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Chapter 10 Jigsaw Puzzles

 In the past few days, the R&D department has been celebrating a holiday. Except for a few people who are still incarcerated and missing, all other personnel involved in the "leak incident" have been released. Although the haze of this unfortunate incident has not yet

dispersed, but most scholars believe that new leadership of their own choosing can fix the matter, and even hopefully turn bad things into good things.

Especially the information engineering team. Their work these days has suddenly become arduous, but they are still enjoying it.

"Okay, friends." Xiang Shan waved his hand: "The preparation of the simulator has been put on the agenda. And the calculation of recreating the physical alien computer has also been advanced. Very good. I think we can put an alien computer into operation next week.

The star motherboard has been taken out. Okay, let’s adjourn the meeting!”

Xiang Shan said this and waved his hand. The scholars dispersed in a hurry, and everyone was excitedly discussing the new ideas.

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. Hackers in the "risk" community are also the top talents among human beings. Moreover, their route of learning and studying technology is completely different from that of these scholars, so the solutions proposed have indeed impressed these scholars.

His eyes lit up.

Xiang Shan just breathed a sigh of relief, and then he was patted on the back.

"It's so surprising, Shan...I mean the director." David Klein said excitedly: "You can actually find foreign aid in this situation. My God."

Xiang Shan waved his hand: "You also want to participate in the work here?"

David's most important job at this stage is to study "Ogun" itself. He hopes to use archaeological research methods to speculate on the construction methods and purpose of "Ogun". As a NASA engineer, David actually taught himself

of archeology.

This is definitely something unprecedented, "aerospace archeology"? "extraterrestrial archeology"?

But it is foreseeable that if there are no other alien garbage, then within one or two hundred years, "Ogun" and the "Orunmila" and "Obatala" brought by "Ogun" will be this special archeology

The only research object.

David smiled and said: "I'm happy for you, and I'm happy for myself, director. In the 'Orunmila' project, there must be content that mentions the 'Ogun' civilization. It's impossible not to have any mention of the 'Ogun'

Civilize your own intelligence, right?”

Xiangshan grinned: "It's really hard to say. The Obatala project and the Oronmila project share a considerable amount of data. Maybe all these codes are used to piece together the genetic information of the organisms in the Oronmila project?"


"Who knows?" David said: "I hope so - but then again, it is precisely because of this that I find it even more strange. The 'Ogun' civilization is only a few decades more advanced than human beings. But I am completely

I can’t imagine that humans will be able to build a project like Ogun in a few decades..."

Xiang Shan said: "Perhaps their planet has no internal war? They have achieved peace early? Or the environment of their planet is extremely harsh, so the entire civilization has to unite to study deep space navigation?"

"This is the only unlikely possibility. There is nothing in Ogun that looks like a signal transmitting device. Once this thing sails away, it will not transmit signals to the home star. Unless these aliens use the outer shell of the spacecraft as an antenna. Useful - but I bet that only a madman would order this kind of cult technology. A spaceship that does not send signals to the home star cannot be an experimental ship."

The two chatted for a few more words, and then Xiang Shan continued to walk to the lounge.

At the door of the lounge, Xiang Shan paused, and then sighed.

After the dull temperament faded from his face, "tiredness" erupted from the bottom of his heart like water from a flood.

There was even a hint of boredom in the corners of Mukaiyama's eyes.

The young man tapped his forehead: "You're so hypocritical, Xiangshan. You're so hypocritical. It's obviously you who gets the advantage."

With that said, he pushed the door open and went in.

Surprisingly, Jing Hongtu was already in the lounge.

Xiang Shan sat opposite Jing Hongtu.

"Why are you so uneasy, Xiao Xiang?" Jing Hongtu handed Xiang Shan a cup of tea.

Xiangshan scratched his head and picked up a few things that happened in Hanuman's group.

Jing Hongtu smiled: "Oh, that's good, Xiao Xiang. You know you have to win over people with no foundation first. This is right."

Xiang Shan covered his head: "Teacher Jing, stop slandering me..."

"This is not to criticize you. I do think you are doing the right thing. This Hartman is purely a technician sent here. He does not belong to the Rama project and has no interest in the park. His only goal is' Make achievements and gain qualifications. He has no other purpose and will not support anyone. For you, this is indeed a boost."

Xiang Shan leaned on the sofa. After a while, he asked: "Really?"

"Of course, if you want to make this Hartman your confidant, it is absolutely impossible. Although according to you, he is not popular. But being able to appear here means that there must be someone who absolutely trusts his technical level. His boss is in the FBI, and his personal ambition is there. Only when he is in the Hanuman Working Group, you can regard him as your assistant." Jing Hongtu explained, "But during this period, he can indeed become your assistant. One of the biggest helping hands.”

Xiang Shan rubbed the bridge of his nose: "Did I do the right thing?"

"You said that you saw all of this clearly and then deliberately tried to win over that person. I think it is credible." Jing Hongtu said.

Xiang Shan looked at the ceiling.

After a while, he changed the topic: "Speaking of which, Teacher Jing, what do you think will happen to 'Zhu Rong' after he is caught?"

"Be on trial and go to jail." Jing Hongtu didn't even think much and answered directly: "There will be no other outcome. The only suspense is the difference between 'where to be tried' and 'where to serve'."

Xiang Shan said: "I have occasionally exchanged words with him in the past few days. I think he is a very talented person with a strong technical level. Do you think it is possible for him to..."

"You mean to clear your name and come ashore?" Jing Hongtu shook his head: "No chance."

Xiang Shan said: "Is there no secret department that would recruit him based on his technical level?"

Jing Hongtu asked back: "The Hartman you just mentioned, is his technical level good? What is his current treatment? This is still an active participation."

Xiang Shan said: "Definitely not? Are other countries the same?"

"The more secretive the department, the stricter the management." Jing Hongtu nodded: "It seems that these days, we no longer use refugees as prisoners, but use death row prisoners as cannon fodder. Why? Because the army's combat effectiveness comes from organization. These guys

, maybe they can be brave for a while under intimidation, but they are unable to perform tasks that require relying on the organization. Instead, they reduce the organization level of the entire team and reduce their combat effectiveness. They would rather have people whose skills are adequate but who absolutely obey orders.

We won’t want such an unstable element.”

Xiang Shandao: "But there are also hackers in our country who are clean and open network security companies, and even provide services to government departments, right?"

"That's because he didn't make any serious mistakes endangering public safety when he was in the sea, or he made a mistake without being noticed. At most, the police have mastered some crimes that require the victim to report in person. At this time, it depends on his technical level.

It’s okay to turn a blind eye. At this time, the government employs them and adopts a business model, which is equivalent to outsourcing part of the business to a company. If something goes wrong at this time, someone can be held accountable according to the procedures. But

If a hacker is recruited into the system, who will be responsible? The person recruited? The superior at the time? If this is not to happen, it will be a series of thunders? It is something that no one is willing to do." Jing Hongtu explained.

"In other words, because no one dares to take this responsibility, no one will extend an olive branch to 'Zhurong'?" Xiang Shan tried hard to make his expectations sound calmer.

Although he had made a rough guess on his own, he gained some confidence after listening to Jing Hongtu's analysis.

Jing Hongtu nodded.

So Xiangshan put the pieces of the puzzle together in his mind.

In the evening, during dinner, Xiang Shan found Lei Chaoyang in the cafeteria.

"Colonel Lei." Xiang Shan walked over naturally: "Can you do me a small favor?"

"A small favor? Please tell me what it is first." Lei Chaoyang was very careful.

Xiang Shan said: "I want to see Zhu Rong."

Colonel Lei was very surprised: "This...isn't it my fault?"

"No." Xiang Shan said: "I have inquired clearly. If Zhu Rong appears in the Eastern Hemisphere, then a small team must set off from the Rama Project Park. And you are responsible for coordinating this team with the military and police forces of various countries.

The UN military staff will also follow. You are the actual commanders, right?"

Although Xiangshan is the nominal commander of the Hanuman Project, he has no actual command power. At most, he has the power to make the final decision/take the blame. That is, the sergeants and staff will finalize the plan, and then he will decide "yes"

or "no" - and usually the only option is "yes".

Colonel Lei hesitated: "That's right. But if it's in the Western Hemisphere, troops will be sent from other places..."

"I'm not asking you to tie 'Zhu Rong' into the park. I just want to talk to him after catching him." Xiang Shan took a deep breath: "After Zhu Rong is caught, he will probably be restricted from electronic products.

, and then be imprisoned somewhere to serve his sentence. For a hacker, if he doesn’t touch the equipment for a few years, his skills may be useless. I want to take this opportunity to talk to him. This is also for work. Just like I rush

It's the same as the connection with that community - that community may be gone in a few days. You have to do it as soon as possible."

Colonel Lei smiled: "Director Xiang is really a scientist... is it really that useful to talk to him?"

Xiang Shan nodded: "It's useful. If you can think of a way for me to follow the team when capturing Zhu Rong... I will make a special note in the report afterwards."

Xiang Shan stared at Colonel Lei. This was one of the few bargaining chips he had. Although the action report was written by the secretary, he could indeed influence some things.

Colonel Lei thought for a moment and nodded: "We can be considered friends. Since it is for the revolutionary work, I can't help but do this."

--very good.

Xiangshan said excitedly in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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