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Chapter 246 Deduction

After the silver mist dissipated, Xiangshan walked to the wall and leaned on a shelf. After a while, the back of the prosthetic body opened layer by layer, exposing Xiangshan's head and spine.

The joints inserted into the many interfaces of the spine automatically fell off one by one. A group of robot hands lifted Xiangshan's head and inserted it back into the uncoordinated prosthetic body.

The other knights stood up on their own. One of the knights from the North was very impressed and said: "This kind of skill is really the only one I've seen in my life. It's so amazing."

After returning to the prosthetic body, Xiangshan stretched his neck and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

"To be able to defeat so many heroes from the North at the same time..." An Earth-Drilling Dragon was extremely excited: "Does such martial arts really exist?"

"It's a little higher than you think." The Northern Knight said, "The unknown hero just defeated all of us twice."

The Earth-Drilling Dragon was stunned: "Twice? What...what does this mean?"

"We are simulating the battle of Gang Qi Martial Arts." The knight explained: "Logically speaking, he only needs to aim at the 'virtual heat dissipation vent' on us and shake it. However, the unknown hero completed

After this point, he pushed us a little, destroying our balance in the form of multiple blows."

"In actual combat, Xuanwu Zhengang is regarded as once, and destroying the balance is regarded as the second time..."

The young Earth-Drilling Dragon's eyes shone as he looked at Xiang Shan: "This...is indeed a hero who dares to plan things in Paradox City! He is so powerful! With such martial arts, he can definitely..."

Kane came over and hit the young man on the head neither lightly nor hard: "Ignorant thing. No matter how high a person's martial arts is, there are limits. Even the God of Martial Arts does not dare to say that he can break through Paradox City with certainty.

.No matter how high your martial arts skills are, you still have to risk your life to fight. Go over there and check the parts."


The Earth-Drilling Dragon immediately came to the preparation instrument and used optical instruments to observe the parts removed from the preparation instrument one by one.

These parts are for testing and are forged from one or two special materials. The purpose of this is to observe the damage of these parts and to measure the pressure on different parts when Xiangshan uses this customized prosthesis.

Different people have different martial arts, different strategic group preferences, and the pressure and wear on various parts of the prosthetic body are different.

Since the battlefield is unpredictable, prosthetics must also be prepared to "fight a protracted war."

Nowadays, the chivalrous prosthetic body builders must take this point into consideration.

Several knights from the North gathered together to discuss what they had learned from the previous discussion. Xiang Shan was lost in thought.

Comrade Kane asked tentatively: "The unknown hero."

"Ah." Xiang Shan turned his head: "How is the condition of the prosthetic body? I have put forward some more... more personalized needs, it shouldn't be easy, right?"

"Actually, it's not bad. Among the technical drawings released by the Martial Gods of the past, there are many things that can just meet your needs, the unknown hero." Kane was quite impressed: "The martial arts you practice must be the direct descendants of the Martial Gods, chivalrous and authentic."

This was originally a compliment. It's a pity that Kane is not familiar with the unknown hero, otherwise he would have noticed the weirdness of the unknown hero's posture just now.

"I have to try my boxing and kicking skills tomorrow." Xiang Shan said: "There are several martial arts that are blending together in my mind... These martial arts still need to be adjusted."

Xiangshan recruited the Northern Knights to compete, not only to test the new prosthetic body, but also to polish his own martial arts.

His current martial arts skills are all put together with a hammer and a stick. Although he has also won a lot of experience points, those warriors who were defeated by him only used one or two martial arts in their lives and did not have any

The experience of using so many martial arts together.

This has to be done by Xiangshan himself.

He wanted to organically combine Xuanwu Zhengang, Mecha Steel Fist, Phonon Swordsmanship, and the spear skill he had just acquired - at least to ensure that the hitting skills would not interfere with each other.

If you use the Xuanwu Zhengang with your left hand and the Phonon Knife with your right hand, something will definitely go wrong - the magnetic field of the Xuanwu Zhengang will definitely interfere with the operation of the Phonon Knife.

However, in the gap between several moves of Xuanwu Zhengang, using the electromagnetic sword drawing technique to slash a sword can have an immediate effect.

Among the users of Xuanwu Zhengang in the past, I am afraid that only Li Jiliu, the protector of the Six Dragon Sect, has ever had such thoughts.

And Xiang Shan is now eager to try, wanting to create some scattered moves and combine these martial arts into an organic system.

In other words, as the "Founder of Cyber ​​Martial Arts", his creative desire is just around the corner.

It must have been influenced by the memory of Zhihufa.

I have to say that the Six Dragons Sect is really good at using Xiangshan's memories to brainwash people.

This memory can provide the "desire to express" in martial arts.

Even Xiangshan himself will be affected to a certain extent.

Kane sighed: "I never thought that someone could dismantle martial arts into a system so quickly and constantly evolve new moves..."

"Maybe I'm recalling the martial arts of humans in the past."


Comrade Kane found this sentence too confusing.

Everyone knows that cyber martial arts has no direct inheritance relationship with the martial arts of natural people in the past. Even if there are occasional similarities, they are the result of "convergent evolution" similar to nature - the "excellent strategy group" obtained by super computers and

"Convergent evolution" resulting from countless years of experience and optimization.

"It is precisely because we know what human martial arts were like in the past that we know 'what superhuman martial arts can be like'." Xiang Shan said.

He did not directly learn Lu Xuanyu's martial arts. At best, Lu Xuanyu gave him some small knowledge about martial arts.

Moreover, the cyber martial arts he created is not consistent with the martial arts culture promoted by Lu Xuanyu.

For Lu Xuanyu, "martial arts" is a concept similar to culture and art. Lu Xuanyu is more concerned about an artistic expression - for him, "martial arts" is to interpret his own spirit and sharpen his spirit at the same time.

s things.

Xiangshan's cyber martial arts is something born based on "technology". The culture related to cyber martial arts is all the packaging made by Xiang Shan. In the case of prosthetics, martial arts has also lost its "strengthening body"

The meaning of "strengthening the body and sharpening the spirit". All metaphysical values ​​are given by Xiangshan, the creator.

It can be said that Zhihufa was attracted by the perspective shown by Lu Xuanyu.

There's nothing wrong with that actually - if it weren't for this goddamn age.

Zhihufa's obsession and explanation of martial arts are exactly what Xiangshan doesn't need.

However, just like the "contemplation of impurity" is to eliminate one's own greed for desires and achieve "purity" by visualizing dirty things.

It was precisely because of that experience that Mangshan knew what cyber martial arts as an assassination technique "should not be like."

This chapter has been completed!
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