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Chapter 3 Doubts

Xiangshan put away the storage equipment and sent Yuki to sleep in the "Donkey" carriage.

Yuki was also tired, so he went to rest by himself without saying anything.

At this time, two days had passed since the bombing of the space-based kinetic energy weapon. During these two days, Xiangshan rested during the day and consumed precious refrigerant at night to keep the compartment temperature consistent with the environment before setting off on the road to avoid being noticed by satellites.

That day, after Xiangshan put on his spare hands and feet, he tried his best to clean up the traces left by Yuki's dragging him. However, the traces the three of them dug out of the soil were too large, and he didn't have enough time, so

Had to give up.

If there was any investigation by the "Asylum" now, they should already know that he is still alive.

Precisely because I knew this, I walked towards the mountain in the opposite direction to the "big city", and then changed the route several times.

But in view of the satellites on the dome, he really couldn't guarantee that he would really escape.

We are still in a situation where "the enemy will appear at any time".

Therefore, after the disciple rested, he took the rifle from Xiangshan, jumped on the rock, and guarded the surrounding area.

According to the plan, he will arrive at another Green Forest Organization's stronghold tomorrow.

Of course, Xiang Shan still doesn’t know the specific location of the Dazhai. For Lulin, the location of the Dazhai is key information, which can be said to be the guarantee of survival. If the location of the Dazhai is exposed, the protectors won’t mind letting dozens of people know the location of the Dazhai.

A piece of space-based kinetic energy garbage came down. Therefore, even if he got the information about Dazhai of Organization Z, he only knew that this area was the sphere of influence of that organization, and Dazhai was probably in that area.

You still have to find the specific entrance.

While on alert, Xiang Shan was still reading about the martial arts of "Little Poisonous Insect". The martial arts set was well-intentioned, but it was about how to build a simple screening algorithm in the drone to combine "the human brain has advantages"

Computing problems are identified and returned quickly to achieve the effect of "letting the will extend within the machine".

The drone control method is just incidental. Xiangshan believes that it may be a "training method" and a prerequisite for "allowing the will to jump multiple times between different servers."

At least, Xiang Shan can be sure that this is an internal skill that he developed after he fell asleep. He has no memory of it.

If it were in the past, Xiangshan might have devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of this internal skill.

but now……

His thoughts could not help but drift to the past.

About the contents of his own memories.

——Are aliens ruling this world now?

The things that are about to appear in his memory are likely to be aliens.

Because, except for aliens, he really can't think of any project that requires experts in hardware structure design, behavioral scientists, and linguists to complete it together.

"Ultra-ancient civilization"? No, no, this is just a joke.

The development of civilization requires fuel. And the burning of fuel will leave traces in the geological layer.

So far, there are no signs of mining in ancient coal seams. In addition, no traces of civilization’s long-term use of chemical energy can be detected in the geological layers of various ages.

You must know that since primitive humans spread on the earth and used fire on a large scale, they have left more traces of "burning" in the geological layer than in any previous era.

In addition, after the industrial age, chemicals produced by humans have also become traces that can be detected.

Imagine that if a creature was buried in 1970, and then became a fossil tens of millions of years later, but humans unfortunately did not survive until that time, then the next generation of civilization could be among the fossils.

Obvious traces of ddt were detected.

Therefore, some people in geology also advocate that the "Quaternary Period" ended tens of thousands of years ago and should now be named the "Anthropocene".

And none of these have ever appeared.

It can be said that human beings are by far the most powerful species. This species has formed an absolute dominance over the earth with one force, leaving indelible traces in the geological strata and setting off the sixth mass extinction. Human beings

He also stepped out of his home planet and left traces on Mars and the moon.

In terms of "dominance" over the ecosystem alone, perhaps dinosaurs can be compared with humans. But dinosaurs are a general order, while humans are a species.

It is impossible for an ancient civilization that is more prosperous than human beings not to leave some traces on the geology. It will definitely leave its own traces in the geological layers of the world - and it will not be just one or two "relics".

It is a large number of incompletely burned particles in the soil, chemical components produced by industry, etc.

Therefore, super ancient civilization is impossible to exist.

Then, the only possible option is "alien".

People who study behavioral and evolutionary psychology can analyze and guess the thoughts of aliens through their behavior.

Needless to say, linguists.

But the only puzzling thing is why they roped in a person who studies "dead languages".

A dead language, also known as an extinct language, an extinct language, a dead language, or an extinct language, refers to a language that no longer has anyone speaking it as a native language. If no one can read and write a language correctly, then it is indeed "


The difficulty of cracking dead languages ​​and living languages ​​is completely different.

For living languages, two people can learn a lot by making blind gestures. If a person encounters a completely unknown "living language" and communicates with the users of this language, he can learn many words -

—In other words, connecting many new "sounds" or "symbols" with the "concepts" that one already knows.

In the process of communication, grammar will appear naturally.

A dead language does not have this convenience. Because there is no object to communicate with, it is impossible to know what concept a specific symbol refers to.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Decoding dead languages ​​and learning living languages ​​do not follow exactly the same logic.

in other words……

Even if there are aliens, it is very likely that they will not have anyone to communicate with.

Of course, this is only an inference based on the existing memory. Xiangshan still doesn't know whether what is shown in the first memory is the entire expert team. [According to Xiangshan's own speculation, the expert team should not be...

Only these four people]

Maybe there are other linguists who specialize in doing fieldwork outside!

But since a researcher who studies the lost language of the ancient Naxi people has appeared, it means that perhaps insiders believe that there may not be anyone to communicate with in that "possible alien spacecraft".

But it's just "possible".

Xiang Shan looked up at the sky.

Although the sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky, Xiangshan knew that there were still countless satellites hidden in the blue sky.

He murmured: "Are you aliens?"

Will it be aliens who rule the earth now?

But the problem is...

Aliens who have the ability to reach the earth must have power that humans cannot resist.

At least before falling asleep in the mountains, human beings were completely incapable of interstellar voyages.

Baseline humans can survive on electricity and have longer lifespans and greater resistance to damage. However, humans are still unable to build a sublight-speed spacecraft that can guarantee long-term operation without any accidents.

Aliens who are able to cross the sea of ​​stars and come here must have technology that humans cannot resist.

However, the "martial arts" envisioned by Xiang Shan is a "technical concept" aimed at "totalitarianism".

There is no doubt that he is targeting humans.

Moreover, before that, the "objects of resistance" envisaged by Xiang Shan were also "human beings".

If he is a warrior who resists the rule of alien civilization, then the slogans should not be "Resist totalitarianism" and "Free association of people", but "Resist the invaders".

Before he fell asleep, he had been fighting against humans.

But Xiang Shan was really upset.

If the mind is not calm, it is impossible to understand the inner strength. Simply empty your mind toward the mountain.

About seven hours later, Yuki woke up. He originally wanted to say hello to his master.

But Xiangshan just put the rifle into his hand, and then handed him some math problems again, and said: "If you finish the questions, think about it and design a protective device for the little guy. This is what I leave to you.


After saying that, Xiangshan entered his memory again.



This concept made young Xiangshan uneasy.

When he told the news, the cadre seemed to glance at him through the rearview mirror. Although Lao Liu immediately scolded him and accused him of reading too many novels. But judging from his expression, Lao Liu was not like himself.

I don't think so.

When Lao Liu grew up, it was the era when "UFO Exploration" and "Qigong craze" were very popular. "UFO Exploration" magazine, it is difficult to tell whether it is serious science popularization or mystical literature. But after all, it has also inspired the public.


Everyone present is familiar with this topic.

Zhang Qiaoyun didn't seem to have much interest in this topic, but Li Jiawen's eyes shone and he whispered, seeming to be thinking about the significance of this matter to anthropological research and its possible impact on society and culture.

Xiang Shan flipped over his passport.

Then, he noticed a fact.

Among the many visas in this passport, there is one visa that is not very eye-catching, but quite unexpected.


Most of the countries listed on the visa belong to more developed academic areas. This may be because this job may require communication with researchers in various fields from all over the world. In order to avoid trouble, the country issues all these visas at once.


Only Indonesia…

——The spaceship landed in Indonesia.

Xiang Shan felt a fire in his heart.

This judgment may be slightly subjective. But Xiangshan feels that this overseas trip will change the face of mankind.

***The author has something to say***

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