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Chapter 163: Going to see my ex-wife

The summer solstice of 2030 has long passed, and the direct point of the sun is moving south from the Tropic of Cancer and is already close to the equator.

Above the equator, a helicopter was taking off from the deck of a battleship of the United States Third Fleet.

Yawgmoth had a headache: "No need, there is really no need for this... We can find a restaurant in Boston and finish the conversation..."

"Don't be resistant, Comrade Yawgmoth." Xiang Shan sat opposite him and said seriously: "At this stage, if you dare to discuss this kind of thing in a fast food restaurant, FBI snipers will dare to target you.

The head - oh, sorry, the prerequisite is that you can enter a fast food restaurant. You are still in a state of personal freedom first."

Yawgmoth patted his forehead: "Then find a place in Boston where you bureaucrats can rest assured..."

"But your ex-wife doesn't agree with this plan for the time being." Xiangshan responded seriously: "She is currently busy with her own field investigation project, so this is the fastest way."

"Is it true... Let's take a plane directly to Eldogua, and then dock to the Colon Islands by boat. Maybe it will be faster..."

Xiang Shan pulled down his sunglasses a little and stared at him: "Brother, our current situation does not represent a private identity. To put it simply, I brought a pair of peacekeeping troops and ran all the way from the mainland of Eldogua.

, compared to 'departing from the high seas and flying a plane into the territorial waters of Eldogua', the process here is actually easier to run."

"Really?" Yawgmoth expressed doubt.

"If there is any problem with this process, it is a communication problem between the United States and Edogua. It has nothing to do with me." Xiangshan told the truth.


Another person on the side couldn't help but laugh.

Yawgmoth glanced at Zhu Xinyu who was next to Xiang Shan. This girl was not afraid of the equatorial heat, and was actually wearing formal clothes. The clothes seemed to have just been obtained, and they were a bit too big for her. Like Xiang Shan, she wore sunglasses, which made her look very handsome.

Just a dog-legged look.

When she realized that Yawgmoth had noticed her, Zhu Xinyu asked for mercy and put on a straight face again.

"So why is she there?"

Zhu Xinyu raised the bracelet on her hand: "I can't stay away from him now."

"Bullshit!" Yawgmoth pointed at Xiangshan and asked, "She can't take off the bracelet on her hand, and can't you take off the transmitter on your hand?"

"Ahem." Xiangshan looked around and spoke to him.

In fact, it was Zhu Xinyu who pestered him and insisted on him bringing her here.

As for why...

Of course it's gossip.

Gossip is one of human nature. Especially people like Zhu Xinyu who spend a lot of time on the Internet almost have a symptom of information addiction.

In previous leaks, she already knew about the entanglement between Yawgmoth and Nyagudi, and these days she also realized that it was indeed impossible for Yawgmoth to plagiarize. And Yawgmoth himself has always been very careful.

Resist censorship and fail to explain clearly what is going on.

Love, hate and hatred are superimposed with mysterious elements, which is really attractive.

Moreover, at this moment, Zhu Xinyu felt somewhat guilty towards Yawgmoth.

Although there are not many followers and there are only small-scale discussions on the Internet, Yawgmoth is indeed burdened with infamy at this moment.

In the final analysis, this was caused by Zhu Xinyu.

Of course she wanted to come and have a look.

Even say...

She wanted to help Yawgmoth hold up the scene.

Therefore, Zhu Xinyu specially prepared a formal-looking outfit.

Yawgmoth couldn't understand Zhu Xinyu at all. But he could probably guess Xiangshan's thoughts. For Xiangshan, "holding chicken feathers as arrows" is the basic operation. "Whether the process runs well or not" may be what he said casually. He

The purpose is to use an exaggerated appearance to shock the target and gain an advantage in the negotiation.

Of course, there may also be some intention of "I support you, brother".

But Yawgmoth felt that this might not be the case at all.

He didn't want to explain anything to the people in the park at all. He felt there was no need to explain anything.

As for the mere name-calling, he didn't care at all.

Xiangshan brought him here to solve that incident. But in Yawgmoth's mind, he came to discuss a key issue with Nyakuti.

Yawgmoth looked out the window. On the horizon, several treasure-like islands were approaching.

The Colon Islands, or in other words, the Galapagos Islands. A holy place for biology.

In 1835, the young Darwin called the Beagle passing by here. The different creatures on different islands here inspired this amazing young man. Darwin noticed that there were a large group of finches on this road, and 17 species of finches were distributed in Cologne.

Each of the 13 islands in the archipelago has 3-10 of these species. They are similar in shape, but they are all similar to species on the South American continent.

The inspiration that surged in this young man's mind was a great spark - it was the first time that mankind had so clearly understood the existence of "evolution".

These finches were later called Darwin's finches. They seemed to be a revelation given by fate to biologists.

The Galapagos is a living textbook of biological evolution. Countless scientists have received similar revelations here. Darwin's finches, tortoises, marine iguanas...these names have all left their own mark in the history of human study of biology.

One stroke. It's even a spawning ground for some cartilaginous fish.

There are even hydrothermal vents on the seafloor near here, and the hydrothermal fluids are biota!

From the distant prehistoric times to the present era, all traces of evolution seem to be condensed here.

Yawgmoth even had a secret feeling that he was going to get the next piece of the Apocalypse. He would get it very soon.

The helicopter was a long way from the mainland of the Galapagos Islands, so soon it began to lose altitude.

A scientific research vessel is on the sea. It is a catamaran. The upper parts of two separate underwater hulls are connected with a reinforced structure to form an integral "ship". This catamaran vessel is about 20 meters long and has a displacement of

It probably weighed several hundred tons. The pilot immediately used the public radio frequency band to contact the ship.

According to the information, this scientific research vessel belongs to a public research institution.

Soon, the helicopter approached the deck of the scientific research ship, less than an inch away from the deck. The strong wind from the propeller brought up a burst of water mist on the sea. The door on the side of the mountain was opened, and the rope ladder automatically slid down. The pilot signaled to several people

Passengers, you can get off now.

The three people quickly stood on the deck. Then the helicopter left.

The captain of the ship left immediately after checking the documents of the three Xiangshan people. Of course, the United States had informed them before coming. The captain had vaguely heard from domestic news that the water here was very deep. He

I saw a military helicopter coming and throwing three people away, so naturally I didn't want to get involved.

There were only a few scholar-looking people at the scene talking about it. Xiangshan noticed that among the people standing closest, there was a woman who looked like a southern European, and her expression was a little embarrassed when she saw Yawgmoth.

And Yawgmoth immediately saw a woman standing near the submarine not far away.

This chapter has been completed!
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