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Chapter Eleven: Zhu Xinyu (1)

  In 2013, the second year of the world destruction predicted by the Mayans, in the central hospital of Huaiyi City in the Republic of China, a young programmer gently picked up a baby girl. That was his daughter. The programmer felt that he could

It is good to have such a child after the "end". The next "reincarnation" will definitely be better.

His father-in-law, who was somewhat educated, named the girl "Xinyu". The old man thought the word "rain" was good and it meant "moistening".

This man born in the 1980s really felt at that time that he could live a healthy life like this.

 However, he gradually felt "history".

   No, in fact, "history" started long ago, at least two years ago. It was just that he realized it later.

On June 9, 2008 local time in the United States, Apple CEO Steve Jobs released the epoch-making product iPhone 3G. Within just two years, this wind blew into the land of the Republic. Not only the iPhone series, but also the domestically produced iPhone 3G

Thousand-yuan 3G smartphones have also begun to take root.

 As early as February 27, 2008, the mobile payment platform had already sprouted on the soil of the Republic.

 Online shopping, which was born earlier, and online social networking, which was also born earlier, began to expand through these "cheap personal smart devices".

 Even the bubbles don’t expand as fast as they do.

 This is history.

 The people of the Republic have had their understanding of social interaction, shopping and even life for thousands of years, which has been completely rewritten in the past few years.

 This is history.

 The programmer saw gold.

 In his circle, a big brother who later became famous once said that if you stand on the wind, even a pig can fly.

For the mainland of the Republic, which was still blank at that time, it was a golden era. This "historical wave" appeared once when he was born. It should happen again in the future, but when it will happen is not certain.

Programmers really want to go out and work hard. He actually had the idea of ​​​​going into the sea when he was 12 years old. But when he made up his mind, his wife became pregnant. It was his first time becoming a father, so naturally he had no ambitions.

All gone.

After his daughter was born, this idea came up again. But every time he mentioned this matter, his wife would cry and say, "Look at the child." Looking at his daughter who was babbling, the programmer could not help but


 However, in 2014, he could no longer sit still. He knew that the good era full of gold was coming to an end.

 So, the quarrel finally broke out between the couple.

While paying attention to the news that a food delivery platform had obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in financing, the programmer obtained the divorce certificate and got his wish and took away all the family's cash savings and other properties, leaving only the house.

 and custody rights.

The little girl named "Xinyu" lives with her mother and grandmother, and spends weekends with her father.

In her memory, her father probably lived in a messy and small place. He didn’t know much about children, but he would show them some children’s programs. The TV programs at this time were no longer very good, but his father always

I can find some interesting things for her to read on the Internet. My mother can't do it. She seems to know nothing.

 The little girl’s favorite thing to do is to spend time with her dad on weekends. On the small computer screen, a glowing giant descends from the sky and defeats a ferocious monster. What a powerful thing it is!

But the little girl doesn’t often talk to her mother about these things. If her mother knows that her father “took her to play with the computer all day,” her mother will be angry. When her mother is angry, she will beat her, and she will cry after the beating.

 The little girl didn’t like this, not at all. She thought it might be like what was shown in those programs, that there was a terrible evil monster in her mother’s heart, and that one day this monster would mature and appear in the world.

 But it’s not mom’s fault.

 The little girl hopes that by that time, there will be a gentle giant of light who can defeat the monster and help her mother.

 But that day never came.

Around 18 years old, the little girl and her mother moved. The little girl only remembers that one day, her father came to the "home" and cried to her mother. He was obviously an adult, so he was not afraid of being shy.

.Then the mother took the little girl to bring some furniture and rent a cabin. The cabin was not far from the grandparents’ house.

 The little girl never saw her father again for a long time.

I don’t know if it’s because of myself, but my grandma seems to be very angry and often scolds her mother. Her mother also often cries. This makes the little girl very frightened. Is the big monster inside her mother about to come out? Why does her grandma look so similar to her mother?

?Why does grandpa not like himself and his mother?

 After a long, long time, Zhu Xinyu found out that her father came to her mother to borrow money at that time. Her mother suddenly felt soft and sold the house.

During this period, the only connection between Zhu Xinyu and her father were some books left by her father. Although her mother could not understand them, she was not willing to throw them away.

 The mother never noticed how smart the child was. The father had no chance to notice. The little girl herself had no awareness of this. Everyone thought that the child was just very smart and could read very early.

The first time the little girl put that knowledge into practice was in 2019. As a result, an old computer that her cousin had used for 8 years was overwhelmed and damaged. The girl’s four-year-old cousin was completely unaware of what had happened.

What happened? All adults thought it was just natural damage to the electrical appliances.

Zhu Xinyu cried miserably. She knew that she had done something wrong. The computer could not be started, and it was not a hardware failure. She had damaged the operating system.

In the next few years, Zhu Xinyu broke her mother's old mobile phone by playing with it, and then broke another one, but she quickly repaired it. At first, she used the Internet in the small restaurant downstairs, but it soon became

Soon, she learned to steal the neighbor's net.

 My mother was still like that. Whenever she saw the little girl playing with these things, she would beat her. Even later, when she was found reading her ex-husband’s books, she would also be beaten. She felt that these books were driving her husband crazy and harming her daughter.

 The girl is not convinced. She feels that she has not done anything bad.

 This situation will last until 2023, when the girl enters the third grade of primary school.

 Suddenly her mother stopped beating her and just cried every day.

"I'm too stupid." Her mother told her: "Mom is too stupid. She has no life. You can't be like your mother when you grow up. Do you hear me?"

 The girl nodded in confusion.

 Until one day, her mother told her that she would live with her father from now on.

The little girl realized that her father had really made a lot of money.

 So, one winter, the little girl stepped into a high-end villa. The 400-square-meter mansion was really too big compared to the room with only one bathroom.

Zhu Xinyu saw her father, whom she had not seen for a long time. Then, she also saw a woman, a four-year-old boy and a three-year-old girl here.

The boy hugged Zhu Xinyu’s legs and called her sister in a sweet voice. His father asked her to call the woman aunt.

 Zhu Xinyu didn't understand anything. She could read newspapers before she went to elementary school. She also read the books that her mother liked to read while crying. She could understand what was going on, but she didn't want to understand at all.

 She pushed away the little boy and escaped from this "home".

 She found her mother, but her mother slapped her in the face instead. The girl didn't understand and started crying. Her mother also hugged her and cried.

"Silly boy..." she whispered: "Only your father can give you good conditions."

Mom came to the door again. She even spent a lot of money to buy gifts, came to the door, humbly apologized to the woman, and bowed to Zhu Xinyu's head.


 This was the first time that Zhu Xinyu felt "completely incomprehensible". She had learned everything quickly since she was a child. But in this scene, her brain completely, resolutely and absolutely refused to understand.

 Is mom crazy? It was clearly dad who was at fault, so why did she apologize?

 Dad, too... Why do you feel a little embarrassed for such a shameless guy?

What is that woman’s expression like?

what happened?

 Ah, this is a monster. A big monster that cannot be defeated.

 My mother is a madman and a fool, and so is my father.

The only person who made Zhu Xinyu feel normal was the little boy. The little boy cried and asked her: "Sister, did I do something wrong?"

 Why are there normal people? Instead, I want to hit him. Or is it like what my mother wrote in the book, is this acting? Is it pretending? Do you want to make me feel guilty?

From that day on, Zhu Xinyu lived in her father's house. She had a separate room, which was larger than the place where she and her mother lived. It had a big bed, a lot of clothes, and even a computer. Zhu Xinyu

I also have my own mobile phone.

 Although her "family members" strictly limited her Internet time, the woman never cared about it. Ever since that day when she pushed the little boy down, the woman had not had a good attitude toward her. She probably just waited for her to fend for herself.

That boy was like a fool. Zhu Xinyu occasionally couldn't stand it and played games with him. This fool liked to create some "tie" situations and yelled silly things like "I win too, my sister wins too, my sister wins too". She

Too lazy to care about those two silly kids.

The restrictions set by her father were in vain. The so-called "minor monitoring system" had no effect on her. I'm afraid the father could only see that his daughter had the habit of watching the Internet for an hour every night. Zhu Xinyu learned it quickly.

Use the operator's billing system to detect vulnerabilities in the request part to steal the operator's traffic.

 No one knows what she is doing.

 Her family does not know how much time she spent in the electronic, virtual and network world.

 She feels that there is nothing to miss in this place where monsters are rampant. Her spiritual home is on the Internet.

 In the world of technology, what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. If it works, it works. If it crashes, it will crash.

 She needs to stay far away from those monsters.

This chapter has been completed!
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