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Chapter 164: Coming Dragon

Xiang Shan and Zhu Xinyu stood at the door of the air-conditioned room, falling into deep thought.

"Tell me, did that woman leave us here to hang out on purpose?" Xiang Shan touched Zhu Xinyu with his elbow: "What do you think?"

Zhu Xinyu gritted her teeth: "If I had known, I wouldn't have worn formal clothes..."

She regrets it very much now.

This long-sleeved outfit is really hot.

Yawgmoth's ex-wife, Nyagudi, was the only person who was not attracted by the helicopter just now. It was not that she did not notice the helicopter, but she was focused on the work in front of her.

The unmanned diving equipment attached to the scientific research vessel can use grabs to grab samples near hydrothermal vents on the seafloor.

Every time the TV grab takes samples on the deck, biological samples must be collected as soon as possible. If there is a slight delay, the samples will be contaminated.

Researchers must search for biological samples attached to rocks or sediments in various cabins of the grab bucket. Microorganisms in seabed sediments must also be quickly transferred to the laboratory environment together with the sediment samples. Laboratory

The archaea inside must also be cultured, separated and identified as soon as possible. The sediment itself must also be sieved. Wash it with water first, and then filter it through a sieve to obtain benthic samples with individuals larger than 0.25 mm.

All this needs to be completed within two hours.

Yawgmoth even walked over very naturally and asked if he needed help. But the woman waved her hand and refused. It seemed that she didn't trust Yawgmoth's performance in the laboratory.

Those who perform well in the laboratory must be excellent scientific researchers. But excellent scientific researchers do not always perform well in the laboratory.

Yawgmoth is a theoretical researcher.

Now, they are waiting in an office cabin on the research ship.

Yawgmoth had just been called over by Nyagudi's assistant, and they seemed to be discussing something. Xiangshan had nothing to worry about. Yawgmoth had a listening device on him. This was one of the conditions for him to move freely.

"Speaking of which, Ms. Nyakuti..." Zhu Xinyu asked Xiangshan: "What is your impression of her?"

Xiang Shan pondered for a moment: "I didn't even see the face just now. You want me to tell you my impression...the upper arm muscles are well-proportioned and beautiful?"

"Damn, I really belong to you." Zhu Xinyu rolled her eyes: "I don't think Yawgmoth and his ex-wife have a bad relationship?"

"They are from the United States, so the concept of marriage is quite different from ours." Xiang Shan curled his lips and said, "It's hard to imagine that such an old young man has already married and divorced."

Zhu Xinyu's tone was aroused: "Oh, you are becoming more traditional in this regard."

"Who said I'm traditional? Don't talk nonsense. I'm warning you. Do you know it's slander?"

Zhu Xinyu thought for a moment: "That means there is no emotional entanglement between them?"

Yawgmoth happened to open the door and come in. He probably guessed what those two guys were talking about, and said angrily: "Although I don't understand what you are planning, if you want to ask about the divorce, just ask directly."

Zhu Xinyu's eyes widened and she changed to English: "That's a good relationship. Just tell me the whole story! How did you get in love, and then how did you hate each other because of love..."

"There is no such complicated emotional entanglement." Yawgmoth shook his head: "We were classmates in college and graduate school. We studied under the same tutor. There were some overlaps in the social activities we participated in in our spare time, and then we got together. After graduation, we got positions in different universities and research institutes. We were not in the same city, so we had very little time to see each other. Before coming to the Rama Project, I even made plans not to leave for ten years."

"Since you can't fulfill your family responsibilities, then don't form a family, so as not to cause each other pain. That's what I think."

Zhu Xinyu felt a little unbelievable: "Just... just for this?"

"It's not that I can't understand this idea." Xiang Shan pondered: "But you almost left home a few months after entering the Rama project, right? You entered after getting divorced. If you really left at that time, Isn’t this marriage in vain?”

"It sounds like I got divorced just to get into this crappy project." Yawgmoth said: "During the short marriage, I felt that a person like me was not suitable to play a role in the family. I think this is what it is. It will happen sooner or later. The Rama project is just to let me make a decision sooner."

"You didn't even quarrel or fight..." Zhu Xinyu couldn't accept it.

Xiang Shancha changed the subject: "Does Nyakuti's assistant want to see you for anything?"

"We met a few times before, just to say hello. They also seem to want to determine what the so-called plagiarism is all about."

After the three of them waited for a short while, Nyakuti arrived belatedly.

Nyagudi has dark skin, big eyes, and thin lips. At this moment, her face is full of worry and full of negative emotions. However, this negative emotion is not directed at Yawgmoth. A group of people.

"Yog." Nyakuti breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm sorry, the laboratory must process the samples as soon as possible."

"Understandable." Yawgmoth nodded.

"I heard that you must want to see me. Just in time, I also want to ask you a few questions." Nyakuti rubbed his temples, then took out a bottle of medicine from the drawer. He glanced at Xiangshan, and there was something in the drawer. There are also several different vials, all of which are nutritional supplements that are very familiar to fitness enthusiasts and basically fall into the "strong evidence showing effectiveness and safety" category.

Nyakuti took two nutritional supplements nervously, and then turned to Xiangshan: "These two should be staff of the secret agency? Can we discuss this incident here?"

She currently only knows that Yawgmoth works in a confidential research institution with a government background.

Xiang Shan spread his hands and said, "Please."

Nyakuti said: "First of all, I want to apologize to you for this incident. One of my assistants got the research materials you leaked from some source. I almost missed it at the beginning. Those you studied Among enzymes, there are several that are very similar to the ones I am studying... The structures are highly consistent, and they should have almost the same behavior in most reactions. Even I, at first glance, thought you were studying the same thing as me. It's just one thing, those differences, maybe there is something wrong with one person's conformation diagram between you and me - I even spent some time verifying it to see if it was my problem."

"It's very possible that we studied similar content at the same time. I originally wanted to explain it clearly. But some guys from 'other government departments' came to the door and said that this matter must be under their control..."

This chapter has been completed!
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