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Chapter 250 Victory is in sight

Lu Xuanyu had heard about Cuba's medical system.

It is said that "a long illness makes a good doctor". After Lu Xuanyu's accident, he and his wife did not become "good doctors", but they still inquired about medical resources in various regions at home and abroad.

Cuba has been vigorously developing its public medical system, and its citizens enjoy almost completely free medical resources. The country's per capita medical resources are the highest in the world, even far behind developed countries.

For Cuba, the "medical system" is even used to earn foreign exchange. They have really used the country's medical resources in exchange for foreign exchange for a long time.

The level of medical care in Cuba is not low either.

In addition, it is also one of the countries that once held high the banner of internationalism.

Lu Xuanyu can understand this topic.

If this major medical country is willing to share its resources with the world, coupled with the public medical systems of various countries... there will still be great pressure for universal benchmarking.

Lu Xuanyu is very clear that the biggest difficulty in promoting this surgery is that it requires the recipient to stay in the hospital for half a year, and even spend several months in a coma.

During this period of time, the subject is unable to work.

And not everyone can afford not to work for several months.

If everyone wants to do it again...

The country can’t bear it either.

Lu Xuanyu's attention was quickly attracted by the second half of Florence's sentence.

He had a bad feeling.

Lu Xuanyu stopped doing the questions and looked at Florence: "Well, Ms. Florence, can I ask... what is that 'immature acceleration plan'?"

"The longest part of this process is probably the transformation of the 'central nervous system'." Florence nodded.

Parts that are actively dividing, such as mucous membranes, hair follicles, and the immune system, are transformed very quickly, and the entire metal-based process only takes a few days.

However, the transformation of permanent cells is very slow.

The brain's transformation is particularly slow.

The long period of time Lu Xuanyu was in coma was actually waiting for the brain's neurons to transform.

After the transformation of brain neurons begins, medical staff will begin the transformation of cardiomyocytes and skeletal muscle cells.

Only after these permanent cells have been transformed to every possible extent will they begin to transform other body cells.

Even if rabies is already the fastest neurotropic virus, and even if medical staff can artificially inject modified rabies virus multiple times to accelerate the course of the disease, this time cannot be shortened.

The reason……

"It takes so long because the nerve cells are very silent and the proto-oncogene is inactive." Florence said: "So, as long as the expression of the proto-oncogene in the nerve cells is stimulated, this process can be artificially accelerated.


"The proto-oncogene...sounds...a bit scary?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of. There are proto-oncogenes in every cell. Without the presence of proto-oncogenes, your cells will not grow, divide, or change." Florence said: "Proto-oncogenes

Loss of control leads to cancer.”

Lu Xuanyu said: "That 'immature acceleration method'..."

"It is the proto-oncogene that touches nerve cells." Florence said: "A few years ago, Mr. Voigt used himself to conduct an experiment and almost failed. Ms. Ndebele (referring to Nia Guti) in order to save

In his life, he tried various methods, including 'touching the proto-oncogene in nerve cells' - this was originally an idea that Mr. Voigt had no time to realize. This method should be able to greatly reduce the second step of the operation.

stage time.”

"It's just that this technology is really immature. Mr. Voigt's peripheral nervous system has developed... ahem, cancer."

Although there are rumors that "sharks cannot get cancer", in fact this is just a misunderstanding caused by humans having too little observation of sharks. Sharks are not creatures that "cannot get cancer".

But there are indeed “cells that cannot become cancerous” in the human body.

That is neurons.

Although humans occasionally have tumors such as "brain tumors", these are not cancerous changes in neurons, but "rollover" of glial cells.

Even so, brain tumors are benign in most cases.

Neuron cancer is quite outrageous in every sense of the word.

"This technology is not mature yet, so it has not been applied to other people." Florence coughed twice: "And the matter was finally resolved satisfactorily. Mr. Voigt also used this rare technology for the development of human science.

Cancer cells are open to the whole world for free."

"Ah...for the development of science? No, before that...this...that...can this technology be used on humans?"

Lu Xuanyu feels that there are really many unknowns in this world.

"The technology will definitely mature." Florence said with interest and yearning in her tone: "In the past few months, the company has launched a series of big projects, and we will definitely understand the 'proto-oncogene'. By then, cancer will

It will become a disease that can be easily cured, and AIDS can be easily reversed. Moreover, nerve damage will no longer be difficult to repair. Of course, of course, the most important thing - the second part of the human benchmark transformation surgery, time can be extremely

Big compression.”

"The compression of the second part can make the third part of the rehabilitation training less stressful."

Florence had no doubt about the significance of this series of projects.

In the new plan, the first step of genetic modification surgery, "immune system reset," can be compressed to one week, and the recipient can maintain infant-level immunity on the last day of the surgery, and does not necessarily need an isolation ward.


The projects of "repairing nerve damage" and "accelerating the second phase of surgery" are related to each other. If this series of research is completed, the time for this second phase may be shortened to within a month.

The subject's coma time will be shortened to "weeks".

The recipient can completely perform an "immune reset" one week in advance, and then go to work, and then the next weekend, the country will add a special holiday to the labor law, which is similar in nature to "maternity leave".

If it were shortened a bit, special leave would not even be needed, the annual leave would be long enough.

If this series of research is really successful, then the ideal picture described by the boss is really not far away!

Florence's eyes sparkled.

Lu Xuanyu was infected and thought this was probably a good thing.

He went on to complete cognitive testing.

At this time, he suddenly remembered something, and then asked a little embarrassedly: "Well, by the way, Mr. Xiang didn't come over today?"

After getting along for a period of time, Lu Xuanyu vaguely regarded Xiang Shan as a friend. He felt that Xiang Shan would come to visit.

However, he also felt that he might be a little pretentious by asking this?

This chapter has been completed!
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