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Chapter 249 Lu Xuanyu woke up and the operation was successful

When Lu Xuanyu opened his eyes in confusion again, he vaguely saw a person wearing a mask doing something next to him.

When he saw him waking up, the medical staff immediately shouted something into the intercom, probably something like "the patient has woken up for the first time".

The man leaned down, waved to Lu Xuanyu, and said something.

It's like... "Can you hear me?"

Is it like "please look at me" or "please look at my finger"?

Did you take out your flashlight...

Lu Xuanyu didn't remember the last details very clearly. Sleepiness once again pressed on his spirit. He sank into darkness again.

When he woke up again, he felt his hand being held.

Lu Xuanyu opened his eyes and found that his wife was in front of the hospital bed, holding his hand, and there seemed to be a holy light on her face...

Ah, no, that's not right. Her face is covered in sweat and reflective.

When Lu Xuanyu's wife saw that Lu Xuanyu woke up, the corners of her mouth turned up, but at the same time tears burst into her eyes. She put Lu Xuanyu's hand on her forehead and sat silently.

"What's wrong? This is..." Lu Xuanyu said, "Your forehead is so cold... Why are you still sweating like this..."

Lu Xuanyu felt a little inconsistent.

He was covered with a quilt from his chest down, and his exposed hands felt a little cold. The hospital gown he wore was also long-sleeved.

But his wife was wearing short-sleeves, and there were cold patches on her neck and arms. But despite this, beads of sweat on her forehead kept coming out from under her skin.

Lu Xuanyu turned his head blankly and found that Ms. Florence on the side looked similar. She was wearing a short-sleeved white dress and had cooling patches on some parts of her body.

Lu Xuanyu was in a daze: "This is..."

"Congratulations, Mr. Lu, the operation was successful." Ms. Florence smiled and congratulated him: "You are now a standard benchmark person."

Lu Xuanyu was in a trance and had no sense of reality.

He just thought that the air conditioner in this place was "a little turned on." But in fact, the heater had already heated the room to more than 30 degrees Celsius.

He is fundamentally different from Homo sapiens.

"This..." He looked at his arm and didn't feel much difference from the past. But now, he was no longer a human in the traditional sense.


Lu Xuanyu muttered, and then realized in surprise: "What time is it now?"

The wife then said: "It's already summer..."

When Lu Xuanyu came to Peiping, it was just spring, and there was still snow on the ground. Then came the first stage of "destroying the immune system", which took a total of twenty-one days.

And this second phase of transformation actually went straight into the middle of the year.

"I'm almost in ambush..." Lu Xuanyu thought of his hometown inexplicably.

Hot summer... watermelon...

But he quickly realized that the "scorching summer" in his hometown was probably a "biting cold" to him.

He struggled to sit up.

Ms. Florence duly handed over a mouthwash at this time and said: "How do you feel now?"

"Nothing special... I just feel very sleepy and tired..." Lu Xuanyu rinsed his mouth and felt something was wrong all over.

Florence said: "If you haven't moved for several months, the muscles in your body will definitely degenerate and atrophy. Even if medical staff turn over and massage you regularly, it will be the same." Florence said: "The third stage.

The treatment course has been arranged.”

When she observed Lu Xuanyu regaining consciousness, Florence notified Lu Xuanyu's wife. Lu Xuanyu's wife insisted on coming in and waiting every once in a while, and did not leave until she couldn't bear it anymore.

Florence tried to persuade her, but the patient's family insisted on it, and she had no right to stop it. Fortunately, Lu Xuanyu's immune system had been reset, and isolation and protection were not needed at this stage.

Having said that, there are almost no pathogens on earth that can infect such a body with a body temperature of 50 degrees.

The first stage is "immune destruction", the second stage is "gene transfer", and then comes the third stage of surgery. This stage includes "dietary supplement plan", "rehabilitation training" and follow-up observation, and may even include

Some subtle genetic adjustments.

Needless to say, the "dietary supplement plan". At this stage, the person who has undergone transformation surgery has just transformed into a baseline human. He needs a lot of metal elements to synthesize proteins that are not found in Homo sapiens. And those metal elements are very important to Homo sapiens.

It is toxic and ingestion will only damage liver function in vain. Therefore, people who have just completed the transformation are basically in a state of "malnutrition" and need to take various supplements in addition to meals.

Rehabilitation training is naturally aimed at the second stage of atrophy and degradation of body functions.

"Gene fine-tuning" means transferring or artificially activating a small number of genes based on the various symptoms displayed by the patient. Compared with "baseline human transformation surgery", this change is insignificant and basically belongs to the 1990s.


At this stage, standard humanized genetic modification surgery for Homo sapiens is not yet mature.

In animal experiments with metal-based modifications, Yawgmoth has avoided all potentially fatal traits. However, baseline humans undergoing transformation at these stages will still show some "harmless" strange traits. Some of them may affect

Daily life needs further gene therapy to improve it.

Florence told Lu Xuanyu that the third stage of treatment can be arranged tomorrow. This process will still take several months.

As for today, Lu Xuanyu can show off as he pleases.

Of course, before that, he still had one last task, which was to do the cognitive test questions.

I haven’t seen you for a few months, and this set of questions seems to have some new types of questions that I haven’t seen before.

Although Lu Xuanyu felt a little dizzy, he still worked on the questions seriously.

Ms. Florence was waiting nearby.

Lu Xuanyu said while doing the questions: "I remembered what Mr. Xiang told me before. He has a lofty ideal, saying that he wants all mankind to enjoy this genetic modification surgery."

"Well, that's right." Florence nodded: "This is the meaning of our medical center's existence. We will continue to reduce costs and find ways to make surgery accessible to all mankind."

"But if you have to stay in the hospital for half a year to do this operation..." Lu Xuanyu shook his head: "Who can bear it?"

"Well, on the one hand, we can place our hope in the public medical system. For example, including medical insurance and so on." Florence said, "The boss even hopes to persuade Cuba to carry the banner of internationalism. As a capitalist, he can

It’s great to maintain a good relationship with that country.”

"In addition, there are actually less mature acceleration methods."

This chapter has been completed!
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