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Chapter 2 Why are there aliens?

On the morning of March 23, 2028, a black car with a red flag drove into a residential area.

Xiangshan was wearing travel clothes and carrying a backpack, and waved to his parents who were sending him out. Xiangshan's mother, with tears in her eyes, touched the corners of her eyes and waved to him.

After the car door opened, a young man in a suit and tie came out. He smiled politely at Xiang Shan: "Researcher Xiang Shan? Can I see your ID?"

Xiangshan showed his ID card. The cadre checked it with his unknown brand mobile phone. After confirming that it was correct, he turned around and took out an envelope: "Here are the documents you need, as well as your new mobile phone."

Xiang Shan weighed the envelope. It was heavy and had an obvious touch of a mobile phone. The other parts were not thick. After following the cadre's gesture and sitting in the back seat, he opened the envelope and took out the mobile phone. He found that there was no brand, but the shape was

It is very similar to some flagship phones on the market.

"This mobile phone is specially made, and the system is written in-house." The cadre said while starting the car: "It locks some authorizations very tightly, and many domestic apps may not be able to be used normally. I hope this

You can overcome it. In addition, please do not upgrade this phone without authorization..."

Xiang Shan was embarrassed: "This is impossible. I'm not a fool."

"I know too." The cadre smiled and said: "It's just that I also know that you computer scholars are used to tinkering with your own electronic products. Things have happened before, so I still need to make this clear.


Xiang Shan nodded quickly.

The phone seemed to have been registered with a fingerprint lock. Xiangshan naturally started the phone.

"By the way, the phone card inside is also specially made, and the number is your original number." The cadre continued: "You don't have to pay the phone bill in the future. However, your call records will also be subject to certain scrutiny. I hope you can do this.

I understand—you probably don’t have a partner yet, right?”

Xiang Shan shook his head. He was a little surprised that "the mobile phone number is still the same", but he was not too surprised. As for surveillance and the like, he was already prepared when he decided to take on this confidential project.

After Xiangshan put the mobile phone in his pocket, he poured out the remaining contents of the envelope.


Then he exclaimed.

Among those documents, the top one was actually a passport.

It's that familiar dark red notebook.

Xiang Shan also has a small book. Old Liu has taken him abroad several times. But because this time he was involved in a confidential project, he did not bring the small book with him. In his opinion, in the next few years, maybe he will

You don't need that stuff anymore.

According to his understanding, he would probably stay in a heavily guarded place in the country, or at worst, go to the western desert.

"What are you doing...forget it, it's nothing."

This question is meaningless. The passport itself is issued by the state, so it is not surprising that the state will issue him another one temporarily if necessary.

But the question is...why are confidential projects being conducted overseas?

Is he a scholar rather than an agent?

Xiang Shan hurriedly picked up his passport and wanted to see the contents inside.

But the document underneath made him even more surprised.

The blue leather cover of the document has the emblem of the United Nations stamped on it.

"United...United Nations Office for Project Services' ID?" Xiang Shan was shocked and looked at the cadre driving in front of him.

The cadre glanced at Xiang Shan in the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "If you have any questions, don't ask me. I can only tell you that I am just running errands and don't know anything."

Xiangshan didn't believe this. He put his passport aside first, and then picked up the United Nations document.

The identity information and photos inside are all his. And the position is...

"Special Advisor?"

Xiang Shan was even more confused.

Why does a foreign-related project have such a high confidentiality level?

Having said that, why do foreign-related projects need to recruit hardware scholars?

Xiangshan had no idea why.

After opening his passport, he became even more confused.

This passport has already been issued with a visa. His original passport only had visas for the United States and Japan. This one has visas for the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Japan and other countries. Since France is a Schengen

country, so he can also travel to more than 20 European countries with this passport.

But the problem is...

If he participates in a confidential project, even if he is cooperating with another country...at best, he will be given a visa from the partner country. Why should he be given so many visas at once?

And what’s even more strange is, why did those countries give it to them so quickly? You know, he was just pulled into this project yesterday. It is impossible for the country to prepare this passport in advance. This is obviously done within this day.


A big question mark appeared on Xiang Shan's head.


"I can only tell you that I don't know anything."

Soon, Hongqi entered an alley through many twists and turns, and then drove into a large courtyard.

In the courtyard, the cadres opened the car door for Xiangshan.

Xiang Shan was still a little confused, and his head didn't turn around for a while: "Is this... the place?"

"Ah, no, let's change cars here." The cadre shook his head.

Several people came out of the room inside. One of them was Xiangshan's mentor Liu Zhenghui.

"Teacher?" Xiang Shan greeted quickly.

Old Liu was slightly chubby and bald early on. He nodded to Xiang Shan: "Xiang Shan, how do you feel? It's your first time to participate in this kind of project. Do you have any thoughts?"

Xiang Shan said: "I'm quite nervous... and also... I feel a little strange."

"Strange?" Old Liu seemed to have thought of something: "You also got a UN certificate?"

Xiang Shan nodded: "We must be in the same group, right?"

Lao Liu was a little worried. He studied hardware structure design and had considerable experience in reverse technology. He had participated in two confidential projects.

But he really didn't know why he would get a United Nations certificate after accepting the national call.

Another person who looked like a staff member asked everyone to switch to another car. Old Liu was fatter and sat in the passenger seat. Xiang Shan and another tall and thin woman with gold-rimmed glasses and a woman in her thirties sat in the car together.


On the way, several scholars started talking quietly.

Lao Liu is considered a relatively important scholar in China, with several laboratories under his name. In addition to hardware structure design, he also has two interdisciplinary projects. One of them is about the hardware part of additive manufacturing instruments and materials.

It is located in the Basic Industrial Training Center in cooperation with the school. This laboratory is usually managed by the "senior brother", but important projects are assigned to Xiang Shan. In addition, he also has a cross-project with neuroscience. Xiang Shan

Occasionally I make some experimental supplies for them, but other than that I don't have much contact with them.

Since there are only so many famous scholars in the same circle, when Liu saw someone he didn’t know among the fellow scholars, he instinctively determined that the person he would collaborate with this time would be in the field of materials science or neuroscience.

After all, he does have projects that intersect with these disciplines.

But after asking, he realized that things were a little different from what he imagined.

The tall, thin man with gold-rimmed glasses is called Li Jiahua, who is engaged in behavioral research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His main research is the evolutionary psychology of primates, and he often interacts with monkeys. According to his own statement, he is playing tricks

I was called here when I was a monkey.

The woman's name was Zhang Qiaoyun, who was from the Institute of Ethnic Languages ​​of the Academy of Social Sciences. She had previously been studying a dead language called "White Wolf Language". She had no idea why the country needed her to participate in such a project.

But after some exchanges below, they discovered that all of them had obtained the same certificate.

"Hey!" Xiang Shan murmured: "It's not good... it's really not good..."

Electronic information technology, behavioral studies, and linguistics are all unrelated projects.

If ancient human remains are discovered, it is possible that behavioral and linguistic scholars may appear in the same area.

But there is no reason to call in those who work on computer hardware as well.

There is no reason to set such a high security level.

Putting these together, it only made him think of...


"What the hell, aliens?" Xiangshan said... To be precise, he felt that he had withdrawn from the link with his memory in "a confused look".

It was daytime now, and the sun had just risen. Xiangshan did not continue moving forward, but parked the "donkey" on the east side of a large raised rock, close to the rock, so that the shadow of the car could be cast on the rock as much as possible.

Running during the day is too risky and can easily be noticed by optical surveillance. On the other hand, solar panels heat up easily, and a boxy, high-temperature object moving around is indeed easy to notice.

So during the day, Xiangshan usually finds a place to charge.

Now is the time to rest.

Although Yuki had been traveling all night and was extremely sleepy, he was still summoned by Xiangshan and held a rifle to guard the surroundings.

And Xiangshan continued to absorb and sort out the memories of the past.

What he was reading just now should be the oldest memory in this hard drive.

For some reason, these files were not marked with time, but during the preview process, he did have such a hazy feeling.

Then he began to read one of the memories.

And then……

Xiang Shan felt that things were strange.

"Relics of super ancient civilization? Or aliens?" Xiang Shan held his head: "Why do I feel that the style of this world is wrong? Is this a post-apocalyptic wasteland? Maybe there are cyberpunk elements... Oh, yes

, there are also martial arts elements. But no matter how you think about it, it’s impossible to pop out an alien, right?”

A strange story appeared in Xiangshan's mind for no apparent reason.

An alien spacecraft crashed into the earth, and then a young man who had perfected his martial arts and had no room for improvement entered it, seized resources to strengthen himself, and then changed the style of the entire world...

"No, no, no, no..." Xiang Shan shook his head: "Did I love reading novels before? Such a nonsense story... must be from some novel!"

This chapter has been completed!
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