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Chapter 187: Descending Battle

Xiangshan pressed his whole body against the glass curtain wall all the way down. The curtain wall, which was originally as flat as a mirror, separated like water waves. The peeled off fragments splashed like waves vertical to the ground.

Of course, Xiangshan's heels also scraped the edge of the floor. However, after all, he is a multi-ton prosthetic human, not a natural person. Such a small contact area is not enough for him to stand on the floor. The huge impact force will instead be from the floor.

Tear off a small piece.

But Xiangshan didn't intend to enter the floor and face the numerous enemies.

This is his escape route!

It seems safer to move within the central building, but in fact it is not. The building is filled with people from the Six Dragon Sect. The number and strength of these people are unclear.

Moreover, "concentrated formation" is the natural nemesis of martial arts.

If a group of AI warriors swarmed him inside, he wouldn't be able to use all his martial arts skills.

The outside of the building is much more open.

Furthermore, it seems that the ground troops have various firepower positions set up, but they will not directly bombard the building with heavy firepower.

Heavy firepower can also cause damage to the giant building itself. If any key structures are damaged, it may cause the building to collapse directly.

The distance between Xiangshan and the ground troops is several thousand meters. Under this distance, Xiangshan is not afraid of small-caliber firepower.

Outside the building, he can quickly land to the ground and then fight his way out...


The prosthetic eye behind Xiangshan saw something. One foot was a little on the edge of the window. He accelerated his fall, and then passed by a string of bullets.

Although the sound of fighting exploded on all floors of the building, Xiangshan himself knew that there was a group of Six Dragon Cult members pretending to be fighting fiercely inside.

They knew that Xiang Shan was running down from the outer wall, so as long as they stayed in this direction, they could always wait for Xiang Shan.

All they have to do is point the dick out the window.

These Six Dragon Cultivators don't even need to break their defenses.

If the kinetic energy of bullets and missiles pushes Xiangshan to fly a certain distance outward, he will no longer be able to get close to the surface of the building, will not be able to build, and will only continue to decline.

In the next ten or so floors, Xiangshan was shot four times and dodged a wave of small missiles.

The descent speed to the mountain is very fast, so the window time for those people to attack is very narrow.

But these people interrupted, and the six dragon sect guardians, flag masters and guardians of the Six Dragons Sect who had just surrounded Xiangshan also chased after them.

These people fall in the same way as Xiangshan.

Above the glass curtain wall, five white lines quickly extended.

Zhi Hufa feels that his condition has never been better.

——This is a great master.

He had this feeling when the fists and kicks were fighting just now. This was an enemy that he could hardly defeat even with all his strength. Not only was his internal strength unbelievable, but his external strength was also unbelievably strong.

But this is what he is after!

Zhihufa stretched his long arms, opened the armor on the outside of his arms, and dozens of micro missiles roared like a swarm of bees emerging from the nest.

There is also a larger rectangular body on his left shoulder, which contains two individual anti-vehicle missiles. After a slight delay of a few seconds, they are also ignited and fired.

The prosthetic eyes behind Xiangshan noticed movement. His two thick arms stretched gently like Tai Chi. With just a slight shake, his fingers were filled with large tempered glass fragments.

His lower body remained motionless while his upper body rotated on the spot. More than ten pieces of reinforced glass were shot out like bullets and loaded into the missile group.

Several missiles were only deflected by the hidden weapon, but in such a dense missile group, as long as one micro-missile exploded, it would trigger a chain of explosions.

Explosive wind was generated behind Xiangshan. He opened his arms upward and accelerated slightly with the force of the wind.

Then, a single missile rushed out of the blast.

Comparing micro missiles to this individual missile is like comparing a bee to a falcon. This missile will not be easily destroyed.

Moreover, there is a wire at the tail of the missile connected to the launcher.

Within a few hundred meters, this missile can be controlled by wires!

The people of the Six Dragons Sect were blocked by the blast just now and slowed down slightly.

But the missile continued to hit it.

Xiangshan rolled on the curtain wall, and when he stood up again, he had a steel bar in his hand, mixed with a small amount of cement blocks. He pulled it out from the floor in an instant. This action made him slow down again. But Xiangshan was very fast.

Turn around and smash out the steel bar in your hand.

The missile was deflected and flew away from Xiangshan. However, it quickly adjusted its trajectory.

Xiangshan turned around on top of the curtain wall and continued downward.

The flag owner was extremely excited: "That's it, we can win if we are determined to protect the law..."

Suddenly, Xiangshan stopped with both feet and stood still on the wall.

Not all exterior walls of Yoho City Central Building are glass curtain walls. In fact, glass curtain walls are only part of it. Glass curtain walls and alloy exterior walls each occupy a part. The interweaving of the exterior walls of two different materials also plays a certain role in decoration.


A ball of sparks exploded from the soles of Xiangshan's feet due to the sudden braking, and at the same time his body shrank and got closer to the wall.

At that moment, the missile missed Xiangshan.

Zhili Riliu didn't have time to detonate the missile, but Xiangshan took control of the situation.

He backhanded his sword and cut the metal wire.

The AI ​​built into the missile controls the missile to continue changing direction after being separated from wired control.

But Xiang Shan strode forward, and when the missile changed direction and slowed down suddenly, he struck down with his sword.

The warhead of the missile was cut off directly and could not explode.

Xiang Shan stood upright on the wall like this!

Zhihufa realized what was going on in an instant.

There must be electromagnets or polymer adhesive materials on the soles of the knight's feet. These technical means can allow him to stand on the wall.

Even if a natural person has similar skills, it would be difficult for them to do this. Their leg muscles and core muscles are not strong enough to support this movement.

Even if a few people who have undergone special training can complete this task in a short time, these muscles cannot exert force for a long time.

The human body is, after all, adapted to downward gravity.

But prosthetics don't have similar concerns.

Xiang Shan did not continue to descend, but held the phonon knife and turned back to stare at the guardians of the Six Dragon Sect.

After equipping the reactor, he has an inexhaustible amount of energy, and there are electromagnets on the soles of his feet. This can help him hang on to the outer layers of various vehicles, and he can even use kicks to attract some light weapons.

body's enemy.

Naturally, he can also walk quickly on the metal exterior wall.

This place has open terrain and easy movement, making it a good place for a decisive battle.

As long as this group of people is dealt with, retreat will be much easier.

Xiangshan planned to kill these Six Dragon Cult members right here.

This chapter has been completed!
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