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Chapter 6 The Martial Arts of Cyborg

The man felt the vibration in his calf. He knew it was the dog grabbing his leg. But he was not worried at all.

Just when the elbow hit him, he recalled another thing, a very important thing.

——All outer sect exercises follow the principles of Newtonian mechanics.

Humanity's technology is far from reaching the level of using humanoid prosthetics to move at sub-light speeds, and there is no subatomic level machinery, so there is no need to consider what Einstein or Bohr said.

All objects always maintain a state of rest or a state of uniform linear motion when no force is exerted or the resultant force is zero.

When an object is acted upon by a net external force, it will generate acceleration. The direction of the acceleration is the same as the direction of the net external force. The magnitude of the acceleration is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net external force and inversely proportional to the inertial mass of the object.

The effects of forces are mutual. The action force and reaction force between two objects are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the same straight line.

During the fight with the dog, the man also gradually recalled the strategies commonly used in bionic boxing. He knew that the dog's top priority strategy at this time would be to turn over and bite the opponent's leg, so he continued to take a step forward.

He uses solid metal rods as his leg bones and does not have pain-sensing nerves like natural people, so he is not afraid of being bitten, and his muscles will not contract due to pain and cannot exert force.

When he hit the dog with his elbow just now, the man had already measured the opponent's speed with his prosthetic eyes, and then roughly calculated the opponent's mass based on a few simple formulas. And based on the change in the opponent's body shape during the blow, he

Calculate the opponent's center of gravity.

In fact, several possible structures of the dog's prosthetic body emerged in his mind.

The mass of this dog is also very light, and its weight is much greater than this dog. Considering the density, there is no power furnace in this dog's body that provides energy through the fission of heavy elements.

Since a dog's weight and power are limited, he is destined to be unable to destroy the balance of a man's body in a short period of time.

So, the man let the dog take this bite.

The dog realized something was wrong and wanted to let go. But the man who had been prepared immediately closed his legs, and the two calves - two steel pillars clamped the dog's mouth and chest. The man raised his right hand and punched down.


The dog's bionic skin showed a mocking expression, and its claws pressed accurately on the man's wrist. With a "click", the man's wrist had been severely deformed.

——An extra weight is attached to the end of the claw to increase the lethality of the claw attack?

The man was shocked and angry. This had deviated from the original intention of the bionic boxing technique.

Use a weak prosthetic body, even if you give up arming yourself, and let yourself face the powerful enemy with a weak posture - such a brave fist... such a brave fist! This is not how it is used!

The dog wanted to attack the hydraulic system of the leg with its claws. The man released his grip on the dog. The dog immediately turned over and jumped on the man's chest.

——Stop! Stop!

——You are... you are just insulting the heroic spirit of the righteous by using it like this!

The man felt that his brain was boiling. The cheap chip was about to burn, and so was his soul.

He couldn't help the memories flooding out

When he came to his senses, he had already punched the dog away.

But the dog remained unharmed. He even had his brainless "skull" in his mouth.

The man's empty skull cavity was exposed.

Yaningping narrowed his eyes and asked the secretary calmly: "Is this man a knight?"

The man's series of attacks and defenses just now had aroused his alertness.

[But his movements cannot be classified as any boxing skills at all, just like those of a layman.] The secretary analyzed: [And there is only one driver chip in his skull - he cannot practice any internal martial arts. A knight will not let that happen.

They have fallen into a situation where they have lost their inner strength. The moment they lose their inner strength, they will choose to die.】

[But his transformation rate is really high. Except for his brain, everything is a prosthetic body - although this prosthetic body is very broken]

[Perhaps he is a simple martial artist who only practices the outer sect and has no way to contact the inner sect.] The secretary speculated: [Maybe he was defeated in the battle and lost all the martial arts algorithms and experience convolution. However, his

The talent is really terrifying. He seems to be using his biological brain to make predictions... How does he do it? 】

Yaningping nodded. It's understandable. The Dyson principle prohibits direct killing of humans. Anyone who does such a thing is deemed to have lost his "asylum". But on the other hand, as long as the biological brain is not destroyed, doing

Anything is fine.

That man had obviously lost his original memory, but his brain-computer barrier was intact.

"The battle between martial artists." Yaningping thought this and had no interest in going into details.

The so-called martial artists are all such humble beings. They have no access to the path of the inner sect. No matter how well they practice the outer sect, they are only half a puppet.

He was now more interested in the man fighting.

Now, the battle between the man and the dog has entered the most critical moment. The dog was once again thrown away by the man. He adjusted his body posture in mid-air, spread his legs and landed on the ground, then tightened his limbs and lowered his body.

"This posture..."

A thunderbolt flashed through the man's mind. He recalled more information. The underlying design of the bionic boxing technique and the animal-like way, the process of developing this boxing technique...

Before consciousness begins to think, the algorithm has already captured the judgments surging in the nerves.

The man fell backwards as if his waist was broken.

——This is it again...

The dog opened its teeth angrily. For some reason, he had a feeling from just now that this man using a useless prosthetic body seemed to be able to predict his attack and plan his actions one second in advance. This guy was obviously slower than him.


Before a thought could be finished, a black shadow had already appeared.

That's the man's right leg.

The man fell backward in advance, and his body and legs formed a wonderful mechanical balance.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In the blink of an eye, a structure like an industrial machine fixed bracket on the man's left calf bounced up and was supported on the ground.

——All forces conform to Newtonian mechanics... A force can be broken down into countless component forces... This component force can be transferred to the earth through the structure...

The bracket provides stable support. The ball joint at the man's hip twists, and the fully charged hydraulic actuator releases instantly.


For the first time, the dog felt like being "hit by an industrial prosthesis".

The bracket rubbed against the ground, making a harsh explosion. When the man kicked the dog out, it still only turned half a circle. The final kick landed on the electric shock rod. The man kicked the electric shock rod away.

Get up and hold it in your hands.

When the man retracted his legs, the bracket clicked and broke away. But the man didn't care. It had completed its mission.

The townspeople sighed with regret.

The dust fell. The dog actually landed on the edge of the circle.

By just one point, the man won.

Now, only one minute has passed.

"Haha...hahahaha!" An angry laughter came from the dog's body. There was no trace of relief in this laughter, but it was just telling others that the owner of the laughter was angry. The dog's mouth opened into a hundred and eighty degrees.

Ten degrees... no, along the arc of the mouth, the dog's entire skull opens.

Behind this dog's face, there is actually a human face hidden.

Feeling of vomiting.

If a man still has a digestive tract, he will definitely vomit it out.

This is no longer just "blaspheming the heroic souls of the martyrs". It is even trampling on the dignity of human beings on the ground.

Men can be sure that the bionic boxing agents of their own time would not do such disgusting things. They just placed their brains in the abdominal cavity of the beast-shaped prosthetic body, and used the beast-shaped prosthetic body itself for senses and other things.


Why keep this face? Is it to remind others that this dog was once a human, but now it has given up its dignity, so it appears to be more valuable than ordinary dogs?

The face in the dog's mouth looked at the broken prosthetic body in front of him angrily: "Hillbilly, I have a moment. Tell me your name!"

——Name... name...

A spark burst out between the burning nerves again. Yes, the name. The name I used when fighting side by side with martyrs and heroes...

How could we forget? How could we bear the name of the enemy...

"'Mountain'." The man reported the real name he just remembered.

"Xiangshan" mountain.

Xiangshan is "difficult to climb".

"'Mountain', right? Feel honored. I, Will Granddog, will remember the shame you brought to me and treat you as a warrior. My next move will destroy you first.

battery, then tear off your left hand, then your right hand. Then, the ball joint of the leg..."

As the dog narrated, the skin on the back of his body slowly bulged and opened, revealing two symmetrical air inlets and exhaust outlets on both sides of the body.

His biological brain and power mechanism are too close, and the denaturation of proteins at high temperatures is fatal to him. If he wants to unleash the true power of the prosthetic body, he must take off his disguise and activate the cooling system.

Following the description of the dog, Xiangshan's mind came to a demonstration of a bionic boxing master. He held the electric shock stick with his intact prosthetic hand and used a swordsmanship stance to attack the enemy.

——It is difficult for the reflexes of biological brains to keep up with the movements of modern prosthetics. So at this time, believe in your own judgment, believe in the memory in your mind, and believe in the remnants of the past self..."Martial Spirit"!


The black shadow arrived in front of him in an instant. Xiangshan raised the electric shock rod. But surprisingly, he did not choose to stand in front of the battery. After all, his prosthetic body was made of waste products and could not compete head-on with the warrior's special prosthetic body.

The claws broke through Xiangshan's momentum and slapped the battery.

A small explosion.

At this moment, Xiangshan felt that the energy in the circuit in his body was rapidly depleting... depleting...

Uncontrollable memories flowed out again. But this time, memory and reality seemed to overlap.

A hand...a huge hand, carrying plasma constrained by a magnetic field, tore open "his" chest and took out the stellarator...

that time……

The electric shock baton in Xiangshan's hand thrust straight upward.

Will's mouth bit on Shan's left arm.

Then, the electric shock rod was pushed in along the air inlet.

In an instant, lightning enveloped two people at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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