green Forest"

"It's not too strange that a "villain who was obviously captured by a knight" appears in this gang.

That kind of technology that can only be found in historical materials seems to be an unforgivable behavior in the old world. But seriously, in this world? It is better than many things. In the eyes of some people, it is at least brainwashed by Green Forest.

, the people who were forced to fall into the grass had a happy ending after such an experience.

 There are even cases where people who have been insulted by bullies suddenly break out, knock the bully unconscious and then carry him to the "Shadow Gang".

 Only Xiang Shan knows the true relationship between Xiang Shan and the Shadow Gang.

Of course, Xiang Shan also has a small number of supporters. During the martial arts school period, he once subtly instilled the concept of chivalry into the martial arts disciples. Zheng Lunnao did not interfere. However, in this era, chivalry is declining, and those people are indeed hesitant.

Dare to step into the world. Xiangshan knows that this kind of thing cannot be forced. It is not the person who has awakened himself, but the person who is dragged down, and it is difficult to become a qualified fellow traveler.

 But despite this, there are still a few people who have become local knights.

After Xiang Shan left the warehouse, he reconnected to the Internet. He gave some advice on the internal skills of the local knights. The first Xiang Shan was a bit like a teacher, and he liked it. In addition, this was also in line with the "inner skills that have made achievements in cognitive science".

The character "Master of Home".

Maybe it was what happened just now that made him a little gloomy. He looked at the rising moon on the street and stared at it for several seconds.

 Then, move on.

 This morning, when he saw the victim being crushed into mud, he was so angry that he almost lost his mind, which is why the scene happened just now. This disrupted his original plan for today. There was nothing else to do next.

He thought that he would go to Lao Thrice to update his "backup".

 Laochis is an earth-burrowing dragon, the manager of the earth-burrowing dragons in the Black Valley, and he can be considered a friend.

Xiangshan knew that he could die easily. His "birth point" was too bad. If he were located on Jupiter, he could use some miracle-level supercomputers there to practice his internal skills, and there would be no need to worry about King Agni. But on Earth, everyone

Practicing internal energy at one time is like walking on a tightrope. Even if the Demon Cult can cover it up a little, there is no guarantee that Hartman will not discover it.

 However, it is only this “technological fire” that he wants to pass on.

Even if you die, this technology will still be burned in the hands of the rebels.

Xiangshan also knows that this is just his wishful thinking. The greatest insurance for the world is that this evil technology disappears with him.

 But Xiang Shan felt that...if not, he would be sorry for the sacrifices made in this process.

Even the evil people and the green forest exist as human beings and are executed as human beings.

 When I saw Lao Thrice, he was carving something. This was a fork in the road. Xiangshan asked him to carve some QR codes at will as a way to confuse him.

 Lao Thrice saw Xiang Shan coming and muttered: "Are you sure this will work? Your code was from hundreds of years ago! Does anyone really understand it now?"

  Laochis, as the person with the strictest words, was the first to reveal his identity to Shan.

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "Maybe?"

Even "scholars who study Xiang Shan" did not mention this special symbol. Apart from Ingrid, perhaps only Xiang Shan herself recognizes this symbol. No, Ingrid may also forget it.

 Only "Xiang Shan" recognizes Xiang Shan's secret code.

 It’s not that “only Xiang Shan is qualified to get this thing”, but that “this” Xiang Shan really doesn’t know how to screen the candidates.

 There are actually many knights who are qualified to use it, but Xiang Shan never thought of the possibility of sending it out safely.

 The only object that "does not need to be screened" or "does not need to send signals" is "Xiangshan".

Of course, Xiangshan hates the "God of War". Maybe... Xiangshan who can reach here will be a stronger one than me, and can transcend the narrow Xiangshan.

 These are Xiangshan’s thoughts.

 After updating this, Xiang Shan left. He returned to another secret base of his and connected to another alien server along the safe passage he built.

This is a service station near the "Light Speed ​​Highway", which revolves around the sun. In the past few months, the earth is relatively close to it. For Xiangshan, this is a good tool for practicing internal strength.

 He "saw" that he was in a home.

 That is a home that has long since disappeared. It is located in the old Peiping. This community was rebuilt more than 200 years ago during the expansion wave of Superman Enterprises.

 This is the most peaceful meditation environment for him.

 However, Xiangshan suddenly felt something was wrong.

This chapter has been completed!
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