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Chapter 233 The terrible person

Lu Xuanyu really understands the big shots at the United Nations.

Even if he lacks scientific knowledge, he feels that this research is too outrageous.

He couldn't help but ask: "No one in your laboratory... thinks this question is wrong?"

Yawgmoth's expression became even more melancholy: "The theme framework of this research was almost figured out when I performed the genetic modification surgery on myself, and I immediately arranged for people to verify it when I came back. And... and..."

Yawgmoth thought for a moment: "When I was learning Chinese, the lady who taught me Chinese showed me some movies. One of the kung fu movies mentioned this plot. A martial arts master accepted a gangster as his apprentice.

.Then the martial arts master’s wife disliked the gangster and said that he looked at her with evil thoughts. Then the martial arts master said that it would be great if the gangster learned martial arts. As long as he learned martial arts, the gangster would respect him like a god.


Lu Xuanyu nodded. He had also seen that movie.

Thinking about it carefully...it seems right. If Bruce Lee came back to life and taught him the principles of boxing, even if there were parts of the principles of boxing that were "eliminated with the development of the past few decades", he would still be unable to bear it.

It makes sense.

Yawgmoth himself is the greatest biologist in the world.

"Then the mountain spirit went crazy." Yawgmoth sighed: "My first few students were stained by this. In the future, I will have to place some students from other people in my project team... This is probably how it will be handled.

Now that I think about it, I really feel sorry for those guys."

"Xiang Shan often tells me that we need to establish a mechanism to oppose authority in the laboratory and give researchers and assistants more say. But between conclusions, it is often clear which one is 'more correct'. I have worked on many

Everything is more correct than others..." Yawgmoth said: "It has been too smooth for a long time, which may have led to me getting a little carried away."

Lu Xuanyu scratched his head: "But that's the end of the matter, right? There shouldn't be any worse effects, right?"

"Xiang Shan organized manpower to argue with the ethics committee and adopted the attitude of 'this is just a medical research.' However, he immediately thought of the worst way to use it. He was trying to gain room for negotiation."

Yawgmoth sighed.

Lu Xuanyu scratched his head, and then became a little alert: "Speaking of which... there should be no problem with your Plan C and Plan D, right?"

Only then did a smile appear on Yawgmoth's face: "Yes... do you know the disadvantages of Plan B?"

Lu Xuanyu shook his head.

"Price." Yawgmoth smiled and said: "Plan A only requires viruses and a small amount of active agents. Plan B requires many kinds of agents, which can be used continuously for twenty-one days. The patient's condition needs to be observed during the use time of each.

It is very troublesome to do it after careful calculation. Moreover, among its many kinds of pharmaceuticals, there are some whose production conditions are more troublesome, or whose biosynthetic pathways have not yet been discovered."

"There are also large-scale medical equipment. These have created huge obstacles for universal transformation. We must find a lower-cost, faster solution - I mean, lower cost than option A. The days that need to be spent in the isolation ward

It’s also shorter than B.”

Lu Xuanyu felt a little uneasy: "Your Plan C and Plan D also use... living things, right? What should they be called? Pathogens?"

Yawgmoth shook his head: "No. Plans C and D are both based on Homo sapiens' own genome or epigenetic inheritance... Well, but due to regulations, I can't tell you much at this stage."

Lu Xuanyu waved his hand: "Then there's no need to say it."

He has received great favors from other people's companies, but he still inquires about other people's company secrets. This is a bit shady.

Yawgmoth made a downward movement with his hands, as if to signal him to be quiet.

After a few seconds, he smiled and said: "I know how to describe it..."

He said to Lu Xuanyu: "I can only give this reminder: In Taoist culture, 'baby' and 'pregnant woman' seem to have special meanings?"

On this day, Lu Xuanyu had some insomnia.

He couldn't help but wonder what the so-called "in Taoist culture, 'babies and pregnant women' have special meanings" was about.

In the Danding culture of Taoism, there are indeed expressions such as "baby girl". However, these mentioned in the classics are metaphors that must be explained in context. For example, "girl" refers to cinnabar, and "baby" refers to mercury.

Or "girl" refers to Qi, "baby" refers to God or something like that.

This is indeed a metaphor that Taoists like to use, and it has religious significance.

And martial arts people do like to borrow these things from Taoist culture to "encrypt" their own boxing skills, deliberately making them mysterious and mysterious.

But look...

It's common to see idiots who "misinterpret classics literally". Whether it's reality or fictional stories. For example, "destroying the enemy's leader is like walking through rotten soil" and this obvious "power description" and "metaphor" misinterpretation

They become completely uneducated guys like "sticking skulls with their hands". Historically, it seems that some people really took "baby girls" literally and went to eat children and suck human blood.

Although Mr. Yawgmoth is a great scientist.

But what he did before was really too shocking...

It's hard not to make associations.

Amidst waves of inexplicable nightmares, Lu Xuanyu ended his magical day.

In the blink of an eye, we came to the end of the first course of treatment.

In the past few days, the frequency and intensity of his cognitive tests have also increased.

Fortunately, there was nothing else he could do here, so the weak Lu Xuanyu cooperated wholeheartedly.

From the last day onwards, the food the medical staff served him was a bit strange.

There are some subtle differences in "color" and "taste".

"I've told you about this before." Faced with Lu Xuanyu's question, Miss Florence patiently answered: "Some metal ion solution was added to your food in the cooking process, a trace amount.

For Homo sapiens, if you eat such meals for a long time, it will definitely cause poisoning and even cause irreversible damage to your liver function."

"But for baseline humans, it's necessary nutrition."

"We will increase the concentration of metal ions in your blood a day or two in advance so that it can penetrate into the brain tissue. In this way, once the transformation begins, your cells that are the first to complete the transformation can directly synthesize the necessary proteins."

Lu Xuanyu nodded. Although it was a little unappetizing, he still forced himself to finish the meal.

Then, it was finally time for the surgery to begin.

This chapter has been completed!
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