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Chapter 5 Bionic Boxing

Bionic boxing.

The scene in front of him was like a fuse, detonating the man's memory and awakening knowledge that he had forgotten.

At some point in the past...

The only thing that is certain is that animals were very common in that era.

Sometimes, agents will use an animal prosthetic to sneak into enemy camps and enter areas inaccessible to humans to spy on intelligence. This kind of animal prosthetic consumes a lot of space in camouflage and is difficult to carry weapons.

But under certain circumstances, these agents must rely on this kind of prosthetic body to break out of the siege and send the intelligence back.

When this happens, the only thing they can rely on is "bionic boxing".

There was a burst of noise from the man's voice machine. Youki was a little worried: "Yog, why are you...ah!"

Yuki let out a scream. He saw blue blood.

With just one move, the dog tore the worker's throat open. The artery was torn and blood spurted out. The brain lost oxygen supply. The worker's body twisted and twisted, and then he fell to the ground.

When the "boom" sounded, the secretary stopped the countdown.

Five seconds.

This was the result of the dog playing with the worker. He ran up to the worker's shoulder. The worker wanted to hit the dog with his arm, but he was afraid of damaging his prosthetic body, so he hesitated to do it, while the dog was resting on his shoulder.

He paced back and forth, and finally tore the worker's throat open.

"Treat it." Yaningping waved his hand. Then the mayor dared to rush over with a doctor and a first aid kit. They used hemostatic gel to paste the wound, and then inserted a breathing tube.

Then, the doctor injected another tube of milky white artificial blood.

If there are still tear glands, the mayor will definitely cry. The condition of this worker is not serious. Artificial trachea and blood vessels are very worthless. At best, it will only increase the transformation rate again. The worst case scenario is that the biological brain is damaged.

.However, it is not unacceptable to suffer brain damage due to hard work.

But a worker can only last five seconds...

Then all the workers here... plus all the townspeople may not be able to last five minutes.

As for heavy machinery? Heavy machinery cannot enter that circle at all. Moreover, the mayor suspects that the other party may also have means to deal with heavy machinery.


Taxes must be paid.

The mayor gritted his teeth and gave the order: "Next, Dursley! Come on!"


Cheap sound machines can't simulate complex emotions. The man's mind is spinning. He wants to say something, but he doesn't know how to formulate the words.

Can't win.

That dog looks like a dog, but there must be a human brain in its abdominal cavity - this is a warrior. He is proficient in bionic boxing and animal mimicry - a martial art that has been tempered thousands of times.

In other words... this is an offensive and defensive strategy group using prosthetics that has been tested through countless experiments.

The workers' prosthetics have a high output, but these are all industrial prostheses. These prostheses do not pursue precision or speed, and it is even difficult to change direction.

It's impossible to win...

"What do you want to say, Yog?" Yuki was very worried. He had never seen "Yog" like this.

The man didn’t know what was wrong with him. In addition to fear, a huge sadness also came out...

No, it drowned him.

——No...that's not the case.

——This is not a bionic boxing technique... this is not an animal-like way...

The second worker named Dursley had his throat torn open by the dog's mouth five seconds later.

Yes, this dog did it on purpose. He deliberately controlled each kill within five seconds.

"Treat it." Yaningping waved his hand, finally showing a sincere smile on his face.

Even if he loses his father's favor, he is still a "great master" who is above ten thousand people!

The third worker also came up. This time, the dog even started chasing. He ran around the worker for three seconds, then jumped on the worker's back and bit the worker's cervical spine.

The mayor wailed. The worker was useless. The metal-based spine is a natural nerve signal transmission device. It is one of the few organs that can be retained in the human body after modification. It is very expensive, and even its replacements are worth a lot of money.


Then, there is the fourth person.

A certain rage burned the man's spirit.

——This is not a real bionic boxing technique...

——The real bionic boxing technique is based on running and walking with one touch...

——The strategy group of bionic boxing does not originally include "counterattack" and "killing the enemy". The purpose of the agents is only to send intelligence.

——This is the martial arts of the weak against the strong.

——This is for the sake of righteousness, using a weak prosthetic body to face the martial arts of a huge armed force!

No, no no, no no no no no...

not only that!

What is martial arts?

Martial arts... Martial arts are Cao Mo's blood-spattering five steps, Zhuan Zhu's Yu Zang sword, and Nie Zheng's Bai Hong stabbing the sun!

Martial arts is a weak individual's weak resistance to tyranny.

Real martial arts is not used to torture the weak.

When the fourth worker fell, the man stood up.

Not only him, but also several other townspeople stood up. Everyone was worried about the safety of the workers.

The man took a step forward. Youki held the man back. The man's remaining rationality was also telling him that this was wrong. His prosthetic body was made of scraps and had no fighting ability at all... That's right...

--but why……

All loneliness and all fear are gradually ignited by anger.


There was a dull sound. Due to the lack of touch, the man's body floated up and he realized that he had been pushed by someone. The force of this move was really strong, and Youki, who was holding the man, was knocked down.

And the man also fell out of the crowd.

He stood too far forward.

"Yog? You..." The mayor was a little surprised. He could see who pushed this "Yog" out. He originally wanted to let "Yog" go back. But at the same time, he

There is some hesitation. Essentially, Yog is a foreigner. If he is allowed to go up, maybe he can spend a second...

Twenty seconds have passed now...

"Oh? There are actually warriors? Huh? What kind of prosthetic body is this?" Yaningping's eyes widened with a smile on his face: "Great! Then it's you! Hahaha! I'm really...

This is the first time I have seen such a prosthetic body in my life! It is so artistic. I like this prosthetic body very much."

The man knew that he had been pushed.

Someone wants to kill me.

But surprisingly, when faced with the threat of death, the fear in the man's heart disappeared, and so did the burning anger.

There was only a strange yet familiar emotion left in his consciousness, as if anger had burned away fear, finally revealing the thoughts covered by fear.

Want to fight.

Want to fight!

Martial arts is a technique created to fight totalitarianism. He has faced even greater disparities between ourselves and the enemy...

The enemy in front of you is nothing.

His real enemy is far more terrifying than this.

Just like when a natural person is exercising, the muscles exerting force will feel hot, certain nerves in the man's brain release blazing bioelectricity.

The brain is burning.



The man clenched his fists. Suddenly he had a glimmer of understanding.

I don’t know why, but he did lose all information storage and most of his past memories. However, his biological brain is still alive... some memories must still be buried in it!

Time buried his memory in his mind.

Only fighting can dig out these memories - he is now almost certain that he must have been a thug in the past. He has spent a long life in fighting.

Fighting is the means to connect his present and past.

Because no matter how long it takes, the essence of "fighting" has not changed.

"I understand." There was a lot of noise mixed in the man's speaker. It was an emotion that this cheap loudspeaker equipment could not express. He walked into the circle, and then walked towards the electric shock rod on the ground.

Unlike workers who have undergone highly industrial specialization, his current prosthetic body is similar in size to a natural person in the past and can use this weapon.

There are still three steps to the weapon.

At this time, a smile appeared on Yaningping's lips: "Get ready, let's start!"

The dog instantly turned into an afterimage and pounced on him. He himself lacked the so-called "dignity of a warrior", not to mention that even if he had it, the preset algorithm would react and complete the attack before he could think. The dog's mouth

If you open it at ninety degrees, you will tear off this guy's head.

There was a "bang" sound.

The dog bit the whole thing.

His mouth closed under the man's empty ribs. The man's current torso was basically like a "stick figure", with only a steel column that "regarded as a spine" and no ribs. Calculated by ordinary people's standards, it is inevitable that

Something went wrong.

The man rotated his body, trying to keep the battery hanging from his body away from the dog's paws.

The next second, the dog somersaulted in the air like a windmill, and its two hind legs kicked hard towards the battery hanging on the man's chest.

The end of the dog's paw slightly touched the battery, and eventually the power was exhausted, causing the battery to shake violently.

And the man knows that he has already walked between life and death.

If the battery falls off, the electrical energy provided by his biological tissue will not be able to drive the hydraulic devices of his legs.

The threat of death stimulated his brain. This feeling... this feeling...

——Exactly the same as before!

With a "swish" sound, the man struck down with his left elbow. The dog had nowhere to rely on in mid-air, so it was slapped to the ground.


Then, the man once again took a step towards the weapon with that slow pace.

There are still two steps left!

Then, the dog turned over and bit the man's calf.

Sparks splash.

Yaningping asked the secretary in the team channel with some disbelief: "If I read it correctly... his legs are solid? Is there really such a rough prosthetic body?"

This chapter has been completed!
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