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Chapter 234 Yawgmoths pregnant woman and baby

In a greenhouse, Xiangshan and Niyaguti were wearing cotton-padded jackets and sitting at a table.

Yawgmoth also wears similar clothing.

But the difference is that the cotton-padded clothes of Xiangshan and Niyaguti have absorbed water and are very cool.

The reason why cotton keeps warm is because it has a fluffy structure that can retain a large amount of air, and air is a poor conductor of heat. But cotton itself absorbs and retains water. Water has a huge specific heat capacity and a fast heat transfer rate.

When water evaporates from cotton clothes, it also absorbs a lot of heat from the human body.

Therefore, there are poor people who freeze to death wearing wet cotton clothes every winter.

Yawgmoth squinted at the two of them: "You two... don't you think it's too heavy?"

"The lining of this dress is the latest fabric provided by the cooperative company, which ensures perspiration and breathability while isolating a large amount of moisture." Xiangshan picked up the ice-cold carbonated drink on the table, took a sip, and said, "I haven't been calling on everyone to explore recently.

'The coexistence model of baseline humans in Homo sapiens society'...and I think it should be more painful to hit someone wearing this suit."

Niya Guti nodded and said: "Well, I still do daily exercise."

There was an obvious hint of hostility in the tone of the two people.

Yawgmoth felt that if he said the wrong thing this time, he might really get beaten.

Although Xiang Shan seems to have a good temper, it is not difficult to find out after getting to know him that this guy is as fierce as fire in his bones. Sometimes his kind side is a disguise, and sometimes it is the principle of "you are happy, I am happy, everyone is happy".


But when he is truly angry, this guy will also express his anger in the most direct way.

Yawgmoth felt that it was okay to be beaten. A dozen years earlier, he and Xiang Shan had fought each other whenever they disagreed.

But it's best not to start a fight today.

He said: "I invite you here because I want to talk about my new plan..."

"Listen, if you hear something that cannot be disclosed to the public this time, I will throw this table at you on the spot." Xiang Shan pointed at Yawgmoth.

"Well, let me talk about two options." Yawgmoth said: "Let me talk about option D first..."

"Wait a moment." Xiang Shan raised his hand: "You told Mr. Lu a few days ago about babies and pregnant women..."

"Oh, yes!" Yawgmoth nodded.

"Hmm... let me ask you first, is plan D 'baby' or 'pregnant woman'?"

"Pregnant woman," Yawgmoth said.

Niaguti said: "You mean, start with the mechanism of the fetus suppressing the maternal immune system?"

Yawgmoth nodded: "That's true. For a mammalian mother, the fetus in the body is a 'child', but it is also a 'foreign object with genetic differences'. The reproductive behavior of mammals is actually a process similar to

The phenomenon of 'parasitism'."

Xiang Shan rubbed his face: "I think if I say this, I will be besieged by thousands of people."

Yawgmoth didn't take it seriously: "There are always some idiots who think that scientists finding out about the 'maternal love gene' or the 'neural mechanism that produces maternal love' will detract from the greatness of maternal love..."

Xiang Shan waved his hand: "Okay, you continue to talk about your plan."

"Where are you talking about? Oh, yes, 'pregnancy' is a phenomenon with some characteristics of 'parasitism'. After the fetus enters the mother's body, it should be attacked by the mother's immune system. But the fetus can suppress the mother's immune function -

—It’s as if the parasite suppresses the host’s immune function.”

"Steroid hormones and alpha-fetoprotein have obvious inhibitory effects on lymphocytes. Pregnancy zone protein can inhibit a variety of immune cells..."

Niyaguti shook her head: "This is very difficult. The fetus will not be rejected by the mother's body, mainly because the mother's body will actively suppress its rejection reaction. In addition, the blood circulation of the fetus and the mother's body are not directly connected, and the contact surfaces between the two sides are

Isolation of the trophoblast. In addition, there is the placenta.”

Yawgmoth was a little dissatisfied: "I haven't finished talking yet. I have considered the role of antigens, immunosuppressive factors, and even maternal regulatory T cells produced by the trophoblast. The only thing that cannot be reproduced is the function of the trophoblast surface."

The glycoprotein barrier between the placenta and the placenta is broken.”

"The changes in regulatory T cells should start after the male gametes enter the female body." Niyaguti said: "You mean..."

"Use a virus with only a protein shell to present the reference human antigen to the regulatory T cells." Yawgmoth put his hands on his chin: "Estrogen, progesterone, androgens and the like can make the regulatory T cells

The concentration of cells increased significantly."

Niya Guti looked at Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan touched his chin: "Would this cause endocrine disorders in the recipient?"

Yawgmoth said nothing.

"At the end of the day, can the male body handle this treatment?"

Yawgmoth said: "Women can definitely do it."

"Um...does the glycoprotein on the surface of trophoblast cells play a large role in this mechanism?"

"If it is broken down with enzymes, the abortion rate in mice will become very high..."

Xiang Shan rubbed his face: "I probably understand why it should be used as a backup option. It's true... Pregnant women actually have a certain degree of immunity. If pregnant women get sick during pregnancy, the immune system will be reactivated, and the miscarriage rate will increase.

Getting higher...doesn’t it even require the use of a sterile ward? The hospital infection is well controlled, and the general ward is enough? It doesn’t feel very safe. What about the cost?”

"The biosynthetic routes of steroid hormones, alpha-fetoprotein, and pregnancy zone protein are very clear. Needless to say, estrogen, progesterone, and androgens are much cheaper than Plan B."

Xiang Shan nodded: "It's an advantage - what about your 'baby'?"

Yawgmoth crossed his arms and began to feel proud: "Speaking of which, do you know about Chimera?"

"Chimera? Greek mythology or Azeroth? Or a science fiction concept from some science fiction work?"

"It's a very old biological term, chimera." Nyagudi estimated that Yawgmoth didn't bother to explain, so she added: "The immunological meaning means that an organism has two or more types of

Cell lines with different chromosomal compositions coexist, can tolerate each other, do not produce rejection reactions, and are in a chimeric state with each other."

"Scientists have long discovered that when the embryo's immunity is not yet complete, when heterologous cells are injected into the embryo, these cells can even grow with the embryo. The two cells are relatively distantly related... Well, I remember

There’s a chimera of goat and carrot.”

Xiang Shan was shocked: "Is this possible?"

"According to ethics, this type of embryo is destroyed after a certain stage and is not born. When it reaches a certain stage of development, it should die, right? It may be possible to be born with congenital defects. But in the embryonic stage, it lives quite well.


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