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Chapter 188 Gang Qi System

Raise the phonon knife towards the mountain and look straight ahead - or in other words, look straight at the sky.

The guardians of the Six Dragons Sect instinctively avoided his gaze. They either grabbed the floor board or the window frame to stop themselves. At the same time, they turned their heads away. Xiang Shan felt several radar waves sweeping past.

.These radar waves have different frequency bands. These people must only receive one of them at the same time.

This is enough to replace vision to a certain extent.

Xiangshan forced these guys to retreat and defend with just his gaze.

They could only take turns using different active detection methods to avoid Xiangshan's hacking.

But only Zhihufa, he felt something completely different.

Zhili Riliu felt tremendous pressure from Xiangshan's sword stand.

He seemed to be charging towards a huge mountain.

Everyone in the Six Dragon Sect was forced back instantly, and no one continued to descend.

The glass broken by them continued to fall, like a waterfall. These large and small crystal fragments continued to fall and hit Xiangshan.

Some fragments hit Xiang Shan's body and shattered into sparkles like water splashes. Xiang Shan waved his phonon knife to ensure that the fragile blade could pass through the larger glass fragments like a butterfly.

The strength of the blade is indeed greater than that of tempered glass. However, direct collision with the tempered glass will also aggravate the deterioration of the blade.

[Don’t be impulsive.] The flag owner said this using a directly connected infrared signal.

Zhihu Dharma put his hand on his waist: [You only have one chance]

The flag owner understood what he meant, but was a little confused; [There is such a tactic...will it be effective?]

【Trust me.】Zhi Hufa responded like this.

The flag owner nodded slowly, then waved one hand to convey the command in sign language.

The last wire-controlled missile on Zhihufa's shoulder also flew out.

When Xiangshan saw the missile, he had to retreat quickly. If the missile exploded next to him, the blast wind might lift him away and hit an area where he could not touch the surface of the building. The falling trend could not be slowed down, and the impact of the fall would be

Enough to kill him.

He had to retreat.

And this retreat gave the followers of the Six Dragon Sect space to perform.

Most of these Six Dragon Sect guardians have one of "electromagnets" or "polymer sticky materials" that can move on walls.

They had just touched the window of the deputy leader's office from the outer wall. Even if their own prosthetics did not have relevant functions, they would have installed relevant plug-ins.

Even if it is a lightweight prosthetic body, there is always a slot for it.

Several guardians took advantage of the power of the missiles and rushed towards the alloy-covered outer wall, taking advantage of Xiangshan's forced dodge to occupy the favorable terrain.

But Xiangshan drew a graceful arc on the wall, went around behind the missile, and cut off the control data line with a sword before the missile fully accelerated.

Then he rushed back, and before the AI ​​had time to make a decision, he cut off the missile's warhead with a sword.

All this was completed within a few seconds, but other members of the Six Dragon Sect also gained advantageous positions.

The three guardians thus launched a charge in the direction of gravity.

Xiang Shan was not afraid and rushed straight over. The two sides were intertwined. Xiang Shan swayed slightly like a ghost, and the phonon knife spun half a circle like running water. The three guardians didn't even see Xiang Shan's footwork clearly, and they were caught by him.

It swayed behind me.

Then, a heart-wrenching sound erupted from the body of one of the guardians, and a cut was slowly growing.


The Guardian of the Six Dragons Cult exclaimed and wanted to retreat.

But Xiang Shan had already turned around and was approaching again like a ghost.

He pinned the sword behind his back with one hand and clenched it tightly with the other hand. His huge fist was already drawn behind him, full of strength.

Xiangshan's fist collided head-on with the Liulong Sect's fist.

Then, with a click, the upper body and lower body of the Six Dragon Sect guardian suddenly separated. His lower body, along with the power source at his waist and abdomen, remained here.

The remaining parts were directly shot down because they lost the outer armor and outer frame for fixation.

"Ah ah ah ah!" The guardian screamed and fell downwards, and soon disappeared.

Xiangshan returned his attention to the other two guardians. He had actually given each of these three guardians a sword just now, using two completely different frequencies, corresponding to the crystal structures of two commonly used alloys.

As a result, the phonon knife only worked on one person.

But Xiangshan's swordsmanship was indeed first-rate. The remaining two people passed by each other and didn't even realize that they had been hit by the sword.

Xiang Shan pounced on the remaining two people again, but at this time, a gun was pointed at him. With the help of rear vision, Xiang Shan immediately turned around, letting the bullet grazed his chest, and his waist and abdomen rotated to release force quickly.

A protector of the Six Dragons Cult actually set up a large gun on the vertical wall and set up a firepower point.

"A passable melee and a passable ranged" are more dangerous than "two passable melees". Xiangshan immediately changed his target.

But the flag owner and Zhihufa seemed to have expected it. The two of them took turns to cover and rushed towards Xiangshan.

The master of the flag uses a set of martial arts called "Extreme Fist", which is also a widely circulated school. He is also good at three-dimensional body movements. He has several vector accelerators on his body, which makes him more advantageous when moving and dodging. This guy is in mid-air

He drew several graceful arcs in the middle and avoided Xiang Shan's sword, but actually bullied him into Xiang Shan's side.

Then came the most rigid and fierce punch!

There was a loud "ding" sound, and the flag owner was knocked back as if his body was ringing a big bell. For a moment, his footsteps broke away from the wall - he was almost suspended in the air.

How could Xiang Shan miss this opportunity? He got close in an instant, grabbed the guy's left arm with his palm, and destroyed the opponent's defensive posture with a slight shake.

Then, it was a full blow. Xiang Shan held the long sword in his right hand and struck like this.

But taking this opportunity, Zhihufa also attacked.

As long as Xiangshan hits a few more punches, he will definitely be able to kill the flag owner. But Zhihufa will not give him this chance.

Zhihufa's weapon is a bit strange. It is a Qimen weapon that Xiangshan has never seen before. It is made of two crescent-like arcs intertwined together. When held in the hand, it is only slightly longer than a dagger.

The theoretical cutting ability of this thing is at the level of a "high-frequency wave blade". However, out of caution, Xiangshan abandoned the flag master, extended his long sword, and attacked Zhi Protector.

Just then, he saw a strange sight.

In an instant, the scenery in front of him changed. A "mirror"... a mirror that looked like gray fog suddenly appeared in front of him. There was also Xiang Shan in the mirror, stabbing out a sword.

Xiangshan was startled, but he was no stranger to this scenery.

Gang Qi! This is the Gang Qi system!

This chapter has been completed!
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