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Chapter 245: Prosthetic Body Testing and Training

Xiangshan put his hands on his waist and put on a posture.

This posture could not be achieved by his previous prosthetic body. The upper body of his previous prosthetic body was too thick due to the reactor, so the arms would have a blind spot close to the body.

The reason why Xiang Shan has never been troubled by this blind spot is because no one has ever been able to invade this area.

It is not terrible that the prosthetic body has weaknesses. What is terrible is that martial arts cannot make up for these weaknesses.

But now, this weakness no longer exists.

The inner lining of the Mukayama prosthetic body frame was replaced by a high-toughness material doped with neutron moderator by the Earth-Drilling Dragons, which not only protects the reactor, but also isolates the radiation released by the reactor as much as possible.

This material also simplifies the structure near the reactor and allows more structures to be inserted.

Xiangshan's prosthetic body is now more symmetrical than before. Although it is still too burly according to the proportions of a natural human body, at least the proportions of his hands and feet are like a human being.

Unlike before, this time the Earth-Drilling Dragon also comes with two layers of coating.

The outermost coating is made of dark gray matte material, which can minimize the friction of gas crossing.

This dark gray coating will automatically sublimate into gas at a temperature "below the melting point of the armor", exposing the internal reflective coating.

This is to prevent the knight from being shot by a high-power laser weapon.

There is no ideal mirror in this world, so the "anti-laser coating" cannot achieve 100% reflectivity anyway.

Under the laser, the reflective coating itself can also be damaged.

Judging from the operating time of current military laser emission devices, the coating can at least help the knight survive "one shot".

Even if it is a battleship's secondary gun, the knight can often win a little chance to "expand the Gang Qi layer".

Of course, the Gang Qi layer will be continuously consumed, but it can be replenished quickly.

The biggest feature of this body is the back of the head. There is a structure extending from the shoulder armor and extending upward along the back of Xiang Shan's head. It is like a stick that fits the back of the head.

This peculiar structure is a gas release device. There is a structure that stores metal aerosol and a magnetic field generator inside.

When necessary, metal aerosol can be used to quickly form a magnetic levitation mirror located on the back of the head.

There are also corresponding slots on the back of Xiangshan's elbows, back, and abdomen, which can accommodate the components required for Xuanwu Zhengang in the form of "plug-ins."

This is also an inevitable choice after the one-piece unit becomes larger. "Slots that can be replaced at will" are more in line with the knight's positioning of "small troops, all-terrain, guerrilla warfare" than "one-piece body".

According to the advice given by Master Blackhand, in addition to the external armor that comes with the prosthetic body, there is also a layer of external armor. This layer of armor also has some slots. Some deformable weapons can be directly spliced ​​to this layer of external armor.


Inert explosives can also be placed on part of the outer armor. Xiangshan can decide which part of the armor to use to resist the attack according to needs - the thickest part or the reactive armor part.

This is also part of the "receiving body" skill.

Of course, those modules are not installed yet.

This body is not finished yet, it is just a test.

Sensor devices were attached to various parts of Xiangshan's body. And around Xiangshan, there were six knights holding light signal transmitting guns.

On the other side, Kane held up a stereo.

The moment the bell rang, six knights pulled the trigger at the same time.

Xiangshan also sprays metal aerosols from all over his body to build a magnetic levitation mirror.

Xuanwu Zhen Gang·Turtle Style·Zhi Yang Method Spirit Turtle.

Afterwards, Xiangshan quickly checked the sensor device attached to his body.

"Well, I dodged part of it, and most of the attacks lasted less than seven thousandths of a second." Xiang Shan nodded: "With lasers, even if you get hit once or twice, it won't matter."

"This reaction is basically sufficient when facing EMP weapons."

The solo killer holding the flare gun put aside the toy in his hand and pulled out another firearm. This gun can shoot soft bullets with a metal core inside, and there is paint on the surface of the bullet.

He shouted: "Then let's verify the attack!"

Xiangshan moved the magnetic levitation mirrors away, exposing a few cracks. He glanced at the six knights around him through these cracks, and then glanced at Kane.

Kane nodded and said: "Get ready..."

At the same time, use unlimited signals to connect the other six knights and tell them the progress of the countdown.

These six knights can prepare in advance according to this countdown, but Xiangshan can only judge the time to take action by relying on the sound of the bell without warning.

All the knights clenched their guns.

Xuanwu Zhengang's blockade is equivalent to both the enemy and ourselves. Although it can block the enemy's line of sight and make it difficult for the enemy's marksmanship to display, it can also hinder our personnel from observing the enemy gunner's movements, and even prevent the user from dodging bullets.

【...Three, two, one...】

The moment the bell rang, Xiangshan turned around and performed a snake move, the Green Lotus Dragon King (Utpalaka). With this movement, dense metal aerosols rushed in all directions, like a lotus blossoming with teeth and claws.

Six knights fired at the same time, and the six gunshots were almost connected into one.

But Xiangshan lowered his body low enough. Using his hands and feet, he dived like a wild animal and then jumped out.

At the same time, he also left a stereo in place.

This moment of movement and dodge caused the six Northern Knights to lose their grasp of Xiangshan's location. Xuanwu Zhengang further blocked the detection methods.

The six knights also put down the speakers they had prepared long ago. For a moment, the sound of gunfire and footsteps continued to overlap in this small space.

But not long after, there was the sound of the prosthetic body falling to the ground.

This means that someone was defeated by the unknown hero.

Gangqi martial arts such as Xuanwu Zhengang are aimed at destroying heat dissipation systems and electronic equipment. Everyone's prosthetics are very precious, so naturally it is not easy to destroy them. Therefore, the knights have made additional rules to simulate actual combat.


They will refer to a certain part of the body, "which is generally considered to be a heat dissipation outlet."

Xiangshan only needs to use long-range moves such as Nanda Dragon King and Baozhen Dragon King to move towards this area, and then reach out to push the knight, and it will be deemed that the knight has been hit by Xuanwu Zhengang.

Of course, this rule is naturally unfavorable to Xiang Shan. The long-range attack of Xuanwu Zhengang does not need to invade the opponent's inner perimeter. It just needs to wander around the opponent and then shake it.

But... who makes Xiangshan the person with the highest level of external skills here?

Amongst the bullets, Comrade Kane was the only one who sat still, watching his eyes, nose, and heart.

After a while, the movement stopped.

There was another sound of objects flying horizontally.

Xiang Shan used Dragon Style Taotie to collect the metal aerosol, leaving only a few red scratches on his body.

This chapter has been completed!
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