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Chapter 111 Continuous Killing

In an instant, Master Blackhand was already in a critical state.

My second drone was not destroyed by the black shadow so close at hand.

In order not to expose himself, he used laser signals to control the drone and flew it more than 200 meters.

Laser control cannot penetrate and bypass obstacles, and can only be transmitted point-to-point. The range of use is relatively narrow, but it is more difficult to detect.

Therefore, Diweixing's Lixia Technetium from the Fire only destroyed Master Black Hand's drone, but Master Black Hand's own position was not exposed.

At this moment, the black shadow was only more than ten meters away from Master Black Hand.

No matter who the black shadow is, it is impossible to silently destroy a drone two hundred meters away without relying on thermal weapons.

So further away, there is another enemy using a silenced firearm.

But Master Blackhand no longer has the energy to pay attention to the hidden enemy.

He is facing a huge crisis now.

When a warrior specialized in close combat enters within a few meters of a warrior specialized in firearms, the warrior specialized in combat can use his stronger mobility to predict the opponent's judgment, and then use his body skills to dodge the opponent's moving muzzle.

Snipers like Master Blackhand spend a lot of time practicing "atmospheric flow calculations", "terrain interpretation", "identifying enemies" and other skills closely related to "image recognition". Even when practicing internal skills, his

Saussure's realm will consciously strengthen the neural circuits of the visual processing center.

This is obviously different from the "move game judgment" and "nerve reflexes" that close combat warriors focus most on.

If it were a physical body, the combatant would lose combat effectiveness if it was grazed by a bullet, and the error tolerance rate would be too low, so the gunman would have an absolute advantage.

But the prosthetic body increases the fault tolerance rate of both parties.

Unless the level of the two sides is extremely different, otherwise, after the fighter cuts within a few meters of the gunman, the gunman will be in a desperate situation.

Now, the distance between the two sides is only ten meters.

Master Blackhand didn't even have time to tell who the guy was. The two pistols between his thighs had been ejected by the ejection device. The master waved his hands to take the two guns in his hands.

The black figure also knew that he had been exposed, and accelerated the moment Master Black Hand's double guns were fired.

He waved his left arm, there was a burst of gunfire, and a bullet was shot out.

Master Blackhand had to move his head with his shoulders to deflect this bullet.

His right hand missed the ejected pistol. The gun just flew into the sky.

But the moment Master Blackhand touched the pistol with his left hand, he fired.

The black figure dug his toes into the ground, turned around suddenly, and slid past three bullets sideways. He used the force of this turn to change direction.

Master Black Hand fired three more shots. But the guy had already made a prediction, his figure was as elegant as a super fluid, and his counterintuitive movements continuously shook off Master Black Hand's aim.

——The last bullet...

Heiying was also a little nervous. He had captured the muzzle of the gun just now and visually checked the caliber. Now he could confirm that there was at most one bullet left in the magazine of this knight's pistol.

——It's also possible that there are no bullets, but they deliberately made it look like there were bullets to confuse me. But it doesn't matter anymore.

As long as he breaks this guy's neck... Sombra thought. As long as he breaks this knight's neck and then destroys his prosthetic body, it doesn't matter what method the knight uses.

The distance between the two sides is now only seven meters.

Six meters!

Five meters!

Maybe his nerve reflexes couldn't keep up, or he was in a panic. This guy seemed to be pushed to the limit and fired the last bullet.

——The target is the neck...

The shadow's upper body maintained its posture, the vector injector on the back of its shoulder suddenly sprayed flames upwards, and its upper body suddenly shrank down.

This move was both dodging and accumulating power. He used the vector injector to emit a burst of force out of nowhere [or gain a force at the expense of fuel]. This force pressed him to the ground. The next move

With his legs, he can attack the inside with all his strength and crush the knight.

However, Master Blackhand's prosthetic eye suddenly activated and marked an infrared mark on his forehead.

The bullet actually ejected an asymmetric tail, and then deflected at an angle in a spiral shape.

——Secondary guided bullets!

This is the simplest type of secondary guided bullet. It has a prototype in the early 21st century. It has no intelligence and cannot identify the target. It can only adjust its trajectory against the points marked by infrared rays.

At this moment, the distance between the two sides is five meters.

For bullets, this distance is reached in an instant.

The closer the fighter is to the gunman, the more dangerous it becomes.

Master Blackhand's timing was excellent. At this moment, Black Shadow was pressed to the ground by his own vector jet. Even if he freed up the power of his legs, he could only move forward.

Limited by his reaction speed, he had no time to adjust his ankle to change the angle of movement.

Therefore, this bullet hit his faceplate.

The strong outer armor resisted the bullet, but the kinetic energy was completely transmitted to this guy's head.

A direct impact on the brain nerves caused a concussion, which even the reincarnation of Wu Zu would not be able to bear.

Of course, the black shadow fell into a brief dizziness.

Master Blackhand seized this opportunity and stepped forward to attack.

The heel of his palm hit the black shadow's forehead neatly.

Then, the arms, wrists, and palms formed a straight line, and the bullet hidden inside was shot out instantly.

The caliber of this bullet was larger than that used in the gun fighting technique. Amidst the huge explosion, the black shadow fell back.

But Master Blackhand took a step forward again, held the back of this guy's head, and gave it a squeeze.

The outer armor of the black shadow's neck made an overwhelming sound. It was not completely twisted, but the spine must have been severely damaged.

Now, even if this black shadow is not brain-dead, he will be in a situation where it is difficult to control the prosthetic body.

When he came face to face with the black shadow, Master Blackhand could identify the man's identity from his mask and prosthetic body.

It's not that he "just saw it clearly now". He had already seen this guy's appearance clearly just now, but all the resources of his brain were occupied and he couldn't separate the neural network to identify this person's identity.

The moment he relaxed, Master Blackhand recognized this guy.

"Tiancrying Star... Wrong punch..."

This guy is actually a famous person on the Green Forest Tiger List, and he is also on the Tiangang level...

Master Blackhand didn't have time to think about it when he heard an explosion.

The eyes behind him have caught another figure.

The knight on the ground bounced up from the ground and intercepted the black shadow. The two sides collided, but they did not separate, but were entangled with their hands and feet. The knight shouted "be careful", and then used the locking technique to fix the new figure.

Enemies appear.

Master Blackhand wanted to help, but a sudden force struck him.

He felt as if he had been hit with a sledgehammer.

That's a bullet.

This chapter has been completed!
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